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Eager Ernie is a mob boss of the Triggermen and the owner of the robot racetrack at Easy City Downs in the Commonwealth in 2287.[Non-game 1]


Eager Ernie and his gang of Triggermen managed to ally with the local raider gang at Easy City Downs. The gang has scavenged and fixed up several old robots.[1] With those robots, Ernie runs a successful robot racing business out of the old horse racetrack, making loads of caps.

As part of the deal to use the racetrack, Ernie and his men had to fork over much of their profits to Wire at Libertalia as a tribute. To attempt to circumvent the restrictions imposed by deal, Ernie began having Tommy cook their books while another associate worked to rig the races in their favor by working with the robots while they were offline.[2]

Ernie uses the technology for his and his associates' own gain, never letting wastelanders come and watch his races, instead shooting them on sight. Like the Combat Zone, Ernie's robot racing venue is only open to raiders.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Other interactions[]

  • Ernie has scripted behavior when the player character enters Easy City Downs. Upon first approaching the racetrack, as long as they stay undetected, he will regularly broadcast announcements about the racing robots. Ernie will not immediately turn hostile with the rest of the raiders and Triggermen. He will only turn hostile once he is attacked, or once the player character gets close to his room.
    • After the player character has attacked or been attacked by any of the turrets, Triggermen, or robots, the announcements will change to Ernie shouting for his men to deal with the intruder, as long as Ernie is not hostile.
      • If the player character uses any of the terminals to reprogram the robots, Ernie will express confusion over the PA system about what is happening.
      • If the player character enters the camp in the middle of the racetrack, and the robots have not been reprogrammed, Ernie will shout over the PA system for his men to have the robots attack, after which they will also turn hostile.
    • Once the player character enters Ernie's room (the second floor of the main building), Ernie will shout "Dammit! Screw this!" and turn hostile, ending all further announcements.



It is possible for Ernie to spawn as a legendary Triggerman.


Eager Ernie appears only in Fallout 4.



  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.341: ""[4.25] EASY CITY DOWNS"
    This was once a small, struggling racetrack with aging facilities. It is currently occupied by a gang of Raiders and Triggermen who use the track to host their robot races.
    Eager Ernie is in charge here and has a key and password to unlock any doors, allowing easy access to the downstairs clubhouse terminal (Expert) and upstairs master control terminal (Expert), as well as the Repair Shop (Advanced) and Robot Control Terminal (Novice) out in the track. Both terminals allow you to control the racing robots; come evening, they turn against their masters. There are some reserve robots to activate in the south warehouse, too. Watch for items to scavenge everywhere; don't forget to check the bus (two are locked [Novice])."

    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)