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KuroUrufu KuroUrufu 31 May 2023

I have added and structured more content, what are the next advanced steps?

You read the blog "I have added some content, what is next?" and you want more advanced advices? This is the right place! We are going to see some best practices for articles and how to use the source editor for adding and editing an infobox.

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KuroUrufu KuroUrufu 26 July 2023

What templates do I really need on my wiki

As an admin, particularly as a founder, you want to make sure your wiki has good and useful templates. In this blog post, we are going to see some basics about templates - and it's absolutely worth it, we promise!

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KuroUrufu KuroUrufu 1 June 2023

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser

You have created your bot account and feel ready to use a bot software? This is the right place: we'll see step-by-step how to get AutoWikiBrowser and how to use it. In short, you'll have to follow these steps:

  1. Download the program.
  2. Choose the wiki where you are going to use the bot.
  3. Log in to the bot account.
  4. Specify what the bot should do.
  5. Specify what pages the bot should edit.

Download AutoWikiBrowser to your computer. When the download is done, launch AutoWikiBrowser and you are ready to begin.

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KuroUrufu KuroUrufu 21 August 2023

Guideline to Using Bots On Fandom

Generally speaking, a bot is an automated process, program, or script designed to assist users with performing repetitive or tedious tasks in a wiki.

The easiest bot software to install, set, and use is AutoWikiBrowser (AWB). Find more information in the Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser.

Pywikibot is a little harder to get and use, especially if you still don't have much experience with bot programs. To view a guide on how to install and set it, visit the Pywikibot help page.

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KuroUrufu KuroUrufu 20 September 2023

I have added some content, what is next?

Are you an admin who has written quite a few pages but feels unsure about what to do next? Don’t worry, creating great content is just the starting point!

As an admin, it’s essential to consider how you can enhance your pages and make them more accessible. By doing so, you can foster inclusivity and watch your wiki flourish as a result. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through some simple and fundamental improvements you can make to your articles. These changes will not only make your pages more appealing but also prove to be incredibly worthwhile—we guarantee it!

For more advanced advice and best practices, visit the blog post titled ""I have added and structured more content, what are the next advanced steps?". It covers additional step…

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