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Fallout Wiki

Charles was the leader of the Roof House gang in Morgantown.[1]


Charles led Roof House through a siege against their rivals, Street House. He sent scouting parties under the cover of night to acquire supplies, which were very successful. However, the one issue that they faced was a lack of RadAway in the face of multiple members suffering from radiation poisoning. Despite this, Charles was certain that they would emerge the victors over Street House, declaring that those "dumb street kids" had no idea who they were messing with.[2] Charles' fate is unknown; however, by 2102, the gang had ceased to exist.


Charles is mentioned only in Fallout 76.


  1. Charles' voice type, NPCM_LC095_RoofHouseLeader, refers to him as the leader of Roof House.
  2. Dumb street kids