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This is a transcript for dialogue with Eager Ernie making racetrack announcements at Easy City Downs.


1DN035_Announcement01_Idle{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excited, calling the race. / Happy} And.... they're off!A1a
2{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excited, calling the race. / Friendly} Iron Maiden's out to an early lead, but Piece 'o Junk's right behind!DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: It's another great day out here at the track.A1b
3DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Iron Maiden's out to an early lead, but Piece 'o Junk's right behind!{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System / Friendly} It's another great day out here at the track.DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...A1a
4DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Iron Maiden's out to an early lead, but Piece 'o Junk's right behind!{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System / Friendly} It's a great night out at the track. Eh, boys?DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...A2a
5DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Iron Maiden's out to an early lead, but Piece 'o Junk's right behind!{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System / Friendly} You all get your bets in? I sure did.DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...A3a
6DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Iron Maiden's out to an early lead, but Piece 'o Junk's right behind!{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System / Friendly} Remember, we've got new 'bots in the list for tomorrow. Gonna be a great race.DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...A4a
7DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Iron Maiden's out to an early lead, but Piece 'o Junk's right behind!{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System / Irritated} Hey! Pipe down out there! We got a race on!DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...A5a
8DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Iron Maiden's out to an early lead, but Piece 'o Junk's right behind!{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System / Friendly} We've got a good clean race today. Absolutely no funny business.DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...A6a
9DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Iron Maiden's out to an early lead, but Piece 'o Junk's right behind!{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System / Friendly} Coming up next: Lady Lovelace takes on the Iron Maiden in a head-to-head match! You don't wanna miss this!DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...A7a
10DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: It's another great day out here at the track.{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Turning his attention back to the track. / Friendly} Back to the track...DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Iron Maiden is still in the lead.A1a
11DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: It's another great day out here at the track.{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Turning his attention back to the track. / Friendly} We've got some fine 'bots in this race.DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Iron Maiden is still in the lead.A2a
12DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: It's another great day out here at the track.{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Turning his attention back to the track. / Friendly} And here they come!DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Iron Maiden is still in the lead.A3a
13DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excited, calling the race. / Friendly} Iron Maiden is still in the lead.DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: What a race. What a race!A1a
14DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excited, calling the race. / Friendly} Bob's Your Uncle is coming up fast.DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: What a race. What a race!A2a
15DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excited, calling the race. / Friendly} Atomic Dreamz is still hanging in there.DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: What a race. What a race!A3a
16DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excited, calling the race. / Friendly} Don't forget Boston Blaster. He's pulled this out before.DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: What a race. What a race!A4a
17DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excited, calling the race. / Friendly} Piece 'o Junk is really showing off those new mods.DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: What a race. What a race!A5a
18DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excited, calling the race. / Friendly} Look at them go!DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: What a race. What a race!A6a
19DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excited, calling the race. / Friendly} Ol' Rusty's as steady as ever. Let's give him a hand, huh?DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: What a race. What a race!A7a
20DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excited, calling the race. / Friendly} It's neck-and-neck!DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: What a race. What a race!A8a
21DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Back to the track...{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excited, calling the race. / Friendly} We've got some tough competition out here today.DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: What a race. What a race!A9a
22DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Iron Maiden is still in the lead.{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excitedly calling the race. / Friendly} What a race. What a race!A1a
23DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Iron Maiden is still in the lead.{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excitedly calling the race. / Friendly} This is one hell of a race!A2a
24DN035_EasyCityDownsTransmitter: Iron Maiden is still in the lead.{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Excitedly calling the race. / Friendly} This race is really heating up!A3a
25DN035_Announcement02_Hostiles{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Surprised, irritated-- player is interrupting the race. / Irritated} Dammit, what is it now?A1a
26{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Angry, exasperated. / Angry} Take 'em down, boys!A2a
27{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Angry, exasperated. / Angry} Who the fuck is that?A3a
28{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Angry, exasperated. / Angry} C'mon! You're holding up the race!A4a
29{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Angry, exasperated. / Angry} Just kill 'im already!A5a
30{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Angry, exasperated. / Angry} Just kill her already!A6a
31DN035_Announcement03_CallInRobots{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Shouting orders. / Afraid} He's in the camp! Call in the 'bots! Turn 'em loose!A1a
32{Racetrack Announcer, over the PA System. Shouting orders. / Afraid} She's in the camp! Call in the 'bots! Turn 'em loose!A2a
33DN035_Announcement04_Reprogramming{Angry, exasperated. / Angry} The hell...? What's going on out there?A1a
34DN035_Announcement05_Hostile{Angry, desperate. [Post: Add feedback at end of line; he just slammed down his mic.] / Angry} Dammit!A1a