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Para uma visão geral das Enclave power armor, veja Enclave power armor.


Enclave power armor é uma variante de armadura potente vestida por membros da Enclave.


A armadura, também conhecida como Advanced power armor Mark 2, Advanced Mark II, e Advanced Power Armor Mark II.[1][2][3][4][Non-canon 1]O conjunto consiste de duas peças: a armadura corporal e o capacete. Como todas as power armors, power armor training é um requisito para a equipar. Ela fornece +1 Strength e -1 Agility. Também há um aumento de 5% em Radiation Resistance.


  • Vestidas por soldados da Enclave.
  • Broken Steel Três são encontradas em Rockland car tunnel, duas das quais estão no chão, e um no cadáver de um soldado da Enclave próximo.


  • É possível se ver raiders vestindo a Enclave power armor.
  • Esta armadura pode ser dada a Protector Casdin como parte da missão não marcada The Outcast Collection Agent.
  • Peabody refere-se à armadura de poder do Enclave como "armadura potente do Diabo Negro."[5]
  • Power armor somente podem ser vestidas se o personagem do jogador tenha adquirido o perk Power Armor Training, ou por conversar com Paladino Gunny na Citadel, por iniciar a quest Take it Back!, ou por completar a Anchorage Reclamation simulation.



  1. Lone Wanderer: "What do you make of the Enclave, Squire?"
    Arthur Maxson: "Y... You're asking me what I think of the Enclave? Well... The Brotherhood of Steel has actually faced the Enclave before. Back West. More than thirty years ago, according to our chronicles. Judging from those records, I'd say their soldiers are outfitted in Advanced Power Armor Mark II. It's... pretty strong. Better than our Power Armor. And some of their technology is amazing! Vertibirds! Plasma weapons that can turn a man to goo! Does... that help?"
    (Diálogo de Arthur Maxson)
  2. Lone Wanderer: "So... Any thoughts on the Enclave?"
    Bowditch: "They're sporting some pretty impressive Power Armor, I'll give them that. The Advanced Mark II. But that's all right. With a few modifications, our own armor will more than handle anything they throw at it."
    (Diálogo de Bowditch)
  3. Lone Wanderer: "Here's some Power Armor from the Enclave."
    Henry Casdin: "Well I'll be damned. The Advanced Power Armor Mark II. This is superb. Absolutely superb."
    (Diálogo de Casdin)
  4. Citadel terminal entries; Citadel lab terminal, Enclave Tactical Assessment
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "So... Any thoughts on the Enclave?"
    Peabody: "So they have Plasma weapons! Bah! It's strong technology, I'll give you that, but limited in modability. I've already started removing the compensators on our laser weapons to cut through the Black Devil power armor of theirs. We'll drop them like any other meat, don't you worry."
    (Diálogo de Peabody)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.130: "ENCLAVE POWER ARMOR"
    "This is also known as Advanced Power Armor Mark 2. The Enclave sacrifice part of the Strength bonus, but there is less Agility penalty with this armor. It is also slightly more hard-wearing"
Enclave Symbol (FO3)
Enclave Symbol (FO3)