Minecraft Wiki


So how do I get any villagers to the "villager cups" in Survival? RandomBlank 16:36, 12 June 2013 (UTC) probably the time-honored and tedious practice of minecart transportation 20:14, 2 August 2013 (UTC)

Ok, what this is lacking is an explanation of how many villagers and doors that are required in a village to spawn Iron Golems. Superllamah (talk) 00:31, 30 September 2013 (UTC)

trunkz video[]

The video uses obscene language, so it should be reconsidered. Comedy99 (talk) 07:47, 12 March 2017 (UTC)

4x effecient iron trench design[]

DanielKotes has an excellent design showcase with download. However he hasn't made a tutorial for it yet. --Warion36 (talk) 01:39, 8 November 2013 (UTC)

Are you refering to the iron towers? I'd wait until the tutorial is released before adding to the page. 22:45, 7 June 2014 (UTC)

Auto Iron Farms working again in 14w04b[]

Jan 23rd saw 14w04b released, and it includes this note: "Iron Golems/Zombie Pigmen now drop items on normal kills"

I tested an iron golem in single player with both lava and straight suffocation, and both cases iron and flowers were dropped, so it seems like the issue with Golems needing to be killed by the player may only be a temporary issue. 14:17, 26 January 2014 (UTC)

Remove tower design tutorial[]

The tutorial for the tower design is now very outdated, JL's and Nim's designs are both cheaper and more efficient. Plus, they're actual videos. I recommend that the entire tutorial simply be deleted. I was okay with redoing Tango's stuff cause I wrote most of that originally but I have no idea who put up that tutorial and I don't wanna step on anybodies toes. –Preceding unsigned comment was added by Livefromhollywood (talkcontribs) at 18:09, 7 June 2014‎ (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~

Page overhaul[]

@LauraFi, KnightMiner, Goandgoo, Orthotope, Munin295, Majr, Dand0, Meeples10 and Sealbudsman: This page needs a complete overhaul, it mostly documents various designs than the actual parts of iron golem farms. Also, thanks to previous rewrites, Tango Tek's design is missing documentary on the technology he used (as does Panda4994's; not all can watch videos, and I care about that). I started the rewrite, can we continue it in a sub-section of Tutorials/Iron golem farming? --Naista2002Book and Quill Iron Pickaxe 13:07, 24 October 2014 (UTC)

This page should have only a few designs, not all. Laura Fidalgo (Talk / Contribs) 13:15, 24 October 2014 (UTC)

Panda's can't work[]

8. Place doors against the back of the indents. This is to make the villagers think these are homes.
it should look like this:

You cannot do this, at least not as of v1.8... The system does not allow the door to be against the back of the indent, and will place it only at the front of the indent. 15:58, 8 November 2014 (UTC)

OK, correction -- the doors are sideways, and in the open position as shown. This is hardly intuitive or obvious. Adding note to that effect on step 8. 16:06, 8 November 2014 (UTC)

1.10+ and Detailed Mechanics[]

Many know this phrase: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

On this page there are videos with examples of iron farms and a tutorial on building one - these are "fish". What it lacks is a detailed description of the mechanics about WHY these models work as they do: Why do doors need to face North or some other direction? (Because that's where how the code selects them.) What is the rough timing for when a door becomes attached to a village? (About 6 seconds.) Why do the creators of some of these fine examples put 1 door here and 2 doors there? (Adds bias to one side to pull the village in a specific direction.) As examples, see Tango Tek's detailed explanation here in the Iron Trench video, and a 2013 update here. Unfortunately the first model no longer works in 1.8+ (so it was replaced by the Iron Titan where Tango provides more in-depth info). (And there was a 1.9 update to that). This is why I titled this section "1.10+ ...". We need to find a good explanation of how things work in v1.10+ so that people can create the next best thing rather than just copying a model. We know the old models were broke because of a fundamental change in the way doors are allocated to a village. What other tender/juicy tidbits of knowledge can we use to experiment with village manipulation.

Note that this isn't about "village mechanics" per-se. That's about how villagers breed and behave. I'm talking specifically about the mechanics necessary for building golem farms and nothing else. And for anyone who didn't want to click those links above, those specific videos DO have a lot of the info I'm talking about.

So where does this info come from? Who is well-versed in 1.10+ door/village mechanics? How can we assemble this info into a new section on this page? Thanks. KodeMonger (talk) 23:34, 2 September 2016 (UTC)

Reformatted page and added my design[]

I have reformatted the page for easier navigation, putting all farm designs under a major heading "Designs", with each as a subheading.

Also I noticed that several designs are impractical to build in survival mode, requiring a switch to creative. So I felt the page badly needed another 'survival mode' design. I added my own design that can be built easily in survival with minimal resources, without the need to transport villagers or lock them in cells. Amatulic (talk) 18:38, 23 May 2018 (UTC

Mob Elevators/Iron Phoenix[]

Do mob elevators still work? I think the water physics in 1.13 breaks them meaning the Iron Phoenix's villager elevator wouldn't work. –Preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) at 20:30, 22 July 2018‎ (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~

New iron farms for Village and Pillage[]

Village and Pillage is an update that revamps village mechanics. One of these changes is that doors no longer determine a "house," instead, beds and workstations are used. As a result, most, if not all of the farms on the tutorial break in 1.14. Can anybody design an iron golem farm for the update?Fadyblok240 (talk) 02:58, 21 March 2019 (UTC)

@Fadyblok240: My iron golem farm is still working fine. See the "Survival mode build" in the article. It makes use of an existing village to create the farm. Just be sure to have beds in the buildings surrounding the trap. ~ Amatulic (talk) 14:40, 21 March 2019 (UTC)
@Amatulic: Are you trying this in the latest snapshots? Iron golem spawning is based off villagers communicating with each other rather than doors. Even if it still works, the rates have probably changed. jahunsbe (talk) 15:28, 21 March 2019 (UTC)
I would hold off on updating the article as the mechanics will probably keep changing. By the time 1.14 is actually released, everything could be completely different than it is in the snapshots. It's possible that Iron golem will simply no longer be at all practical and this won't need updating other than being marked as outdated. It's also possible that some new mechanics will be added that make it possible to create farms with similar rates as before. Until we can tell more, I don't think we should put too much effort into updating this. jahunsbe (talk) 15:28, 21 March 2019 (UTC)
@Jahunsbe: I'm using the latest Bedrock Edition 1.10.0, in which villagers now interact with beds. I suspect that converting an existing village to an iron golem farm (which is what I did) will probably still work — and the latest revision of the iron golem article says that iron golems spawn based on doors even in the upcoming 1.11. Then again, the world I'm playing, and the villages in it, were created way back in 1.6, so maybe there's a legacy grandfather-clause effect going on for me. ~ Amatulic (talk) 06:01, 22 March 2019 (UTC)
Update: I see now that the new villager features along with pillagers, outposts, etc. are available in experimental gameplay mode in Bedrock 1.10.0. I just tried re-creating my world (seed -1000) in that mode and everything looks different. My home village is... huge. About 3X as many buildings, and built out much longer distances from the center. My "home" building no longer exists. I suspect that converting a village to an iron golem farm is still possible but it may involve dismantling buildings and workstations and reassembling them in more optimal locations with a symmetry of doors to cause iron golems to spawn in the right place. For me, the production rate doesn't matter. Even though the farm I described in this tutorial is one of the slower farms, up to this point it's been producing way more iron than I've needed to get by in my game. ~ Amatulic (talk) 07:04, 22 March 2019 (UTC)
@Aumatulic: If the current version of Bedrock experimental doesn't remove old village structures, 1.11 will. Villagers were split into two entities, villager and villager_v2. When 1.11 is released, the old villagers will be merged with the new ones that don't care about doors. You'll will probably want to replace the doors with beds, workstations, and a bell. Here's two videos which describe the new mechanics. The first one was made before some more recent changes which requires villagers to sleep and use a workstation before spawning golems. The second explains these changes. I know they aren't for Bedrock, but they should be pretty close. According to the second video, iron farms have been nerfed to the point where it is faster to mine. "Spawn mechanics", "New requirements". jahunsbe (talk) 17:07, 22 March 2019 (UTC)
@Jahunsbe: Thanks, those videos were informative. Also see Villager#Gossiping, which pretty much sums it up. Those farms aren't practical in survival mode. If I need to switch to creative mode to build a farm in my survival world, I may as well just fill up a chest with iron ingots while in creative and be done with it. So my focus is what one can do in survival. I don't really care about production rates (my farm has been producing enough), I'm more concerned about having any production. I have some new ideas for a survival-mode farm that utilizes an existing village, but so far my ideas aren't for automatic farms, they would require active management. I'll ponder this a while. Having a steady supply of iron is, to me, the one thing that makes the game enjoyable on a level that both me and my young son can appreciate. ~ Amatulic (talk) 00:11, 24 March 2019 (UTC)
@Amatulic: Apparently iron farms in Bedrock are completely different from Java. So it does look like you only need to replace the doors with beds like you said. "Bedrock Iron Farm"

Well... In a new Bedrock 1.11.1 world I tried making a version of my village farm described at Tutorials/Iron golem farming § Survival mode build: Iron golem village, connecting existing buildings and placing 24 beds in a symmetrical fashion around the trap. Apparently it caught a golem (there were 4 iron ingots in the chest soon after I placed all the beds) but after half an hour, that's all. Production rate is low (that's OK, any production is better than none), and an iron golem spawned outside the farm once. So although it seems to work, there are differences. I suspect that the region in which the golem spawns may not be centered on beds (maybe still doors?) and/or may not be 16×16. ~ Amatulic (talk) 07:53, 10 May 2019 (UTC)

Iron farm village 1

My Bedrock 1.11 experimental survival-mode conversion of a village to an iron farm; the golems are spawning mostly outside of it.

In the video I linked ("Bedrock Iron Farm") it has the beds underneath spawning area. Perhaps try bed placement like in the video? It's also possible that the position of the villagers effects where the golems spawn. They might need to be in a specific place too now. jahunsbe (talk) 13:28, 10 May 2019 (UTC)
@Jahunsbe: I noticed that bed placement and wondered about it. My objective is to see if I can convert an existing village into an iron farm like I did pre-1.11. I thought possibly the spawn boundaries might be the the imaginary perimeter surrounding the beds, so I put slabs on the roofs to prevent golems from spawning above the beds. I could try building the water trap over the buildings I guess, and see what happens.
I see other users here who add detailed information about probabilities and such (e.g. how many villagers are needed to gossip), as if they are analyzing source code. Is that possible in bedrock? It would be nice to know the spawn volume, number of beds needed, range extent of beds, etc. Also I suspect villagers do gossip in Bedrock and this may be required for another golem to spawn. ~ Amatulic (talk) 14:09, 11 May 2019 (UTC)
Update: Well, after much watching I finally witnessed an iron golem spawning in the village where I built an iron farm. It spawned far away from the farm, actually about midway between the farm and the bell (which is under the roof of the well), about where the crosshairs appear in the image to the right. All the beds are symmetrically arranged around the water trap. I made sure no other beds exist in the village. I can only conclude that the iron golem spawning location isn't related to the position of the beds. ~ Amatulic (talk) 06:04, 12 May 2019 (UTC)
@Amatulic: I think it is possible to analysis the code, but it is much more difficult. There aren't as many people who do it as on Java. jahunsbe (talk) 22:42, 13 May 2019 (UTC)

Move outdated page[]

This page is now pretty much completely irrelevant to the current version. Rather than replacing most the information with the new farms, I think it would be better to move this page and create a new one. The information here is still relevant to players in older versions, such the legacy console edition, as well as from a historical perspective. The new page could be called something like "Door based iron golem farming" or "Iron golem farming (Before 1.14)" and would go into the outdated tutorials section. jahunsbe (talk) 15:55, 6 May 2019 (UTC)

No objection from me. As they say on the English Wikipedia, be bold! ~ Amatulic (talk) 16:08, 6 May 2019 (UTC)
According to what I've seen so far, in Bedrock edition, the iron golem farms will still work if you can manage to replace all the doors with beds. You don't need workstations or gathering bells. ~ Amatulic (talk) 07:40, 8 May 2019 (UTC)
See what I said under the new iron farms section. Bedrock is apparently different from Java mechanics so its iron farms haven't changed much. jahunsbe (talk) 12:28, 8 May 2019 (UTC)
I'll probably go ahead and move it soon, I just wasn't quite sure of the name and wanted to make sure there were no objections. jahunsbe (talk) 12:28, 8 May 2019 (UTC)
Yeah, my comment was based on that video as well as other stuff I found. It seems you just need 21 beds instead of 21 doors, and a villager for each bed. The villagers don't even have to work at workstations or sleep in the beds, and the golems spawn in an area dependent on the arrangements of beds, not villagers. That means a door-based iron farm in Beckrock could be reasonably converted to a bed-based farm with minimal changes to accommodate beds rather than doors. Now I'm wondering if Bedrock's iron golem spawning mechanics are buggy and will eventually get fixed to work more like in Java.
I was going to suggest "Iron golem farming (old)" but I like "Door-based iron golem farming" better. ~ Amatulic (talk) 15:26, 8 May 2019 (UTC)