Learn Version Control & Git

Collaborate more effectively with other developers by using version control and Git. Learn to manage source code, track changes, and maintain a project's history.

All Version Control & Git content:

  1. Team Collaboration With GitHub

    Team Collaboration With GitHub

    Tutorial Beginner

    In this tutorial, let's explore some of the most useful GitHub features, especially for working in teams, making it all the more efficient, productive and,...

  2. Rewriting History With Git Rebase

    Rewriting History With Git Rebase

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Rebasing is one of the most misunderstood topics in Git. It has a reputation for being a dangerous command that beginners should avoid, but this doesn't need...

  3. Git on Windows Made Easy With GitHub Desktop

    Git on Windows Made Easy With GitHub Desktop

    Tutorial Beginner

    GitHub Desktop makes it easier to get started with Git on Windows than using Git from the command line. You can collaborate with others, manage your code,...

  4. How to Work With GitHub and Multiple Accounts

    How to Work With GitHub and Multiple Accounts

    Tutorial Intermediate

    So you have a personal GitHub account; everything is working perfectly. But then, you get a new job, and you now need to have the ability to push and pull to...

  5. How to Collaborate on GitHub

    How to Collaborate on GitHub

    Tutorial Beginner

    Today, we will discuss a few rules of the road for collaborating on open-source projects, and give you the knowledge and intuition you will need to get...

  6. Easy Version Control With Git in Android Studio

    Easy Version Control With Git in Android Studio

    Tutorial Beginner

    Android Studio IDE has a cool Git integration feature for source control management (SCM) to make using Git on your Android projects easy. Learn all about it!

  7. Git Version Control on the Command Line for iOS Devs

    Git Version Control on the Command Line for iOS Devs

    Tutorial Intermediate

    It's happened to us all: we change something in our code, and suddenly, everything seems to be "broken." This is when version control is a boon—if you know...

  8. What's New With Git Support in Xcode 9

    What's New With Git Support in Xcode 9

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Apple’s latest IDE version, Xcode 9, is being released along with iOS 11 this September. And it's a huge update! Fans of Git for source control management...

  9. How Does Git Reset Work?

    How Does Git Reset Work?

    Tutorial Beginner

    Want to know how the Git reset option works? In this video, you’ll learn all about Git reset. You’ll see how to use each kind of reset and how these...

  10. What Are the Three Trees in Git?

    What Are the Three Trees in Git?

    Tutorial Beginner

    In this video, you'll learn about the three trees in Git: the HEAD, the index, and the working directory. Watch as I explain the role of each and how they...

  11. Git Basics: Distributed Workflows

    Git Basics: Distributed Workflows

    Course Beginner

    Git allows us to have multiple repos, unlike centralized version control systems. This is why we call it a "distributed" system. However, Git allows more...

  12. Git Basics: Merge and Rebase

    Git Basics: Merge and Rebase

    Course Beginner

    Integrating source code changes from one Git branch to another can happen either through a merge or a rebase. Merging preserves the branch history, while...