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Tieria Erde (ティエリア・アーデ Tieria Āde?) is a Gundam Meister and one of the protagonists of Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Tieria is also an Innovade, acting as Veda's overseer to the Ptolemy Crew of Celestial Being, especially in Season 1. As Celestial Being's Gundam Meister, Tieria is assigned to pilot the GN-005 Gundam Virtue and the GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh during Season 1; he later pilots the GN-008 Seravee Gundam and the GN-009 Seraphim Gundam in Season 2. After the events in Season 2, Tieria becomes part of Veda as its living consciousness and holographic interface within Celestial Being. He pilots the CB-002 Raphael Gundam in Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: A wakening of the Trailblazer.

Personality & Character[]


Gundam Virtue and Tieria Erde

At the beginning of the series, Tieria was a negatively-stoic person; distrusting, strict, and self-righteous. Tieria merely tolerated the people around him for the sake of fulfilling his created purpose. He held both his position as a Gundam Meister and his ability to connect to Veda in high regard.[1] Like Ribbons Almark, Tieria prided himself as one of the central pieces to the Aeolia Plan. Because of these traits, which he thought as blessings, he built himself to be the type who goes by-the-book; to the point where he showed little interest and/or concern about the wellbeing of others. If a comrade ever threatened Celestial Being's objectives, he had no qualms about reprimanding them and/or killing them to preserve CB's integrity.[2] He treated Veda as an unquestionable entity and himself as its priest.[1] It is because of this narrow-minded focus and lack of care for others that he became the least popular among the crew members.

During the events of AD 2307-08 (Season 1), certain events began changing Tieria. The issue about someone sabotaging Veda (and later Veda being stolen from Celestial Being's grasp) left Tieria shaken and doubting about his life's real purpose.[3][4] However, with his comrades' help and support, Tieria eventually got up on his feet again. He learned to respect his fellow comrades and their views; especially Setsuna's view about being a Meister, Lockon's selfless acts to help others and Sumeragi wanting to atone for her past. Through them, Tieria learned of his own human aspects and gained a new purpose to keep fighting.[5]

By AD 2312 (Season 2), after being cut off from Veda for years, Tieria made great improvements with his human aspects. His ability to care and trust his fellow comrades made him more likeable with the Ptolemy Crew. The greatest change in character was his sense of faith in humanity. Tieria's heart opened to those around him and he developed a great sense of faith for Setsuna.[6][7][8] His relationship with his fellow crew members have improved so much that he learned how to joke around them.

Even though he made great improvements to himself as a human, he was still an Innovade; part of Tieria's loyalties was divided when Innovators told him the "truth" behind his true purpose and Aeolia's plan.[9] Tieria became greatly conflicted to follow either Aeolia's plan or to support those dear to him.[10] He eventually decided to reject the Innovators and to fight for humanity, going so far as

Hologram Tieria

Tieria Erde (Holographic Interface, A.D. 2314)

to declare himself to be human,[8][11] and asserting his purpose to help guide humanity to Innovate and prepare for the upcoming dialogues.[12][13][14]

After losing his body after the fall of the Innovators, Tieria became a living consciousness in Veda.[13] Tieria continued to watch over the progress of humanity and the wellbeing of his comrades in Celestial Being. During the ELS Conflict in AD 2314, he returned to Celestial Being in a cloned physical body to help them realize the eventual dialogues with other lifeforms which Aeolia had foreseen two centuries ago.[14]

Skills & Abilities[]

As an Innovade, Tieria was created to adapt to the conditions of space and use of quantum brainwaves (QBWs). With his quantum brainwaves, Tieria is able to fully connect to the entire network of Veda, allowing him access to all information Veda has, up to Level 7.[15] Specifically designed as a Combat-type Innovade, Tieria has high potency in MS combat and coordinated military tactics for effectiveness in the battlefield.[16] It was noted that he could control Nadleeh just by thoughts alone.[17] He also has training in firearms and minor in MS technical training to maintain his Gundams.


Tieria in Nadleeh's Trial System

Entrusted with the power of Trial System, Tieria had the ability to disable any unit that was connected to Veda.[18] Due to Ribbons Almark's tampering with Veda (AD 2307, season 1), Tieria was locked away to access Veda[3] and couldn't interface his Gundam to activate Trial System.

During the 4-year gap (AD 2312, Season 2), Tieria further enhanced his training in aspects of MS engineering, MS combat, and general battleship operational skills; making him a more versatile Gundam Meister.[19] Tieria's brainwaves could be enhanced through exposure to high-grade and concentrated GN particles, stimulating his quantum abilities.[12] After Tieria's consciousness was transferred to Veda, Tieria had full control of the resources Innovators had access to, including access to Trial System for Seraphim Gundam.[12][13]

As Veda, he has the ability to expand his mind and will throughout the limits of computer networks. He can interface with all of CB technology and contains all the secrets of CB and Innovators. He also has remote access to manufacturing MS facilities to create mobile suits at his discretion and facilities to clone himself a new body.[14] This allows Tieria to return to his physical form whenever he wants. Should his physical body be killed, his consciousness is transferred back to Veda.[14] As a living consciousness within Veda, he can also transfer himself to any Veda-terminal and access data and systems, including GNT-0000 00 Qan[T].[14] Because Tieria has no age limit and can exist as living data, he is essentially immortal so long as his consciousness survives.




Tieria in incubation pod with other Innovades

Tieria was created by Celestial Being inside a controlled incubation chamber. Just like the rest of the Innovades, much of his development was closely monitored by Veda up until his release to human society. Not much of Tieria's early life had been revealed; not even the definite time when he was activated. However, it was revealed that in AD 2302, Tieria had been considered by Veda as a candidate Third Generation Gundam Meister. Veda had intended to not reveal Tieria's status as an Innovade to not destroy the harmony of the recruiting Human Gundam Meisters to Celestial Being.[20]

Becoming a Gundam Meister[]

In 2302 AD, Tieria was assigned to engage in a mock battle using the test Mobile Suit, GN-005/PH Gundam Virtue Physical, against GN-XXX Gundam Rasiel and GNR-000 GN Sefer, piloted by Gundam Meisters Grave Violento and Hixar Fermi.[20] During the mock battle, Tieria had the upper hand due to Virtue Physical's weaponry. Tieria was about to finish off Grave's Raisel with the GN Beam Cannon when Hixar's pod got in the way, taking the brunt of the blast and severely burning him. According to Ian, Virtue Physical's blast had been tampered with to kill either Grave or Hixar in the battle.

After the incident, Grave found out from Veda that Tieria showed great concern about Hixar, inquiring about his condition multiple times. Because of Tieria's human heart, Grave approved of him to become a Gundam Meister.[20]

In the year 2305 AD, Tieria was officially given the GN-005 Gundam Virtue (and in extension the GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh) to operate. He joined his fellow Gundam Meisters Allelujah Haptism, Lockon Stratos and Setsuna F. Seiei to prepare for Celestial Being's armed interventions that would take place the 2 years later. During the introduction of Setsuna (at the time 14) to the team, Tieria and Allelujah questioned Setsuna's appointment as a Gundam Meister, for they thought he was too young for the job. However, since Veda approved of Setsuna, Tieria didn't further challenge Setsuna's appointment in the position.

World Armed Intervention Campaign[]

In the year A.D. 2307, Gundam Meisters Setsuna and Lockon had been sent to Earth to performed their first armed intervention in the AEU military base in Africa. Meanwhille, Tieria and Allelujah remained in space to intervene in a terrorist attack that was about to happen at the HRL's orbital station, Tenchu (Heaven's Pillar).


Virtue during Celestial Being's first armed intervention

During the HRL's celebration of Tenchu's 10th Year Anniversary of its Solar Power Generation, a group of terrorists in their AEU-05 AEU Hellions, attempted to blow up a section of Tenchu's low orbital space station. The terrorists took the harsh path toward the space station, taking the HRL security agencies by surprise. During the unexpected attack, Tieria and Allelujah, in their Gundams, intervened against the terrorists, destroying all of the armed Hellions prepared to destroy the orbital station.

Many of the HRL's guests inside the orbital station witnessed the battle, noting the strange mobile suits that appeared at the scene. Not long after, a video of Aeolia Schenberg was released to the media world wide, announcing the objectives of Celestial Being. During the announcement, Tieria was in Ptolemy watching the news, noting how Celestial Being was starting to challenge the world.

Ethnic Conflict in Ceylon[]


HRL Container Ship being destroyed by Virtue's Beam Blast

After Celestial Being's announcement of their objective to the world, the Gundam Meisters then performed another Armed Intervention against an ethnic conflict in the island of Ceylon (former nation of Sri Lanka). The Gundam Meisters had different roles in the operation; Tieria was responsible for destroying the naval forces surrounding the Ceylon shoreline. The operation in Ceylon did not produce any immediate results; however, it was made to show that Celestial Being was serious about eliminating conflicts, no matter how long the conflicts had been going on.

The Gundams retreated from the Ceylon territory as a group after their intervention, with the exception of Gundam Exia. With Setsuna taking an independent action from their plan, Tieria doubted the reason Setsuna was chosen as a Gundam Meister again.

Tieria returned to space not long after the operation. His Gundam Virtue was left powering the Ptolemaios through its GN Drive while the other 3 Gundams continued to perform their operations worldwide. Tieria stayed in the CBS-70 Ptolemaios (Ptolemy) with the rest of the crew, monitoring the progress of Celestial Being's operations and judging other Gundam Meisters' actions.

Moralia & AEU Military Exercise[]

The Republic of Moralia (PMC Trust) and AEU announced a joint military operation to make a stand against Celestial Being. Tieria sortied in Virtue and joined the rest of the Gundam Meisters to intervene against the military exercise in Moralia, citing it as a source of conflict.

During the battle, the Gundams destroyed the massive defensive net prepared by the AEU and Moralian private army. Tieria and Allelujah put the enemy's aerial formation into disarray, while Setsuna and Lockon took out the enemy ground forces one by one. Hundreds of enemy Hellions were decimated within minutes.

In an unusual turn of events, while the rest of the Gundam Meisters were cleaning out the remaining enemy forces, Setsuna inexplicably exited out his cockpit to confront against the pilot of an enemy Enact. The action almost put Celestial Being's plan into jeopardy, until Lockon Stratos stepped in and drove the enemy Enact away. Celestial Being's tactician Sumeragi Lee Noriega was forced to improvise their plan to keep it going. As the Gundam Meisters skipped to the final phase of their operation, Tieria Erde coldly told Setsuna that he would shoot Setsuna himself if he ever pulled an unnecessary stunt again, even if it cost them a GN Drive.

The battle at the Moralian headquarters, which was the last phase in the Gundam Meisters's armed intervention, lasted 5 minutes; the Gundams completely decimated all of the armed mobile suits in the area. With no more reinforcements coming in from the AEU, Moralia fired their white flares to signal their unconditional surrender to Celestial Being.


Tieria and Setsuna pointing their sidearms at each other

After the operation, at their secret hideout in the Pacific, Lockon confronted Setsuna about his inexplicable stunt back at Moralia. As Lockon request for an excuse, Setsuna refused to give a reason for his action. This prompted Tieria to pull a gun on Setsuna, citing his actions as liability to the team, which would put them at risk. Setsuna, who refused to be terminated from the plan, also pulled out his gun, making the situation worse. Allelujah then tried to reason with both of them, explaining that Veda might have chosen each one of them, even Setsuna, for a reason. Both of them withdrew their sidearms, with Tieria expecting Setsuna to show the true reason why he was chosen as a Gundam Meister in the future. Setsuna then explained that him being alive was enough reason that he was meant to be a Gundam Meister, baffling both Tieria and Lockon.

La Edenra Terrorist Attacks[]

Shortly after the operation at Moralia, the Gundam Meisters were informed by Ian Vashti about the simultaneous terrorist bombings that had happened across the globe. According to the Celestial Being Agent Wang Liu Mei, the terrorist acts were done by an unknown group trying to coerce Celestial Being to cease its operations through threatening the lives of many innocent civilians.

While Lockon and Allelujah showed concerns about the civilian casualties, Tieria scoffed at the attempts of the unknown terrorist group. Ian and the rest were surprised about Tieria’s words, but Tieria continued that civilian killings and casualties were at the scope of the Plan, and Celestial Being’s action would continue despite such happenings. Lockon was agitated by Tieria’s statement and started grabbing Tieria by the collar. With Lockon’s reaction, Tieria then questioned if Lockon really hated terrorism that much, despite the fact that they were already a terrorist group themselves. Setsuna finally intervened with the ongoing commotion and reminded them that it was still their duty as Celestial Being’s Gundam Meisters to intervene with the terrorist group’s actions regardless of the issue.


Virtue taking out La Edenra's base in Marshall Islands

After most of the Ptolemy Crew gathered at Celestial Being’s base in the Pacific, the Gundam Meisters were ordered to standby at different locations and await further orders. It was later leaked that the organization responsible for the indiscriminate attacks were the La Edenra terrorist group. With the information at hand, the Gundam Meisters were immediately dispatched to destroy 3 of La Edenra’s bases around the world. Tieria was responsible for attacking La Edenra’s base at the HRL Marshall Islands.

HRL Gundam Capture Operation[]

Determined to end Celestial Being and capture the Gundams, the HRL's Chobu Special Forces team launched an operation of spreading hundreds of their communication devices around their geostationary orbit in hopes of pinpointing Celestial Being presence in the area. The Ptolemy Crew was performing a maintenance check near one of the HRL orbital rings when they found out a net of the HRL communications was detecting their position. The crew was scrambled into their positions and the Gundams were launched to intercept the incoming HRL forces.

Sumeragi sent Virtue and Kyrios as a diversion to the incoming HRL forces. The enemy forces were supposed to ignore the diversion, making way for the two Gundams to make their pincer attack upon the enemy. However, the commander of the HRL Chobu forces, Sergei Smirnov, responded to Celestial Being's diversion with his own diversion. This tactic distracted Tieria and Allelujah, stalling them from turning back to Ptolemy as the HRL forces attacked their ship.

As Tieria returned from dealing with the HRL diversions, he noticed that Allelujah let Kyrios be captured by the enemy forces. This prompted Tieria to point the Virtue's GN Bazooka towards the HRL transport holding Kyrios captive, judging Allelujah unfit to be a Gundam Meister. However, before he could fire, he was intercepted by the HRL's MSJ-06II-SP Tieren Taozi. The two units were then locked into a mobile suit battle. Tieria was amazed by the Taozi's mobility and enhanced reaction rate compared to the average Tierens.


Nadleeh firing Virtue's GN Cannons

Eventually, Kyrios managed to escaped from the fleeing HRL transport that was keeping it captive. With the "Winged Gundam" out of their reach, the HRL Chobu team decided to capture Virtue, not wanting their operation to end in failure. Six Tierens suddenly interfered in the battle between the Virtue and Taozi and restrained the large Gundam from moving using carbon wire and bonding gel. Tieria attempted to retaliate, but even the Virtue's armaments were rendered useless by the enemy. With Virtue then overpowering the Tierens restraining it, Sergei ordered the Taozi's pilot, Soma Peries, to sever any part of Virtue to keep it from moving. Left with no choice, Tieria activated the Nadleeh System, purging off Virtue's armor and revealing the GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh. Tieria was released from the enemy's binds and began eliminating the Tierens with Virtue's shoulder GN Cannons. The remaining units from the HRL Chobu Team immediately began retreating.

After the battle, Tieria was left emotionally upset that he revealed Gundam Nadleeh so early in their operations. This made him question his right to be a Gundam Meister and as a steward to Veda in carrying on Aeolia's Plan; his confidence and ego were shaken by the event. After recovering a bit from the trauma, he then took his frustrations out on Sumeragi's inability to predict the enemy actions when he returned to Ptolemy.

The Super Soldier Institute[]

While Lockon and Setsuna were sent to Africa for an armed intervention, the Ptolemy Crew set out for Lagrange 4 to perform an attack in the HRL space colony, Quanqiu (Complete Sphere). Veda approved a mission plan proposed by Allelujah Haptism of destroying the HRL Superhuman Research Institute. Tieria looked at the details of the mission through Veda, along with the objective's connection to Allelujah's past.

Tieria, in Virtue, was to act as back up to Allelujah as they infiltrate the space colony. As he saw Allelujah off, Tieria told himself that Allelujah needed to handle his past on his own if that was what would make him a true Meister. Virtue decimated the three space Tierens that appeared to attack them. It wasn't long that Allelujah finished his mission and destroyed the Superhuman Research facility in Quanqui.

Intervention in Taklamakan Desert[]

After months of armed interventions, the Ptolemy Crew decided to take a quick leave from their duties and rest for a while. Most of the crew, including Tieria, stayed at the Wang mansion on Earth to relax. Despite being on vacation, Tieria didn't waste anytime to analyze Celestial Being's past missions and accomplishments. Aside from some problems, he remarked that Celestial Being was on the right track with Veda's predictions as they managed to eliminate around 38% of armed conflicts around the world and 60% of munitions companies.


Tieria during the team's meeting about the joint military exercise

Later, Wang Liu Mei announced to the Ptolemy Crew that the three power blocs (AEU, HRL and Union) decided to work together for a joint military exercise in the near future. It came as a surprise to the crew that the three blocs were suddenly in friendly terms, but it was likely that Celestial Being's continued operations forced the blocs to work together. Lasse suggested for Celestial Being not to intervene in the operation, but Tieria noted that there was likely more to the huge military exercise other than a warning to Celestial Being that was at stake. Sumeragi agreed with Tieria's sentiments and immediately asked Liu Mei to gather more information about the operation as soon as possible. As the meeting was being adjourned, Tieria thought to himself if it was part of human whim that the world was taking action faster than what Veda had predicted.

After the announcement of the joint military exercise to the public, Tieria met with Sumeragi to talk about the details of the operation. Just as they predicted, there would likely be a conflict during the exercise as it was to take place in Taklamakan Desert. Other than the military exercise itself, the information about the Taklamakan Desert having an enriched uranium dump site had been leaked to the world and it was now the target of a possible terrorist attack. The Gundam Meisters were to intervene to stop the attack from happening, but Sumeragi showed concern about the possible intervention from the three power blocs once they spotted the Gundams. Tieria waved Sumeragi's concern aside as he noted that it is still their duty to intervene as they were Celestial Being's Gundam Meisters.

The Gundams sortied to Taklamakan Desert to stop the terrorist attack to the region's nuclear facility. While Dynames and Kyrios took care of the terrorist threats in the area, the power blocs inevitably found them and pinned the Gundams down with mobile suit and missile attacks. Tieria used Virtue's GN Bazooka in Burst Mode to create a trench for Dynames and Kyrios to fight in while Setsuna defended Tieria's position. Despite this, the other Gundams were also bombarded by waves of swift attacks. The attacks lasted for many hours and eventually became a desperate battle of attrition; Tieria and Setsuna continued to defend and counterattack against the enemy attacks for 15 hours.


Virtue trapped by the AEU capture squad

During the 15th hour, the enemy bombardment suddenly stopped. Tieria and Setsuna took this opportunity to split up and retreat from the battlefield. However, as Virtue was hovering away, an AEU Enact and a group of Hellions appeared. The accompanying Hellions took advantage of Virtue's slow mobility to quickly imprison it in an energy field. Fortunately, as the Virtue was being transported away, a set of red beams suddenly attacked all of the enemy mobile suits nearby. As he looked up, Tieria noticed the red particles being emitted from the mobile suit that rescued him.

The atmosphere of the battlefield was later covered with red GN particles. With the enemy communications down because of the GN Stealth Field, the Gundams took their opportunity to continue their escape. As Tieria retreated, he questioned the existence of the newly arrived Gundams as they were not mentioned anywhere in Veda's plans.

Meeting Team Trinity[]

The new Gundam Meisters left a coordinate to the Gundam Meisters for the Ptolemy Crew to meet them in space. Despite the doubts about the new team, the crew decided to launch towards the rendezvous point in able to get answers regarding the existence of the new Gundams. As the Trinity mothership was caught on sight and was assumed of its intentions, Sumeragi called all the Gundam Meisters to come with her to meet the newly arrived Gundam Meisters at the docking area.


Tieria talking to Setsuna about the Trinity Siblings

The three Gundam Meisters called themselves Team Trinity, a group of Gundam Meister siblings assigned to pilot the Gundam Throne units. As Tieria observed the new Gundam Meisters, he noticed that they, especially the younger siblings, had some carefree and immature attitudes, which he spotted as unfitting characteristics for a Gundam Meister. As the groups decided to go to the briefing room to discuss more matters, Tieria noticed that Setsuna shared the same doubts about the new Meisters;[21] he came by and said to him, "This is the first time you and I agree."

The meeting didn't produce any answers to their questions as the Trinity kept their lips sealed concerning the issues about their existence and their Gundams'. With the conversation going nowhere, together with Michael Trinity's rude behavior, Tieria left the meeting very early. Tieria later went to the Ptolemy's Veda terminal to look through any files concerning the Trinity, but to his surprise, Nena Trinity was already inside the terminal looking at Veda' files. He demanded for an explanation as to how she got in, but she vaguely replied that she got in the "normal" way. Team Trinity left soon after, but also left a lot of unanswered questions and suspicions about them.

Trinity Armed Intervention Campaign[]

The Trinity's began their own missions, attacking military bases and indiscriminately killing civilians in the process. With huge casualties, these total annihilation tactics soured public opinion of the Gundams and Celestial Being as a whole. Ptolemy Crew also grew weary of the Trinity's actions, but kept their distance until everything was better understood and they were able to come up with a plan. Ian Vashti revealed that the Throne Gundams were using the same technology as their Gundams, with the GN Drives being the only difference (Pseudo GN Drives). With the construction of the new Gundams kept secret from the organization all this time, the Ptolemy Crew's suspicions about a traitor stealing info from Veda became apparent.

Level 7: Access Denied[]


Tieria floating inside Veda terminal after being rejected access

With the existence of the Throne Gundams, the Pseudo GN Drives and the Trinity, Sumeragi Lee Noriega suggested that Veda might have been hacked by someone to pursue his/her own goals. Tieria refused to admit the possibility and decided to investigate throughout Veda's files himself.[1] Among the Ptolemy Crew, Tieria was the only one who could access Veda up to its highest data level. As he approached the Level 7 data, he noticed anomalies with its files, as they were likely tampered by someone else. As he decided to looked carefully on the files though, he was immediately kicked out of the system and was denied access on the said files. This surprised Tieria, as he was supposed to have access to any of the files up to Level 7. He tried again to access files starting from Level 1, but was denied with them too.[1]

Meisters Vs Meisters[]

After the Team Trinity's attack at the Iris Corporation Factory in Iowa, which killed 800 civilian workers, Setsuna with Exia decided to attack the Thrones for their acts of massacre and illicitly using the Gundams (embodiment of Celestial Being's ideology) to justify their acts. Tieria also felt the same way; he sortied in Virtue and joined in the fight with Setsuna to face the three Gundam Thrones.

For the first time, the two Gundam Meisters saw eye-to-eye in battle. Despite being outnumbered, Tieria knew that they would be assured of victory thanks to the presence of Setsuna.[22] He felt he could "trust" Setsuna, for they both shared the same goal and for the fact that Setsuna's capabilities could be counted on at the time.[22] The two Gundam Meisters instantaneously assumed battle formations against the Team Trinity. This evened, or even lessened the effect of, the number advantage the Thrones had against them.

As the Throne Eins and Drei prepared to attack Exia with the GN Mega Launcher, Virtue stopped them with its beam saber. The Thrones dodged the attack and quickly trapped the Virtue for a point blank beam attack. With Virtue's slow mobility hindering its ability to dodge the attack, Tieria finally unleashed Nadleeh and activated its Trial System. The two Thrones quickly stopped moving and fell toward the ground below due to the Trial System canceling and shutting down any machines linked to Veda.


Tieria about to attack while in Nadleeh's Trial System

Tieria was about to destroy the Throne Eins, when the Trial System suddenly shut off. The Gundam Throne quickly dodged Tieria's attack and, together with Throne Drei, it flew back to the air above Nadleeh. Tieria wondered why the Trial System was switched off and immediately realized it had something to do with his rejected access privilege on Veda's files. The Thrones were about to attack Tieria on the ground, when Lockon Stratos in his Gundam Dynames covered for him.

With Dynames joining in the battle, the Team Trinity made a tactical retreat. However before they go, Johann Trinity intentionally spilled incriminating information regarding Setsuna's KPSA past in relation to Lockon's vengeance, whose true name was Neil Dylandy.

Lockon's Confrontation[]

After returning to their base in the Pacific, Lockon started questioning Setsuna about his involvement with the KPSA. Tieria watched on the side and listened to their conversation. There, Tieria came to understand Lockon's motivation for being a Gundam Meister and his hatred of terrorists for killing his family in a KPSA terrorist act in the past. Setsuna explained his story to Lockon as well, about how he became a child soldier for God under the guidance of the KPSA leader, Ali al-Saachez, and how he learned that there was no such God in the world. From him, Tieria finally learned the reason why Setsuna exited his cockpit at Moralia; to confront Saachez about where his preached God was.


Tieria watches Setsuna and Lockon's conversation

Lockon pointed his gun at Setsuna during the conversation; he shot it once, but deliberately missed hitting Setsuna. Seeing Lockon's determination to avenge his family and Setsuna's hard personality, Tieria decided not to greatly interfere with their confrontation as he wanted to see the outcome that would come out of it.[23] However, in the end, tensions immediately ceased and they even laughed at Setsuna's obsession on being a Gundam personified.

Operation Fallen Angels[]

After the Trinity's continued armed interventions, the three power blocs (Advanced European Union, the Human Reform League, and the Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations) finally decided to combine their forces to fight against the Gundams as the United Nations Forces, an armed coalition under the direct control of the United Nations. With the announcement, the first part of Aeolia's Plan was completed as the world united thanks to CB's armed interventions. However, the fact that Team Trinity triggered the outcome was unsettling to the Gundam Meisters. The power blocs' alliance also came around as suspicious as their military were at low at the time due to the Trinity's operations. Adding the fact that Team Trinity's data didn't exist in Veda's files and that Veda's files had been tampered by someone else, Tieria expressed unease with the swift flow of events. After the power blocs' announcement at the UN meeting, Sumeragi Lee Noriega ordered for the Gundam Meisters on Earth to return to the Ptolemy in space with their Gundams.

UN Forces Counteroffensive[]

After loading their Gundams in the Ptolemy, Tieria, Lockon and Setsuna went straight to the bridge to report their arrival to Sumeragi. While talking about their current situation, Tieria asked Sumeragi for his punishment for attacking Team Trinity without authorization. Having the same sentiments about Tieria's decision at the time, Lockon and Sumeragi told him not to worry about it.


Tieria, with Lockon and Setsuna, reporting to Sumeragi

Tieria knew that it was unthinkable to just brush away his insubordination, but he understood and decided to accept what they were trying to say.[24] Just then, he realized he was agreeing to something illogical, and couldn't help but smile to himself as a result.[24]

Just after the Gundam Meister's arrival, Christina Sierra reported that Team Trinity was attacking the HRL's Guangzhou Garrison Base. However, the Gundam Thrones immediately retreated after the presence of 10 new mobile suits at the hands of the HRL's Chobu Squadron. These mobile suits each contained a pseudo solar reactor; the same as the Gundam Thrones. With the news of the HRL's Chobu Squad victory over the Gundam Thrones beginning to spread, the Ptolemy Crew and the Gundam Meisters learned that the following battles against the world would be fought with GN Drives; Gundams against Gundams.

Later, Tieria took the time to watch the GN-Xs' performance against the Thrones on his own inside the ship's briefing room. While watching, the fact that someone else was manipulating Veda finally sunk into him. However, with them not relying on Veda, he began to doubt on how they could properly fight against those with solar reactors. Just then, Lockon entered the room to give Tieria some words of encouragement. He mentioned that they could still fight even without Veda, as long as they have the Gundams and their tactical forecaster, Sumeragi Lee Noriega.


Lockon (right) confronting Tieria

Tieria then expressed his doubts on Sumeragi because of the crime she had done in the past, but Lockon noted that everybody makes mistakes. Lockon added that Sumeragi chose to fight to make up for her past and explained that it was normal for humans to do so. With Lockon's explanation, Tieria got the hint that Lockon knew what he is and tried to ask Lockon about it, but they were cut off by Allelujah relaying Sumeragi's orders for them to standby in the Ptolemy Containers. Before they head out, Lockon told Tieria that since the world had turned against them, it was important for them to work together as a team. Tieria understood his sentiment but noted that it was better if Lockon gave the advice to Setsuna, which Lockon smilingly agreed.

The UN Forces, consisting of representatives from the AEU and Union, inevitably located the Ptolemy Crew's location and launched 19 of their GN-X units to destroy the Ptolemaios and the Gundams. The Gundam Meisters were immediately ordered to launch with their Gundams and engage the incoming enemy mobile suits. Early on, the GN-Xs clearly showed that they could match against the power of the Gundams; one instance, a GN-X's beam shot cleanly nullified Virtue's GN-Field. Not only that, the UN Forces also overwhelmed the Gundam Meisters in numbers. The Gundams were clearly at a disadvantage.

During the battle, Tieria overheard Allelujah's comment that they were meant to be sacrifices for the Plan. Tieria refused to believe it and couldn't help but get angry about the possibility.[25] He was still connected with Veda; there was no way he could believe he was abandoned for the Plan.[25] He also felt anger towards the traitor who leaked their technology to the UN Forces.[25] With all these thoughts, Tieria used his frustrations to fight against the GN-Xs. However, just as he was about to blast one of the GN-Xs with the GN Bazooka, Virtue's operating system suddenly went off. The traitor finally used Veda's powers to sabotage the Gundams, ceasing all operations.


Tieria in darkness as his support from Veda was cut off

Tieria attempted to reconnect with Veda, but he was completely shut off from the system. He fell into complete despair,[26] as Veda, the one entity that give meaning to his existence, had finally abandoned him.

Sumeragi immediately ordered the Stand Alone Operating System for Gundams to be implemented to save the Gundam Meisters from being killed by the UN Forces. The Gundams were finally able to move and resume combat; all except for Virtue. Tieira wasn’t accepting the system and appeared to be not responding. Eventually, the GN-X of Lt. Patrick Colasour made its way to Virtue and tried to stab it with its GN Beam Saber. Lockon immediately noticed the problem with Virtue and decided to let Dynames take the blow to save Tieria. Tieria was at dazed at the time until he saw the red beam coming out of Dynames’ back. He was horrified that one of his comrades was hurt because of him. The subsequent sorrow and guilt hit him very hard and caused him to momentarily black out as the GN-X tried to stab Virtue one more time.[27] Fortunately, Lasse Aeon in GNR-001E GN Arms Type-E came into the battlefield in time to disarm the enemy mobile suit.

The appearance of the mobile armor forced the UN Forces to immediately withdraw its forces from the battlefield. The Ptolemy Crew quickly recovered the Gundams and attended to Lockon's injuries.

Tieria's Sorrow[]


Tieria mourning for hurting Lockon

Lockon was immediately sent to the infirmary right after the battle. The Gundam Meisters, with Sumeragi, followed there to look over Lockon's condition, except for Tieria. Tieria didn't go, as the guilt of having Lockon hurt weighed heavily on him. To add to his guilt, the fact that Veda had abandoned him left him in despair. He was alone in sorrow on the observation deck, thinking about all these in his mind.[28]

Soon, Lockon arrived to greet him. Tieria saw through the glass of the observation deck that Lockon wore an eye patch over his shooting right eye. Tieria couldn't bear to look at him.[29] Lockon asked Tieria to return to his high and mighty self, but Tieria felt he lost his edge and became unfit to be a Gundam Meister as he lost his ability to link to Veda. There was weakness in his voice, but couldn't help telling Lockon about what he felt.[29] However, Lockon consoled him that despite not having Veda, they could still continue the plan as long as they have their Gundams. Tieria expressed his doubts, but Lockon added that they had a chance as long as they did it. He pointed to Setsuna as an example among them, as wanting to use the power of Exia to change the world. As Lockon left the room and asked him to get some rest, Tieria apologized about what happened earlier. Lockon told him to not mind it as making mistakes was what makes them human.

Aeolia's Message[]

With the Chobu Squad chasing Team Trinity, Tieria and the rest of the Ptolemy Crew observed their battles on the news. The group was contemplating the possibility of defeat as the world had the power to crush them and wondered if it was all part of Aeolia Schenberg's Plan for them. However, Setsuna had a different view about the matter and decided to go to Earth, accompanied by Lasse, to find out the true purpose of the Gundams. Lockon tried to encourage Tieria to come with Setsuna, but Tieria coldly brushes off Lockon's assertion.

While heading to one of their bases in Lagrange 1, Tieria and the rest of the crew received a pre-recorded message from Aeolia Schenberg. At that time, Alejandro Corner triggered Veda's system trap when he shot Aeolia in cryogenic sleep.


Tieria (right) with the Gundam Meisters listening to Aeolia's speech

The five original solar reactors gained access to their Trans-Am System.

Stop the World[]

Celestial Being had docked at the Lagrange 1 Resource Satellite to repair the Ptolemaios and give field upgrades to the Gundams, with an extra GN Bazooka for Virtue. While there, Tieria and the Meisters were debriefed on the mechanisms and the weaknesses of the Trans-Am System. They also received a message from Setsuna, reporting that the UN Forces were on their way to outer space and that the Throne Zwei had been captured by Ali al-Saachez. Eventually, Chris notified the crew of the incoming UN Forces Fleet, including the Throne Zwei. Tieria and Allelujah sortied with their Gundams. Lockon, on the other hand, was forced to standby. Tieria had locked Lockon in his room to prevent him from going out into battle. Before Tieria sortied, he declared, "This time, I have decided that I'm going to protect him."


Virtue's Burst Mode attack in Trans-Am

After performing a preemptive attack, the Virtue and Kyrios split up to divide the enemy forces. Tieria was able to defend and counterattack against the enemy GN-X forces at first, but was forced into disadvantage after receiving damages from Throne Zwei's Fangs. The fangs managed to destroy one of Virtue's GN Field emitters, which as a result weakened Virtue's GN-Field enough for the GN-Xs' beams to pierce through. Tieria was left bracing inside his cockpit as the enemy beams slowly chipped away the Gundam's outer armor. As a last resort, Tieria activated Virtue's Trans-Am and tried to blast through most of the GN-Xs using the GN Bazooka. However, the attack quickly depleted Virtue's particles, forcing Tieria to go on the defensive once again. As the situation seemed hopeless, Lockon Stratos in GN-002+GNR-001D GN Armor Type-D suddenly appeared on the battlefield and took out some of the enemy forces. Tieria called on Lockon and reminded him about his injury, but Lockon just brushed his concerns aside, declaring that he was there to fight. Lockon then delved deep into the enemy forces, planning to take out all of their available carrier ships.

Eventually, the enemy forces retreated as most of their ships and mobile suits were destroyed in battle. The Gundams returned safely to the Ptolemy. However, Lockon didn't returned and was killed in his battle against Ali al-Saachez. After learning of Lockon's fate, Tieria and the whole Ptolemy Crew mourned for his passing.

Last Stand[]


Tieria venting his frustration about Lockon's death to Setsuna

After the last battle, Setsuna and Lasse returned to the Ptolemy. Tieria tried to blame Setsuna's decision to sortie to Earth as the reason for Lockon's demise, but Sumeragi slaps and scolded him to help on the repairs instead of complaining about the past. The Gundams, aside from Exia, received significant damages from the last fight. Virtue's Particle Armor was heavily damaged, and Ian decided to work on preparing Gundam Nadleeh to sortie with its custom GN Beam Rifle and GN Shield for the next battle. Despite the losses that Celestial Being took from the previous fight, Tieria and the rest of the Gundam Meisters decided to fight against the UN Forces one last time to prove their might to the world. After Tieria finished working on Nadleeh, Allelujah reminded him about Nadleeh's low particle supply. However, Tieria brushed them off as he was determined on avenging Lockon's death. Eventually the UN Forces returned, accompanied by a golden mobile armor as reinforcements along with more GN-X's. The mobile armor made preemptive attacks on the Ptolemy, destroying one of the ship's particle emitters. The GNR-001E GN Arms Type-E was ordered to take out the mobile armor, while Nadleeh and Kyrios was to engage the incoming GN-Xs teams. Tieria faced the team of 5 GN-Xs going to the right of the Ptolemaios.

Tieria managed to kept the GNX team at bay, reserving Nadleeh's Trans-Am. Nadleeh has limited particle reserve and Tieria wanted to limit its particle use during the battle. However, not long, a blast from the enemy mobile armor has reached Ptolemy and damaged its right side. Tieria was furious that the enemy had managed to seriously damaged the Ptolemy. He made a vow to Lockon that he would protect Ptolemy and their comrades at all cost,[5] but he let his doubts about Nadleeh to hold him back. Angered by the enemy and his own weakness, he made a resolve to finally activate Nadleeh's Trans-Am. With it, he managed to finally destroy 3 of the enemy GN-Xs. However, as he was about to destroy the remaining enemies, another blast from the enemy mobile armor caught Nadleeh's right leg and threw the Gundam off its guard.


Tieria firing his last shots in Nadleeh

The remaining GN-Xs used this opportunity to fire back, as they tore off Nadleeh legs and left arm with beam attacks. Tieria was badly wounded,[30] but decided to fight back for the sake of the Plan and his vow to Lockon. With only the right MS arm, Tieria fired Nadleeh's last two shots at the two attacking GN-Xs. The shots destroyed the enemy mobile suits, but at the same time, one of the GN-Xs also took out Nadleeh's head. The remains of Nadleeh was damaged beyond repair and Tieria used his last strength to eject its GN Drive for Celestial Being to recover.

Aftermath & Rebuilding[]

After the end of the battle, Tieria drifted aimlessly in space in Nadleeh's cockpit. Tieria had already accepted his death by releasing Nadleeh's GN Drive, but Celestial Being managed to recover him and had him treated for his injuries.

Ptolemaios 2 crew

Tieria and Ptolemaios Crew in 2311 A.D

The United Nations Forces declared Operation Fallen Angels a success, having destroyed the Ptolemy and captured the Kyrios along with Allelujah. Setsuna F. Seiei and Exia were never recovered and was listed as MIA. Members of the Ptolemy Crew were also killed in battle, including Christina Sierra, Joyce B. Moreno and Lichtendahl Tsery. Due to the losses, Sumeragi also left the organization after the incident. The remaining members of Celestial Being, together with Tieria, decided to hide their presence from the world and slowly recuperate from their losses.

After recovering from his injuries, Tieria assisted Celestial Being by helping them rebuild their facilities and testing out the new Gundams in development. By AD 2312, Tieria and the rest of Celestial Being recovered sufficiently to begin stealth operations in between developing the GN-0000 00 Gundam and searching for their comrades.

Celestial Being Returns[]

The year was 2312 AD, 4 years after Celestial Being's defeat at Lagrange 1. The authoritarian Earth Sphere Federation has begun an aggressive campaign of unification through their autonomous peacekeeping force, the A-Laws. The united world that CB had fought for never came and only evolved into another source of conflict. Tieria and the rest of Celestial Being quietly prepared for their return to destroy the A-Laws.

Search for Setsuna[]

Tieria had been assisting Ian in his Twin Drive System test runs on GN-0000 00 Gundam with little success. With all possible GN Drive combination attempted, Exia's GN Drive was the last one untested. Setsuna and Exia had been missing since the Battle at Lagrange 1. Intelligence from Wang Liu Mei suggested that Setsuna would appear again during the A-Laws' operation in the Space Colony Proud at Lagrange 4. Knowing Setsuna, Tieria decided to sortie in GN-008 Seravee Gundam to the space colony.

Upon reaching Proud, Tieria saw the battered GN-001RE Gundam Exia Repair struggling against the A-Laws' mobile suits. Tieria fired upon the battlefield to cover for Setsuna. During the battle, Seravee destroyed one of the enemy mobile suits, forcing the A-Laws MS group to retreat immediately. As the A-Laws left, Tieria greeted Setsuna over the comm, noting how long it was since both of them talked to each other. Tieria and Setsuna then continued their conversation inside Proud's airlock.


Tieria meeting Setsuna (left) after 4 years

During the conversation, Tieria met Saji Crossroad, Setsuna's former neighbour. Saji was angry at Celestial Being for leading to his sister's murder and his girlfriend's injury. He took Setsuna's sidearm and pointed it at Setsuna. Tieria could only watch the situation develop before his eyes, but ultimately Saji didn't fire the gun. Later, after taking the two back to CBS-74 Ptolemaios 2, Tieria bring Saji to Ptolemy 2's brig. There, Tieria questioned Saji why he didn't kill Setsuna. Saji reasoned he didn't want to be a killer like them. Tieria told Saji that he should be grateful to Setsuna, because if he hadn't brought him along, he would've likely faced death from the A-Laws due to his mistaken ties with the anti-government group, Katharon. Saji couldn't believe what he was hearing, which Tieria continued that Saji was too unaware of his reality and challenged him to realize the truth about the world.

00's Activation[]


Seravee using Twin Buster Cannon

While waiting for Setsuna and their comrades, the crew received an intel from Wang Liu Mei that A-Laws had located the Ptolemy 2's position. With only Seravee at their disposal, Tieria sortied to hold the enemy off. Before heading out, Tieria asked Feldt Grace to continue working with Ian on activating the 00 Gundam. As Tieria faced off the A-Laws' mobile suit force, Setsuna was on his way to the Ptolemy 2 together with Sumeragi Lee Noriega and a new member. One of the GNX-704T Ahead, piloted by A-Laws' Captain Barack Zinin, managed to occupy Seravee as the rest of the A-Laws MS forces move to attack the Ptolemy 2. An Ahead and GNX-609T GN-XIII eventually reached Ptolemy 2 and attempted to destroy the 00 in the linear catapult launch bay. However, 00 activated just in time to neutralize the enemy shot and then it destroy the two enemy mobile suits.

After the A-Laws retreated, the Ptolemy 2 crew welcomed Sumeragi and the new member, Lyle Dylandy, who will be the new Lockon Stratos. Lyle surprised the crew because of his close resemblance to his brother and the original Lockon Stratos, Neil Dylandy. Tieria, on the other hand, didn't greet them, noting to himself that Lyle is nothing like the previous Lockon.

Rescuing Allelujah Haptism[]

With Lyle's arrival, Tieria was in charge of teaching the new Lockon about the basics of operating the Gundam. Their relationship started off on the rough side though, as Lyle's silly and sarcastic personality get on Tieria's nerves.

During the Ptolemy 2's docking at one of Celestial Being's resource satellite, Wang Liu Mei sent an encoded message regarding Allelujah Haptism's location. After finding out that Allelujah was held in a Federation Anti-Government Detention Facility at one of the former HRL territories, the crew immediately organized a meeting for a rescue plan. Tieria and the crew managed to convince Sumeragi to participate in the mission, and later received a mission plan from her - a 5 minute blitzkrieg assault on the detention facility.

Before heading out, Tieria noted that Marina Ismail's name was on the list of detainees and immediately forwarded it to Setsuna. Marina has a very special connection to Setsuna during Celestial Being's armed intervention 5 years ago. After launching, Tieria suggested to Setsuna that they also rescue Marina during the mission's remaining 3 minutes after they have rescued Allelujah.


Seravee protecting the 00

After the Ptolemy 2 crashed into the sea and caused a tsunami in the area, Seravee and 00 landed on one side of the detention building for Setsuna to infiltrate the facility and rescue their comrade. Tieria stayed in his Gundam, holding off the enemy forces and protecting the 00 until Setsuna's return. After Allelujah was rescued and boarded his new Gundam, the GN-007 Arios Gundam, the three Gundam Meisters immediately retreated to the Ptolemy 2, forcing their way through the GN-XIIIs trying to stop them.

Back on Ptolemy 2, Tieria gave Allelujah a cup of coffee and started a conversation with him. After Allelujah apologized about mistaking Lyle for the previous Lockon, Tieria noted that Allelujah hadn't change at all and continued to welcome him back on the team. With Alellujah back on the team, the Ptolemy 2 crew have gathered most of their members to fight effectively as a unit.

Underwater A-Laws Assault[]


Trans-Am Seravee pushing the Trilobite

The Ptolemy 2 crew headed toward Azadistan to drop Marina off at her homeland. The A-Laws managed to track down the Ptolemy 2 as they travelled towards Azadistan, and began an underwater assault using their latest mobile armor, the GNMA-04B11 Trilobite. After the Ptolemy 2 reached the appropriate depth for launching the Gundams. Tieria and the Gundam Meisters immediately headed out in their Gundams to fight against the Trilobite. Using Trans-Am and its Face Burst Mode, Seravee pushed the Trilobite away as it was attempting to sink the Ptolemy 2 using its linear spears. The 00 then destroyed the mobile armor, and made its way to the A-Laws carrier ship, but was intercepted by the GNX-704T/AC Ahead Sakigake. The battle was later halted due to intervention from the Katharon's mobile suit team, forcing the A-Laws to retreat.

Katharon Incident[]


Gundam Meisters meeting with Katharon members

Later, Celestial Being agreed to Katharon's invitation for a meeting. The Gundam Meisters with Sumeragi, Saji and Marina went to the Katharon base at the Rub' al Khali desert. While heading there, Lockon noted that Katharon took advantage of the GN particle emitters around the area, placed by the Federation to starve the economy of the Middle East, to hide their location from the peacekeeping forces. Tieria commented that Lockon was well informed, but Lockon just brushed it off as common sense. As they entered the base, many Katharon members gathered to greet them. Tieria, Lockon and Allelujah didn't attend the meeting as they waited at the hanger until it was finished. The meeting didn't produced any alliance, and the party from Celestial Being made preparation to return to Ptolemy 2. Setsuna received Sumeragi's approval to take the VTOL craft to return Marina to Azadistan. Tieria sarcastically told Setsuna he could stay there for good if he felt like it.

Back in Ptolemy 2, the remaining crew member was warned by Wang Liu Mei of the A-Laws' imminent attack on the Katharon base. The Ptolemy 2 crew then double back to the base to save Katharon. Tieria, Lockon, and Allelujah immediately sortied with their Gundams. There, the Meisters saw firsthand the inhumane tactics used by the A-Laws. The battle between the Gundams and the A-Laws was short as the A-Laws immediately retreated after the automatons tore up the Katharon base and killed a number of the rebels. After fending off the A-Laws, the Meisters went to see the damage on the base. One of the rebels accused Celestial Being of leaking information to the A-Laws, but Tieria and Lockon promptly denied it. Just then, Saji arrived and Tieria noticed that he was behaving oddly. Tieria then took Saji to a hallway and questioned him.


Tieria confronting Saji Crossroad.

Tieria asked Saji what he had done. Saji immediately denied involvement with the A-Laws, but he admitted that he accidentally tipped the Federation forces of Katharon's location as he tried to convince them that he is not a Katharon member. Tieria was enraged and slapped Saji for his foolishness. Saji could only break down in tears as he repeated that he didn't mean for this incident to happen.

Not long after, Setsuna returned from Azadistan and Tieria explained what happened. On board their VTOL craft, Setsuna reported to Tieria and Allelujah that Azadistan had been razed by an unknown Gundam. While they pondered about the Gundam's identity, the Gundam Meisters suddenly received news of Sumeragi's collapse and were ordered to return to Ptolemy 2. Tieria brought Saji along with them.

After providing supplies to Katharon, Celestial Being launched to cover for the retreating Katharon from the A-Laws forces. Despite not having Sumeragi's guidance, Tieria and the Gundam Meisters launched to face the A-Laws mobile suits.

[Image:Hsgjscb.png|left|thumb|220px|Cherudim and Seravee covering for the 00]] During the battle, the advantage began swaying to the A-Laws' favor as Arios and 00 experienced difficulty dealing with their enemies. The 00 even overloaded, which forced Tieria and Lockon to cover for Setsuna. Fortunately, Sumeragi awoke during the battle and ordered the Ptolemy 2 to launch their smokescreen to cover for the Gundams. The A-Laws retreated and the Ptolemy 2 crew managed to retrieved the Gundams, except for Arios, which was nowhere to be seen in the battlefield.

Encountering an Innovator[]


Tieria's first encounter with Regene Regetta

The Ptolemy 2 crew launched a search mission for Allelujah using the Seravee and Cherudim. Before heading out, Sumeragi sent out information of the Arios's possible location and reminded Tieria to avoid any conflict with the A-Laws. Tieria spent the whole night searching until news of Allelujah's recovery was reported at sunrise. Relieved, Tieria was about to return to the Ptolemy 2 when an unknown person greeted him. Tieria quickly pointed his gun at the stranger, and demanded to know who he was and how he found him. The stranger replied, "Because we're the same." To Tieria's shock, he saw that the stranger looked exactly like him. The stranger continued that they were of the same DNA, and introduced himself as Regene Regetta, an Innovator.

While Tieria was puzzled by Regene's words, Regene began communicating with him telepathically. To a shocked Tieria, Regene explained that he could do so by using his Quantum Brainwaves, with GN Particles as catalyst, which was also the same method used when they connect to Veda. He continued that they don't age, thanks to genetic manipulation, and beings like them were essential to Aeolia's Plan. Tieria was left speechless by Regene's explanation. Surprised that Tieria wasn't aware of any of these, Regene continued that there are 3 stages in Aeolia's Plan: First is to unite the world through Celestial Being's armed interventions; Second is to unite humanity's will through the A-Laws; And the last one is to push humanity to space and prepare them for the dialogues that are to come. Regenw noted that for humanity to move to a new phase, "Revolution" was necessary, and cited that what Celestial Being was doing, which was opposing the A-Laws, was a great hindrance to the Plan. Before leaving, Regene asked Tieria to consider joining the Innovators to execute Aeolia's Plan to its fullest.

Back at the Ptolemy 2, Tieria pondered about Regene's words. Tieria was contemplating about what Regene had proposed when he suddenly recalled the late Lockon's words. Lockon encouraged Tieria to choose his own path, as they were entrusted with the Gundams by Aeolia himself 4 years ago. Tieria was still conflicted, but he took Lockon's words to heart.

Investigating Federation Banquet[]


Tieria volunteering for the Federation Banquet scouting mission

The Ptolemy 2 crew gathered to have a brief meeting about the world news and their current situation. While watching the news about the Federation's plan for the Middle East, Tieria couldn't help but think about what Regene had told him about the A-Laws. During the meeting, Wang Liu Mei called to report about the expected appearance of top A-Laws officials in the upcoming banquet that the Federation will host. As Liu Mei told the crew that she would attend the banquet as a scout, Tieria also volunteered to go to see the top A-Laws officials himself. Sumeragi agreed and allowed Setsuna to back him up, but on the condition that they follow her instructions to infiltrate the banquet.

Under Sumeragi's instructions, both Tieria and Setsuna brought their Gundams along and hid them in a safe location before the investigation. Tieria then cross dressed as an upper class lady, with a purple dress and accessories to complete the disguise. Setsuna dressed up as her chauffeur and escorted Tieria in a classic Rolls Royce-like car to the banquet. They successfully infiltrated the banquet with forged invitations and began their investigation. As Tieria mingled with the other guests of the banquet, Setsuna remained outside on standby.

Tieria chatted with some influential men in the banquet to blend in while looking out for his target of interest. Wang Liu Mei and Hong Long were also there to attend the banquet. Tieria saw the A-Laws Chief Commander, Homer Katagiri, among the guests, but recognized that he was not the one who was pulling the strings behind A-Laws. While talking to some guests, Regene alerted Tieria through quantum brainwaves that the one he had sought after was approaching. Just then, a young man in an 18th-Century outfit, who introduced himself as Ribbons Almark, approached Tieria and requested a dance with her.


Tieria dancing with Ribbons Almark

The two began waltzing at the center of the ballroom. The Federation guests have their eyes on the "lovely couple", not knowing that the two were enemies. Ribbons expressed his surprise about Tieria's disguise, which Tieria explained that it was part of the plan laid-out by Celestial Being's tactical forecaster. Tieria then questioned Ribbons if he was the one who had sent Regene to meet him, but Ribbons denied any involvement in it. Tieria continued that he was informed that Ribbons was the one who was currently carrying out Aeolia's Plan. Ribbons was a bit of disappointed that Tieria doubts him, causing him to offer Tieria his Veda access rights back as proof. Tieria was shocked by Ribbons' implication, resulting in him losing his balance during their waltz. Fortunately, Ribbons quickly picked her up in time to get them back on track. The dance ended shortly after, with the crowd clapping for both of them. Ribbons then walked off, suggesting a change in scenery to Tieria.

Tieria and Ribbons continued their conversation in a private room. Tieria began questioning Ribbons about his claim that he had complete control over Veda. Ribbons reminded Tieria that he should know it better than anyone, which made Tieria remember the forced cancellation of the Trial System during his fight against Team Trinity. Shocked, Tieria realized it was also Ribbons who distributed the GN Drive Taus to the UN Forces. Ribbons explained that Celestial Being's destruction was a part of the Plan; they were supposed to be eliminated four years ago. Tieria couldn't believe what he was hearing and refuses that it was all apart of the plan.


Tieria declaring his beliefs about Aeolia's Plan

Ribbons began mocking how Tieria was influenced by inferior humans far more than he had imagined. He also made fun of Lockon Stratos, a man special to Tieria, for putting his vengeance before his duty to Celestial Being. Angered by Ribbons' insults, Tieria pulled out his gun from his right thigh and pointed it at Ribbons. However, he was quickly disarmed by another Innovator, Hiling Care. Disadvantaged, Tieria immediately jumped out from the second floor window to escape. Together with Setsuna, both discarded their disguises and quickly retreated to the Ptolemy 2 with their Gundams.

Battling Ali al-Saachez[]

On their way back to Ptolemy 2, Setsuna apologized to Tieria for getting his cover blown. Earlier, he was discovered as a member of Celestial Being by A-Laws Chief MS Engineer, Billy Katagiri. Tieria didn't mind, as he explained that he already found out who were the main cause of distortion in the world. Just then, the GNW-20000 Arche Gundam appeared. Tieria quickly recognized it as an improved Gundam Throne piloted by no other than Ali al-Saachez.


Seravee facing Arche's GN Fangs

Ali quickly launched his GN Fangs to attack 00 and Seravee. The fangs' mobility were vastly improved compared from GNW-002 Gundam Throne Zwei's, and Serave and 00 had difficulty shooting them down. Some of the beams fired from the fangs eventually managed to hit Seravee.

Ali was badly injured during his battle with the previous Lockon 4 years ago, and now wanted to seek revenge by taking out the rest of the Gundams. Tieria's Seravee then provided cover fire as the 00 engaged in close combat with the Arche. Tieria attempted to hit Arche with a Twin Buster Cannon attack, but Ali dodged it and destroy both of Seravee's GN Bazooka IIs. Just then, Tieria had Seravee quickly grabbed Arche's arms to prevent the Arche from getting away. Tieria announced through his comm that he would avenge Lockon's death, but Ali retorted that Lockon deserved his death for fighting recklessly despite being partially blind. Tieria was enraged by Ali's rebuttal and transformed Seravee's right knee GN Cannon into an arm to stab Arche with a GN Beam Saber. However, Ali dodge Tieria's attack again, and counterattacked with the GN Beam Saber hidden in the Arche's feet, severing the right knee GN Cannon.

Just after Ali damaged the Seravee, Setsuna had the 00 charged at the Arche. He called out for Tieria to attack the enemy Gundam from behind, and Tieria responded by drawing out the GN Beam Saber stored in Seravee's forearm. However, Ali saw through their tactic and intercepted Seravee's GN Beam Saber with Arche's own. He then launched the GN Fangs, damaging both Seravee and 00. As Ali was about to finish them both, Arios and Cherudim arrived in time to provide cover fire for Setsuna and Tieria. Ali quickly retreated as the odds were against him. As Allelujah sent out Sumeragi's retreat orders, Tieria tried to continue chasing after Ali to exact his revenge for Lockon. He was later calmed down and the Gundams returned to Ptolemy 2.


Lockon asking Tieria about his brother's nemesis

Back at the Ptolemy 2, the current Lockon asked Tieria about Ali. Lockon overheard Tieria over the comm about his older brother's nemesis and tried to convince Tieria to tell him the whole story. In the briefing room with the rest of the Gundam Meisters, Tieria explained to Lockon about Neil's revenge and his demise at Ali's hands. After hearing the story, Lockon couldn't help but chuckle. Tieria was a bit upset about Lockon's reaction, who explained that, despite his respect for his older brother, he couldn't see the point of getting worked up about their family's tragedy. Setsuna then intervened and told Lockon that he was once part of the KPSA, the group responsible for the deaths of Lockon's parents and sister. Had he stopped his comrades back then, the tragedy wouldn't have happened and the older Lockon wouldn't have been a Gundam Meister. The younger Lockon, however, argued that, due to circumstances, the events back then were inevitable and Setsuna wouldn't be able to stop it even if he wanted to. He continued that what had happened was in the past and what they were fighting for wasn't to change the past, but to make a better future.

With Lockon's response, Tieria quietly walked out of the briefing room. Outside, while thinking about the younger Lockon's words, Tieria wondered if following his sense of justice and his opposition against the Innovators would led to the real future.

Destination Lagrange 3[]

After the Federation Banquet, Sumeragi predicted that the A-Laws would prepare to trap them underwater within the next 12 hours. As there were also needs for repairs, maintenance, upgrades, and picking up the new support units from Lagrange 3, the Ptolemy 2 crew prepared the ship for launching into space.


Tieria conflicted about his feelings regarding the Innovators

While the crew wait for the signs of A-Laws activity around the area, Tieria stayed at the observation deck to sort his thoughts out. Not long, Setsuna came in to meet him. Setsuna noticed that Tieria hadn't filed a report to Sumeragi about the banquet and was curious to know what information he had found out. Tieria couldn't find a way to explain as he was heavily conflicted about Lockon and Regene's point of views regarding Aeolia's plan. Just then, the two were alerted about the incoming Trilobites through the ship's internal speakers, and they quickly went to their positions, with Setsuna reminding Tieria that he would ask him about the info again later.

The Ptolemy 2 successfully launch into the atmosphere thanks to the effect of the Gundams' Trans-Am and the initial force that came from the missile attacks of the Trilobites. Accelerating at a great rate, the ship escaped the awaiting enemy mobile suit force in the air and exit the atmosphere. As a last resort, the A-Laws tried to trap the Ptolemy 2 in space as the Gundam's Trans-Am ended, but the 00 was launched beforehand as a countermeasure to fend off the attacking A-Laws forces.

Later, on the way to Lagrange 3, the Ptolemy 2 was attacked by the new GNZ-005 Garazzo. 00 quickly sortied to intercept it, but was overwhelmed by the enemy's strong close combat capability. The Garazzo retreated when Ptolemy 2 and the Cherudim provided cover fire for the 00. Tieria act as the ship's gunner while the Seravee was still under repairs. After the enemy retreated, Tieria thought to himself that the new mobile suit and its pilot possibly belonged to the Innovators.


Tieria feeling the disturbance in his Quantum Brainwaves

After reaching their secret base in Lagrange 3, the Ptolemy 2 crew quickly began with their repairs and maintenance of the Gundams and the ship itself due to possible A-Laws' presence in the area. The crew also tested the 00 with its new support unit, the GNR-010 0 Raiser. During the test, the 00 was able to emit 290% more particles than the theoretical expectations. The whole base was filled with GN Particles, and as a consequence, it strangely affected those people with Quantum Brainwaves. Tieria was one of those who experienced the phenomenon at the time.

Tieria's Revelation[]

While in Lagrange 3, the Ptolemy 2 crew picked up a laser attack from the satellite weapon, Memento Mori, targeting the Middle Eastern country of Suille. With the country's capital wiped from the map, Tieria wondered if this was the kind of method Ribbons condone for the sake of the Plan.

As Sumeragi announced their plan to attack the satellite weapon after finishing their resupplies, Tieria decided to tell the group about the Innovators and their intentions. Aside from controlling the Federation and A-Laws from the shadows, Tieria also explained their involvement in interfering with Aeolia's Plan during Celestial Being's armed intervention 5 years ago. The crew finally learned who were responsible for hijacking Veda, creating Team Trinity and the three Gundam Thrones, and giving the 30 GN Drive Taus to the UN Forces. Lockon asked Tieria why he didn't say anything sooner, and Tieria explained that was because he was conflicted as the Innovators claimed to follow Aeolia's Plan. The crew responded with disbelief, believing that the oppressive tactics the Innovators impose don't actually lead to true peace. In the end, they decided to fight against the Innovators and the A-Laws.


Sumeragi reassuring Tieria

As the meeting comes to a close, Tieria also wanted to reveal to everyone that he's also the same as the Innovators. However, Sumeragi stopped him, telling him that despite having a rough understanding of what he's going through, they still have a satellite weapon to worry about. She reassured Tieria that whatever it is that was bothering him, he was still one of their comrades. Tieria responded with a relieved smile.

A-Laws' Attack at Lagrange 3[]

As the resupplies were coming to a close in preparation for Ptolemy 2's departure, A-Laws launched a missile attack on the asteroid base. Tieria and the rest of the Gundam Meisters were immediately ordered by Sumeragi to sortie with their Gundams. After the Ptolemy 2 launched, the A-Laws revealed their hidden mobile suit forces to attack the ship. Tieria tried to wipe them out using Seravee's Twin Buster Cannon, but the attack was intercepted by the Garazzo with its GN Field. The two machines faced off as the A-Laws' attacks continued.


Seravee grappling with Garazzo

Tieria tried to shoot the Garazzo down using the GN Bazooka IIs, but Garazzo dodged the shots and forced its way to Seravee. With Garazzo trying to grab the Gundam, Tieria reached out Seravee's hands in response, and the two mobile suits engaged in a contest of physical strength. Tieria was confident about Seravee's strength, but Garazzo proved to be stronger. Shocked by the outcome, Tieria used Seravee's backpack-mounted GN Cannons to drive off Garazzo. Tieria then went back to protecting the Ptolemy 2.

Waves of enemy mobile suits continued to pour into the battlefield. With the number of the enemy forces increasing, Tieria expressed his frustration that the situation was not suited for activating Seravee's Trans-Am. Fortunately, GN-0000+GNR-010 00 Raiser was there to turn the tide in their favor. After losing the Garazzo and the GNZ-003 Gadessa, the A-Laws forces retreated. The Gundams then returned to the Ptolemy 2 for repairs. After confirming that the evacuated personnel had arrived at a safe location, Ptolemy 2 journeyed to the satellite weapon, Memento Mori.

Battle of Memento Mori[]

After learning of the recent satellite attack on the Kingdom of Richeria in the Middle East, the Ptolemy 2 crew decided to rush to the Memento Mori's location using the Gundams' Trans-Am. As they neared the satellite weapon, the crew was surprised to see it firing its third shot out to space. Tieria wondered what was the shot aiming at and Lockon told them that the target was the Katharon space fleet, which was attempting to destroy the Memento Mori.

Setsuna launched in the 00 Raiser to assist the Katharon forces and retrieve tactical data pertaining to Memento Mori. For the most part, the crew lacked essential information about Memento Mori. They asked Wang Liu Mei for the intel, but hasn't gotten any response. While Tieria and the rest analyzed the data they received from Katharon, they suddenly received a complete schematics of the satellite weapon from Wang Liu Mei (actually from Nena Trinity). They discovered the weakness of the Memento Mori, an Electromagnetic Photon Resonance Chamber, and began formulating an attack that would exploit it. As the Ptolemy 2 headed straight for the Memento Mori, Sumeragi has each of the Gundam Meisters execute their specific roles in her battle plan.


Seravee in Trans-Am preparing for Hyper Burst

After the Ptolemy 2 reached a close enough distance to the satellite weapon, Tieria activated Seravee's Trans-Am and Face Burst Mode for a maximum power Hyper Burst attack, severely damaging the satellite weapon's wall. The Ptolemy 2 quickly followed with a missile barrage, widening up the hole in the satellite weapon's wall to reveal the Electromagnetic Photon Resonance Chamber. Using Seravee's back to stabilize the Cherudim's GN Sniper Rifle II, Lockon then sniped at the chamber, resulting in a chain explosion that destroyed the Memento Mori.

Just as the Ptolemy 2 crew was enjoying their victory, they were ambushed by the Innovators. Although they were depleted of their GN Particles from the battle, the Ptolemy 2 managed to escape from the enemy's attacks thanks to Sumeragi's improvisation. The Ptolemy 2 crew used the impact of the assaults to speed their descent to Earth, while releasing a smokescreen to hide their ship and keep the Innovators away. The ship and crew survived the crash landing on Earth and immediately began emergency repairs.

Hunted on Earth[]

The Ptolemy 2 landed on a mountainous region somewhere in Europe, but the ship's weapons control, navigation, communications, and sensors were badly damaged. On top of that, the Ptolemy 2 crew lost contact with Setsuna and the 00 Raiser due to the Innovators' attack. The Ptolemy 2 crew then relied on the ship's optical camouflage to hide from A-Laws's detection as they restore it to working order.


Gundams launching from Ptolemy 2

During the repairs, Lockon reported that two unidentified mobile suits were heading their way. Unknown to the crew, the Innovators, who were working with A-Laws, were secretly tracking Ptolemy 2's position through the ship's new member, Anew Returner, who was actually an Innovator sleeper agent. Tieria and Allelujah were ordered to intercept with their Gundams. Allelujah then fought the Gadessa, while Tieria engaged the Garazzo once again.

During the battle, Tieria noted that even though Innovators have Veda on their side, he would still continue to fight. He attempted to shoot down Garazzo using Seravee's Twin Buster Cannon, but Garazzo dodged the attack and destroyed both of Seravee's GN Bazooka IIs. The Innovator pilot of the Garazzo, Bring Stabity, tried to persuade Tieria to join them, but Tieria immediately rejected him. The two mobile suits then fought in close combat, but Garazzo clearly had the advantage. Bring told Tieria that despite his wish not to harm another Innovator, he would carry out his mission of eliminating Seravee. On the other hand, Tieria explained that he has priorities to uphold as well.

As Bring's Garazzo stabs at the Seravee, Tieria purposely dropped Seravee's GN Field and grab onto Garazzo's right arm at the cost of losing his own Gundam's right arm. He then used the Seravee's knee-mounted GN Cannons' hidden arms to grab the Garazzo's legs, and activated the Gundam's Trans-Am System. Bring tried to free himself using the Garazzo's left GN Beam Claw, but stopped in his track upon seeing Seravee's backpack detaching.


Seraphim confronting Garazzo

The backpack then transformed into GN-009 Seraphim Gundam, and Tieria noted that he revealed the Seraphim out of his own free will, unlike what happened with the Nadleeh. Tieria had the Seraphim lunged at the immobilized Garazzo, forcing Bring to activate his mobile suit's GN Field to defend himself. However, Seraphim managed to pushed through the GN Field with its hands.

Bring questioned if Tieria is about to kill one of his own kind, and Tieria declared, "I am a Human Being!" Tieria then transformed Seraphim's arms into GN Cannons and fired at the Garazzo, destroying it and killing Bring. Upon Bring's defeat, the Gadessa withdrew from the battle with Arios. Later, Tieria, Sumeragi, Ian and Allelujah have a brief meeting as the Ptolemy 2 headed for resupply with the Katharon's European branch. Tieria gave a report on his previous battle and Sumeragi wondered if the Innovators noticed the Seraphim's special ability, but Tieria couldn't say for sure himself. The meeting continued with them discussing their current precarious situation. Ian commented that they could have a better chance of breaking out if they still have the 00 Raiser. In response, Tieria expressed his belief that Setsuna would eventually find his way back to them soon.

Saved by Coup d'état[]


Tieria attending to Mileina and the rest

After Katharon had resupplied the Ptolemy 2, the ship headed towards the coast line. Tieria was tending to Mileina Vashti, Marie Parfacy, and Saji, who had finished repairing the Seravee, when an alert sounded throughout the ship about an incoming A-Laws forces. The A-Laws have gathered a large force for the attack, consisting of 36 mobile suits and a new mobile armor. The Gundams sortied to face the enemy, while the Ptolemy II took cover in the mountainous terrain.

The Cherudim performed a preemptive strike against the A-Laws' mobile suits using its Trans-Am. After Cherudim's Trans-Am ended, Seravee and Arios took over to face the enemy units. Tieria and Allelujah's attacks on the A-Laws' mobile suits were then stopped by the Innovators' Gadessa and another Garazzo.


Seravee electrocuted by Empruss's Egner Whip

While the two Gundams were busy fighting the two Innovator mobile suits, the Innovator mobile armor, GNMA-Y0001 Empruss, launched its Egner Whip at the Seravee. The Egner Whip easily penetrated the Seravee's GN Field and electrocuted the Gundam. Alleujah tried to help Tieria, but the Arios was also caught by Empress's Egner Whip. With the Gundams taken out of combat, the rest of the A-Laws' mobile suits proceeded to attack the Ptolemy 2.

Just as the situation look bleak, the A-Laws suddenly retreated. As the Innovators left, Tieria and Allelujah couldn't believe they were spared. The Ptolemy 2 crew later learned from Katharon that a group of dissident Federation Force soldiers had launched a coup d'état and took over the Africa Tower, the orbital elevator in Africa. The crew then decided to head to Africa to observe the A-Laws and the Innovators' next actions. They also predicted that Setsuna and his 00 Raiser would also be there to intervene in the possible conflict.

On their way to the Africa Tower, the Ptolemy 2 crew encountered the 00 Raiser fighting against the GNX-U02X Masurao. The Gundams immediately sortied to cover for Setsuna. After the Masurao retreated, the Gundam Meisters retrieved the 00 Raiser and Setsuna was treated for his injuries.

Break Pillar Incident[]

While Setsuna was recovering in Ptolemy 2, Sumeragi dispatched the Tieria and the other Meisters to observe the standoff between the ESF Forces, the ESF Forces coup faction, and the Katharon near the Africa Tower. Inevitably, a battle erupted and the Meisters were drawn into the fighting.

Earlier on, the Ptolemy 2 crew discovered the existence of a second Memento Mori and launched the ship into space to prevent the satellite weapon from firing at the Africa Tower. However, the 00 Raiser failed to completely destroy the satellite weapon, which managed to fire and hit the outer part of the Africa Tower. This triggered an automatic purge of the tower's outer wall pieces, with the falling fragments above the stratosphere burning up due to atmospheric heating, while those below would hit the Earth, threatening the lives of people living near the foot of the tower.


Tieria noticing the falling outer wall pieces of the Africa Tower

Tieria and the others fighting around the Africa Tower soon noticed the debris coming down from the sky. Due to the urgency of the situation, Sumeragi made an announcement to every mobile suits at the vicinity, urging them to save the urban areas below from being hit by the debris. The Gundam Meisters immediately responded to their tactician's plea and scattered throughout the area to intercept the debris.

The Katharon, the coup d'état faction, the ESF forces, and even the A-Laws later followed suit. In an unusual situation, all opposing forces were temporarily united in saving the civilians from the falling fragments. The Meisters later activated the Gundams' Trans-Am to handle the increasing number of falling debris, and the Ptolemy 2 also joined in the effort until the last piece of fragments was taken out.

Post Break Pillar[]


Seravee preparing to fire all its ranged weaponry

Four months had passed since the Break Pillar incident. The Ptolemy 2 crew finally resumed their activities after months of silence, launching an assault on the second Memento Mori.

As Lockon's Cherudim and Tieria's Seravee attacked the satellite weapon from below, Setsuna's 00 Raiser and the Archer Arios, jointly piloted by Allelujah in the Arios and Soma in the GNR-101A GN Archer, attacked from the top. The second Memento Mori was then destroyed by the 00 Raiser. At the same time on Earth, A-Laws was given control over the regular federation forces as a result of the Break Pillar incident.

Later, in the Ptolemy 2, Tieria, Anew and Sumeragi discussed about Setsuna's condition. Setsuna was injured by a bullet imbued with harmful GN Particles during his separation from the Ptolemy 2 four months ago. The injury on his right shoulder was showing signs of cellular regeneration defect, but unlike Lasse, who faced similar health condition, the effects were spreading rather slowly. It seems like something from the outside was suppressing the damage. With the uncertainties surrounding Setsuna's condition, Tieria wished that he still have access to Veda to help his comrades.

Taking Back Veda[]

As the majority of the Ptolemy 2 crew watched the news of the regular federation forces being placed under the A-Laws' command, Feldt remarked that the A-Laws had attacked them more than 20 times in the past four months. Lasse then voiced his suspicion that the enemy somehow knew of the Ptolemy 2's location at all time.


Tieria discussing with Sumeragi about their plans

Tieria questioned Sumeragi if they should put into action the plan they had discussed previously - recapturing Veda. This plan came about as Tieria and Sumeragi felt that Veda was at the root of how the Innovators' ability to control information. Lasse pointed out they have no idea where Veda is, and Setsuna suggested capturing an Innovator to learn of Veda's location.

Innovator Capture Operation[]

Not long after, the A-Laws and the Innovators attacked the Ptolemy 2 again, and the Gundam Meisters were ordered to sortie. As they headed towards the hanger bay, Tieria asked Setsuna about his shoulder injury, and Setsuna said it was fine. As Tieria flies in the Seravee towards the battlefield, his mind was focused on reuniting with Veda.


Seravee vs. Gadessa

The Gundam Meisters arrived in their positions as per Sumeragi's orders, and soon after the battle erupted, Tieria was alerted to the Gadessa's location by Setsuna. Tieria quickly headed there to battle the Innovator. During the fight, Tieria attempted to blast Gadessa with one of the Seravee's GN Bazooka II, but the enemy just punched through it. In response, Seravee grabbed onto Gadessa's fist, which made Gadessa point its GN Mega Launcher at Seravee. Tieria responded by using the other GN Bazooka II, and both weapons destroy each other. The two mobile suits then dueled using their GN Beam Sabers.

As the two mobile suits clashed, Tieria commented that Gadessa wasn't suited for close combat. The Gadessa's pilot, Revive Revival, replied that the same was true of Seravee, which was all about firepower. This made Tieria to correct him that that was not the case. He activated Seravee's Trans-Am and quickly disarmed Gadessa of its GN Beam Saber. After that, he revealed all of Seravee's GN Cannons' hidden arms and deployed all six of Seravee's GN Beam Sabers. Revive attacked Seravee with one of the Gadessa's GN Vulcans, but Tieria blocked the shots using Seravee's GN Field. Although Revive tried to defend himself using the Gadessa's remaining GN Beam Saber, but Tieria easily overwhelmed Gadessa by using all six GN Beam Sabers.

As the Gadessa was destroyed, Revive tried to flee in the mobile suit's Core Fighter. Upon seeing this, Tieria quickly activated the Seraphim and managed to catch the Core Fighter, noting that he still have questions to ask the Innovator. Tieria then brought the Innovator back to the Ptolemy 2. After the A-Laws retreated, Sumeragi and the other Gundam Meisters joined Tieria in one of the ship's briefing room to question Revive.

Innovator Deception[]


Revive in front of Sumeragi and the Gundam Meisters

Sumeragi started interrogating Revive about Veda's location, but the Innovator denied knowing its whereabouts. Revive then turned the question on them by asking what they would do if they know where Veda is. Tieria responded that they would take Veda back, causing Revive to chuckle as he noted that Veda was originally meant for the Innovators to use. This prompted Sumeragi to ask about the Innovators' true intentions for Veda and the goal of Aeolia's Plan, which Revive responded were all for the "dialogues that are to come". Allelujah wanted Revive to clarify his words, but Revive commented that that was the limitation of being humans. Lockon intervened, stating that Revive was in no position to act all-knowing since he had been captured, but Revive revealed that he let himself be captured.

As if on cue, Feldt informed them through a video link that Anew, who revealed herself as an Innovator, had shot Lasse and took Mileina hostage. As Revive prepared to leave, the Meisters tried to stop him, but he threatened them that he couldn't guarantee Mileina's safety if he gets harmed. He added that Anew and him were connected by thoughts, which Tieria noted as the ability of Quantum Brainwaves. The Meisters let him go, but after he left, the Ptolemy 2's internal systems shut down, leaving them and Sumeragi trapped in the room.

After forcing their way out of the room, the Meisters split into two groups to search for Mileina, while Sumeragi went to the bridge. Mileina was eventually rescued and the Innovators' attempt at stealing the 00 Gundam was thwarted. However, Anew and Revive escaped in a shuttle and the 0 Raiser respectively, and despite their failure, Anew managed to steal and delete crucial data from the Ptolemy 2's system. Revive later destroyed the 0 Raiser's cockpit system to escape another capture.


Sumeragi asking Tieria to let her handle the piloting of Ptolemaios 2

In the Ptolemy 2, Tieria helped in the repairs and act as the ship's temporary helmsman. Sumeragi later arrived and asked him to get Seravee ready and let her handle the ship's control, but Tieria expressed his concerns about Sumeragi's piloting skills. Sumeragi noted his concerns, but said it would be better if Tieria was out there protecting them in the Seravee. At that moment, Feldt reported that the Innovators were heading their way with four units. Besides Revive's Gadessa and Hiling's Garazzo, the group also included Anew in her GNZ-007 Gaddess, and Louise Halevy in the GNMA-0001V Regnant. Tieria quickly sortied in the Seravee.


Seravee charging its Hyper Burst attack

The Regnant launched a pre-emptive attack, surprising the Gundam Meisters with its ability to fire beam shot that can bend. Tieria, Allelujah and Soma engaged the Regnant, Gadessa and Garazzo, while Lockon was occupied with Anew. As the battle continued, Tieria tried to stop the enemy using Seravee's Hyper Burst attack, but was shocked when the Regnant easily blocked the attack using its GN Field. Revive and Hiling later took advantage of Regnant's superior combat capabilities to slip through the Meisters' defense line. Tieria, Allelujah and Soma and Tieria tried to go after them, but were immobilized by the Regnant's Egner whips. Fortunately, Ian finished repairing the 0 Raiser and Setsuna launched in the 00 Raiser to intercept the Innovators. The 00 Raiser took out all the enemy mobile suits and damaged the Regnant, forcing the Innovators to flee.

Upon returning to the Ptolemy 2, an enraged Lockon confronted and beat up Setsuna for killing Anew in battle. Lockon was about to convince Anew to return to them, when Setsuna struck down the Gaddess. Tieria called for Lockon to stop, but was rebuffed. Allelujah, Soma and Saji listened from the side, but did not intervene.

Rendezvous at Lagrange 5[]

Tieria continued to help on the bridge as the Ptolemy 2 crew worked diligently to restore the ship's system. After the ship's main power system was repaired, the crew noticed an encrypted message sent by an unknown messenger during the system's shut down. The message calls for a rendezvous at the space colony Eclipse in Lagrange 5. Tieria and the other crew expressed doubts about the message, but Setsuna insisted on going there to learn more. Ian was also supportive of heading to Lagrange 5 as this would enable them to pick up new equipment made by the remaining research personnel, led by Linda Vashti, in a secret base nearby. Sumeragi eventually agreed to head to Lagrange 5. She then sent Setsuna and Saji in 00 Raiser to meet their mysterious messenger at Eclipse, while the Ptolemy 2 took a different route to distract the A-Laws force in the area.


Tieria and the rest of Ptolemy 2 crew analyzing Wang Liu Mei's info about Veda's location

Setsuna and Saji returned several days later. Setsuna then revealed to the other crew members that Wang Liu Mei was the mysterious messenger and that he received data on Veda's location from her. Feldt decrypted the data and revealed that Veda was located on the dark side of the moon in Lagrange 2. Using the Ptolemy 2's super long-range camera to observe the location, the crew initially saw nothing, but when Sumeragi asked for a star map to be superimposed, they noticed that the stars' positions were off. Sumeragi noted that something was being hidden by optical camouflage, and had Feldt calculate the area of the discrepancy. The team were then shocked to learn that the area had a large diameter of 15 km.

While being resupply by Linda's team, the Ptolemy 2's sensors revealed that the A-Laws was gathering its fleet at the same coordinates provided by Wang Liu Mei. This further solidified Ptolemy 2 crew's belief that the location contained Veda, and the Innovators' headquarter. Their mission now was to break through the A-Laws's fleet to recover Veda. With a huge battle on their way, each of the pilots couldn't help but speak of their feelings about the future. Tieria announced to everyone his desire to release mankind from the grasp of the Innovators. Sumeragi then said the Ptolemy 2 would depart once resupply was completed.

Battle at Lagrange 2[]


Tieria saying a little prayer to Neil

With Lasse recovered and back at the helms of the Ptolemy 2, the team reached Lagrange 2 and the Meisters prepared to sortie. Tieria's Seravee was upgraded just like the other Gundams, becoming the GN-008GNHW/B Seravee Gundam GNHW/B. Before sortieing, Tieria asked for the late Lockon's guidance in recovering Veda. As the battle erupted, the Meisters easily destroyed multiple enemy units thanks to their upgraded Gundams.

Upon Sumeragi's orders, the 00 Raiser intercepted and sunk three battle cruisers of the A-Laws' advance force that seemed to be ramming the Ptolemy 2. However, this turned out to be a trap as special particles that diminished the effect of particle beams were released from the three ships' wreckage, creating a wide anti-field. This put the Gundams at a disadvantage as most of their armaments were beam weaponry, but as noted by Sumeragi, it was fortunately that the anti-field was not deployed at point-blank range. The A-Laws then attacked with their larger main force, which included GN-XIIIs and Aheads carrying missile launchers and NGN Bazookas that fire physical projectiles.


Seravee Gundam GNHW/B and Cherudim Gundam GNHW/R in anti-field

As Tieria's Seravee Gundam GNHW/B relied heavily on high-output beam weaponry, he was in a worse state then the other Meisters. Even Seravee Gundam GNHW/B's GN Field was negatively affected, and Tieria was saved from a GN-XIII's GN Lance strike by the GN Shield Bits of Lockon's GN-006GNHW/R Cherudim Gundam GNHW/R. With their superior numbers, the A-Laws gave the Gundams a hard time, and several A-Laws' mobile suits broke through to attack the Ptolemy 2. Fortunately, the Katharon's space fleet arrived in time to assist them. Surprisingly, the Katharon had anticipated the A-Laws' use of anti-field, and their mobile suits' conventional projectile weaponry proved effective against the A-Laws' mobile suits. With support from Katharon, the Ptolemy 2 and the Gundams managed to get out of the anti-field. At around the same time, the ESF Forces coup faction also joined in the battle. The A-Laws' flagship was later destroyed by the 00 Raiser, throwing the fleet into disarray.

As the Gundams pushed forth in the battlefield, Tieria and the other Gundam Meisters received a transmission from Kati Mannequin, leader of the ESF Forces coup faction's mobile suit teams, telling them to focus on protecting the Ptolemy 2. Minutes later, Setsuna warned everyone to take evasive action as an attack is coming their way. A large and powerful particle beam was suddenly fired at the battlefield from the dark side of the moon, vaporizing various mobile suits and ships from all forces. However, the Ptolemy 2 and the Gundams were able to avoid the attack. As the Seravee Gundam GNHW/B and the other Gundams flew through the large debris field created by the attack, Tieria described the attack as a massacre.

With the battle coming to a halt due to the sudden attack, the A-Laws fleet decided to withdraw. At the same time, a giant ship at the dark side of the moon de-cloaked before everyone's eyes. With the Innovators finally making their move, the Ptolemy 2 charged towards the enemy mothership, the Celestial Being for the team's last mission.

Last Mission[]


Seravee Gundam GNHW/B covering for Cherudim Gundam GNHW/R

The Innovators' mothership, Celestial Being, attacked the approaching Gundams and the Ptolemy 2 using numerous gun turrets on the ship's surface. As instructed by Sumeragi, Tieria and the other Meisters began destroying the turrets to secure Ptolemy 2's break-in route. The Celestial Being fired its 80m GN Laser again to destroy the Ptolemy 2, but Lasse managed to steer away the ship in time. During the battle, Tieria used the Seravee Gundam GNHW/B's GN Field to defend Cherudim Gundam GNHW/R from the enemy gun turrets. With the gun turrets proving ineffective, the Innovators launched a large number of new mobile suit, the GNZ-004 Gaga, from their mothership.

The Gagas quickly activated their Trans-Am and began their suicide charge on the Ptolemy 2. Tieria and the Meisters went on the defensive, shooting down as many Gagas as possible, but they were still overwhelmed by the enemies' large numbers. Some of the Gagas then penetrated the Ptolemy 2's GN Field and damage the ship. The accompanying lab transport tried to act as a shield for Ptolemy 2, but was eventually destroyed by the Gagas. Relief came when the ESF Forces coup faction and Katharon arrived to provide cover fire. When the Ptolemy 2 crew finally found an entrance into Celestial Being, the ship quickly charged towards it using Trans-Am. Tiera, Lockon, and Setsuna then split up to find other infiltration points into Celestial Being, while Allelujah and Soma stayed back to defend the Ptolemy 2.

As Seravee Gundam GHNW/B flew over Celestial Being, Tieria received Feldt's report about Veda's location within the mothership. Just then, Revive's Gadessa and Hiling's Garazzo appeared to intercept him. To Tieria's surprise, both mobile suits executed their own Trans-Am. Tieria followed suit with Seravee Gundam GNHW/B's Trans-Am to shoot down the Innovator mobile suits, but they dodged his attacks and worked together to slice off both of the Gundam's arms. The Seravee Gundam GNHW/B then crashed landed onto the mothership's surface, and Tieria used this opportunity to leave the Gundam and infiltrate the ship under the Innovators' noses.

Reunited with Veda[]


Tieria pointing his gun at Ribbons

Upon reaching Veda's chamber, Tieria encountered Ribbons. As Ribbons monologued about humanity's fate, Tieria retorted that it wasn't for the Innovator to decide and pointed his gun at him. Ribbons turned to face Tieria and called him one of the Innovators, but Tieria reveals that they're just artificial being created to bring out the emergence of true Innovators as they are only Innovades. Ribbons believes that he had already surpassed both the Innovades and the Innovators.

Tieria decried Ribbons' words as utter nonsense and tried to shoot him. Unfortunately, Tieria was outdrawn by Ribbons and shot multiple times. Ribbons then declared that he wouldn't hand over Veda as he was destined to guide humanity. With that, he fired one last shot at Tieria's head, killing the Gundam Meister.


Tieria's eyes glowing to show his reconnection with Veda

Ribbons' Quantum Brainwaves were later disrupted by the surge of purified GN Particles caused by 00 Raiser's Trans-Am Burst System, and he soon found his link with Veda was cut. The consciousness of Regene (who was killed when he tried to usurp Ribbons' position while the Gundams and Ptolemy 2 were battling the A-Laws) within Veda explained that "they" would not let Ribbons do as he pleased, and called out to Tieria. Ribbon quickly turned to look at the dead Meister and saw his eyes began to glow.


Seraphim with Trial System activated

On the Celestial Being's surface, the pilotless Seraphim (replaced by the GN-009GNHW/B Seraphim Gundam GNHW/B in Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Special Edition 3: Return of the World OVA) detached from the Seravee Gundam GNHW/B and activated its Trial System. In the Ptolemy 2, Mileina reported the deployment of the Trial System, and that it is shutting down all the Innovators' mobile suits linked to Veda. This caused Revive to curse Tieria for his actions. Back at Ptolemy 2, Feldt commented they have recaptured Veda, meaning they have won.

Final Confrontation[]

Veda within Celestial Being

Tieria talking to Setsuna through Veda

Setsuna, who had infiltrated the Celestial Being after the Trans-Am Burst, eventually reached Veda's chamber and found Tieria's dead body floating inside. As he declared he would avenge Tieria, Tieria's voice rang out in the chamber, telling Setsuna not to write him off so quickly. Tieria explained that his consciousness was fully linked to Veda.

Tieria also revealed his link with Veda enabled him to learn more about Aeolia's plan. He told Setsuna their armed interventions were meant to force the world to unite, and even if they were destroyed in the process, their purpose was to unify humanity's will and prevent mankind from taking the seeds of war into outer space. This was all for the sake of humanity's future and to prepare for future encounters with other extraterrestrial species.

After learning all of these, Setsuna left the Innovators' mothership to return to Ptolemy 2. On his way back, he witnessed Seraphim (Seraphim Gundam GNHW/B in 00 Special Edition 3: Return of the World) being shot down and traced the attack to the CB-0000G/C Reborns Gundam, piloted by Ribbons. In the Ptolemy 2, the crew also detected Seraphim/Seraphim Gundam GNHW/B's destruction and tried to find Tieria, unaware that he was no longer in his physical body. The Ptolemy 2 bridge crew later received a message from Veda that the Reborns Gundam was not linked to it, and that this mobile suit was battling the 00 Raiser. The entire Ptolemy 2 crew, including Allelujah and Lockon, then prepared to launch in support of Setsuna.


Tieria confronting Ribbons

During the fight, Ribbons expressed his desire to get the original GN Drives from the 00 Raiser, seeing them as his fated instruments to complete his destiny of ruling mankind. Tieria, through Veda, corrected him that they're only created to help create a future with humanity.

In response, Ribbons expressed his apathy to understand humanity, who he deemed to be inferior. Ribbons continued to fight against Setsuna, until he was eventually defeated on the surface of the Celestial Being.

For the Future[]

Veda and Tieria

Tieria in Veda

With A-Laws and Innovators defeated, peace returned to the Earth Sphere. The new Federation government disbanded the A-Laws, began reorganizing the ESF Forces, and planned to provide aid to non-member nations as well as encourage these countries to join the federation, forming a true Earth Sphere Federation. Meanwhile, Tieria's consciousness continued to reside within Veda's core inside of Celestial Being.

ELS Conflict[]

Following the final battle with A-Laws and the Innovators, Celestial Being continued to develop new mobile suits to anticipate potential future threats to the peace in the Earth Sphere. Although funds have became more limited due to the death of Wang Liu Mei, their largest financial supporter, the Celestial Being make do with what they have and could obtain. Tieria also continued to aid Celestial Being through Veda.

Two years later, A.D. 2314. The ESF had taken over the Celestial Being and used Veda for their own purposes, but unknown to them, Tieria still used his connection with Veda to provide Celestial Being with secret access to real-time information. As an unknown threat entered the solar system, Tieria makes use of a hidden part of Celestial Being, constructing for himself a new Gundam and a new Innovade body.

Second Europa & Revelations[]

After getting information about the Second Europa ship approaching Ptolemy II's direction, Tieria sortied with his personalized CB-002 Raphael Gundam in Trans-Am. As he reaches the target, he noticed the Ptolemy Gundams engaging the ELS fleet.


Raphael Gundam in Trans-Am

The GN-0000RE+GNR-010 00 Raiser Condenser Type was also in trouble, as Setsuna couldn't fight back against the ELS. Tieria immediately dispatched Raphael's GN Big Cannons/GN Claws and had them destroy any incoming ELS that attacked Setsuna. One claw grabbed 00 Raiser by the torso while the other ripped out 00 Raiser's ELS-infected left arm and destroyed it. The two Big Cannons returned to dock with Raphael, after which Tieria activated Trans-Am, destroying the remainder of the ELS along with their station in an impressive display of Raphael's firepower.

After reuniting with his comrades, Tieria skipped the pleasantries and asked Setsuna why he didn't shoot at the ELS - the designation the Earth Sphere Federation had given to the unknown metallic organisms. Setsuna told Tieria that he didn't know, which Tieria guessed was due to an unconscious response that Innovators feel. He explained that Veda was unable to guess the ELS' intentions, but since Setsuna sensed something from them, he concluded that the ELS were probably sentient beings.

On board the bridge, Tieria explained everything he knew about ELS. Lasse wondered if the arrival of the ELS was part of the "dialogues" that Aeolia Schenberg had prophesied.


Ptolemy Crew's meeting about the ELS

Tieria replied that it was probably the case. Allelujah couldn't believe it, as humanity wasn't ready for it yet. Lockon noted that it had already been happening and they probably have to fight, which Lasse concurred as humanity was being attacked. Marie and Allelujah disagreed, on the grounds that they as humans don't understand the ELS. Setsuna couldn't contribute to the conversation and quickly left the room.

Afterward, Tieria talked to Sumeragi and asked about the status of the GNT-0000 00 Qan[T]. He noted that the 00Q could be their trump card in the future. Sumeragi expressed disbelief as Setsuna couldn't possibly communicate with the ELS. Tieria then asked her if she ever thought about the possibility, which Sumeragi responded with anxiety that it was too much reliant on Setsuna.

ELS Encounter on Mars[]

Days after Celestial Being's encounter with the Second Europa, a local gravitational force appeared in the Jupiter's Giant Red Spot and sucked in the planet's moons and ring. An ELS fleet then began appearing on the red spot, sending out waves similar to that of quantum brainwaves to Earth. Celestial Being saw this happening and decided to intercept the incoming ELS fleet in concurrence with Setsuna's request.

On the way to the space sector on Mars, the Ptolemy Crew noticed the ESF envoy engaging against the ELS Fleet. At the time the Gundams had launched, the whole ESF fleet was already annihilated and assimilated. The ELS then went on to surround the Gundams. As the Tieria and the rest began attacking the ELS, Setsuna announced to the group to cease hostilities and leave the space area. He activated Trans-Am Burst in an attempt to communicate with the alien species. However, he failed to understand the ELS and the aliens began assimilating the 00 Raiser. Sumeragi ordered the Gundam Meisters to retrieve Setsuna and retreat from the battlefield.

The Gundam Meisters found it hard to break through the ELS's huge numbers to get to 00 Raiser. After the 00 Raiser already emptied its particle reserves, Tieria decided to lure the ELS using his Quantum Brainwaves in Raphael and launched the GN-008RE Seravee Gundam II.


Tieria overloading Raphael's Trans-Am while being assimilated by ELS

The Meisters protested about Tieria's decision, but he insisted the group to continue retrieving Setsuna. Seravee II reached the 00 Raiser and opened up the Gundam to pull out its cockpit container. Tieria felt the Quantum Brainwave disturbance while Seravee was being assimilated, causing him to lose focus and get caught by the chasing ELS. He then gave the container to the Gundam Meisters. As the Gundams retreat, Tieria activated Raphael and Seravee II's Trans-Am and detonate both mobile suits to destroy the surrounding ELS. The retreating Gundams safely reached the Ptolemy II later with the assistance of Graham Aker's Solbraves.

Prologue to War[]

After attending to Setsuna, Tieria talked to Sumeragi using the Ptolemy computer terminal. She worryingly asked Tieria why he recklessly pulled a suicide act during the previous battle. Tieria did not mind doing what he had done as his body was just a mere container for him. Besides, due to circumstances, he explained that he had done what was best during that time. Sumeragi then asked him about Setsuna. Tieria explained that the attempt to communicate with the ELS had caused Setsuna's brain cells to burst. Tieria tried to restore some of the damages, but even then, Setsuna probably wouldn't regain his memories or even wake up. However, Tieria noted that Setsuna has incredible Quantum Brainwaves, which might help him wake up eventually.


Tieria in the computer talking to the Vashti's and Sumeragi

Later a huge ELS Sphere, the size of the moon, appeared out from Jupiter. The Federation predicted that the probe would probably make its way to Earth, causing them to prepare their army for possible contact. Celestial Being also prepared for combat. During this time, the GNT-0000 00 Qan[T] had been completed and was transferred by Ian and Linda Vashti to the Ptolemy II for final adjustments. They were saddened to learn about what happened to Setsuna and that 00 Qan[T] probably wouldn't be used. Just then, Tieria appeared on their computer and asked Ian to install a small Veda terminal into the 00 Qan[T]. Tieria explained that they could use Veda to manage the information the ELS was sending during the Trans-Am Burst. Sumeragi then announced to the crew about the planned encounter with the ELS; Celestial Being's Final Mission.

Commencing the Dialogues[]

Days later, the Battle for Earth commenced. The ESF faced off against the ELS to defend Earth, but it was not going well as the ELS used previously assimilated information to counter the ESF, such as creating a shield formation and even creating their own copies of the GNX-803T GN-XIV. Zabanya and Harute eventually joined the battle, but it wasn't enough as the ELS kept assimilating other mobile suits and even battleships.

At one point of the battle, Setsuna awoke from his coma and suited up to launch in the completed 00 Qan[T]. Mileina had uploaded Tieria's consciousness into 00 Qan[T]'s cockpit and Tieria gave his thanks to her. Before he launched, Mileina, to the shock and joy of her parents, confessed her love for Tieria. Setsuna and Tieria then launched from Ptolemy 2 Kai.


Tieria pointing their target location

On the way, Tieria pointed out to Setsuna that they needed to reach the centre of the ELS planetoid to commence the dialogues. Lockon, Allelujah and Marie cut a path for them through the ELS forces. Graham Aker and the Solbraves from the Federation also helped out near the ELS territory.

Later, Setsuna reached the ELS planetoid and decided to use Trans-Am to cut their way inside. Tieria protested, as Setsuna should only use the Trans-Am during the dialogues. Setsuna used it anyway, forming the 00 Qan[T]'s GN Buster Rifle to blast a group of ELS Baikal-class ships before using the energy blast to cut the planetoid open. However, the beam was refracted by the ELS's shield. Fortunately, Graham arrived with his half assimilated Brave and overloaded it through the opening of the ELS planetoid, forming a permanent hole on the side. This gave the 00 Qan[T] a way inside. Once at the centre of the ELS, Tieria told Setsuna to use the full power of the Quantum System to communicate with the ELS.


Tieria and Setsuna looking at ELS's memories

During the dialogues, Tieria helped Setsuna sort out relevant information in able to understand the ELS. The ELS displayed their evolution as a species and how their planet was dying due to their star going supernova. Setsuna decided to go to their homeworld to fully understand them. Tieria wondered if that was a good idea, but Setsuna replied that it shouldn't matter; understanding what it is to live is the true meaning of life for everybody. Setsuna and Tieria eventually departed the Solar System for the ELS homeworld. With that, the ELS hostilities ceased, and the war between ELS and humanity ended.

Fifty Years Later[]

Tieria was last seen on board the Sumeragi in the epilogue. It is possible that Tieria utilized Veda to assist the Innovators who would travel into deep space searching for intelligent life. He also had the sister ship of the deep space exploration vessel, Tieria, named after him.


Celestial Being[]

Main article: Celestial Being Tieria has been a member of Celestial Being for as long as he could remember. He is one of the loyal members of the team, being one of the proud followers of Veda. Because of his uptight and cold attitude, his comrades often regards him as the least desirable among the team. He eventually warmed up to them thanks to the guidance of late Lockon Stratos, Neil Dylandy. After his cut-off from Veda and the later defeat of Celestial Being, Tieria remained with the organization, keeping the promise he made with Lockon Stratos of protecting their precious comrades.

There's a personal relationship between Veda and Tieria. Tieria's mind has the ability to communicate with Veda. When switching to Gundam Nadleeh or Seraphim Gundam, he is able to synchronize with Veda in the "Trial" sequence that allows him to jam other mobile suits powered by GN-Particles. Due to the takeover of Veda by Ribbons, Tieria's link is forcibly severed. He seems to be unable to reverse the changes that were made to Veda and seeks a means to restore and decrypt the malignant programming. After his death, Tieria's consciousness becomes merged with Veda, enabling him to learn about Aeolia Schenberg's true plan.
Crew of the Ptolemaios
Sumeragi Lee Noriega
Sumeragi is the Ptolemy's tactical strategist. At the beginning, Tieria doubted her abilities because of her tragic past. The relationship was soured further by the HRL Gundam Operation incident. However, thanks to Lockon, Tieria eventually learned to accept Sumeragi as one of his comrades. During the return of Celestial Being in 2312 AD, their relationship developed into deep trust between the two.
Mileina Vashti
Mileina is one of the tactical operators of the Ptolemy Crew and one of Tieria's close friends. Before Tieria sortie for the ELS planetoid in the movie, Mileina confessed her unrequited love for Tieria, saying that no matter how Tieria appeared, she will always love him.
Gundam Meisters
Setsuna F. Seiei
At the beginning Tieria had misgivings against Setsuna, and even threatened to kill him if he jeopardized the mission(s). After the introduction of the Throne Meisters, due to a common dislike towards them, they start seeing eye-to-eye and they have renewed respect for each other. In season 2, after their reunion, they share a renewed relationship of trust and respect. Tieria even supported Setsuna's rescue of Marina Ismail, something that would have been impossible in the past. During the movie, Tieria maintained his faith in Setsuna, believing him to be a critical component of the "dialogues" that Aeolia Schenberg had predicted would take place between humans and alien life.
Allelujah Haptism
Allelujah Haptism was Tieria's partner during the early missions of season 1. They never seem to interact much outside their missions in season 1, partly due to Tieria Erde's cold demeanor. In season 2, they never have that much interaction. However, its shown that Tieria cares for the comrade, as shown during the Allelujah retrieval missions.
Lockon Stratos (Neil Dylandy)
Lockon Stratos (Neil Dylandy) was like a big brother for all of the Meisters. It was thanks to Lockon's kind personality that Tieria learned to accept his own humanity and develop a humble side, and Lockon lost his eye defending Tieria from harm. Lockon's death at the end of Season 1 proved to be heavy for Tieria. However, it gave Tieria a new purpose in fighting, defending his comrades, aside from strictly following Veda's orders. Ribbons Almark comments on the change Neil had on Tieria when they meet at the party in Season 2, saying that Tieria allowed Lockon 'too deep into his heart'.
Lockon Stratos (Lyle Dylandy)
Tieria never approved of the new Lockon Stratos (Lyle Dylandy), partly due to Lyle trying to fill Neil's shoes at the start of season 2. However, as the series progress, they seemed to grow a sense of comradeship; even helping each other out during times of need in the battlefield.
Throne Meisters
Due to their mysterious background, Tieira has doubted the Trinity since their debut in Taklamakan Desert. After getting to meet the team and seeing their armed operations, Tieria decided to view them as unfit of the position they are upholding as Gundam Meisters.


Main article: Innovators (Group) Being the same as the Innovators, Tieria first doubted if he would joined them or fight against them. They have control over Veda and were claiming to follow Aeolia's Plan. However, after seeing their tactics and how they condone A-Laws' brutal operations, Tieria decided to fight the Innovators together with his comrades in Celestial Being.

Ribbons Almark
Ribbons is the leader of the Innovators. He was responsible for having Tieria cut off from accessing Veda's information files in Season 1.
Regene Regetta
Regene is an Innovade that shares Tieria's DNA base sequence. Regene first invites Tieria to join the Innovators, tempting the latter with the knowledge of Aeolia's Plan. Since Regene shares the same Innovade genetic property as Tieria, he could easily connect to Tieria's mind and consciousness through quantum brainwaves.

Picture Gallery[]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • According to Mobile Suit Gundam 00 screenwriter, Yōsuke Kuroda, in an interview in Gundam 00 Final Mission Memorial Book, Tieria Erde's name came from the words "Earth" and "Angel", which are altered a bit.[31] Tieria's name might come from the Latin name for Earth, Terra, and the angel Teiaiel, who was known to have dominion over the future. It is also worth noting that the Earth's name in German is Erde, which came from the Anglo-Saxon word, erda.[32]
  • Tieria was noted to look like 16 years old in appearance.[33]
  • One series guide book, the Gundam 00 World Report, had noted that Tieria's Blood-type was A and his Birthday was December 9.[34] However, it should be noted that these are not supported by the recent official files that followed it, especially those that were provided during the Second Season and the Movie. These are kept as unknown ("-").
  • Tieria's weight in the first set of official files was 59 kg. It was later corrected to 61 kg in World Report.[34] It is supported this time by the later official file profiles.
  • Tieria only wears glasses to protect his eyes. He doesn't necessarily need them.[34][35]
  • As stated during the first season of Gundam 00, Tieria prefers being in space over being on Earth.
  • Although not shown in the credits, Akiko Tanaka voiced Tieria Erde's female voice during the A-Laws party infiltration in episode 8 of Season 2. She was acknowledged by Tieria's VA, Hiroshi Kamiya, during the episode commentary. Although Kamiya did a test using a female voice, it was decided by Director Seiji Mizushima that an actual female voice would do better for the scene.[36]
  • Hiroshi Kamiya has voiced Koyomi Araragi from the Monogatari series.
  • Tieria's English voice actor, Samuel Vincent, also voiced Athrun Zala in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED

External links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Gundam 00 Novel 2 Chapter 6 pg. 204.
  2. "Unrewarded Souls," Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 1 episode 07.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Road to Ruin," Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 1 episode 21.
  4. "Trans-Am (episode)," Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 1 episode 22.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Gundam 00 Novel 3 Chapter 5 pg. 193.
  6. "Allelujah Rescue Operation," Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 2 episode 3.
  7. "Assault on Memento Mori," Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 2 episode 13.
  8. 8.0 8.1 "A Song is Heard," Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 2 episode 14.
  9. "Twistedness of Innocence," Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 2 episode 8.
  10. "Unerasable Past," Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 2 episode 9.
  11. "Wait for Me in Space," Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 2 episode 12.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 "Beyond," Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 2 episode 24.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 "Rebirth," Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 2 episode 25.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 "A wakening of the Trailblazer," Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie.
  15. Gundam 00 Novel 2 Chapter 6 pg. 203.
  16. Gundam 00 2nd Mechanics.
  17. Gundam 00 Novel 3 Chapter 1 pg. 39.
  18. "Bonds," Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 1 episode 17.
  19. Gundam 00 Season 2 Novel 4 Chapter 3 pg. 221.
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Gundam 00P File No.18: Gundam Virtue
  21. Gundam 00 Novel 3 Chapter 5 pg. 174.
  22. 22.0 22.1 Gundam 00 Novel 3 Chapter 1 pg. 35.
  23. Gundam 00 Novel 3 Chapter 1 pg. 50.
  24. 24.0 24.1 Gundam 00 Novel 3 Chapter 2 pg. 78.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Gundam 00 Novel 3 Chapter 3 pg. 103.
  26. Gundam 00 Novel 3 Chapter 3 pg. 108.
  27. Gundam 00 Novel 3 Chapter 3 pg. 110.
  28. Gundam 00 Novel 3 Chapter 3 pg. 113.
  29. 29.0 29.1 Gundam 00 Novel 3 Chapter 3 pg. 114.
  30. Gundam 00 Novel 3 Chapter 5 pg. 196.
  31. Gundam 00 Final Mission Memorial Book, Q&A with Yōsuke Kuroda. pg 90.
  32. Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  33. HG 1/144 GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh manual
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 Character Profiles. Gundam 00 World Report.
  35. Mobile Suit Gundam 00P: Question and Answer Corner, Dengeki Hobby Magazine October 2009.
  36. Episode 8 commentary, Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season.

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