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Fallout Wiki

Enclave crates are containers found in Fallout 3.


The Enclave crates can be broken up into these types, though in some areas there may be semi-unique crates with other names pertaining to their specific contents.


Others containers[]

  • Enclave locker - Usually only titled "locker," they use the same world model as lockers in vaults. Enclave lockers may contain metal armor among other random items of apparel. Three of these can be found at Rockbreakers Last Gas.
  • Enclave footlocker - Similar to an Enclave crate except it usually contains caps.
  • Enclave power armor crate - Simply called "armor crate." One such crate can be found in Colonel Colonel Autumn's personal bedroom behind a photonic resonance field. These usually contain a single piece of advanced power armor.
  • Enclave grenade box - Simply called "grenade box" in-game and usually contains a couple of plasma grenades and pulse grenades.


  • Almost all of the Enclave auxiliary bases deployed into the Capital Wasteland will contain several of these crates. They can also be found in Raven Rock while escaping in The American Dream.
  • Once the Enclave show up after completing The Waters of Life, the medical crates will start appearing at the Enclave checkpoints throughout the Capital Wasteland.
Enclave Symbol (FO3)