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The ZGMF/A-262PD-P Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam is a mobile suit introduced in the animated film Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom. It is piloted by Kira Yamato and co-piloted by Lacus Clyne.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

The ZGMF/A-262PD-P Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam is the combination of the ZGMF/A-262B Strike Freedom Gundam Type II and the MDE262S Proud Defender support craft, replacing the Super DRAGOON wing backpack and giving it enhanced combat ability. It uses advanced nanoparticle technology controlled by its wings to create various offensive and defensive abilities, including the creation of a spherical energy shield capable of absorbing heavy attacks from all directions, and a wide-scale electric attack that can shut down enemy targets and destroy projectiles within a large area around it.


  • EQM-Y148 Convergent Heavy Nucleon Beam Cannon "Disruptor"
An advanced beam weapon hidden behind the Mighty Strike Freedom's forehead crest, it is only usable when the Proud Defender is equipped due to its immense power requirements. It fires a thin, focused beam that can disintegrate atoms while also suppressing nuclear fission, meaning that objects exposed to the beam break down and dissipate without causing an explosive reaction. The Disruptor's properties allow it to destroy even Femto Technology Armor, and 80% of its output can slice through the space fortress Messiah and warship armor with ease.[1] Due to its destructive capabilities, it requires command authority approval from the President of Compass, Lacus Clyne, to unlock for use.[2]
  • AVS "Futsunomitama"
A physical katana stored on the Proud Defender and was originally designed for the ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam. It is equipped to effectively counter the Kingdom of Foundation's Femto Technology Armor, which resists beam weaponry. Similar to his preferences with beam sabers, Kira is shown to prefer dual-wielding the Futsunomitama along with one "Acuta Lacerta" beam saber for better results. The Futsunomitama was destroyed in the destruction of the NOG-M2D1/E Cal-re.A as it was impaled in the Cal-re.A's chest.[1]
  • MMI-GAU2A "Picus II" 31mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of CIWS guns are close-range weapons for intercepting incoming missiles and enemy units. Originally, the CIWS was supposed to be omitted due to a lack of space in the head unit. However, they are installed in the end due to their effectiveness and reliability.
  • AQM/S-2028 "Tvashtr" Hyper Impulse Gun
Mounted on the abdomen, this weapon replaces the "Calidus" multi-phase beam cannon on the original Strike Freedom. Like its predecessor, this weapon is the same type of large-caliber beam cannon as used by the ZGMF-X31S Abyss Gundam. However, powered by the Mighty Strike Freedom's Hyper-Deuterion Engine, it has higher firepower and rapid-fire capability. The cannon's muzzle is protected by VPS Armor. The beam fired from this cannon is the strongest among the suit's beam weaponry, capable of canceling out even a Destiny long-range beam cannon shot. However, the Mighty Strike Freedom never gets the opportunity to use it, as it was damaged by the NOG-M2D1/E Cal-re.A while it was still the Strike Freedom Type II.
Generated from the forearms' beam shield generators, the pair of beam shields can effectively block most beam and physical attacks. They are an improved version of the Hyperion Gundams' mono-phase lightwave shield, and their strong defensive power comes at the cost of high energy consumption. However, the Mighty Strike Freedom can use them without any issue thanks to the massive output of its Hyper-Deuterion Engine.
  • MA-M03D "Acuta Lacerta" Beam Saber
The suit's main close combat weapons, a pair of beam sabers, are stored on top of the "Volans Hasta" railguns. These are also used by the ∞ Justice Type II and are enhanced versions of the ones used by the ∞ Justice and Strike Freedom. The two beam sabers can be combined into a twin-edged beam saber, known as the "Ambidextrous Halberd." However, Kira prefers to dual-wield the sabers, given his expertise in executing high-speed melee attacks. Kira is shown to prefer dual-wielding one of the Acuta Lacertas with the Futsonomitama as the latter is much more suited to deal with the Femto Technology Armor covered Cal-re.A and Shi-ve.A.
  • MMI-M16XE5 "Volans Hasta" Railgun
The two "Volans Hasta" railguns mounted on the suit's waist are upgraded versions of the "Xiphias 3" railguns of the original Strike Freedom. They are more powerful and have a simplified structure. Like their predecessor, the "Volans Hastas" can also be used to attack enemy units in the water, which gives the Mighty Strike Freedom a very efficient way to fight underwater enemy units. Unlike the Strike Freedom, the Mighty Strike Freedom's railguns are fixed to the side, much like the Freedom and its base suit the Strike Freedom Type II, with no rearward swivel mechanism. Like the "Tvashtr" hyper impulse gun, the Mighty Strike Freedom is unable to use the right railgun, as it was damaged by the while it was still the Strike Freedom Type II.
  • MA-M21KF High-Energy Beam Rifle
Developed based on the Freedom's MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, the two MA-M21KF high-energy beam rifles can combine to form one long-range beam rifle, in a manner similar to that of the GAT-X103 Buster Gundam's main weapons. As such, the rifles can be used to hit enemy units in various ranges and Kira's habit of taking out multiple targets at once is enhanced with the use of two beam rifles instead of one. The rifles are stored on the sides of the "Volans Hasta" railguns when not in use. However, the Mighty Strike Freedom never has the chance to use them as they were destroyed by the while it was still the Strike Freedom Type II.

Special Equipment & Features[]

A piloted support craft developed by Kira Yamato alongside Compass' engineers. It serves as the "backpack" for the Mighty Strike Freedom and features white and gold wings and features pink accents when fully deployed. Originally intended for the Rising Freedom Gundam, it ends up being adjusted for the Strike Freedom Gundam Type II due to development delays. Its major defining feature is the ability to use telepathically controlled nanoparticles to produce a high-voltage electrical current[2] which can be used to destroy multiple targets in conjunction with the Multi Lock-on System. The nanoparticles also are used defensively to create a spherical energy shield capable of absorbing heavy attacks from all directions. The Defender was initially designed to fly and dock autonomously, but it can be hastily modified with manual control systems to allow for piloted operation from inside a makeshift cockpit. Lacus Clyne piloted the Proud Defender and personally delivers it to Kira in the Strike Freedom Type II, transforming it into the Mighty Strike Freedom. In order to be used by the Strike Freedom Type II, its original Super DRAGOON wing backpack has to be detached so the Proud Defender connection points can dock with the mobile suit.
Like the original Freedom and its base Strike Freedom Type II, the Mighty Strike Freedom is equipped with this system to target multiple enemies and attack them simultaneously. To use this system effectively, the pilot must have a high spatial awareness capability, which is rare even among Coordinators. While serving as the co-pilot, Lacus Clyne in SEED mode is capable utilizing the system to lock-on to a massive number of targets for the telepathically controlled nanoparticles to destroy.
Like the other new Gundams, the Mighty Strike Freedom is powered by a Hyper-Deuterion Engine, a hybrid of the nuclear reactor with the Deuterion Beam Energy Transfer System.
A device built into the mobile suit to counter the effects of ZAFT's Neutron Jammers. This gives the Mighty Strike Freedom the ability to use its Hyper-Deuterion Engine without the risk of being shut down.
An improved version of Phase Shift Armor, the VPS Armor is capable of automatically changing its strength, color, and power consumption in the field, although these changes must be programmed beforehand.


During an operation by Compass to destroy the Kingdom of Foundation's Requiem superweapon, Kira Yamato piloted the ZGMF/A-262B Strike Freedom Gundam Type II and fought both Shura Serpentine in the NOG-M1A1 Black Knight Squad Shi-ve.A and Orphee Lam Tao and co-pilot Ingrid Tradoll in the NOG-M2D1/E Black Knight Squad Cal-re.A. The intense battle overwhelmed the Strike Freedom Type II, causing it to lose its weapons and forcibly deactivate its VPS armor. The Shi-ve.A aimed to deliver the final blow to the Strike Freedom Type II, but its attack was blocked by Athrun Zala in the ZGMF-MM07 Z'Gok. The attack destroyed the Z'Gok armor, revealing the ZGMF-X191M2 ∞ Justice Gundam Type II hidden inside. This intervention gave Kira the time needed to detach the damaged Super DRAGOON wing backpack from the Strike Freedom Type II and allowed Lacus Clyne to dock the MDE262S Proud Defender with the Strike Freedom Type II, forming the ZGMF/A-262PD-P Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam.

The Mighty Strike Freedom, equipped with new weapons, overpowered the Cal-re.A, absorbing the massive barrage of beam attacks from the Cal-re.A with its nanoparticle shield. It destroyed the missiles launched by the Cal-re.A's Ziggurats, incapacitated the combined ZAFT and Foundation fleet, and disabled the Cal-re.A's DRAGOONs by unleashing a large-scale electric attack across the battlefield. The Mighty Strike Freedom then cut through the remains of the Messiah with the Disruptor, eliminating all three of Cal-re.A's Ziggurats. In the ensuing battle, the Mighty Strike Freedom managed to destroy Cal-re.A's left arm and shoulder with a close-range Disruptor shot and eventually, impaled the cockpit's right side with the Futsunomitama, leading to Cal-re.A's destruction and effectively signaling the end of the Foundation Conflict.[3]






Action Figures[]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The "Futsunomitama" is named after the "Futsunomitama no Tsurugi" divine sword in Japanese mythology.
  • The Mighty Strike Freedom is the only Freedom variant in the Cosmic Era universe to not use its signature Full Burst mode, simply because the MA-M21KF high-energy beam rifles, "Tvashtr" hyper impulse gun, and the right "Volans Hasta" railgun sustained damage during its skirmish with the Cal-re.A while it was still the Strike Freedom Type II. However, it was still able to use the Multi Lock-on System (operated by co-pilot Lacus) like its Freedom predecessors to fire a massive amount of telepathically controlled nanoparticles against the Kingdom of Foundation's forces.
    • The electric surge produced by the Mighty Strike Freedom to disable the Kingdom of Foundation's forces is somewhat similar to the Gungnir system used by ZAFT in the original Gundam SEED. However, the Mighty Strike Freedom's electric surge is more powerful to affect ZAFT's Mobile Suits which are protected by EMP countermeasures and even capable of destroying objects.
  • The Disruptor located behind the Mighty Strike Freedom's forehead crest resembles the MSZ-010 ΖΖ Gundam's High Mega Cannon, even sharing the same weakness of having high energy consumption, though, unlike the ZZ Gundam, the Mighty Strike Freedom is not completely drained after use.
  • During the Disruptor's firing sequence, the animation briefly turned into inverted colors. The reason of this effect is because the Disruptor's beam is invisible and can only be seen in inverted colors.
  • The concept art of the Proud Defender wings may suggest that the lower golden wings were supposed to be DRAGOONs.
  • Alongside its base form Strike Freedom Type II, the Mighty Strike Freedom are the only Freedom variants that did not equip the METEOR support unit. Instead, in the movie, the METEOR 07 and 08 that survived the Battle of Messiah was used by the ZGMF-1027M Duel Blitz Gundam and the ZGMF-103HD Lightning Buster Gundam to hold the defecting ZAFT forces back.
  • According to Mitsuo Fukuda, the Mighty Strike Freedom is not only named after the classic tokusatsu series Mighty Jack (which had a few episodes converted into a movie and dubbed in English by Sandy Frank Productions and aired on an early episode of the series Mystery Science Theater 3000) but also the main form of the titular Kamen Rider Kuuga.
  • The Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam is the second Gundam in Cosmic Era to wield a physical sword after the MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame.
    • The Mighty Strike Freedom is also the only Freedom variant to carry a physical melee weapon.



External links[]

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Project Leader: User:CD298

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom Mechanics
Compass/Three Ships Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
STTS-808 Immortal Justice Gundam | STTS-909 Rising Freedom Gundam | STTS/F-400 Murasame Kai | ZGMF-56E2 Impulse Gundam Spec II | ZGMF-56E2/α Force Impulse Gundam Spec II | ZGMF-56E2/β Sword Impulse Gundam Spec II | ZGMF-56E2/γ Blast Impulse Gundam Spec II | ZGMF-2025/F GELGOOG Menace | ZGMF-2027/A GYAN Strom | ZGMF-MM07 Z'Gok | ZGMF-X191M2 ∞ Justice Gundam Type II | ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam | ZGMF/A-262B Strike Freedom Gundam Type II | ZGMF/A-262PD-P Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam | ZGMF/A-42S2 Destiny Gundam Spec II
Support Weapon
A-GXQ754/V2 Zeus Silhouette | AMGS-X18P Cavalier Aifrid | MDE262S Proud Defender
Land Vehicle
Kira Yamato's Motorcycle | Lacus Clyne's Motorcycle
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Archangel-class | LHM-BB03S Millennium
Kingdom of Foundation
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMF/A-102F DINN-F | AMF-101Q/4 DINN-R | NOG-M4F Rud-ro.A | NOG-M1A1 Shi-ve.A | NOG-M2D1/E Cal-re.A | ZGMF/A-1018F GINN-F | ZGMF-1017Q GINN-R
Support Weapon
AMO-01 Ziggurat
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Baldr-class | BCI-183 Gullveig | Laurasia-class | Nazca-class
Super Weapon
Blue Cosmos
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-01A1 Dagger | GAT-04 Windam | GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam
Orb Union
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MBF-M1+EF-24R M1 Astray Shrike | MBF-02 Strike Rouge | ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam | STTS/F-400 Murasame Kai
Naval Ship
Aegis-class | Takemikazuchi-class
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
TFA-2 ZuOOT | TMF/A-802 BuCUE | ZGMF-515 CGUE | ZGMF-1000 Zaku Warrior | ZGMF-1017 GINN | ZGMF-1027M Duel Blitz Gundam | ZGMF-103HD Lightning Buster Gundam
Support Weapon
Cruiser / Mother Ship
FFMH-Y101 Eternal | Laurasia-class | Nazca-class
Earth Alliance/OMNI Enforcer
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-01A1 Dagger | GAT-01A1+AQM/E-A4E1 Jet Dagger | GAT-04 Windam | GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Agamemnon-class | Drake-class | Nelson-class