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Fallout Wiki


Icon Name Description

Level Level The minimum level which the player character must be in order to equip the weapon. This value cannot be modified once the weapon has been created.
Damage per shot Damage The damage caused per projectile. The damage is divided evenly between the number of projectiles.[1]
Damage per second Damage per second
The maximum cyclic damage dealt in one second, expressed as rate of fire times damage divided by 10.
Damage per AP Damage per AP
The damage dealt per action point, expressed as damage divided by AP cost.
Critical hit Damage Critical damage The amount of damage that is added when you score a critical strike. Critical strikes can only be triggered manually in V.A.T.S.
2.0 = +100% paper damage
Area of Effect Area of effect
The distance radius of explosions. Some explosions have more than 1 radius, each with their own multiplier on damage dealt.
Rate of fire Fire rate The maximum cyclic number of shots/attacks per 10 seconds, without considering reloading.
Swing speed Swing speed The rate at which a melee weapon can attack.
Range Range The distance at which the weapon ceases dealing full damage and applies an out-of-range damage multiplier, as well as the chance to hit in V.A.T.S.
Accuracy Accuracy The cone-of-fire spread as well as the chance to hit in V.A.T.S.
Action point cost AP cost The number of Action Points used per shot in V.A.T.S.
Ammunition used Ammunition used The type of ammunition the weapon uses.
Magazine capacity Magazine capacity The ammunition capacity of the weapon.
Weapon weight Weight The weight value of the weapon. Values listed here use the weapon's base weight, that is, before modifications are applied.
Weapon value Value Base value of the weapon in caps. Buy and sell values are effected by player Barter skill.
Value to weight ratio Value to weight The ratio of the base weapon value in caps to the weapon weight.
Gold bullion unlock Gold bullion Weapon plan is unlocked with gold bullion.
Daily Ops unlock Daily Ops Weapon plan is rewarded from Daily Ops.
Fallout 76 limited-time content Survival Weapon was only available for a limited time during Survival.
Nuclear Winter weapons Nuclear Winter This weapon appears in the Nuclear winter battle royale.
Quest reward Quests Weapon plan is rewarded from Quests.
Event reward Events Weapon plan is rewarded from Events.
Public event reward Public events Weapon plan is rewarded from Public events.
Strength Strength This is a Strength perk.
Perception Perception This is a Perception perk.
Endurance Endurance This is an Endurance perk.
Charisma Charisma This is a Charisma perk.
Intelligence Intelligence This is an Intelligence perk.
Agility Agility This is an Agility perk.
Luck Luck This is a Luck perk.
Legendary perk Legendary Perk This is a Legendary perk.
Attack Physical Damage dealt by ballistic and explosive weapons.
Energy Energy Damage dealt by lasers, electricity and plasma weapons.
Radiation Radiation Damage dealt through radioactive weapons.
Fire Fire Damage from flame-based weapons and explosives, occasionally residual.
Cryo Cryo Damage dealt by cryogenic weaponry. Currently only in use by the war glaive cryo blade, Floater Freezers, and cryo arrows.
Acid Poison Damage dealt by poisoned weapons, usually applied as damage-over-time (dot).
Damage Pure A damage type that currently cannot be resisted. Used exclusively by the wendigo colossus.
Explosion Explosive Area-of-effect damage from explosives. Damage type is borrowed from the weapon.
Bleed Bleed Damage-over-time from certain bladed melee weapons/mods. Uses physical damage, but is not resisted by DR.
Energy Fallout 76 unused content Electrical Electrical damage is used only in the Electrically Charged mutation, and but is resisted by Energy Resistance.


  1. A Two-Shot 10mm pistol will fire 2 projectiles, so the damage is divided by 2 for each projectile.