Minecraft Wiki

Thank you![]

Its my first article, so I need your help. Thank you for the one who helped me! One Qestion: how can I add this to the tutorial page? NaNdummy 08:33, 20 November 2011 (UTC)

Deserts are terrible[]

The tutorial mentions that fighting the wither in the desert is a good idea. it isn't really. While the desert is probably far away from most of your buildings, sand is fragile. All of the withers shots do cause damage to the terrain throw in the way sand obeys gravity means you now have two enemy's to deal with the pitted terrain and the explosion chucking wither. It is much better to build a structure out of blast resistant material so that you can reliably dodge shots and take cover. Snce you would already have access to the nether and its near infinite supply of lava, an obsidian deathbox should be a viable option if a bit time consuming. 03:00, 5 April 2013 (UTC)

Add links[]

I added a part about how speedrunners make the nether portal, but someone needs to add links to stuff like natural lavapools, since I don't know how to do it 15:31, 3 August 2020 (UTC)

Was my edit helpful?[]

Y’a see I made an edit about not needing specific items on the list and mentioned that the armour shouldn’t need to be netherite but is just better because it is much harder to obtain. Anyway G’day and G’bye. 20:15, 12 January 2021 (UTC)Rain is awesome’s alt(On fandom)
