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Esta é a transcrição de um arquivo de diálogo, o qual, contêm mensagens in-game relacionadas a scripts e itens ou a diálogos de personagens não jogáveis durante o gameplay.

Arquivo de diálogo de Harold em Fallout


{100}{}{You see Harold.}
{101}{HROLD0}{Spare change, old friend, old pal? Can you help a poor mutant down on his luck? [Cough]}
{102}{}{Yeah, here's $25. Good luck to you.}
{103}{}{How about $5.}
{104}{}{Sorry, don't have any money on me.}
{105}{}{Keep away from me!}
{107}{HROLD1}{Geez. You're worse off than I am, friend. Luck to you.}
{108}{HROLD2}{Oh, kind of ya, friend. Very kind. You know, if I could clear the gunk out of there, you, just might find a tear in Old Harold's eye.}
{109}{}{Why is that?}
{110}{}{You're welcome.}
{111}{HROLD3}{[Cough] Rest of the Hubbers' been picking on me like a bad booger since I came back to town. I can't leave, though. When the deals are done [wheez] it's still my home.}
{112}{}{What happened to you?}
{113}{}{Who are the Hubbers?}
{114}{}{Hope things get better. See you around.}
{115}{HROLD4}{Well, after the Great War, my Vault was one of the first to open. [Takes a deep breath] Whew. Long time.}
{116}{}{Tell me more about those days.}
{117}{}{No, no. I meant what happened to change you?}
{118}{HROLD5}{All started with the sirens. I was young, but ohh, I do remember that. Lotta terrible years followed. And I remember walking outta the Vault late one morning.}
{119}{}{What did you do then?}
{120}{}{Where was your Vault located?}
{121}{}{Do you realize how old that makes you?}
{122}{HROLD6}{You know, [cough] I'm not real sure anymore. West, I think. Uh wait - east? Ooh I don't know. [Hacking cough]}
{123}{}{What did you do then?}
{124}{HROLD7}{Well, I was a trader. Did pretty good making a circuit between survivors. Lost a lotta good people, though. [Coughs]}
{126}{HROLD8}{Gangers got'em. Scavengers attacking the caravans. And mutants, son of a dog, if they weren't springing up like rabbits with a mission. [cough] Had to have an army of guards with, just to do a deal.}
{127}{}{Didn't the guards help?}
{128}{}{Where were the mutants coming from?}
{129}{HROLD9}{Course they helped, ya bonehead! Just too damn many to handle!}
{130}{}{How did you survive the mutant attacks?}
{131}{HROLD9A}{Didn't. Got killed. [Laughing cough] Love that joke.}
{132}{}{Uh, yeah.}
{133}{HROLD10}{Everywhere! Hell, seemed like you couldn't fart without hitting one. But mostly in the northwest.}
{134}{}{Did you explore that area?}
{135}{}{Why didn't you just avoid the area?}
{136}{}{You farted northwest?}
{137}{hrold10a}{[Laughs] Pretty good...Noo...}
{138}{HROLD11}{We mounted an expedition. God, Richard. Richard Grey. Led a small group of us up there.}
{139}{}{Richard Grey?}
{140}{}{Where exactly did you go?}
{141}{HROLD12}{Needed to see what was there. Maybe stop whatever was churnin them boogers out. We thought we were prepared. Were we wrong.}
{142}{}{What did you do?}
{143}{HROLD13}{I can't remember the route or anything. But I am damn sure it was northwest, though...I think.}
{144}{}{Is there a shorter version of this story?}
{145}{}{What about your leader?}
{146}{HROLD14}{Richard Grey was a doctor. Little older than me, and friend was he smart. He found the source.}
{147}{}{And what was that?}
{148}{HROLD15}{I like telling it my way. Short version will cost you 25 extra, friend. Which will it be?}
{149}{}{Ok, long it is.}
{151}{}{Short, but I don't have the cash.}
{152}{}{How about neither, you old fart?}
{153}{HROLD16}{Well, you seem like an okay sort. I'll speed it up a bit.}
{155}{hrold16a}{Lying to a poor old mutant. What's the world coming to? [cough]}
{156}{hrold17}{Little light on funds, huh?}
{157}{hrold17a}{My way or walk away. Your choice, friend.}
{159}{}{OK. Long it is.}
{160}{HROLD18}{Some sort of old military base. We lost a lotta folks getting in there.}
{161}{}{How did you know this base was the cause?}
{162}{}{What were you running up against?}
{163}{HROLD19}{Robots and such. Lot of'em. Damn surprised they was still running after all this time, what with the war and all. Whooa boy they tore us a good one.}
{164}{}{What did you do once you got past the robots?}
{165}{HROLD20}{Because it was like someone went bargain shopping at mutantland! Geez! Cheaper by the dozens! Can't figure any other reason except that being the factory.}
{166}{}{Did you examine the base closely?}
{167}{HROLD21}{We got pretty far inside. Wasn't a lot of us left by then. Grey, me and couple of others.}
{168}{}{And then?}
{169}{HROLD22}{One of them robots got Francine. Mark was wounded, sent him back to the surface. Then it was just me and Grey.}
{170}{}{What ever happened to Mark?}
{171}{}{What happened then?}
{172}{HROLD23}{To this day, I don't know. He never made it back here, and...well I...couldn't face the wasteland again, so I...I never looked.}
{173}{}{What about you and Grey?}
{174}{HROLD24}{We made it to some sort of central core, like a plant of some sort. That's when it happened.}
{176}{HROLD25}{A robot crane crashed into us. Last I saw of Grey, he was flying through the air in-into some sort of acid bath. I was in bad shape and...well I passed out.}
{177}{}{How did you survive?}
{178}{}{And you never saw Grey again?}
{179}{hrold25a}{Didn't. Got killed...[Laughs then coughs] God, I love that joke.}
{180}{}{Yeah, I can tell.}
{181}{HROLD26}{Well, I have no idea. Woke up in the wasteland, barely hanging on. Got lucky and some traders I knew found me days later. Good thing, since I was already changing. They brought me here, and here I've been since.}
{182}{}{How did you mutate?}
{183}{}{Quite a great story. Thanks.}
{184}{hrold26a}{Well...Thanks for letting me tell it.}
{185}{}{So that was the short version?}
{186}{hrold26a}{Well . . . thanks for letting me tell it.}
{187}{hrold26b}{For me it was.}
{188}{HROLD27}{No, you idiot! I just said I never saw him again, didn't I?}
{189}{}{How did you survive?}
{190}{HROLD28}{All's I know, is it was something inside that base.}
{191}{}{Do you think it could have been radiation?}
{192}{}{Sorry, tough break. Thanks for the story.}
{193}{HROLD29}{How the hell should I know? Grey would've known if anybody could. [sigh] Anyway, that's how the deal went down.}
{194}{}{Thanks for the story.}
{195}{HROLD30}{Yeah, about a century or two in dog years.}
{197}{HROLD31}{Nevermind, that was from my time. I'm cranky, old and I've been that way ever since I changed.}
{198}{}{What did you do before this happened to you?}
{199}{HROLD32}{Well, I got mutated. Sure wasn't born this ugly. Happened when we tried to find out where all the mutants were coming from.}
{200}{}{What happened?}
{201}{HROLD33}{It's in the past. Probably should stay that way.}
{202}{}{Please tell me what happened, it may help me now.}
{203}{}{Have it your way.}
{204}{HROLD34}{Well, if you put it that way. I guess it couldn't hurt.}
{206}{HROLD35}{No, no. It's too painful, even now. Thanks for the help, friend. Good luck to you.}
{207}{HROLD36}{You're in the Hub, right? People who live in the Hub? Hubbers. Get it? [cough] Sheesh! Thanks for the help and good luck...think you're gonna need it.}
{208}{HROLD37}{You're as bad as the rest of them. [Wheezing cough]}
{209}{HROLD38}{Oh well, thanks anyway. [cough]}
{210}{HROLD39}{Hey, can you help me out, friend?}
{211}{}{Yeah, here's $25.}
{212}{}{Take $5.}
{213}{}{Don't bug me.}
{215}{HROLD40}{Hey, 'preciate it! Gotta admit, when I first saw you, [cough] I figured you might hassle me.}
{216}{}{Why do you say that?}
{217}{}{Nah, not me! Have a good one.}
{218}{HROLD41}{Oh, hey, it's you again.}
{219}{}{Here's $20, if you need it.}
{222}{hrold42}{Just putting me on, huh?}
{223}{HROLD43}{Anything I can do for you?}
{224}{}{Heard any good words recently?}
{225}{}{I need info on the Deathclaw, and I hear you're the man.}
{226}{}{What's your story?}
{228}{hrold43a}{The whole thing? Well...}
{229}{HROLD44}{Oooh, well thanks. Hope it wasn't too much of a strain. [coughs]}
{230}{HROLD45}{Oooh, that thing. Friend, that is nightmare city. Why the hell you asking about that?}
{231}{}{Gonna kill it.}
{232}{}{If it catches up with me, I want to know what to do.}
{233}{HROLD47}{Okay. Well, it's like a damn big man, is what it is. Got spikes and claws that can cut through the heaviest armor. But don't let the size fool ya, it's quick.}
{234}{}{Any weaknesses?}
{235}{HROLD49}{Well, from what I've heard, maybe whack it in the head? I'd try the eyes. 'Course, there's a problem there.}
{236}{}{What kind of problem?}
{237}{HROLD50}{You can't look at 'em! It is said the Death Claw can hypnotize just by lookin'. Then it walks up and "boom", you're et!}
{238}{}{Great, thanks.}
{239}{HROLD51}{Good luck to you...you're gonna need it.}
{240}{}{Could be.}
{241}{HROLD52}{You don't want to know about the Death Claw, and I ain't gonna be the one to tell ya.}
{242}{HROLD53}{Well, heard one of Decker's men has somebody from the Brotherhood of Steel trapped in Old Town.}
{244}{HROLD54}{I don't believe this one, but some say an army of mutants is on the way. [cough]}
{246}{HROLD55}{Leave me alone. [cough]}
{247}{}{I want to talk to you.}
{248}{}{Here's some cash.}
{249}{HROLD56}{Well, I don't wanta talk to you. Go away!}
{250}{HROLD57}{Don't want your money. Go away. [cough]}
{251}{hrold200}{As much as I love trading, I don't have anything to exchange. [cough]}
{252}{hrold201}{I need to sleep for a while. I'm kinda tired.}
{253}{hrold202}{You might want to be more careful. [cough] I've heard that you've wasted several people recently.}
{254}{hrold203}{Umm...Decker's looking for you. He wants to talk. [cough]}
{255}{hrold204}{All I got is clothes and freedom, and the latter's debatable.}
{256}{hrold300}{Brilliant guy. A doctor and philosopher. Long ago he lead the expedition where I got changed into a mutant.}
{257}{hrold301}{Who? Is he some sort of sex therapist? I could use one, you know.}
{258}{hrold302}{Mutants. Doesn't matter what they call themselves.}
{259}{hrold303}{Oh, him. He leads the Thieves Circle. Thinks he's Robin Hood. [cough] He's alright, I guess.}
{260}{hrold304}{I've seen religions come and religions go, and I hope this one goes. Soon.}
{261}{hrold305}{Yeah, I came from a Vault. Too many people, not enough food and water. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?}
{262}{hrold306}{Horrible. The world just went insane. Long ago, but I'll never forget it. Never.}
{263}{hrold307}{[Cough] Trouble. Nothing but trouble.}
{264}{hrold400}{Well, like I said...}
{265}{}{Nothing, thanks.}

# TRANSLATION NOTE: The following groups of lines are identical in English,
# but they differ in foreign translations. The first line is for the case of the
# player-character masculine ("my friend" will be masculine); the second line is
# for the case of the player-character feminine ("my friend" will be feminine).

{266}{HROLD0}{Spare change, old friend, old pal? Can you help a poor mutant down on his luck? [Cough]}
{267}{HROLD0}{Spare change, old friend, old pal? Can you help a poor mutant down on his luck? [Cough]}
{268}{HROLD2}{Oh, kind of ya, friend. Very kind. You know, if I could clear the gunk out of there, you, just might find a tear in Old Harold's eye.}
{269}{HROLD2}{Oh, kind of ya, friend. Very kind. You know, if I could clear the gunk out of there, you, just might find a tear in Old Harold's eye.}
{270}{HROLD35}{No, no. It's too painful, even now. Thanks for the help, friend. Good luck to you.}
{271}{HROLD35}{No, no. It's too painful, even now. Thanks for the help, friend. Good luck to you.}
{272}{HROLD39}{Hey, can you help me out, friend?}
{273}{HROLD39}{Hey, can you help me out, friend?}

# Harold's Tell-Me-Abouts


{1100}{hrold300}{Brilliant guy. A doctor and philosopher. Long ago he lead the expedition where I got changed into a mutant.}
{1101}{hrold301}{Who? Is he some sort of sex therapist? I could use one, you know.}
{1102}{hrold302}{Mutants. Doesn't matter what they call themselves.}
{1103}{hrold303}{Oh, him. He leads the Thieves Circle. Thinks he's Robin Hood. [cough] He's alright, I guess.}
{1104}{hrold304}{I've seen religions come and religions go, and I hope this one goes. Soon.}
{1105}{hrold305}{Yeah, I came from a Vault. Too many people, not enough food and water. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?}
{1106}{hrold306}{Horrible. The world just went insane. Long ago, but I'll never forget it. Never.}
{1107}{hrold307}{[Cough] Trouble. Nothing but trouble.}
{1108}{hrold300}{Brilliant guy. A doctor and philosopher. Long ago he lead the expedition where I got changed into a mutant.}
