Learn CSS

Style your website and make it stand out with our CSS tutorials. From basic layouts to advanced effects and animations, we'll help you level up your design skills.

All CSS content:

  1. Build a JavaScript Dropdown Filter Component With Shareable URLs

    Build a JavaScript Dropdown Filter Component With Shareable URLs

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this new tutorial, we'll learn how to create a JavaScript dropdown filter component where each filtering option will have a unique shareable URL. 

  2. How to Make Line Charts in Pure CSS

    How to Make Line Charts in Pure CSS

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this tutorial, we’ll continue our journey into the world of CSS-only charts and go through the creation of line charts.

  3. 2 Ways to Make Half-Colored Background Page Sections

    2 Ways to Make Half-Colored Background Page Sections

    Tutorial Beginner

    In this quick tutorial, you’ll learn two ways to split a page section’s background into two colors.

  4. How to Use CSS Gradients on the Web

    How to Use CSS Gradients on the Web

    Tutorial Beginner

    In this tutorial you’ll learn about using gradients on the web. I’ll give you some examples, some exercises (such as how to create gradients for borders),...

  5. CSS Grid vs. Flexbox: Which Should You Use and When?

    CSS Grid vs. Flexbox: Which Should You Use and When?

    Tutorial Beginner

    CSS Grid and Flexbox might seem similar on the surface but they each offer unique features with specific use cases.

  6. Build an Interactive Image Gallery with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

    Build an Interactive Image Gallery with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Want to learn how to turn your static image gallery into an interactive one with lightbox functionality? Hang on and sit tight, cos we’re about to embark on...

  7. 5 Awesome CodePen Demos: CSS Transitions and Animations

    5 Awesome CodePen Demos: CSS Transitions and Animations

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Want to learn how to create visually engaging effects on your websites using CSS transitions and animation? These 5 CodePen demos are ready for you to fork...

  8. I’m Going to Show You How to Build a CSS-Only Modal

    I’m Going to Show You How to Build a CSS-Only Modal

    Tutorial Beginner

    In this tutorial, we'll use only CSS to build a pop-up or modal element that can be closed with a close button or by clicking outside the modal.

  9. CSS Property: cursor

    CSS Property: cursor

    Tutorial Beginner

    The CSS cursor property dictates the type of cursor displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over an element. It lets your users know what kind of action they...

  10. 2 Ways to Build a Sticky Footer (Flexbox and CSS Grid)

    2 Ways to Build a Sticky Footer (Flexbox and CSS Grid)

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this short tutorial, we’ll cover two quick ways to create a sticky footer with CSS—a component that will sit at the page’s bottom no matter the page’s...

  11. Easy Slider (Carousel With Pure CSS)

    Easy Slider (Carousel With Pure CSS)

    Tutorial Beginner

    A carousel is a great example of a possible CSS-only interactive feature. So in this tutorial, we’ll build a carousel with a few extra features using only CSS.

  12. CSS Property: border

    CSS Property: border

    Tutorial Beginner

    The border property in CSS lets you specify the style, width, and color of an element’s border. It’s like the icing on a cake, providing a neat and polished...