Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Enola Walker was a survivor living with her two dogs in Appalachia.


In 2077, Enola suffered from the loss of an individual named Joan and, in 2082, lost her children during the Drowning.[1] Enola lived at Mac's farm with her two dogs until it was attacked by a scorchbeast. With her homestead destroyed and her dogs slaughtered, Enola took a bag of explosives and followed after the creature, intent on being ingested alongside the bag and detonating the charges.[2][3]

During the attack, Enola was bitten and infected with the Scorched Plague. Her condition progressively worsened, as chronicled by the holotapes she recorded. Along the way, she gained the companionship of Dave, a mirelurk who was also bitten by the scorchbeast and infected with the plague.[4] Enola eventually tracked the scorchbeast into the glassed cavern, but succumbed to the effects of the plague and became a Scorched before having an opportunity to defeat the creature.[5][6]


  • The scorchbeast Enola describes shares similar traits with those unique to the scorchbeast queen; she describes it as bigger in size,[2][6] having a "pregnant-like" potbelly,[2] and appearing to not have eyes in its "cauliflower-looking" head.[4]
  • Enola shares her voice type with Sophia Hollingsworth.


Enola Walker is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Enola's namesake parallels Enola; or, Her fatal mistake, a book written by Mary Young Ridenbaugh in 1886. The book mentions the "Prince of the Air," a creature showing similarities with the scorchbeast Enola encounters in Fallout 76.
  • "Enola" is the word "alone" spelled backwards.

