Community Central
Community Central

You have created your bot account and feel ready to use a bot software? This is the right place: we'll see step-by-step how to get AutoWikiBrowser and how to use it. In short, you'll have to follow these steps:

  1. Download the program.
  2. Choose the wiki where you are going to use the bot.
  3. Log in to the bot account.
  4. Specify what the bot should do.
  5. Specify what pages the bot should edit.

Download the program[]

Download AutoWikiBrowser to your computer. When the download is done, launch AutoWikiBrowser and you are ready to begin.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 01 download

Download AWB.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 02 launch

Launch AWB.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 03 window

This is the window you'll see.

Choose the wiki[]

Choose the wiki where you are going to use the bot:

  1. Go to Options → Preferences → Site.
    Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 04 options

    Go to Options.

    Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 05 preferences

    Go to Preferences.

    Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 06 site

    Go to Site.

  2. From the drop-down list, choose "custom" as your project.
    Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 07 project custom

    Select Project and choose custom.

    • Note that you could also choose "Fandom" from the drop-down list and then type the first part of the URL of your community (for example, "fandubbing" should be entered for the "" community) but this works only for English wikis.
  3. Select "https://" instead of "http://".
    Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 08 https

    Choose https://.

    • Note that, even if the HTTP/HTTPS drop-down is set to HTTP, it will correct itself to HTTPS after the next step but this auto-correction could not work with some versions of the software.
  4. Enter the domain name of the wiki (for example you want into the text field (n.b. don't include "https://" since you specified that above/before).
    Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 09 wiki url

    Write the wiki url.

  5. When you are done, save changes with the "OK" button.
    Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 10 ok

    Click OK.

Your program may freeze for a few moments. After this, at the right on the bottom bar, you will see that the program is synchronized with the given community.

Log in[]

Once you have chosen a wiki, you must log into your bot account.

  1. Go to File → Log in/Profiles....
    Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 11 file

    Once you are connected with the wiki, click File.

    Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 12 log in

    Click Log in/Profiles...
    Note that this step has to be done every time you select or change the wiki you are going to edit.

  2. Enter the bot's username and password.
    • You will need to log in with a special name and password generated through Special:BotPasswords. See Help:Bots#Using Special:BotPasswords for more information on this process. The Username should be AccountName@BotPasswordName, for example if your username is <insert name here>-bot and your bot password is called AWB, you would type <insert name here>-bot@AWB. Assuming you are on a secure computer, you probably want to check the Save Password field. Once you have configured your account, log in by double-clicking on the account you want to log in with.
  3. Press "Login".
    Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 13 username and password login

    Enter username and password, then click Login.

Your bottom bar will now show that you are fully logged in. Now the bot is set and ready to work!

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 14 logged

If your AWB window has written in the right bottom corner both the bot account and the wiki url, you are correctly connected!

Note: Some wikis use a checkpage that may limit the program to specific users as well as restrict who can edit automatically.

Choose edit options[]

We need to tell the bot which pages to edit and what to do in them: the order of these two steps is not relevant. For our guide, we'll begin telling the bot what we want to do.

Next to the "Make list" panel, there is the main editing options section. In order to tell the bot to fix the artist's name, we'll use the "Find and replace" options. Be sure to check the checkbox to enable it, then click "Normal settings". Enter the misspelled name in the "Find" box and the correct spelling in the "Replace with" box. For this example, you can leave the other options alone, though feel free to play around with the settings. Hit "OK" to close the box and set your settings.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 15 find and replace normal settings

Select the Find and Replace checkbox and click Normal settings.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 16 find

Write the word/sentence you want to replace in the Find column.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 17 replace

Write the new word/sentence in the Replace with column.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 18 more options

You can choose which replacements have to be case-sensitive and which ones you don't want to be performed for now.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 18 ignore

You can also choose if ignoring some contexts: links, name of files, text between <nowiki> tags and commented text and/or content in templates, notes, link targets and section headers.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 18 ok

It's advisable to select the Add replacements in edit summary checkbox to make the bot's edits easier to track. When the instruction is complete, click OK.

Choose the pages to edit[]

Now we'll need a list of pages to edit. AutoWikiBrowser has many different list generators to use. In the "Make list" panel, browse the "Source" drop-down and select an appropriate option. If all the pages you're interested in are in the same category, use the "Category" option. If you're more interested in pages that use a certain template, use the "What transcludes page (all NS)" option.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 19 source category

Choose the source: Category is the default source and fills the list with all the pages in a given category.
Category (recursive) fills the list with all the pages in a given category and in all its sub-categories.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 19 source category recursive

Source: Category (recursive) fills the list with all the pages (all namespaces) in the given category and its sub-categories.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 19 sources

Choose the source: Special page allows you to open a source panel after clicking "Make list" where you can fill the list with all the pages in a given namespace; What links here (all NS) fills the list with all the pages that link to a given page; What transcludes page (all NS) fills the list with all the pages that transclude a given page (usually a template).

To make a list of all pages in the main namespace, in the "Make list" panel choose "Special Page" as the source. When you press "Make list" an additional window should appear. Choose "All Pages", select namespace "Main:" and press "OK".

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 20 special page make list

Choose the Source: Special page and click Make list to open the panel.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 20 special page source

Select a type of source - the default source is All Categories but the most useful are usually All Pages (no redirects) for all the content pages or All Pages to include redirects too.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 20 special page namespace

Select the namespace of the pages you want to fill the list with - if you don't select anything, the default option is Main so the list will be filled with all the content pages in the main namespace. Other useful namespace options are File, Template and Category.

Guide to Get and Use AutoWikiBrowser - 20 manual list

Alternatively, you can just fill the list manually, either writing all pages one by one in the input box or copy-pasting a ready list in the white box (all the lists you paste here will be appended after the current list). Right above the input box, there is the pagecount that shows how many pages are in the list.

Example of use[]

Example of using a bot - 01 setting

Setting and getting ready to edit: we are logged in the wiki with our bot account, we told it which pages to edit and what to do in them.
The bar at the bottom also gives us some more info like our bot account's right, how many pages it edited and how many pages it skipped.

Example of using a bot - 14 diff

So the bot has replaced the old text with the new text and associated this edit with a clear edit summary.

No changes[]

Example of using a bot - 17 skip or null edit

If the page doesn't need to be edited, press "Skip" to leave it unchanged. When you press "Save", you update the cache of that page for the wiki: doing so when no changes were done and you didn't edited manually is called a null edit.

Fully automatic bot[]

The example above showed how you can edit semi-automatically. It is quite fast and safe, as you can control each change being made. However, if you wish, you can go to the "Bots" tab and check the "Auto save" option. AutoWikiBrowser will now save each change automatically without any confirmation needed.

Use this option with care: running a few semi-automatic test edits before turning auto save on to test if the bot is functioning properly is strongly recommended. You should especially consider every scenario where your instructions may cause unwanted side effects.