Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Enclave Vault-Research Control is a location mentioned by the PoseidoNet terminal at Poseidon Oil Reactor #5. It is listed as "active" in 2241.[1]


ENCLAVE Vault-Research Control is mentioned only in Fallout 2.


  1. โ†‘ Reactor maintenance and repair robot control terminal: "{332}{}{List other stations}"
    "{350}{}{Searching Comlinksโ€ฆSearchingโ€ฆ Iron Mountainโ€ฆOffline, NORADโ€ฆOffline, SACโ€ฆOffline. Searching PoseidoNetโ€ฆ --More?--}"
    "{360}{}{Active PoseidoNet Stations: Atomic Powerplant #5, Navarro Refinery, Control Station ENCLAVE, ENCLAVE Vault-Research Control... AccessDenied}"
    "{361}{}{Lights are on, but nobody's home. }"
    "{362}{}{Everything's shut down except for the ENCLAVE Vault-Research Control. I wonder what that is?}"
Enclave Symbol (FO3)