Minecraft Wiki

Title change[]

I recommend that this is to be renamed to Tutorials/Texture pack creation or similar because it is too confusing between this and Tutorials/Texture Packs. --Cby 05:52, 1 August 2011 (UTC)

Far from a name change, I would suggest a merge. They both have the exact same purpose. Verhalthur (talk)(contribs) 06:06, 1 August 2011 (UTC)
But doesn't this one say how to create your own and the other say how to use one that was already created? They're two different things. I suppose under a different section might work.--Cby 07:05, 1 August 2011 (UTC)

Problem is, I don't know how to change the page's name.--fireglo450 4 August 2011, 6:44

Me neither, that's why i didn't change it when i saw it. And if did, won't that mess up all the hyper links to it? I'll just wait till someone who does know how to do it comes.--Cby 06:05, 5 August 2011 (UTC)

Bad Tutorial[]

This seems to be a rather bad tutorial. It goes from "1. Extract files". "3. Put files back" - but it doesn't mention "2. these are the files you should change" at all! --Rumskib 14:58, 6 April 2012 (UTC)

Water/Lava Animation Texture[]

There are 5 tiles for water and lava, I'm pretty sure they are for water/lava animation, but how do you modify them to get the desired effect? Note: I modified the five tiles and saw no difference in either the water or water animation --Droid1134 22:29, 27 May 2012 (UTC)

none of the lava and water tiles in terrain.png are used anymore (neither are the fire textures). you have to create your own lava and water animations (find a texture pack that uses them and see how they're doing it), and in addition you have to use mcpatcher to make this work. yes, it is that cumbersome. Pir 19:47, 23 July 2012 (UTC)

Linux Instructions[]

I am going to spend some quality time (in the near future) updating some nice old texture packs. If nobody is going to complain, I am going to add *proper* (read: command line) packing instructions to the "linux" section that should work for any distribution, regardless of GUI. Please let me know here if anybody *is* going to complain, so that I'm not just wasting my time. --I'm too lazy to make a user account. 15:57, 21 April 2013 (UTC)

Tutorial out of date. There is no more bin folder[]

The bin folder has been gone since 1.6. Now there is a versions folder containing the different versions the user has downloaded.

There is also no terrain.png file. Instead the textures are in assets/minecraft/textures with many different folders for different blocks.
