Minecraft Wiki

Really a tutorial?[]

I don't think this is a tutorial. It doesn't show how to do something. And it has no practical use. I think we should remove it. Agreed?

Its explained how to measure distance so it is a tutorial. Is has practical use. And please end your post with for tidles (~~~~) Chrunchstick 08:19, 2 April 2011 (UTC)

I think a better use of this would be explaining the different measuring methods used, like how to measure the light of a torch that uses Manhattan distance vs something with a radius instead. 16:43, 3 December 2012 (UTC)

This page provides some basic definitions for terms that are used casually elsewhere in the wiki. In fact, this is what you get if you just put "Distance" into the search bar. So, not good to remove. On the other hand, it isn't very tutorial-like... I could see moving it to topic space, perhaps just as "Distance". --Mental Mouse 17:16, 3 December 2012 (UTC)
And it has now been moved --Mental Mouse 11:28, 6 December 2012 (UTC)


You sure this is proper system? This means the player is two cubic metres (That's pretty big, if you ask me) --Rocĸetor talk 21:44, 6 April 2011 (UTC)

Actually, the player is .6 of a block wide and 1.8 high (for collision), so the volume is at most .6 · .6 · 1.8 = 0.648 m3. —KPReid 16:52, 16 June 2011 (UTC)

Meters is what Notch used to describe the maximum size of a Minecraft world. Rolen47 15:10, 16 June 2011 (UTC)

Distance Calculation Section Rewritten[]

I rewrote the distance calculation section, which previously used (in my opinion) a somewhat clumsy derivation of the Pythagorean theorem to arrive at a distance between two points. I believe my version, which uses the Euclidean distance formula is significantly clearer and easier to put into "plug'n'play" practice. Admittedly, the Euclidean distance is not much of a stretch from Pythagoras, if you have decent knowledge of algebra. However, if you already have decent knowledge of algebra, you are probably not part of the target audience for that section. :-) My version is a few lines longer, but shorter in terms of actual information, with better typography, which I believe is a win, but that's just me. Lukahna (talk) 09:30, 25 April 2015 (UTC)


On this page, sometimes the word metre is spelled meter, and sometimes it's spelled metre. Which should we use? (BTW if you want to speak to me, I have a Wikia account) 17:09, 26 March 2018 (UTC)

Thanks for bringing this up. Metre is the British spelling and meter is the American. I'm pretty sure that the Minecraft Wiki should use the American spelling on all of its pages (somebody correct me if I'm wrong about this). This means that on this page, it would always be spelled "meter."--Orange Glazed Terracotta Madminecrafter12TC 17:14, 26 March 2018 (UTC)