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This is a transcript for dialogue with Arlen Glass.


1DN154_Arlen_000_WorkingLoopArlen: ...tighten this...{To himself, working on a project. / Thinking} ...replace the wiring here...A1a
2Arlen: ...tighten this...{To himself, working on a project. / Thinking} Servo goes... there.A2a
3Arlen: ...tighten this...{To himself, working on a project. / Thinking} ...add some more thermal paste...A3a
4Arlen: ...tighten this...{To himself, working on a project. / Thinking} ...and the connection... good.A4a
5Arlen: ...tighten this...{To himself, working on a project. / Thinking} ...tighten this...A5a
6Arlen: ...tighten this...{To himself, working on a project. / Thinking} Mm-hmm. And over here...A6a
7Arlen: ...tighten this...{To himself, working on a project. / Thinking} ...there we go.A7a
8Arlen: ...tighten this...{To himself, working on a project. / Thinking} Let's see now...A8a
9DN154_Arlen_020_Intro01{Annoyed. The player just wandered away. / Irritated} All right, well...A1a
10PlayerVoiceFemale01: Um... hello?{Startled out of work he was absorbed in. / Surprised} Hmm? Oh, excuse me.Arlen: Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to ignore you. Just got caught up in my work again.A1a
11Arlen: Hmm? Oh, excuse me.{Embarrassed, apologetic. / Apologetic} Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to ignore you. Just got caught up in my work again.Arlen: It's a genuine Giddyup Buttercup. The 2076 special edition. Best toy on the market, before the war.A1a
12DN154_Arlen_020_Intro02Player Default: Yeah, it's... nice. Really nice.{Impressed / Friendly} You've got an eye for them too, huh?Arlen: It's a genuine Giddyup Buttercup. The 2076 special edition. Best toy on the market, before the war.A1a
13Player Default: Looks like junk to me.{A bit put out / Irritated} Right now? I suppose it is. But it used to be so much more.Arlen: It's a genuine Giddyup Buttercup. The 2076 special edition. Best toy on the market, before the war.B1a
14Player Default: It's just an old toy.{Irritated at the player. / Irritated} 'Just a toy?'X1a
15{Sigh at the beginning of the line. The player just doesn't get it. / Stern} Listen. Did you ever have something you really cared about? Something that made your life worth living?X1b
16{Explaining to the player / Stern} For me, it's toys. Like this one here.Arlen: It's a genuine Giddyup Buttercup. The 2076 special edition. Best toy on the market, before the war.X1c
17Player Default: Are you the Arlen Glass? The toy designer?{Pleased, excited to share his hobby. / Friendly} It's not just any toy.Arlen: It's a genuine Giddyup Buttercup. The 2076 special edition. Best toy on the market, before the war.Y2a
18NPCMArlenGlass: Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to ignore you. Just got caught up in my work again.{Hoping the player will be interested in his project. / Friendly} So, what do you think? Nice, isn't she?Arlen: It's a genuine Giddyup Buttercup. The 2076 special edition. Best toy on the market, before the war.A1a
19Arlen: It's a shame, though. I don't have the parts to get this old girl working again.{Joking. Of course the player doesn't. / Amused} Don't suppose you happen to have a spare crate of toy parts on you?Player Default: Actually, I do.A1a
20Player Default: You've got an eye for them too, huh?{Proud / Happy} It's a genuine Giddyup Buttercup. The 2076 special edition. Best toy on the market, before the war.A1a
21{Depressed / Depressed} It's a shame, though. I don't have the parts to get this old girl working again.Arlen: Don't suppose you happen to have a spare crate of toy parts on you?A1b
22DN154_Arlen_020_Intro03{Jokingly. Of course the player doesn't. / Amused} So... I don't suppose you happen to have a spare crate of toy parts on you?Player Default: Actually, I do.A
23Player Default: Actually, I do.{Thinking he's playing along with a joke. / Amused} *chuckles* Right. I'll bet you do.A1a
24{It's not a joke. / Surprised} Wait. You're serious.A1b
25{Eager, amazed. / Awed} Here, let me have that. Servos, actuators... it's all here. It's really all here.Arlen: Here, here, take some caps. It's the least I can do.A1c
26Player Default: Actually, I do.{Realizing what the player is talking about / Grateful} Of course! The old stockroom!A2a
27{Excited, grateful / Grateful} Well. Well, that changes everything. I'm sure I can salvage the parts I need from there, and more besides.Arlen: Here, take something for the trouble. It's not much, but you deserve it.A2b
28Player Default: Sorry.{Disappointed / Depressed} That's a shame. Ah, well... I'll have to do the best I can.Arlen: ...tighten this...B1a
29Player Default: What would it be worth to you?{Making an offer. / Friendly} Say, 150 caps? All I can spare.Player Default: Actually, I do.X1a
30Player Default: What would it be worth to you?{Making an offer. / Question} How about, say, 150 caps? Sound good?Arlen: That's all I ask.X2a
31Player Default: What do you need?{Rattling off technobabble. / Thinking} Omnidirectional servos. Piezoelectric actuators. Superconductive mesh wiring.Y1a
32{Explaining, frustrated-- he can't find it anywhere. / Irritated} This was top-of-the-line stuff, even before the war. You won't find it just lying around.Player Default: Actually, I do.Y1b
33Player Default: Actually, I do.{Amused, then thinking / Thinking} Of course not. But... hmm.Arlen: I think I know where you could find some. Not the most glamorous job, but I'm willing to pay. You interested?A1a
34Arlen: Of course not. But... hmm.{Pressing his luck / Friendly} I think I know where you could find some. Not the most glamorous job, but I'm willing to pay. You interested?Arlen: Thanks. This really means a lot to me.A1a
35DN154_Arlen_020_Intro04{Hopefully / Friendly} Back again? I could still use your help finding those parts...Player Default: All right, I'll do it.A
36Arlen: Remember, the factory's south of Quincy. Bring me a crate of parts, and I'll pay you for the trouble.{Returning to work. / Thinking} Now... where was I?Arlen: ...tighten this...A1a
37Player Default: Even if I could make the journey, I'm just an old ghoul. I wouldn't last ten minutes there.{Sizing the player up. / Depressed} Even for you, it might be too much. But if you're ever down that way, don't forget about me.Arlen: Thanks. This really means a lot to me.A1a
38Player Default: Even if I could make the journey, I'm just an old ghoul. I wouldn't last ten minutes there.{Sizing the player up. / Impressed} You, on the other hand... well, you look like you've seen everything. I'm sure you can handle it.Arlen: Thanks. This really means a lot to me.A2a
39Arlen: Thanks. This really means a lot to me.{Explaining. It's really far, and really dangerous. / Concerned} There's only one place to look for parts like this: the old Atomatoys factory, south of Quincy.Arlen: Not gonna lie. It's at the far end of the Commonwealth. That whole area's a deathtrap. Gunners and... worse.A1a
40Arlen: That's all I ask.{Explaining. It's really far, and really dangerous. / Concerned} If you're ever in Quincy, check out the old Atomatoys factory. Bring me a crate of parts from there, and I'll pay you for the trouble.Arlen: Not gonna lie. It's at the far end of the Commonwealth. That whole area's a deathtrap. Gunners and... worse.X1a
41Arlen: Even for you, it might be too much. But if you're ever down that way, don't forget about me.{Reminding the player of their task. / Neutral} Remember, the factory's south of Quincy. Bring me a crate of parts, and I'll pay you for the trouble.Arlen: Now... where was I?A1a
42Player Default: Risk my life for toy parts? Not a chance.{Disappointed / Depressed} Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.Arlen: ...tighten this...B1a
43Player Default: Risk my life for toy parts? Not a chance.{Disappointed / Depressed} Suit yourself.Arlen: ...tighten this...B2a
44Player Default: How much?{All right... two twenty-five. / Thinking} All right, 225.Arlen: That's all I ask.X2a
45Player Default: How much?{Bargaining, irritated. / Irritated} Fine. 300. But that really is all I can afford.Arlen: That's all I ask.X3a
46Player Default: How much?{Thinking / Thinking} That's all the caps I can offer. But... hmm...X4a
47{Reluctantly / Concerned} I do have an old ID Card you could have. Might come in handy.Arlen: That's all I ask.X4b
48Player Default: How much?{Annoyed / Irritated} Enough. 150. Take it or leave it.Arlen: That's all I ask.X5a
49Player Default: Really? Toy parts? Why don't you go get them?{Explaining. It's really far, and really dangerous. / Concerned} You don't understand. The only place you can find parts like these is in the old Atomatoys Factory, south of Quincy.Y1a
50{Explaining. It's really far, and really dangerous. / Concerned} Last I heard, Gunners had taken the whole town. And they're the least of your worries. That whole area's a deathtrap.Y1b
51{Explaining. It's really far, and really dangerous. / Depressed} Even if I could make the journey, I'm just an old ghoul. I wouldn't last ten minutes there.Arlen: Even for you, it might be too much. But if you're ever down that way, don't forget about me.Y1c
52Arlen: There's only one place to look for parts like this: the old Atomatoys factory, south of Quincy.{Explaining. It's really far, and really dangerous. / Concerned} Not gonna lie. It's at the far end of the Commonwealth. That whole area's a deathtrap. Gunners and... worse.Arlen: Even for you, it might be too much. But if you're ever down that way, don't forget about me.A1a
53Player Default: All right, I'll do it.{Grateful / Grateful} Thanks. This really means a lot to me.Arlen: There's only one place to look for parts like this: the old Atomatoys factory, south of Quincy.A1a
54Player Default: How much?{Reassuring / Relieved} That's all I ask.Arlen: If you're ever in Quincy, check out the old Atomatoys factory. Bring me a crate of parts from there, and I'll pay you for the trouble.X1a
55DN154_Arlen_020_Precomplete{Grateful, flustered / Grateful} Here, here, take some caps. It's the least I can do.Arlen: Now, I need to get back to work. Finally!A1a
56Arlen: Here, here, take some caps. It's the least I can do.{Grateful, eager / Grateful} Now, I need to get back to work. Finally!Arlen: ...tighten this...A1a
57DN154_Arlen_080_Return{Hopeful / Question} You're back. Were you able to find those parts?Player Default: I've got them right here.A
58{Hopeful / Question} Any luck finding those parts?Player Default: I've got them right here.A
59{Hopefully / Question} Were you able to find those parts?Player Default: I've got them right here.A
60Player Default: Not yet.{Disappointed / Depressed} Ah. Well, don't forget about them.Arlen: ...tighten this...B1a
61Player Default: You are paying me for this, right?{Reassuring / Grateful} Yes, yes, just like we agreed.Arlen: You've more than earned your reward. Here, here, just like I promised.X1a
62Player Default: Parts?{Irritated / Irritated} You were going to bring me some toy parts. From the old Atomatoys Factory down in Quincy. Remember?Arlen: You've more than earned your reward. Here, here, just like I promised.Y1a
63Player Default: I've got them right here.{Eager, excited / Grateful} You do? All right, let me take a look...A1a
64{Eager, excited / Awed} Yes, yes... it's all here! It's really all here!Arlen: You've more than earned your reward. Here, here, just like I promised.A1b
65Arlen: Yes, yes... it's all here! It's really all here!{Grateful, excited / Grateful} You've more than earned your reward. Here, here, just like I promised.Arlen: Now, I need to get back to work. Finally!A1a
66DN154_Arlen_200_LeadIn{Wondering what the player needs. / Question} Anything I can do for you?Player Default: I think I have something that belongs to you.A
67{Wondering what the player needs. / Question} What is it?Player Default: I think I have something that belongs to you.A
68{Wondering what the player needs. / Question} You need something?Player Default: I think I have something that belongs to you.A
69Player Default: I think I have something that belongs to you.{Puzzled / Puzzled} A holotape?TheSlog_ArlensTerminalAudioSource: Go ahead.A1a
70Player Default: I think I have something that belongs to you.{Indifferent. He's much more interested in his own projects. / Neutral} You mean, when I'm not working on old toys? Repairs. Odd jobs. It's not much, but it keeps a roof over my head.Player Default: I think I have something that belongs to you.A2a
71Player Default: It's nothing. Sorry.{Shrugging it off, getting back to work. / Thinking} Eh, it's all right. Now, where was I?Arlen: ...tighten this...B1a
72Player Default: How's it going?{Disappointed / Depressed} Not well. She's suffered a lot of damage over the years. I've done about all I can without those parts.Player Default: I think I have something that belongs to you.X1a
73Player Default: How's it going?{Wry / Amused} Slowly. This old girl was made with the best pre-war technology. Precision tools. High-end electronics. I'm out here in a pool shed with a wrench.X2a
74{Confident / Confident} But don't you worry. I'll get her done. Eventually.Player Default: I think I have something that belongs to you.X2b
75Player Default: Are you the Arlen Glass? The toy designer?{Surprised, curious. That was another life, long ago. How did the player know that? / Surprised} ...I am. Where did you hear that?Player Default: I think I have something that belongs to you.Y1a
76DN154_Arlen_210_RecognizeArlenPlayer Default: I think I have something that belongs to you.{Quietly, wistful. It's been more than two hundred years... / Somber} I worked there once, before the war.A2a
77{Regretful / Somber} I tried to go back, but... the place was overrun. There was nothing I could do.Arlen: But you made it out, didn't you? Tell me, was there anything left in the old stockroom in the basement?A2b
78Player Default: Sorry, I don't remember.{It was a terrible time for him. / Depressed} Don't feel bad. I barely remember anything from those days. And what I can... I try to forget.Arlen: Well, at least you can understand why I care about this old thing. I helped make them. A long time ago.X1a
79Player Default: Did you... have a daughter?{Hesitant, sad. Doesn't want to reopen old wounds. / Somber} She died in the war.Y1a
80{Hesitant, sad. Doesn't want to revisit old memories. / Sad} It's been a long time. Please, I don't want to talk about it.Player Default: I think I have something that belongs to you.Y1b
81Player Default: Did you... have a daughter?{Hesitant, sad. Opening up a little. / Somber} Marlene. She died in the war.Y2a
82{Sad, regretful. / Sad} I wasn't the best father. Too old. Worked too much. In the end I... I never even got to say goodbye.Player Default: I think I have something that belongs to you.Y2b
83Player Default: Did you... have a daughter?{Chuckle at the beginning of the line, wistfully. / Amused} Hard to even remember anymore. 260? 270? Something like that.Y3a
84{Regretful. Most of what he's seen hasn't been pretty. / Depressed} I've... seen a lot over the years. You just have to find a reason to keep going on. For me, it was the toys. It's always been the toys.Player Default: I think I have something that belongs to you.Y3b
85Player Default: I tried to go back, but... the place was overrun. There was nothing I could do.{Sincere / Neutral} Well, at least you can understand why I care about this old thing. I helped make them. A long time ago.Arlen: It's a genuine Giddyup Buttercup. The 2076 special edition. Best toy on the market, before the war.A1a
86Player Default: I tried to go back, but... the place was overrun. There was nothing I could do.{Shrugging it off / Neutral} All right. Well, I'd better get back to work.Arlen: ...tighten this...A2a
87DN154_Arlen_215_AtomatoysClearedArlen: Here, take something for the trouble. It's not much, but you deserve it.{Grateful / Grateful} I have to finish up a few things around here. But after that... well, I know where I'm going next.Arlen: ...tighten this...A1a
88{Realizing something important. Excited, pressing the player. / Question} But you made it out, didn't you? Tell me, was there anything left in the old stockroom in the basement?Player Default: There were toys, like the one you're working on. A lot of them.A1a
89Player Default: There were toys, like the one you're working on. A lot of them.{Amazed, pleased. / Surprised} After all these years...A1a
90{Excited, pleased. / Grateful} Well. Well, that changes everything. I'm sure I can salvage the parts I need from there, and more besides.Arlen: Here, take something for the trouble. It's not much, but you deserve it.A1b
91Player Default: I don't think so. Not much, anyway.{Disappointed, changing topics. / Depressed} That's too bad.Arlen: Well, at least you can understand why I care about this old thing. I helped make them. A long time ago.B1a
92Player Default: The stockroom?{Explaining, excited... this could be a great opportunity / Neutral} There was a storage room in the basement, on the south side of the building. We kept some toys there for testing and product demonstrations.Player Default: There were toys, like the one you're working on. A lot of them.Y1a
93Player Default: Well. Well, that changes everything. I'm sure I can salvage the parts I need from there, and more besides.{Excited, pleased. / Grateful} Here, take something for the trouble. It's not much, but you deserve it.Arlen: I have to finish up a few things around here. But after that... well, I know where I'm going next.A1a
94Player Default: Well. Well, that changes everything. I'm sure I can salvage the parts I need from there, and more besides.{Excited, pleased. / Grateful} Forget about that crate of toy parts. This is even better.Arlen: I have to finish up a few things around here. But after that... well, I know where I'm going next.A2a
95DN154_Arlen_220_PlayHolotapeArlen: Let's see now...{Quiet gasp. Hearing the voice of his dead wife for the first time in two hundred years. / Awed} *Gasp*TheSlog_ArlensTerminalAudioSource: Hi, Daddy!A1a
96TheSlog_ArlensTerminalAudioSource: When are you coming home?{Quietly, stunned, in tears. Hearing a long-lost recording of his daughter, who died over two hundred years ago. / Sad} Marlene. Oh god, Marlene...TheSlog_ArlensTerminalAudioSource: Mommy says you're helping all the horsies find good homes. Take care of them, ok?A1a
97TheSlog_ArlensTerminalAudioSource: Mommy says you're helping all the horsies find good homes. Take care of them, ok?{Shuddering breath. Hearing a long-lost recording of his daughter, who died over two hundred years ago, saying he worked too much. Ouch. / Sad} *Sigh*Arlen: I have...A1a
98Arlen: *Sigh*{Quietly, stunned, almost in tears. Hearing a long-lost recording of his daughter, who died over two hundred years ago. / Sad} I have...TheSlog_ArlensTerminalAudioSource: I love you.A1a
99TheSlog_ArlensTerminalAudioSource: I love you.{Quietly, stunned, almost in tears. Echoing a long-lost recording of his daughter, who died over two hundred years ago. / Sad} And you...TheSlog_ArlensTerminalAudioSource: Hmm? Oh, Buttercup says she loves you, too.A1a
100TheSlog_ArlensTerminalAudioSource: We miss you. Come home soon!{Mourning his daughter. A big, shuddering sigh, trying to hold back tears. / Sad} Oh, Marlene.... *Sigh*Arlen: I... I... give me a minute.A1a
101Arlen: Oh, Marlene.... *Sigh*{Trying to recover, hold back tears. Takes a deep breath. / Sad} I... I... give me a minute.A1a
102{Putting a tape into his tape player. How does this thing work again? / Puzzled} Let's see now...TheSlog_ArlensTerminalAudioSource: Go ahead.A1a
103DN154_Arlen_230_PostHolotape{Stunned, shaken, trying to recover. Deeply sincere and grateful. / Grateful} It's been so long... I never thought I'd hear their voices again. You can't imagine what this means to me.Player Default: What now?A
104{Stunned, shaken, trying to recover. Deeply sincere and grateful. / Grateful} You can't imagine what this means to me.Player Default: What now?A
105Player Default: What now?{Sincere, deeply grateful. / Grateful} I... I can't possibly repay you for this.Arlen: Here. Take... take everything I have. It's not much, but...A1a
106Player Default: All these years... you never gave up, did you? You're still working too much.{Sadly, ruefully. / Sad} I suppose so.B1a
107{Quietly, wistfully. / Somber} We made toys. We made children happy. That's all that mattered.B1b
108{Firmly, with resolve. This is going to be his new purpose in life. / Somber} And as long as I can still do that, I will. It's the least I can do. For her.Player Default: What now?B1c
109Player Default: It's a long story, but... I lost my wife and son, too.{Quietly, sincere, sympathetic. / Sad} Then maybe you can understand.X1a
110{Wistful, sad, regretful. / Sad} She was right, you know? I did work too much. And now... I'll never hear her voice again, never get to hold her, kiss her good night.X1b
111{Quietly, sincere, regretful. / Sad} All I have left are the memories. And this tape.Arlen: As one father to another... thank you.X1c
112Player Default: What happened to them?{Quietly, recounting the death of his family. / Somber} We had an apartment, in Cambridge. I went to the office that morning, to try to talk to Marc again.Y1a
113{Quietly, recounting the death of his family. / Somber} When... when it all happened, I tried to get back, but the city was in chaos. By the time I got home... there was only a crater.Y1b
114{Intense, sincere. He woke up as a ghoul, almost worse than death. / Somber} I lay down in the ruins. I... I just wanted to die. Instead... I woke up like this.Player Default: What now?Y1c
115Player Default: All I have left are the memories. And this tape.{Sincere, deeply grateful. / Grateful} As one father to another... thank you.Player Default: What now?X1a
116Player Default: All I have left are the memories. And this tape.{Sincere, deeply grateful. / Grateful} As one parent to another... thank you.Player Default: What now?X2a
117Arlen: Here. Take... take everything I have. It's not much, but...{Hesitantly at first. Giving away his most prized possession. / Somber} And one more thing. I was saving this for her birthday. All these years, it was all I had to remember her by...A1a
118{Giving away his most prized possession. / Grateful} Please, I want you to have it.Arlen: And... thank you. For everything.A1b
119Arlen: Please, I want you to have it.{Sincere, deeply grateful. / Grateful} And... thank you. For everything.TheSlog_ArlensTerminalAudioSource: Go ahead.A1a
120Player Default: I... I can't possibly repay you for this.{Sincere, deeply grateful. / Grateful} Here. Take... take everything I have. It's not much, but...Arlen: And one more thing. I was saving this for her birthday. All these years, it was all I had to remember her by...A1a
121DN154_Arlen_240_PlayHolotapeAgain{Quiet, sad. He wants to hear the holotape again. / Sad} *Sigh*TheSlog_ArlensTerminalAudioSource: Go ahead.A1a
122-{Reminding the player of the job they agreed to. / Friendly} Remember, I still need those parts. The old Atomatoys Factory should be just south of Quincy.
123{Grateful / Grateful} Just need to wrap up a few things here, and I'll be on my way. Thanks again for the tip.
124{Grateful, eager / Grateful} Nice to finally have the parts I need. Now I can get some real work done...
125{Updating the player. / Neutral} It's slow going, but it's going.
126{Updating the player. / Neutral} So much to do...
127{Updating the player. / Neutral} It's coming along. It's just going to take time.
128{Distracted / Thinking} Hmm...


(Arlen's manifesto)
{[Pre-War Arlen - Not a Ghoul, clear voice.] Somber but intense. He's angry at Marc but wants to persuade him to patch things up. / Somber} Marc, do you know why toys are important?Player Default: They help children dream. They let them imagine a better future, beyond this blasted war. They give them hope.A1a
130Player Default: Marc, do you know why toys are important?{[Pre-War Arlen - Not a Ghoul, clear voice.] Somber but intense. He's angry at Marc but wants to persuade him to patch things up. / Somber} They help children dream. They let them imagine a better future, beyond this blasted war. They give them hope.Player Default: Thirty years ago, I met a man who understood that. Your father and I built Wilson Atomatoys on that hope. He poured his life into that hope.A1a
131Player Default: They help children dream. They let them imagine a better future, beyond this blasted war. They give them hope.{[Pre-War Arlen - Not a Ghoul, clear voice.] Somber, impassioned. / Somber} Thirty years ago, I met a man who understood that. Your father and I built Wilson Atomatoys on that hope. He poured his life into that hope.Player Default: And now? You've thrown it all away. Sold it in search of a quick profit.A1a
132Player Default: Thirty years ago, I met a man who understood that. Your father and I built Wilson Atomatoys on that hope. He poured his life into that hope.{[Pre-War Arlen - Not a Ghoul, clear voice.] Bitter, disgusted. He's angry at Marc but wants to persuade him to patch things up. / Disgust} And now? You've thrown it all away. Sold it in search of a quick profit.Player Default: It's still not too late. If you won't do it for me, for your father, for the company, then... please, do it for the children.A1a
133Player Default: And now? You've thrown it all away. Sold it in search of a quick profit.{[Pre-War Arlen - Not a Ghoul, clear voice.] Intense, pleading. / Pleading} It's still not too late. If you won't do it for me, for your father, for the company, then... please, do it for the children.A1a