Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Belinda Croup was once a member of the distinguished Croup family that lived in Nahant.


On October 23, 2077, she, along with several other members of the family, were at Croup Manor. Far enough from the blast zones to avoid complete annihilation, they instead took the full force of the radioactive fallout. That night, the Croup family went all but extinct. In the morning, Theodore Croup woke to the effects, as the entire family had become feral ghouls.[2]

Alone and unable to let go, the unwavering Theodore tried to rehabilitate his family[3] to no success. Some time in late 2287, his frustration finally boiled over and he struck down the shambling remains of his aunt Belinda.[4]


Belinda Croup is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

