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Fallout Wiki

The Croup Manor terminal entries are entries on the personal terminal of the late Theodore Croup, located within the Croup Manor basement.

Theodore's personal terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Journal Entry: 1/15/78[]


When my father said that nothing could change the "Croup Family Dynasty," not even the crippling debt from a bad stock market trade, he apparently didn't think about a world flooded with radiation poisoning...

Let me back up. When I watched the mushroom clouds rising, I thought that it was someone's sick joke. I'd prayed for something to wipe away the debt, but this was not what I had in mind. But I'd take a blue collar lifestyle over having the majority of my facial features slide off in my sleep...

Journal Entry: 2/2/78[]


Well, could be worse. I locked the rest of the family in the basement and hid the key. Couldn't bring myself to kill them. They may be disgusting monsters, but that's still my Aunt Belinda in there.

I've started to find that there are other survivors out here. Some of them look like roadkill, too. They all killed the ones that turned into monsters and started trying to kill us normal ones. Weird thing I noticed, none of the ferals seemed interested in attacking those of us falling apart.

Journal Entry: 2/10/78[]


Ok, it worked! I went into the basement and the rest of the family didn't try and kill me! Actually, they kind of ignored me, but that's not the point. The point is, the old world is dead, everyone is back to square one. Our debt is gone and we can start over! Look, if I can still talk and function and act like a normal human being, then so can they. They just need a little nudge. The Croup Family will be back on top in no time!

Journal Entry: Who cares?!?[]


Hundreds of years...


I can't fucking die. None of us can! I've spent hundreds of years trying to teach these creatures how to act human! I've got nothing to show for it, except maybe my cousin James can spot the difference between a salad fork and a regular fork. I can't be sure he's not lucky.

How the hell are we supposed to be the affluent socialite Croup family again if we're all monsters?? This is pointless. I swear to God I'm going to bust Aunt Belinda's head if she doesn't listen to me. You just watch!
