Learn Coding Design Patterns

Learn common design patterns, including MVC, MVVM, and singleton, to improve your code's organization and make it easier for you and your colleagues to work with.

All Design Patterns content:

  1. Examples of Dependency Injection in PHP With Symfony Components

    Examples of Dependency Injection in PHP With Symfony Components

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this article, we'll look at some examples of using the Symfony DependencyInjection component. You'll learn the basics of dependency injection, which...

  2. Building RESTful APIs With Flask: An ORM With SQLAlchemy

    Building RESTful APIs With Flask: An ORM With SQLAlchemy

    Tutorial Beginner

    In the first part of this three-part tutorial series, we saw how to write RESTful APIs all by ourselves using Flask as the web framework. The previous...

  3. Design Patterns for Communication Between Vue.js Components

    Design Patterns for Communication Between Vue.js Components

    Tutorial Advanced

    As developers, we want to produce manageable and maintainable code, which is also easier to debug and test. To make this possible, we adopt best practices...

  4. Android Architecture Components: Using the Paging Library With Room

    Android Architecture Components: Using the Paging Library With Room

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Learn about the Paging library from the Android Architecture Components suite and how to use it to create a smoother user experience for large data sets.

  5. Design Patterns for Cocoa: MVC and MVVM

    Design Patterns for Cocoa: MVC and MVVM

    Tutorial Beginner

    Design patterns make your app's code more modular and forgiving when it comes to bug fixes and changes. In this article, you'll learn about the MVC...

  6. Three Ways to Make Your Swift Code More Readable

    Three Ways to Make Your Swift Code More Readable

    Tutorial Beginner

    We all strive to make the best apps for our user, but often, we forget to consider the readability of our code. This can be a problem both for ourselves and...

  7. Android Architecture Components: the Room Persistence Library

    Android Architecture Components: the Room Persistence Library

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this article on Android Architecture Components, we’ll explore the Room persistence library, which makes it easy to work with databases in Android.

  8. Implementing an Event Bus With LiveData

    Implementing an Event Bus With LiveData

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this post, you'll learn how to utilize the LiveData components from Android Architectural components to create an event bus for your Android app.

  9. Swift Design Patterns

    Swift Design Patterns

    Course Intermediate

    As you grow your skills as a coder, it's important to go beyond language syntax and functionality. Design patterns have evolved over the years to solve...

  10. Android Architecture Components: LiveData

    Android Architecture Components: LiveData

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Learn about LiveData, an observable data container in Android Architecture Components. We'll also cover features like Transformations and MediatorLiveData.

  11. 3 Terrible Mistakes of iOS Developers

    3 Terrible Mistakes of iOS Developers

    Tutorial Beginner

    In this article, I'll share three things to steer clear of during iOS development that will make your apps easier to build and easier to maintain.

  12. Android Architecture Components: Lifecycle and LiveModel

    Android Architecture Components: Lifecycle and LiveModel

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this tutorial we'll continue our exploration of Android's Architecture Components. We'll take a close look at the Lifecycle and LiveModel components.