Minecraft Wiki
  • Entity data
    • Tags common to all entities
    • Tags common to mobs except LeftHanded, DeathLootTable, DeathLootTableSeed, NoAI, Leash, CanPickUpLoot and PersistenceRequired.
    • Tags common to all mobs
    •  DisabledSlots: Bit field allowing disable place/replace/remove of armor elements. For example, the value 16191 or4144896 disables placing, removing and replacing of all equipment. These can be found using the bitwise OR operator.
    •  Invisible: 1 or 0 (true/false) - if true, ArmorStand is invisible, although items on it still display.
    •  Marker: 1 or 0 (true/false) - if true, ArmorStand's size is set to 0, has a tiny hitbox, and disables interactions with it. May not exist.
    •  NoBasePlate: 1 or 0 (true/false) - if true, ArmorStand does not display the base beneath it.
    •  Pose: Rotation values for the ArmorStand's pose.
      •  Body: Body-specific rotations.
        • : x-rotation.
        • : y-rotation.
        • : z-rotation.
      •  Head: Head-specific rotations.
        • : x-rotation.
        • : y-rotation.
        • : z-rotation.
      •  LeftArm: Left Arm-specific rotations.
        • : x-rotation.
        • : y-rotation.
        • : z-rotation.
      •  LeftLeg: Left Leg-specific rotations.
        • : x-rotation.
        • : y-rotation.
        • : z-rotation.
      •  RightArm: Right Arm-specific rotations.
        • : x-rotation.
        • : y-rotation.
        • : z-rotation.
      •  RightLeg: Right Leg-specific rotations.
        • : x-rotation.
        • : y-rotation.
        • : z-rotation.
    •  ShowArms: 1 or 0 (true/false) - if true, ArmorStand displays full wooden arms. If false, also place and replace interactions with the hand item slot are disabled.
    •  Small: 1 or 0 (true/false) - if true, ArmorStand is much smaller, similar to the size of a baby zombie.

Disabled slots[]

Binary Integer number Result
2^0 1 Disable adding or changing mainhand item
2^1 2 Disable adding or changing boots item
2^2 4 Disable adding or changing leggings item
2^3 8 Disable adding or changing chestplate item
2^4 16 Disable adding or changing helmet item
2^5 32 Disable adding or changing offhand item
2^8 256 Disable removing or changing mainhand item
2^9 512 Disable removing or changing boots item
2^10 1024 Disable removing or changing leggings item
2^11 2048 Disable removing or changing chestplate item
2^12 4096 Disable removing or changing helmet item
2^13 8192 Disable removing or changing offhand item
2^16 65536 Disable adding mainhand item
2^17 131072 Disable adding boots item
2^18 262144 Disable adding leggings item
2^19 524288 Disable adding chestplate item
2^20 1048576 Disable adding helmet item
2^21 2097152 Disable adding offhand item