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Dialogue for Cabbot, guard for the BoS at the Lost Hills bunker.


{100}{}{You see Cabbot, an Initiate of the Brotherhood of Steel.}

{101}{Cab_1}{Hello and welcome to the Brotherhood of Steel. May I ask your business here?}

{102}{}{Who're you?}
{103}{}{Can I ask you a few questions?}
{105}{}{I'd like to join.}
{106}{}{What do you do?}
{107}{}{Never mind, thanks.}

{108}{Cab_2}{Uh, I'm Cabbot, but uh, you didn't answer me. What can I do for you? }

{109}{}{Can I ask you a few questions?}
{110}{}{Oh yeah, as if you'd like to know.}
{111}{}{I'd like to join.}
{112}{}{What do you do?}
{113}{}{Never mind, thanks.}

{114}{Cab_4}{That's great! Uh, W-Wait here a second and let me see what you need to do!}
{115}{Cab_5}{Uh, well, I talked to the High Elder, and he said that not just anyone can join. He, um, he said you have to complete a quest first. }

{116}{}{Like what?}
{117}{}{Never mind, see you later.}
{118}{}{Did you do a quest before you joined?}

{119}{Cab_5a}{Uh, not exactly. But things are a bit different right now. }

{120}{}{So what's the quest?}
{121}{}{So tell me what's different.}
{122}{}{Never mind then, I'll come back another time.}

{123}{Cab_6}{You have to go to the ruins of the Ancient Order. That's south of here. Uh, you've gotta go inside and bring back something that proves that you were there.}

{124}{}{How will you know if it is from inside this place?}
{126}{}{No way in hell.}
{127}{Cab_7}{This place is high tech. There's things inside like you've never seen before. Oh, uh, it's also radioactive. Aheh.}

{128}{}{Okay, I'll do it.}

{129}{}{Sounds scary. Count me out.}

{130}{Cab_9}{You'll do it? You will? Great! Just bring it back here! Good Luck.}
{131}{Cab_10}{Oh . . . okay, then. Goodbye. }
{132}{Cab_12}{Well uh, I'm an Initiate. Right now, my job is to greet people at the door.}

{133}{}{Doesn't sound terribly exciting, but I still want to join the Brotherhood.}
{134}{}{Okay, thanks. See you around.}
{135}{}{Can I ask you a few questions?}

{136}{Cab_16}{Well uh, I have to ask. It's my job.}

{137}{}{Can I ask you a few questions?}
{138}{}{Can I join the Brotherhood?}
{139}{}{I don't have to tell you anything. Go get your commander.}
{140}{}{Well then, I'll just be going now.}

{141}{Cab_17}{I'm sorry, I really can't. Th-They said not to. Goodbye!}
{142}{Cab_18}{No! Go away! }
{143}{Cab_19g}{Well, hello again. You decide what you wanted?}
{144}{Cab_19n}{Hello. What do you need now?}

{145}{}{I've changed my mind. I want to join the Brotherhood.}
{146}{}{Can I ask you a few questions?}
{147}{}{Never mind. Goodbye.}

{148}{Cab_20}{You're making fun of me, aren't you? Good-bye! }
{149}{Cab_21}{Go away!}

{150}{}{Please, I'm sorry I made you angry. Can we try again?}

{152}{Cab_22}{No! I think you're just lying to me. Goodbye!}
{153}{Cab_23}{Hmmm. All right, I'll believe you for now. So what do you want?}

{154}{}{I've changed my mind. I want to join the Brotherhood.}
{155}{}{Can I ask you a few questions?}
{156}{}{Never mind. Goodbye.}

{157}{Cab_24}{Hey! You're back! Did you get something?}

{158}{}{Yep, sure did.}
{159}{}{No, I didn't yet.}

{160}{Cab_25}{Great! But . . . um . . . the High Elder said you have to give it to me first before you can be let in. Sorry.}

{162}{}{No, I don't want to.}

{163}{Cab_27}{This is great! Hang on while I open the door.}


{165}{Cab_28}{Hmmm . . . Sorry, but, uh, this could have come from anywhere.}

{166}{}{But . . .}
{167}{Cab_30}{Alright, so I'm gonna let you in. But I'm gonna tell ya' what's going on after I do that. Alright? I'll be in the guard room. You can let yourself out, but I have to let you back in. Oh, and the High Elder wants to speak with you in the war room. It's on the third floor.}

{168}{Cab_31}{You don't need to lie. Just come back when you have something.}
{169}{Cab_32}{Well, let me know when you do.}
{170}{Cab_33g}{Hello! You want back in?}
{171}{Cab_33b}{Are you coming back in?}
{172}{Cab_33n}{You want back in?}

{173}{}{Yes, please.}
{174}{}{If you'd open the gate.}

{175}{Cab_34g}{Great! See you around, huh?}

{178}{}{What exactly do you do?}
{179}{}{Heard any good rumors lately?}
{180}{}{Goodbye, Cabbot.}

{181}{Cab_35a}{Go ahead.}
{182}{Cab_36g}{Well hello! What can I help you with?}
{183}{Cab_36b}{What do you need?}
{184}{Cab_36n}{Can I help you with something?}

{185}{}{Can I ask you a few questions?}
{186}{}{Never mind. Goodbye.}

{188}{Cab_38}{I greet people at the gates and decide whether to let them in. You and the merchants are about the only ones that get in now, because the Elders seem like they're preparing for something.}

{189}{}{Do you know what it could be all about?}
{190}{}{Why do you let the merchants in?}

{191}{Cab_39}{Uh . . . I don't know, but uh, I've heard the High Elder arguing with the other Elders. }

{192}{}{Can I ask you a few more questions?}
{193}{}{Thanks. I'll see you around.}

{194}{Cab_40}{Why do I let 'em in? Well . . . we have to get our food and other things. We trade our weapons for all that.}

{195}{}{Why don't you just grow food yourselves?}
{196}{}{Can I ask you a few more questions?}
{197}{}{Thanks. I'll see you around.}

{198}{Cab_41}{Uh, well, the purpose of this place is to make Scribes and Knights. Anyone who wants to be something else just leaves.}

{199}{}{Oh. Can I ask you a few more questions?}
{200}{}{Thanks. I'll see you around.}

{201}{Cab_42}{Well, some of the Initiates think we're preparing for war. That's why hardly anyone gets in now. I was surprised when the High Elder told me to let you in.}

{203}{}{Thanks. Can I ask you a few more questions?}
{204}{}{Thanks for the info. I'll see you around.}

{205}{Cab_43}{I don't think that belongs to you.}
{206}{Cab_44}{I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to go tell the guards.}
{207}{Cab_45}{I don't think you should be doing that.}
{208}{Cab_46a}{Oh, okay. Whatever.}
{209}{Cab_47}{As I said . . .}
{210}{Cab_48}{Well, as I said . . .}
{211}{Cab_49}{As I've said before . . .}
{212}{Cab_50}{Well, it's like I said . . .}
{213}{Cab_51}{Now, um, I ha- I hate to be rude, but I don't like to repeat myself. Okay?}

{214}{}{Um, ya know, I really don't have time to sit here and repeat myself over and over again. You can understand, can't you?}

{215}{Cab_53}{Well, that's me.}
{216}{Cab_54}{She's the head of the Scribes. She's usually in the library. Go down into the basement and uh, it's on your right hand side.}
{217}{Cab_55}{The knights say he can be a tough taskmaster, but I don't personally, because uh, I'm studying under Vree to become a Scribe.}
{218}{Cab_56}{General Maxson used to be Master Knight. I don't think he likes being High Elder much.}
{219}{Cab_57}{They make all the decisions around here, from what we eat to what our duties are. And uh, they argue a lot, too. The High Elder seems to have to step in a lot.}
{220}{Cab_58}{OK, well, scribes are the keepers of all the histories and the blueprints for the weapons we make. I just love books; that's why I want to be one . . . a Scribe, that is.}
{221}{Cab_59}{Well, you see, they're the ones who want to become protectors of the Brotherhood. There's not many of them, but they train their whole lives to become Paladins.}
{222}{Cab_60}{That's the town to the south, right? We get the merchants here all the time, but I've never been there myself. Gee, I wouldn't know what to do in a big city like that.}
{223}{Cab_61}{You should talk to Vree, I think. She'll tell ya' about 'em.}
{224}{Cab_62}{They trade with us for food and stuff. We give them weapons. They don't come around too often anymore, but uh, I don't know why.}
{225}{Cab_63}{Whoa, that's a long story. Go to the library and talk to Vree. She'll be able to show you where the history CDs are.}

{226}{Cab_64}{Oh, well, in the Exodus, the Brotherhood split into two groups. The group that broke away robbed the others of some of the weapons

an-and they went south. Then about ten years ago we sent out knights to look for them and all they found was ruins. No one knows what happened.}
{227}{Cab_65}{The ancient Brotherhood came from some place far up north a long, long time ago. We call this the great Exodus. You can read about it more if you ask Vree in the library. }
{228}{Cab_66}{Uhh . . . I don't know anything about that.}
{229}{Cab_67}{Hmm . . . I don't know. You might want to ask someone more important than me.}
{230}{Cab_68}{I don't know what that is. You might want to ask around.}
{231}{}{Go talk to Mathia. She'll tell you more about that.}

{232}{}{You get 2000 experience points for becoming an initiate.}
{233}{}{We don't want your kind here. Go away!}

# Cabbot Tell-Me-Abouts GENERIC RESPONSES
{980}{Cab_66}{Uhh . . . I don't know anything about that.}
{981}{Cab_67}{Hmm . . . I don't know. You might want to ask someone more important than me.}
{982}{Cab_68}{I don't know what that is. You might want to ask around.}

# Cabbot Tell-Me-Abouts

{1100}{Cab_53}{Well, that's me.}
{1101}{Cab_54}{She's the head of the Scribes. She's usually in the library. Go down into the basement and uh, it's on your right hand side.}
{1102}{Cab_55}{The knights say he can be a tough taskmaster, but I don't personally, because uh, I'm studying under Vree to become a Scribe.}
{1103}{Cab_56}{General Maxson used to be Master Knight. I don't think he likes being High Elder much.}
{1104}{Cab_57}{They make all the decisions around here, from what we eat to what our duties are. And uh, they argue a lot, too. The High Elder seems to have to step in a lot.}
{1105}{Cab_58}{OK, well, scribes are the keepers of all the histories and the blueprints for the weapons we make. I just love books; that's why I want to be one . . . a Scribe, that is.}
{1106}{Cab_59}{Well, you see, they're the ones who want to become protectors of the Brotherhood. There's not many of them, but they train their whole lives to become Paladins.}
{1107}{Cab_60}{That's the town to the south, right? We get the merchants here all the time, but I've never been there myself. Gee, I wouldn't know
what to do in a big city like that.}
{1108}{Cab_61}{You should talk to Vree, I think. She'll tell ya' about 'em.}
{1109}{Cab_62}{They trade with us for food and stuff. We give them weapons.
They don't come around too often anymore, but uh, I don't know why.}
{1110}{Cab_63}{Whoa, that's a long story. Go to the library and talk to Vree. She'll be able to show you where the history CDs are.}
{1111}{Cab_64}{Oh, well, in the Exodus, the Brotherhood split into two groups. The group that broke away robbed the others of some of the weapons an-and went southwest. About ten years ago, we sent out knights to look for them, but all they found was ruins. No one knows what happened.}
{1112}{Cab_65}{The ancient Brotherhood came from some place far up north a long, long time ago. We call this the great Exodus. You can read about it more if you ask Vree in the library. }
{1113}{Cab_53}{Well, that's me.}
{1114}{Cab_64}{Oh, well, in the Exodus, the Brotherhood split into two groups. The group that broke away robbed the others of some of the weapons an-and went southwest. About ten years ago, we sent out knights to look for them, but all they found was ruins. No one knows what happened.}
{1115}{Cab_20}{You're making fun of me, aren't you? Good-bye! }
{1116}{Cab_67}{Hmm . . . I don't know. You might want to ask someone more important than me.}
{1117}{Cab_63}{Whoa, that's a long story. Go to the library and talk to Vree. She'll be able to show you where the history CDs are.}
{1118}{Cab_67}{Hmm . . . I don't know. You might want to ask someone more important than me.}
{1119}{Cab_62}{They trade with us for food and stuff. We give them weapons. They don't come around too often anymore, but uh, I don't know why.}
{1120}{Cab_66}{Uhh . . . I don't know anything about that.}
{1121}{Cab_61}{You should talk to Vree, I think. She'll tell ya' about 'em.}
