Minecraft Wiki

TNT Cannon Discoveries[]

This section is not for tutorials, inventions, or questions, Look below for that. If you think you have discovered a glitch, or a new block or the like that you've never seen anyone else talk about before, put it here =) Make sure to make your title be in bold. <<=CreepersNemisis=>> 03:48, 5 February 2013 (UTC)

Dragon Eggs
Dragon Eggs don't seem to be mentioned on this page or the related "Cannon" page. Just confirmed that they do indeed act like Sand/Gravel/Anvils when fired from a cannon. After multiple test shots, it looks like Dragon Eggs fall slightly slower than Sand/Gravel/Anvils. I used large stacks of about 45. With Dragon Eggs, only about half made it to firing range, but the rest had the entire stacks fall in time. 23:55, 14 May 2013 (UTC)
Well, we all know that dragon eggs fall, but I never knew they fell slower. Nice find! =) Even though in survival dragon eggs would be like the worst projectiles ever, lol.
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 00:32, 15 May 2013 (UTC)

TNT Cannon Tutorials[]

If you would like to see a tutorial you made on the main page, please post it here first, and wait a reasonable amount of time before putting it up on the main page. Please make the title bold. <<=CreepersNemisis=>> 03:37, 5 February 2013 (UTC)

Non-Dispenser-Based TNT Cannon Tutorials
If your cannon tutorial describes a cannon without any dispenser-based components, please post it under this sub-category.
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 03:37, 5 February 2013 (UTC)

Cobweb Sand Cannon
I've never seen a sand cannon built with cobwebs before. Is it notable enough? The edit won't go through if I include a link to the Youtube video displaying it, so you'll have to add /watch?v=9xCPIw6-adQ to the end of the URL yourselves. 16:06, 5 May 2013 (UTC)
The above link is no longer active. A copyright on a song was causing some issues, so I uploaded a new video (at slightly higher quality as well). The link is now /watch?v=lQ5gf05JUXE. 18:37, 5 May 2013 (UTC)
You sir, are a genius. I actually had a high-density sand cannon on my to do list, but I had though it would require a freaking ton of pistons... I never thought about doing it that way. Thank you for contributing to Science!
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 00:54, 6 May 2013 (UTC)
I'm so happy to be a help. 01:31, 6 May 2013 (UTC)

Water-injection, as i like to call it
I've made a real small kind of siege mortar/gun which is really short (but kinda wide due my bad building technics i guess, anyway). It has the water placed on top of the propulsion instead of behind it. The gun uses 3 TNT and is only 4 blocks long (5 if the button is counted). I have the names, but no video nor images (i can't find the screenshot folder...); Common: 35:80:3:35 Water-injection Small gun - Technical: 112.0R4.5M4 Water-injection Small gun. You propably don't exactly know where I'm talking about without the picture, but it will come soon (probably) :) 16:38, 2 March 2015 (UTC)
File:Water-injection small gun 00.png The picture! Nailed it! TurtleAndRabbit (talk) 17:03, 2 March 2015 (UTC)

Dispenser-Based TNT Cannon Tutorials
If your cannon tutorial describes a cannon with dispenser-based components, please post it under this sub-category.
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 03:37, 5 February 2013 (UTC)

576 Auto-Cannon
Though I'm probably not the first to make it, I saw a lack of a design for a fully automatic single shot cannon, so I figured I'd submit mine. The total materials required, assuming an above ground build with an obsidian frame, are: 21 repeaters, 17 redstone, 1 bucket of water, 8 dispensers, 2 levers, 1 half block, 47 obsidian, and however much tnt you want to use (4608 max). Under normal circumstances, all but one of the repeaters should be at their max setting, the one that isn't is used to stop the cannon. Twelve of the repeaters are set up to form a loop that activates the cannon almost immediately after firing. I've tested this cannon for a while since the last release, and it's absolutely insane. Unfortunately, it has one flaw that I've noticed. There seems to be a zone where you can stand that allows the game to only recognize the shot dispenser as being activated, which makes the cannon destroy its front end a bit. It's happened to me twice in testing, and I'm no expert so I don't know the real cause, I've just provided my best guess. I'll try to figure out how to post some pictures of it, because obviously trying to describe it in words doesn't work too well. 11:53, 11 May 2013 (UTC) Edit: added a picture of the cannon. Gnuispir8 12:30, 11 May 2013 (UTC)
A picture of the cannon can be found by searching "File:576_Auto-Cannon.png" because I can't find a decent way to display it on this page. Gnuispir8 12:30, 11 May 2013 (UTC)
It's been done before, but I don't see it on this page. =) However, I'm curious about this glitch you speak of. Perhaps, if you could provide a world download link, I could check it out for myself... If you don't feel comfortable posting a download here, you can PM me on the Minecraft forums as CreepersNemisis(I don't really check there much), or Minecraft on Reddit as TheCreepersNemisis, if you'd like. I hope you don't mind me editing your signature onto the end of your last edit. =)
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 15:57, 11 May 2013 (UTC)
I unfortunately deleted the world with the original cannon a few days ago. However, I remembered that the one that gave me problems was a siege variant that I had made, which was just the entire thing encased in obsidian. After some testing with the regular cannon, I failed to reproduce the results, so I tested the siege design. Well, that too failed to do anything until I finally put a block one up and forward of the tnt, which managed to block it perfectly so that it shot through the gap between it and the rest of the frame and proceeded to blow up in my face. Likelihood of a glitch: <1%. Likelihood of it being my own failure somewhere: >9000%. Gnuispir8 19:54, 11 May 2013 (UTC)
Haha, it happens to all of us.
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 20:23, 11 May 2013 (UTC)

Specialized TNT Cannons
If your cannon tutorial describes a specialized TNT cannon, such as a kind of T-Gun, please post it under this sub-category.
-Naista2002 (talk) 14:59, 10 August 2014 (UTC)

Technical Questions[]

Please post any questions related to the technicalities of TNT engineering below, with the title in bold. <<=CreepersNemisis=>> 03:37, 5 February 2013 (UTC)

Non-Dispenser-Based TNT Cannon Questions
If your question describes a cannon without any dispenser-based components, please post it under this sub-category.
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 03:37, 5 February 2013 (UTC)

Am I missing something?
I've built pretty basic wet cannon with rows of propellant TNT stacked on top of one another that drop down when triggered which are triggered THROUGH the wall by use of redstone repeaters. As such, there shouldn't be the need to use 'guide' blocks as both the left and right walls adjacent to the ignition chamber are solid. However, the TNT that drops down somehow still seems to stack and damage the cannon. Am I missing something? (V 1.4.7) EDIT: Turns out the propellant TNT was dropping onto the unprimed shot. Fixed by adding forward guides over the shot.
Lol, TNT will do anything, go anywhere, for the express purpose of blowing up your cannon. =P As a general rule of thumb try to surround any place where TNT is going to be as much as you can with guide blocks. =) Usually guide blocks are only necessary right next to the place where you light your TNT. However you can never be sure enough. Just make sure you don't put a guide block in a place where the shot will travel, sometimes even if it doesn't look like the shot will hit the guide, it does anyway. Don't sacrifice your cannon for an unnecessary guide. If you really need to put a guide in a potentially shot-deflecting place, try using stairs, or something with a minimal profile.
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 20:33, 2 March 2013 (UTC)
Any suggestions?
Hi, i,m a novice cannon engineer. I'm fairly new to cannon classifications and the like, but i have this idea for a short range cannon that can do good destruction over a small area,but I,m not sure about it's cannon class. I,m open to suggestions on anything, but here is the basic premises of my cannon: The shot is composed of 6 superimposed primed tnts, which have all been primed simultaneously, except for one, which has been primed earlier. When the shot is launched, one of the tnts explodes, scattering the 5 others around a small area, which explode simultaneously. I'm still not sure how to set this up; i'd like some suggestions on how much charge to use and what launching block to use. Thanks!
Right now the classifications are up in the air, I'm working on trying to get them standardized, I have a good concept going though, here: http://pastebin.com/H11XyFe8
Any questions about that just ask and I will explain =)
As for the shot blocks and such, what range are you going for? Generally the taller the shot block, the higher the arc. If you want it to explode near/on the ground use a closed Trapdoor, my personal favorite. If you want to have it hit aerial targets I would suggest using a ladder, or a closed trapdoor. You want as much open space in the shot block as possible, which is why a ladder is better than a whole block, even though a block is the same height. And basically the more charge you put in it, the farther it goes, but also the shot goes higher.
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 23:49, 4 February 2013 (UTC)

Dispenser-Based TNT Cannon Questions
If your question describes a cannon with dispenser-based components, please post it under this sub-category.
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 03:37, 5 February 2013 (UTC)

What do dispensers have to do with cannons?
Dispensers in the 1.5 snapshots can be used to create ultra-compact 600rpm TNT cannons. One set of dispensers rapidly dispense TNT as a charge, and as they explode another set of dispensers dispense TNT as a shot, which is propelled.
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 03:59, 5 February 2013 (UTC)

General TNT Cannon Questions
If your question is about TNT cannons in general, please post it here.
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 03:37, 5 February 2013 (UTC)

(Topics go here)

Classification and Terminology Discussion[]

This section is for discussing the classification systems and definitions of terminology etc. We need to set standards, and discuss them! Please me your topic titles bold. <<=CreepersNemisis=>> 03:52, 5 February 2013 (UTC)

Cannon Naming System
The current naming systems seem overly bulky and convoluted. Therefore I propose this: http://pastebin.com/H11XyFe8 This is extremely flexible, you can make the longest most detailed name in the world, or just put the nickname. Same naming system. Any suggestions or ideas? I will post this a week after the date on this post if there are no objections. =)
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 04:16, 5 February 2013 (UTC)
I'm fine with a new, casual naming system, but I'm uncomfortable with changing the technical one. Its what my group of "Scientists" uses as a standard, and I don't want to have it leave. As the one who created it and many others on this page, (that was a long time ago!) I'd like it if people in general left the technical naming system alone.
(I'm not signed in, but this is ArkEneru, from quite a long time ago) 02:48, 7 May 2013 (UTC) there we go-- ArkEneru 02:50, 7 May 2013 (UTC)
Haha, I remember. I understand, also. I am curious about the group of "scientists" you speak of... However, apparently it wasn't important enough that I remembered to change it, because I didn't remember... Unfortunately, it seems that any naming system at all seems doomed to fail.
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 16:06, 7 May 2013 (UTC)

Page Revamp[]

I believe that the main page could be revamped, right now it's really messed up... If anybody has anything to say on this topic please do =) <<=CreepersNemisis=>> 04:36, 5 February 2013 (UTC)

Perhaps this page could be split up. The first half of the page is an in-depth explanation to the various components of cannons. Charge, shot, compressing, mounting blocks, limitations, etc. The last half is various builds of cannons (and also looks like a bunch of people just uploading their favorite designs). That half could be its own page, which would allow both subjects to be focused on properly. Also, I'm not sure if cannon-naming really belongs here. 20:29, 13 May 2013 (UTC)
That's a really good idea. And yeah, I agree, we don't need a naming system, since nobody uses it.
<<=CreepersNemisis=>> 23:18, 13 May 2013 (UTC)
this page is really long... My ipad has trouble loading it. Maybe it could be split up...? 00:30, 10 February 2015 (UTC)

New TNT Cannons[]

Well, new cannons! Just keep in mind what you have may have been invented already. So, stick those here with the title in bold, please =) <<=CreepersNemisis=>> 20:22, 5 February 2013 (UTC)

(Topics go here)

I have a question, i think i might not be able to regardless, but am i able to post my Tnt Cannon on the main page of Tnt Cannons? I came up of it one day when i was making a 1:1 Scale of the P1000 Lankreuzer. I've been testing it recently to get accurate specs of the cannon, but i won't even post the name, without confirmation. Keep in mind, that i don't know where the fourms is for this page... <<=BigAl0526=>> 13:37p Est, November 30, 2021

We Need to Clean Up Some of the Tutorials! Now![]

Bold text

I was coming to this page to get some ideas for TNT cannons, and I just have to say that most of the individual cannon tutorials are really unclear! The only one that I could honestly understand had high definition pictures. This could be a major project, but it has to be done.

-- 18:56, 8 December 2020 (UTC)
