Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Cheryl Glass (—October 23, 2077) was the wife of Arlen Glass and mother of Marlene Glass. She lived with her family in Cambridge before the Great War.


Loved by both her husband and daughter, Cheryl ran the house and raised their daughter while Arlen was virtually absent from the household, focused on his work for Wilson Atomatoys. Arlen kept promising to himself and her that they'd make up for the time lost later on, but when the Great War wiped out his family, he suddenly realized that he never got the chance, and that both of them died alone in the nuclear blast. When the bombs fell, her home was completely destroyed, killing her and her daughter instantly. When Arlen finally made it back to check up on them, he only found an irradiated crater. Saddened at the loss of his family, he simply laid down at the bottom and went to sleep, only to wake up a ghoul.[1][2]


Cheryl Glass is mentioned only in Fallout 4.


  1. Marlene's holotape
  2. The Sole Survivor: "What happened to them?"
    Arlen Glass: "We had an apartment, in Cambridge. I went to the office that morning, to try to talk to Marc again. When... when it all happened, I tried to get back, but the city was in chaos. By the time I got home... there was only a crater. I lay down in the ruins. I... I just wanted to die. Instead... I woke up like this."
    (Arlen Glass' dialogue)