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This article is about the mobile suit featured in Gundam SEED. For other uses, see Freedom (disambiguation)

The ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam (aka Freedom, X10A) is a mobile suit introduced in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and featured in the sequel series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. It is piloted by Kira Yamato.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

One of ZAFT's ZGMF-X series of Gundam units built in C.E. 71 using technology derived from the four captured Earth Alliance's Gundams, the Freedom Gundam has Phase Shift Armor and its armaments include CIWS guns, beam sabers, shield, plasma beam cannons, railguns, and a beam rifle. When the latter three weapons are used simultaneously, the Freedom is said to be in 'Full Burst Mode'. The suit has full flight capabilities in the atmosphere and the rear-mounted wings can be deployed in "High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode" to enhance its mobility in the atmosphere or in space. It also has an advanced targeting system, the Multi Lock-On System, that allows it to target and fire at multiple enemy units simultaneously. Due to its capabilities and loadout, the suit has a reputation as a specialized 'Mobile Suit Killer', but its high performance resulted in a complicated control system that demands extremely fast reaction speed and spatial awareness from its pilot.[1]

When needed, the Freedom can dock with a support unit, the METEOR unit, for heavier firepower and greater speed. The Freedom has virtually unlimited combat endurance as it is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller and powered by a nuclear reactor. Kira describes the suit as having over four times the power of the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam.[2] However, what this exactly means is unclear. The Freedom Gundam is meant to operate alongside the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam, and they are often based on the warship FFMH-Y101 Eternal, which is designed specifically to maintain and support them. Even in C.E. 73, the suit is still considered by some people, such as Shinn Asuka, as the most powerful mobile suit out there. Overall, it is one of the Clyne Faction's symbols of power, along with the Eternal, the Archangel, and the Justice.


  • MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS
Mounted in the head, the pair of MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm CIWS guns have a high rate of fire but poor penetrating power. Thus, they are mainly used to intercept incoming missiles and enemy units at close range.
  • M100 "Balaena" Plasma Beam Cannon
A pair of powerful plasma beam cannons located in the wings, they are positioned over the shoulders when in use. Amongst the suit's ranged weaponry, the Balaena has the highest firepower and longest attack range.
  • MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Saber
The main close combat weapons of the Freedom are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are stored above the railguns. As with the beam rifle, the same type of beam sabers are used by the Justice. Since the beam sabers are powered by the suit's nuclear reactor, they have a higher output than the ones used by the original GAT-X series. The two beam sabers can be combined into a twin-edged beam saber, and this form is known as 'Ambidextrous Halberd'. Kira rarely used the beam sabers in this form.
  • MMI-M15 "Xiphias" Railgun
A pair of railguns that are mounted on the waist, they have an excellent rate of fire and high ammunition capacity. Folded into three parts when not in use, they can be used to deal with situations where beam weapons are ineffective and are the suit's most powerful solid-based weaponry. They are developed based on the Duel Gundam Assault Shroud's "Shiva" railgun. Although the railguns have foldable grips at the sides, they can be fired without the grips being held in hands.
  • MA-M20 "Lupus" Beam Rifle
The Freedom uses a MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, which is the same rifle used by its companion unit, the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam. This beam rifle is stronger than the ones used by the original GAT-X series or the ZGMF-600 GuAIZ as it is powered by the suit's nuclear reactor. When not in use, it can be stored on the rear skirt armor.
  • Laminated Anti-Beam Shield
Handheld and/or mounted on the left forearm, the Freedom's shield has a laminated armor surface instead of an anti-beam coating like on the shields used by most mobile suits.

Special Equipment & Features[]

  • High Mobility Aerial Tactics (HiMAT) Mode
The Freedom Gundam's atmospheric flight configuration, in which its wings are unfolded for higher maneuverability. The Freedom is capable of flight even in its normal mode, but this form is better suited for aerial dogfighting. The HiMAT mode can also be used in space whereby it enhances the Freedom's AMBAC capabilities.
As implied by its name, this unique system allows the Freedom to target multiple enemies and attack them at once. To use this system effectively, the pilot must have high spatial awareness capability, which is rare even among Coordinators. This system can also be used when the Freedom is docked with the METEOR unit.
  • Full Burst Mode
The name of the attack mode in which Freedom uses its beam rifle, railguns and plasma beam cannons all at once. This mode is often used together with the Multi Lock-On System to destroy large numbers of enemy units at once. However, despite its power, Full Burst Mode can only fire in a forward direction.
As with the other four ZGMF-X series of Gundam units produced in that time period, the Freedom is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them almost limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
Like the other four units, the Freedom is equipped with Phase Shift armor. Thanks to its N-Jammer Canceller and nuclear reactor, the PS armor is capable of being active for a lot longer than on non-nuclear powered suits such as the Strike.
  • Operating System
The Freedom uses the Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module Complex operating system.
Like the Justice, the Freedom can dock with the powerful METEOR unit, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers.


First Alliance-PLANT War[]

On April 1, C.E. 71, ZAFT rolled out two new mobile suits, the ZGMF-X09A and ZGMF-X10A, named "Justice" and "Freedom" respectively by the PLANT Supreme Council Chairman, Patrick Zala. Both machines were part of a series of advanced mobile suits developed based on technology reverse-engineered from the captured Earth Alliance G Project suits.[2]

On May 5, C.E. 71, the Freedom Gundam was stolen by Kira Yamato, with the help of Lacus Clyne.[2] Kira rushed to Earth with the stolen suit and came to the rescue of the Archangel during the Battle of JOSH-A.[3] Along with the Archangel, Kira defected to the neutral Orb Union[4] and used the Freedom to defend the country against an Earth Alliance attack during the Battle of Orb.[5] During the battle, he reunited with his old friend Athrun Zala who piloted the Justice Gundam, and they soon joined forces to fight against the Earth Alliance's invasion forces, which included three new Gundams, the GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam, the GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam, and the GAT-X370 Raider Gundam.[6] Afterwards, Kira and the Freedom returned to space along with the Archangel and the Orb battleship Kusanagi,[7][8] and met up with the support vessel FFMH-Y101 Eternal, which was stolen by Lacus Clyne and her supporters, captained by former ZAFT commander Andrew Waltfeld, and which carried the two METEOR units. The three warships then joined forces, becoming the Three Ships Alliance.[9]

During the Battle of Mendel, the Freedom and Justice once again fought the Calamity, Forbidden and Raider.[10] After the three machines temporarily retreated to their mothership, Kira flew the Freedom into the Mendel colony, where he rescued his comrade Mu La Flaga by swiftly disabling Rau Le Creuset's ZGMF-600 GuAIZ.[11] At the battle's climax, Kira attempted to retrieve a Life Pod containing Flay Allster, who had in her possession data on ZAFT's Neutron Jammer Canceller. However, the Freedom was damaged by the Forbidden and Raider, resulting in the Calamity recovering the life pod.[12]

During the Second Battle of Jachin Due, Athrun and Kira used their METEOR Units' firepower to thwart an Earth Alliance nuclear missile attack on the PLANT Colonies.[13] Afterward, Kira battled against Rau Le Creuset and his ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam. The Freedom was quickly overpowered by the Providence's DRAGOON system, and lost the METEOR to the enemy's attacks. However, Kira managed to retaliate against the Providence, gradually destroying its DRAGOON pods one by one, slicing both its arms, and ultimately, impaling the Providence's cockpit with the combined beam sabers, killing Rau. The Providence was then vaporized by the last shot of the GENESIS superweapon, and the subsequent explosion heavily damaged the Freedom.[14]

Second Alliance-PLANT War[]

After the war, the Freedom was repaired and hidden in a secret underground base in Orb, where it laid dormant for more than two years. It returned to action during an assassination attempt on Lacus, when Kira launched in the Freedom and swiftly defeated the assassins' UMF/SSO-3 ASHs.[15] Afterwards, Kira used the Freedom to "kidnap" Cagalli from her wedding and brought her aboard the Archangel before the ship left Orb. Later, Kira used the Freedom in two failed attempts to stop the battling between Orb and ZAFT forces during the Battle of Dardanelles[16] and the Battle of Crete.[17] During the Battle of Berlin, the Freedom fought and destroyed the Alliance's GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam, resulting in the death of its pilot, Stella Loussier.[18]

Shortly thereafter, ZAFT launched an attack against the Archangel, known as Operation Angel Down. At the battle's climax, the Freedom was stabbed in the abdomen by Shinn Asuka in his ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse Gundam with the Excalibur anti-ship sword from the Sword Silhouette. However, Kira managed to shut off the unit's nuclear reactor before losing consciousness, successfully prevented a nuclear explosion.[19] His sister, Cagalli Yula Athha, later rescued him and the remaining torso of the Freedom from the waters using her MBF-02 Strike Rouge.[20]


ZAFT developed an advanced version of the Freedom, called the ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam, which never progressed past the prototype stage due to technical limitations and the Junius Treaty signed after the first war. In C.E. 73, either the incomplete unit or its plans (it is unknown which) was stolen by the independent faction Terminal, who then modified the suit into a personal unit for Kira, who piloted it after the Freedom was destroyed.[21]




Mobile Suit Gundam SEED[]

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny[]

Gundam Build Fighters[]

Illustrations & Artwork[]



Action Figures[]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Freedom's head crest displays the text "X-10A DIECI", which is a reference to its model number. Dieci means ten in Italian. In-universe, it is a tribute to the creator of the first mobile suit, the Italian coordinator Gian Carlo Maniani.[22]
  • According to some related books, the mock battle between Strike and Freedom proves that there was hardly any difference in power between the two mobile suits, and that the "power" in Kira's statement is not about Freedom's instantaneous output. There are also other claims such as the one in the GUNDAM SEED & ASTRAY MODELING MANUAL Vol.2 (Page 14, released on 2003 by Media Works) which noted that Kira's statement meant that Freedom Gundam has four times the performance of Strike Gundam.
    • Kira's line itself was likely simply a reference to Amuro Ray's statement that the RX-78-2 Gundam has "more than five times the energy gain" when he first boarded it.
  • According to Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Official File/Mechanics Vol.4, Page 11, the cockpit of the Freedom and other mobile suits in the ZGMF-X series has a switch for Electronic countermeasures (ECM)/Electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) devices, but it did not state what these devices are or whether they are common mobile suit equipment.
    • However, shortly before the Battle of Orbit, Captain Hoffman ordered the deployment of Neutron Jammers.[23] Given that Neutron Jammers are known for disrupting radio waves, it was possible that those ECM/ECCM devices are based on Neutron Jammer technologies.
  • In Mobile Suit Gundm SEED ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK III, released on September 21, 2003, there is a track named "Freedom Self-Destructs". Considering some other track titles are based on events from episodes that haven't aired when it was released ("Dominion Sinks", "Flay's Death"), Freedom Gundam's self-destruction in the final episodes may have been planned at some point.
  • For the HD Remaster of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Freedom's Full Burst Mode is reanimated, particularly to show the railguns firing in bursts rather than as one single shot, and also to show exhaust smoke after firing. In addition, Freedom's CIWS were also fired during Full Burst. Its catapult launch sequence is also reanimated to remove the wings' double flapping during take off.


Television Series
OVAs and ONAs


External links[]

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This article is part of Project: SEED

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Project Leader: User:CD298

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Mechanics
Earth Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-01 Strike Dagger | GAT-X102 Duel Gundam | GAT-X103 Buster Gundam | GAT-X105 Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X01 Aile Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X02 Sword Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam | GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam | GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam | GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam | GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam | GAT-X370 Raider Gundam
Mobile Armor
MAW-01 Mistral | TS-MA2 Moebius | TS-MA2mod.00 Moebius Zero
Power Loader

Land Vehicle
Bulldog | Cargo Truck | EA Elecar | Linear Gun Tank | Mobile Suit Hauler | Power Car | Radar Truck | Self-Propelled Linear Howitzer
Naval Ship / Submarine
Arkansas-class | Attack Submarine | Danilov-class | Des Moines-class | Fraser-class | Spengler-class | Transport Submarine
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Escape Shuttle | F-7D Spearhead | FX-550 Skygrasper | FX-550+AQM/E-X01 Aile Grasper | FX-550+AQM/E-X02 Sword Grasper | FX-550+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Grasper | Launch | Patrol Aircraft | Sturgeon-class | VTOL Fighter
Transporter / Supply Ship
Cornelius-class | Marseille III-class | Large Transport Aircraft | VTOL Transport
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Agamemnon-class | Archangel-class | Drake-class | Nelson-class
Super Weapon
Cyclops System
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMF-101 DINN | GAT-X102 Duel Gundam | GAT-X103 Buster Gundam | GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam | GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam | TFA-2 ZuOOT | TMF/A-802 BuCUE | TMF/A-803 LaGOWE | TMF/S-3 GINN OCHER Type | UMF-4A GOOhN | UMF-5 ZnO | UWMF/S-1 GINN WASP Type | YFX-200 CGUE DEEP Arms | YFX-600R GuAIZ Experimental Firearms Type | YMF-01B Proto GINN | ZGMF-515 CGUE | ZGMF-600 GuAIZ | ZGMF-1017 GINN | ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type | ZGMF-LRR704B GINN Long Range Reconnaissance Type | ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam | ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam | ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam | ZGMF/TAR-X1 GINN Tactical Air Reconnaissance Type
Mobile Pod
Work Pod
Support Weapon

Land Vehicle
Cargo Truck | Command Vehicle | Connected Armored Vehicle | PLANT Elecar | Supply Truck | ZAFT Convoy
Land Battleship
Lesseps-class | Petrie-class
Naval Ship / Submarine
Supply Submarine | Vosgulov-class
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Agile | Command Shuttle | Contact Shuttle | Guul | Infestus | Launch | Life Pod | Small Shuttle | Space Shuttle | Stealth Launch | Transport Helicopter
Transporter / Supply Ship
Descent Capsule | Descent Capsule Carrier | Medium Transport Aircraft | VoLPHAU
Cruiser / Mother Ship
FFMH-Y101 Eternal | Laurasia-class | Nazca-class
Super Weapon
GENESIS | Gungnir | Neutron Jammer
Orb Union / Three Ships Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-X103 Buster Gundam | GAT-X105 Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X01 Aile Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Strike Gundam | GAT-X105+AQM/E-YM1 Perfect Strike Gundam | MBF-02 Strike Rouge | MBF-02+AQM/E-X01 Aile Strike Rouge | MBF-M1 M1 Astray | ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam | ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam
Mobile Armor
MAW-01 Mistral
Support Weapon

Land Vehicle
Cargo Truck | Orb Elecar | Linear Gun Tank | Orb Military Humvee | Self-Propelled Linear Howitzer | Transport Truck
Naval Ship
Aegis-class | Kuraomikami-class
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Heli | Small Communication Shuttle | Small Shuttle
Transporter / Supply Ship
Albatross | Life Boat
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Archangel-class | FFMH-Y101 Eternal | Izumo-class
Junk Guild / Desert Dawn / Civilians
Land Vehicle
Jeep | Gatling Truck | Half Truck
Press VTOL
Transporter / Supply Ship
Re.H.O.M.E. | Silverwind | Tsiolkovsky

Astray R Mechanics
Junk Guild
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame | MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame Power Loader | MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame "Powered Red" | TMF/A-802 P-Mod.W BuCUE Waltfeld Custom Type | ZGMF-1017 Works GINN
Mobile Armor

Land Battleship
Transporter / Supply Ship
Giga | Marseille III-class | Re.H.O.M.E.
Serpent Tail
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MBF-P03 Gundam Astray Blue Frame | MBF-P03secondL Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second L | MBF-P03secondG Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second G | ZGMF-1017 Elijah's GINN
Orb Union
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MBF-M1 M1 Astray | MBF-P01 Gundam Astray Gold Frame | MBF-P01-ReAMATU Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu | MBF-P01-Re2AMATU Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Earth Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-01 Strike Dagger | GAT-X105+AQM/E-X01 Aile Strike Gundam
Mobile Armor
TS-MA2 Moebius

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMF-101 DINN | TFA-2 ZuOOT | TMF/A-802 BuCUE | TMF/A-803 LaGOWE | TMF/S-3 GINN OCHER Type | UMF-4A GOOhN | UMF-5 ZnO | UWMF/S-1 GINN WASP Type | ZGMF-600 GuAIZ | ZGMF-1017 GINN | ZGMF-X11A Regenerate Gundam | ZGMF/TAR-X1 GINN Tactical Air Reconnaissance Type

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Laurasia-class | Nazca-class
Super Weapon
Three Ships Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MBF-M1 M1 Astray | ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam | ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam

Support Weapon
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Archangel-class | FFMH-Y101 Eternal | Izumo-class
Pirates / Civilians
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
TMF/A-802 BuCUE | ZGMF-1017 Hinstn's GINN | ZGMF-1017 GINN Fuego | ZGMF-1017 GINN Tempester | ZGMF-1017 Un'no's GINN

Transporter / Supply Ship
Pirate Transport | Silverwind
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Pirate Cruiser

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Mechanics
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMA-953 BABI | AMF-101 DINN | AMRF-101C AWACS DINN | TFA-4DE GAZuOOT | TMF/A-802 BuCUE | TMF/S-3 GINN OCHER Type | UEMF/S-1 GINN WASP Type Custom | UMF-4A GOOhN | UMF-5 ZnO | UMF/SSO-3 ASH | UTA/TE-6P Geo-GOOhN | ZGMF-515 CGUE | ZGMF-601R GuAIZ R | ZGMF-1000 ZAKU Warrior | ZGMF-1000/A1 Gunner ZAKU Warrior | ZGMF-1000/K Slash ZAKU Warrior | ZGMF-1000/M Blaze ZAKU Warrior | ZGMF-1001 ZAKU Phantom | ZGMF-1001/A1 Gunner ZAKU Phantom | ZGMF-1001/K Slash ZAKU Phantom | ZGMF-1001/M Blaze ZAKU Phantom | ZGMF-1017 GINN | ZGMF-1017 GINN Ceremonial Decoration Type | ZGMF-2000 GOUF Ignited | ZGMF-X23S Saviour Gundam | ZGMF-X24S Chaos Gundam | ZGMF-X31S Abyss Gundam | ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam | ZGMF-X56S Impulse Gundam | ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse Gundam | ZGMF-X56S/β Sword Impulse Gundam | ZGMF-X56S/γ Blast Impulse Gundam | ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam | ZGMF-X666S Legend Gundam

Land Vehicle
Cargo Truck | Command Vehicle | Connected Armored Vehicle | PLANT Elecar | Mobile Command Truck | Supply Truck
Land Battleship
Compton-class | Lesseps-class | Petrie-class
Naval Ship / Submarine
Patrol Boat | Vosgulov-class
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Agile | Command Shuttle | Guul | Gyro Helicopter | Jet Fan Helicopter | Silhouette Flyer | Space Shuttle | YFX-M56S Core Splendor
Transporter / Supply Ship
Descent Capsule | Descent Capsule Carrier | VoLPHAU | VTOL Supply Transport
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Gondwana-class | Laurasia-class | LHM-BB01 Minerva | Nazca-class
Super Weapon
Neo-GENESIS | Neutron Stampeder
Earth Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-01A1 Dagger | GAT-01A1+AQM/E-A4E1 Jet Dagger | GAT-01A1+AQM/E-X03 Launcher Dagger | GAT-02L2 Dagger L | GAT-02L2+AQM/E-A4E1 Jet Dagger L | GAT-02L2+AQM/E-M11 Doppelhorn Dagger L | GAT-04 Windam | GAT-04+AQM/E-A4E1 Jet Windam | GAT-04+AQM/E-M11 Doppelhorn Windam | GAT-04+Mk438/B Multi Striker Windam | GAT-333 Raider Full Spec | GAT-707E Forbidden Vortex | GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam | RGX-01 Chaos Gundam | RGX-02 Abyss Gundam | RGX-03 Gaia Gundam
Mobile Armor
TS-MA4F Exus | TS-MB1B Euclid | YMAF-X6BD Zamza-Zah | YMAG-X7F Gells-Ghe

Land Vehicle
Bulldog | Cargo Truck | Linear Gun Tank | Radar Truck | Self-Propelled Linear Howitzer
Land Battleship
Naval Ship / Submarine
Arkansas-class | Attack Submarine | Danilov-class | Des Moines-class | Fraser-class | Spengler-class
Aircraft / Spacecraft
F-7D Spearhead | VTOL Fighter
Transporter / Supply Ship
Transport Plane | VTOL Transport
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Agamemnon-class | Drake-class | Girty Lue-class | Nelson-class
Super Weapon
Orb Union
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MBF-M1 M1 Astray | MBF-M1+EF-24R M1 Astray Shrike | MVF-M11C Murasame | MVF-M11C Murasame Reconnaissance Type | ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam

Land Vehicle
Orb Military Vehicle
Naval Ship
Aegis-class | Kuraomikami-class | Rubber Boat | Takemikazuchi-class
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Albatross | Heli | Seiran Family Shuttle | Orb Union Shuttle
Transporter / Supply Ship
Transport Ship
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Three Ships Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-02L2 Dagger L | MBF-02 Strike Rouge | MBF-02+AQM/E-X01 Aile Strike Rouge | MBF-02+EW454F Strike Rouge Ootori | MVF-M11C Murasame | ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam | ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam | ZGMF-X19A ∞ Justice Gundam | ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam | ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam | ZGMF-XX09T DOM Trooper
Support Weapon

Aircraft / Spacecraft
FX-550 Skygrasper | Investigation Shuttle | Orb Union Shuttle
Transporter / Supply Ship
Descent Capsule
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Agamemnon-class | Archangel-class | Drake-class | FFMH-Y101 Eternal | Izumo-class | Laurasia-class | Nazca-class | Nelson-class
Terrorists / Civilians
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
ZGMF-1017M2 GINN High Maneuver Type II
Mobile Pod
Work Pod

Land Vehicle
Press VTOL

Δ Astray Mechanics
Mars / Junk Guild / DSSD
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GSF-YAM01 Δ Astray | GSF-YAM02 Guardshell | MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame | MBF-JG73MJ Mars Jacket | MWF-JG71 Raysta | MMF-JG73L ∇ | MWF-JG73 Civilian Astray JG Custom
Mobile Armor
GSW-M02 Mars Tank

Earth Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-01A1 Dagger | GAT-01A2R Slaughter Dagger | GAT-02L2 Dagger L | GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam | GAT-X103AP Verde Buster Gundam | GAT-X105E Strike Gundam E | GAT-X105E+AQM/E-M1 Strike Gundam E IWSP | GAT-X105E Strike Noir Gundam | GAT-X207SR Nero Blitz Gundam | GAT-X303AA Rosso Aegis Gundam | GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Orb Union
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
GAT-01A2R 105 Slaughter Dagger | MBF-M1 M1 Astray | MBF-P01-Re2AMATU Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Mina | MVF-M11C Murasame

Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
TMF/A-802W2 Kerberos BuCUE Hound | ZGMF-1000 Kerberos ZAKU Warrior | ZGMF-1000 ZAKU Warrior | ZGMF-1000/A1 Gunner ZAKU Warrior | ZGMF-1000/M Blaze ZAKU Warrior | ZGMF-1001 ZAKU Phantom | ZGMF-1001/K Slash ZAKU Phantom | ZGMF-1001/M Blaze ZAKU Phantom
Three Ships Alliance
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam