Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Albert Johansen was the owner of Braxson's Quality Medical Supplies, known to his subordinate, Martin Cooper, as a particularly unreasonable person.


He insisted on accepting any and all orders that came in, telling Cooper to "do the best [he] can" and that all will be dealt with later. The volume of orders, many for things that the company couldn't even make, resulted in a significant backlog.[1]

Shortly after the Great War, Johansen bailed on the company entirely, telling Cooper to divide the stock left and send it wherever he wanted. He left the patent and design book behind, with all of is complex contents, wishing Cooper good luck if he wanted to save the world using it (or understand the diagrams).[2]


The terminal entries on which Johansen is mentioned were present in the game at release, but were only implemented for the first time in Expeditions: The Pitt.


Albert Johansen is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: The Pitt update

