Learn Functional Programming

Learn how functional programming works, and get practical examples of how to use it in your web development projects.

All Functional Programming content:

  1. Higher Order Functions in JavaScript

    Higher Order Functions in JavaScript

    Tutorial Intermediate

    A higher order function is a function that takes another function as a parameter, or returns a function as the output. They are widely used to improve code...

  2. Kotlin From Scratch: Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Inheritance, and Type Alias

    Kotlin From Scratch: Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Inheritance, and Type Alias

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Learn more about object-oriented programming in Kotlin with a look at abstract classes, interfaces, inheritance, and type aliases.

  3. Kotlin From Scratch: More Fun With Functions

    Kotlin From Scratch: More Fun With Functions

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Learn about top-level functions, lambda expressions, anonymous functions, local functions, infix functions, and member functions in Kotlin.

  4. Kotlin From Scratch: Classes and Objects

    Kotlin From Scratch: Classes and Objects

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Get an introduction to object-oriented programming in Kotlin by learning about classes: constructors and properties, casting, and advanced class features.

  5. Functional Programming in PHP With Lambda Functions

    Functional Programming in PHP With Lambda Functions

    Tutorial Intermediate

    One of the nice things about programming is that the same problem can be solved using multiple methods. This tutorial will teach you how to use functional...

  6. How to Use Map, Filter, and Reduce in JavaScript

    How to Use Map, Filter, and Reduce in JavaScript

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Write more declarative code by learning these three essential tools of functional programming.

  7. JavaScript map vs. forEach: When to Use Each One

    JavaScript map vs. forEach: When to Use Each One

    Tutorial Beginner

    In this article, we’ll discuss the map and forEach methods in JavaScript, and we’ll also go through the differences between them to understand when to use...

  8. New Course: Java 8 for Android App Development

    New Course: Java 8 for Android App Development

    Tutorial Beginner

    In our new course, Upgrade to Java 8 for Android App Development, you'll learn how to use Java 8 and the powerful benefits it offers when developing Android...

  9. Elixir Metaprogramming Basics

    Elixir Metaprogramming Basics

    Tutorial Beginner

    Metaprogramming means a program can analyze itself during runtime or even modify itself. Learn about some of the metaprogramming tools in Elixir.

  10. Store Everything With Elixir and Mnesia

    Store Everything With Elixir and Mnesia

    Tutorial Beginner

    Mnesia is a distributed database management system suitable for telecommunications applications. You'll learn how to work with Mnesia and see it in action.

  11. Kotlin From Scratch: Exception Handling

    Kotlin From Scratch: Exception Handling

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Learn about exceptions and how to handle them in Kotlin. We'll look at checked and unchecked exceptions, the try construct, @Throws, and more.

  12. An Introduction to Elixir Applications

    An Introduction to Elixir Applications

    Tutorial Beginner

    Applications let you create maintainable and reusable components in Elixir. In this article you will learn all about working with applications in Elixir.