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Fallout Wiki

Braxson's Quality Medical Supplies terminal entries are a series of entries found on a terminal at Braxson's Quality Medical Supplies in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: The Pitt update. Although the location itself has been in the game since release, these terminal entries were only added with Expeditions: The Pitt.

Customer records terminal[]

Note: This terminal is used as part of the daily quest Refuge Daily: Code Blue.



Good luck[]

Note: Accessing this entry advances the quest Refuge Daily: Code Blue.


From: Albert Johansen
To: Martin Cooper

Look Marty, I don't care how you do it, just divide the stock we have left and send it wherever you want. I'm getting the hell out of here, and if you had half a brain you'd do the same thing.

But if you insist on sticking around, then congrats, you've just been promoted. I left the patent/design book behind, because if you're really that hell-bent on saving the world you're gonna need it. Good luck making any sense of it, by the way.

Personal Logs[]

Is he kidding?[]


Johansen has lost his mind, I swear to god.

I knew something was wrong when all these orders started pouring in for stuff that we can't make--but there he was, standing behind my desk, saying "Do the best you can and we'll deal with the rest, later."

If someone gets hurt or dies because the boss was too selfish to know when to say no, then I'll make damn sure that *he* is the one who'll have to handle it when "later" gets here.
