Minecraft Wiki

Remove Feature Requests[]

The section "Feature Requests" does not have to do with Minecraft gameplay; it's just about ideas for Mojang to in-cooperate into the future. It seems like it would fit better on a Minecraft forum, rather than an informational page. Would it be okay if I removed that section? --Madminecrafter12 (talk) 15:09, 16 December 2017 (UTC)

Ya that shouldn't be on the wiki, because otherwise the Wiki would just get cluttered with suggestions. 19:54, 16 December 2017 (UTC)
That section has now been removed by a user.--Madminecrafter12 (talk) 23:56, 16 December 2017 (UTC)

Palm Trees[]

At MINECON Earth 2018 they announced palm trees, meaning infinite desert wood. That might ruin the whole page because the biggest challenge in the desert is the lack of wood, so this page may eventually be moved to the outdated section. 15:19, 14 June 2019 (UTC)

Only if it already added, however if it still challenging enough, should not marked as outdated similar to island survival after receive update aquatic.
Wood actually can be obtained from structure. An easy way without finding mineshaft such as plant sapling found in village chest, or go to pillager outpost.
Even still possible with generated structure off in superflat desert, just get emerald from vindicator in patrol, and use it to buy sapling and podzol from wandering trader, plant it on dirt(break podzol), wait till grow and you get wood. Already possible before palm added to the game.
The main article already gives a village chest sapling as a way to resolve the challenge of no wood. I wouldn't necessarily call it "easy" however. User-100128569 (talk)
Yeah you are right, The addition of palm tree make obtain wood far easier, but there should another challenge survival such as surviving in endless mushroom field biomes, or surviving on endless badlands(without wooded badlands biome). ImakerB (talk) 21:22, 14 June 2019 (UTC)
Any map with emerald generating structures (including villages) has the potential for infinite wood now because of the trader-- 17:01, 27 June 2020 (UTC).

Rivers in the Desert[]

A couple of places on the page mention in a desert buffet world. There aren't any (at least in 1.15.2). Technical biomes are still biomes and they don't generate in other buffets. (Confirmed all over this site as well as flying thousands of blocks in several buffet worlds, including a desert.) FWIW it was a huge oversight to not have a technical biome option in buffet worlds, but that's not the issue on the page.-- 17:07, 27 June 2020 (UTC)

Tech Tree[]

If you want to know what you can and can't do, then there should be some kind of reference to the thing like "First craft planks, then mine cobblestone...". It should be a picture. 10:46, 1 August 2020 (UTC)
