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Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom (機動戦士ガンダムSEED FREEDOM?) is a Japanese animated film released on January 26, 2024.[1] The film is the fourth animated installment of the SEED series, and a sequel to the anime Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny.


A year after the Second Alliance-PLANT War, Blue Cosmos is still active in Eurasia, and Compass was founded to help end the conflict. Leading Compass are President Lacus Clyne and Commodore Kira Yamato. The recently independent nation, Kingdom of Foundation, wants to help Compass end Blue Cosmos for a seat at their council to strengthen the legitimacy of their nation and government. Upon meeting Queen Aura and their prime minister Orphee Lam Tao in Foundation capital Ishtaria, Lacus feels an intense connection with Orphee, and Kira notices it too. Compass, Foundation, and Eurasian delegates have agreed to a joint mission to settle Blue Cosmos, who are hiding in an abandoned fortress in Eldore. During the operation, Kira experiences a psychic illusion that convinces him to break into the demarcation line, making him an enemy of Eurasian forces; the Foundation's Black Knight Squad was sent to stop Kira. Unknown to everyone, the Black Knights are advanced coordinators created by Queen Aura: the Accords. The Accords messed with Kira's mind to stage a false flag operation and turned on Compass. Kira and Compass members in Eldore were betrayed and defeated by the Black Knights, the Immortal Justice, Rising Freedom, and the Archangel were all destroyed by the Foundation's trap. The Black Knights took a Eurasian missile launcher and fired nuclear missiles, destroying Blue Cosmos and the Foundation palace. Lacus was taken by Foundation into space while Kira and surviving comrades were rescued by Athrun and Meyrin in the new Z'Gok. When the nuclear missile detonated, the world presumed Kira and his company all died in the blast, but they escaped underwater and hid themselves in a secret base. The Foundation later used the rebuilt Requiem and destroyed Eurasian capital Moscow in retaliation for recent events. Orphee publicly blamed the Naturals for their losses, revealed the secret of the Accords, that Lacus was one of them, and encouraged Coordinators to join the Foundation, and to enforce Durandal's Destiny Plan. He gives all factions 5 days to submit to his demands or face Requiem's wrath. Earth Alliance and Orb prepare for war as they dispatch forces into space. The PLANTs had a coup as one of its commanders sided with the Foundation and took over the government. The PLANT chairman managed to avoid capture and began planning to retake the PLANTs. Those who survived the Eldore incident hijacked the Millennium and obtained the upgraded models of their Gundams: Impulse Spec II, Destiny Spec II, and Strike Freedom Type II. Kira revealed to Foundation that he was still alive and prepared to give the true story to the Foundation's claims and made it to space. Kira rescued Lacus from Foundation captivity and she declared to the world that she doesn't support the Foundation. Orphee and the Black Knight Squad sortie to take on Kira, Athrun, Shinn, and the rest of the allied Compass forces. Loyal ZAFT soldiers to the PLANT chairman helped reclaim their government and the Millennium defeated the Foundation battlefleet. With the intervention of ∞ Justice Type II and the formation of Mighty Strike Freedom, the Accords were defeated. Ultimately, Compass defeated all of Foundation and restored peace.


In Cosmic Era 75, one year after the events of the Second Alliance-PLANT War, conflicts with the radical anti-Coordinator activist group Blue Cosmos hasn't ended as Colonel Michael takes the helm and commits guerilla/terrorist attacks. The Destiny Plan had failed with the death of PLANT Supreme Council Chairman Gilbert Durandal and created confusion over PLANT's future. To maintain peace, leaders from PLANT, Orb Union, and the Atlantic Federation formed the global peace monitoring agency: the Compulsory Observational Making Peace Service, or COMPS, better known as Compass. The leaders appointed Lacus Clyne as its inaugural president and Kira Yamato as the Supreme Commander. At 1:00 AM in the Kanazi outskirts, Blue Cosmos forces attack Aldrin City in Africa with a group of GAT-04 Windams and GAT-01A1 Daggers, supported by a single GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam. Blue Cosmos wants to restart their war with ZAFT by goading them into a border violation.

On board the Super Minerva-class ship orbiting the Earth, the LHM-BB03S Millennium, the Yamato Team is dispatched to Aldrin City, Kira (in the STTS-909 Rising Freedom Gundam) tells Shinn Asuka (in the STTS-808 Immortal Justice Gundam) to defend the government facilities and for Agnes Giebenrath (in her custom-colored ZGMF-2027/A GYAN Strom) and Lunamaria Hawke (in her custom-colored ZGMF-2025/F GELGOOG Menace) to defend the remaining civilians. Despite Agnes and Shinn’s efforts, Kira insists on taking the frontlines alone. He assigns the Harken Team, led by Hilda Harken, to defend the Millennium.

After descending to Aldrin City, the Compass quartet saves a group of civilians from an advancing Windam that just destroyed a defending ZGMF-1017 GINN. The Destroy Gundam rampages throughout the city, despite Kira’s warning. While Shinn and Agnes argue over who should be the support unit, Kira effortlessly disables the Destroy and a number of Blue Cosmos suits. Three hours into the battle, ZAFT garrison forces declare they're after Colonel Michael and refuse to listen to Kira's heed to cease fire. ZAFT forces charge into Kanazi City in response to the attack and massacre retreating soldiers. Tired of both sides not listening to him, Kira decides to take matters to his own hands and disarm and disable mobile suits from both sides to stop the battle, showing the capability of the new Freedom. By sunrise, the battle was over and the LCAM-01XA Archangel with Compass unit number SCC-101 arrives to provide relief and to take in Kira's team. After rescue efforts and emergency medical triage were completed, the Yamato Team returns to space and back to the Millennium.

Around this time, a private independent nation has been founded: the Kingdom of Foundation. Albeit a fledgling nation, the country flourished with its advanced technologies and economy. Under the leadership of Queen Aura Maha Khyber and its incredible growth under Prime Minister Orphee Lam Tao, Foundation stirred trouble in Eurasia as it inspired other factions to declare independence. Coined as the "Foundation Shock," it earned enmity from certain countries. Although an independent nation, not every country recognize them as a legitimate country and they have approached the PLANTs and Compass with the offer to help locate Colonel Michael in exchange for a position with Compass, with hope that this political move would press or convince other nations to finally recognize them. In a private conversation between Lacus and Orb Union Chief Representative Cagalli Yula Athha, there are concerns about political ramifications to allowing the Foundation to join them; Lacus wants more time to consider their options.

As the Millennium returns into Aprilius' spaceport, Shinn confides to Lunamaria that he feels Kira doesn't trust him enough as he thinks Kira has been fighting enemies by himself in all their sorties. However, Luna believes Kira is doing this to minimize casualties. Agnes enters the room and overhears their conversation; she had to remark that it has nothing to do with trust but ability. Agnes reminds Shinn that he's coined as the "Freedom Killer" for a reason and reminds him he was so gullible as Durandal's pawn; she suggests Shinn to give her the Immortal Justice as she's a far worthier pilot (based on her academy scores) than Shinn before leaving them frustrated. (It was inferred that Agnes was one of Shinn, Luna, and late Rey's classmates in the ZAFT academy before.)

Kira and Lacus has since moved from Orb to Aprilius, owning a mansion on the mountainside of the colony. Lacus was preparing dinner when Kira calls to say he's running late in the Millennium to refine the incomplete Proud Defender support craft. White waiting for Kira to arrive, Lacus falls asleep on the couch and experiences a dream, seeing Kira disappearing and a blonde man (Orphee) appearing before her. Kira comes home late, covers Lacus with a blanket, and sits at his desk. He reflects on Durandal's profile on his computer and feels uneasy about his Destiny Plan before falling asleep. Lacus then wakes up to see Kira asleep in his chair and covers him with the blanket he used earlier while noticing Durandal and the Destiny Plan in the computer screen.

The following day, Kira and Lacus ride on a motorcycle to a park for a picnic while discussing recent events. As Lacus sets up their bento boxes, Lacus remarks Colonel Michael is hiding in Eldore near the border of Eurasia and mentions Queen Aura's personal letter of interest in assisting to capture him. Unsure what to do, Lacus asks Kira's opinion over the matter. Kira felt if Foundation can help end everything, there was no reason to object. Kira reasoned the conflicts haven't ended and someone has to make the effort to bring about peace; Lacus decided to accept the Foundation's offer.

The Millennium depart Aprilius, descend to Earth, and meet up with the Archangel as they travel to Foundation's capital city Ishtaria to meet with the Foundation royalty to discuss their offer. The ships flew over the city and Archangel captain Murrue Ramius was impressed how quick the city has been built. Both ships would land at the lake near the royal palace. Upon docking, it was there that Lacus was welcomed by Orphee Lam Tao. When they shook hands, Lacus felt an intense connection and surprise, shock even, with Orphee. He introduced himself to Lacus as her man of destiny and will guide the world with her. Caught up in the moment, Kira refocused Lacus' attention and their group started to walk to the palace. As Kira walked with his entourage, he felt a malicious intent from one of the Foundation officers, wanting Kira gone. Unknown to everyone, Athrun Zala has managed to infiltrate Ishtaria and has been investigating the seedier areas of Foundation. He witnessed Foundation soldiers killing and arresting civilians but remained hidden to avoid attention.

Inside the Foundation palace, Queen Aura formally introduces herself, Orphee, and the Black Knight Squad to Compass. The introduction was brief as the queen mentioned she must handle national affairs, but she looks forward to the evening party. At the courtyard, the team encounters the Black Knight Squad practicing sword combat. Foundation Secretary Defense and leader of the Black Knight Squad Shura Serpentine invites Kira to a duel but Kira admits swords are not his thing. The Black Knights (Griffin Arbalest, Liu Shenqiang, Redelard Tradoll, Daniel Harper) mock Kira for being a high-ranking officer that doesn't know how to do sword combat, but was scolded by fellow Black Knight Ingrid Tradoll. Annoyed that they belittled his commander, Shinn decided to defend Kira's honor by dueling Shura, but he was quickly defeated. Shura had to remark that Athrun is the better duelist. Offended, Shinn wants to talk back but Kira intervenes. Shura draws his sword at them and remarks the world is governed by those with power and wonders if Kira has such power. However, Kira feels people don't want a world like that. The Black Knights decide to leave and Agnes chastised Shinn for his incompetence. She remarked she should've dueled instead as she's the better fighter. Shura recognized Agnes as the "Moonlight Valkyrie", and complimented her strength makes her beautiful, leaving her swooned.

At the dinner party, Lacus sat with Queen Aura and Orphee for discussions. Orphee decided to take Lacus out to the ballroom for a dance. At the buffet table, Mu La Flaga talks about the Black Knights with Shinn and Luna; he believes they're Coordinators but their behavior doesn't look like a proper military unit. Agnes tries to get Kira to dance with her, but he wasn't interested as they were there for formal reasons. Frustrated, Agnes walks away and Lunamaria suggest to Agnes to stop making passes on Kira; Agnes doesn't believe she's anything wrong. Luna questions if Agnes does even love Kira at all; Agnes responds by saying she doesn't intend to settle whatever comes along like her (a jab on Luna's romantic relationship with Shinn).

As Kira takes a breath on the balcony, he spots Orphee taking Lacus to the fountain for a private conversation. Orphee talks to Lacus about his views as to why the world continues to conflict, and how unfairness perpetuates conflict; he wants to bring about a fair and equal society. Lacus believes Orphee's views are a wonderful idea and acknowledges his words hold truth; Orphee is happy to hear Lacus' approval as it gives him confidence and their interaction gives Lacus pause as she sees Kira through Orphee. The prime minister declares he wants to create a world without poverty or discrimination, believing it's the reason why he was brought into this world. Orphee places his hand over Lacus' face, telling her he believes it's the same reason as him. Feeling awkward witnessing the moment, Kira walks away. Lacus senses Kira's presence and politely excuses herself to find him.

After the party, Kira is back on board the Millennium with Agnes. Lacus was bringing a snack to Kira when Lacus realized he's talking to Agnes and hid herself near the open door. Seeing Agnes fidgety and emotional, Kira asks what's going on with her. Agnes tells Kira she can't believe why Lacus agreed to dance with Orphee while he's about to head off to a dangerous battlefield. Kira believes that's part of her job, but Agnes wonders why Kira isn't angry towards Lacus as Agnes believes Lacus is taking advantage of his kindness. Agnes wonders if Kira wants Lacus to take him for granted. Agnes notices Lacus' nearby presence and takes the opportunity to grab Kira and try to kiss him, but Kira pushes Agnes away; Agnes is confused about what makes Lacus so good as she would never send someone she loves to the battlefield while watching from safety. Kira believes Agnes doesn't understand and storms off, only to realize Lacus left the snack in the food cart and overheard their conversation, prompting him to give chase.

Along the docks, Orphee greets Kira. Eager to find Lacus, Kira tries to excuse himself but Orphee bluntly tells him that he's not worthy of pursuing Lacus as destruction, hatred, and death always follow him. Orphee accuses Kira of robbing the world of peace and order by defeating the late Durandal; Orphee wonders if Kira is doing enough to compensate for what the world lost. Orphee believes with the Destiny Plan presented to the world, there's no going back; he believes everyone wants things decided, done, and sought for them. Orphee declares that Lacus is the light that can guide such a world and the one standing at her side should be someone like himself. Orphee tells Kira he can't accomplish peace since all he knows is how to fight. And once they achieve peace, Orphee wonders if Kira has the guts to take her hand with his bloodied hand. Orphee walks away, leaving Kira speechless.

Later in the night inside the Foundation mobile suit hangar, Agnes feels sad from Kira's earlier rejection and finds comfort in Shura. She holds him, asking if she's not pretty or charming enough. Shura assures her that she is beautiful and they embrace each other. Shinn apparently had the chance to spend the night with Lunamaria but he decides to spend the night outside the ship's hull; Luna remarked he's an idiot. Orphee found Lacus sitting at the port pavilion after hearing Agnes' words. The two resume their talk about the difficulties of ending conflict and Orphee reached out and held her hand. She once again experiences a strong level of connection with Orphee and wonders who he is. Orphee assures her that he's here to make the world better; he's the only man who can make a pair with her and bring world peace. As Orphee assures Lacus, she experiences strong visions of her mother's past. He tells her that he was given life for that purpose in order to fulfill his assigned mission as much as her. Unknown to the two, Kira was watching from afar and walked away. Staying hidden behind the trees near the pavilion, Black Knight Ingrid Tradoll can't help but just watch Orphee from far away to try to sway Lacus for himself as she's secretly in love with Orphee but never interfered in his affairs. In Queen Aura's bedroom, the Black Knights surround Queen Aura as she refers to them as her children. Through the photos in the background, it shows the queen and the knights were once under Durandal's care when they were younger; they're tied to Durandal's Destiny Plan.

In a meeting between Compass and Eurasian Federation officers the following day, they're reviewing the actionable intel that Colonel Michael is occupying the ruins of a fortress somewhere in Eldore, a valley place located between the Foundation and Eurasian territories. Eurasian commanders confirmed that they found Michael's forces going in and out of the location through underground tunnels. Murrue remarked that the Foundation army will contain enemy forces while aiding civilians. Compass wants to apprehend Michael and call for Blue Cosmos to surrender to minimize casualties; the Archangel will be leading the mission. As the Archangel prepares for battle, Eurasian forces make it clear that if Compass or Foundation forces cross the demarcation line, their military will regard it as an invasion and will respond accordingly.

Kira, Shinn, and Hilda launched from the Millennium while the Archangel sortied their Murasame Kai mobile suits led by Mu. As the Foundation team carries on humanitarian aid to the locals, a band of suicide bombers creates chaos by detonating themselves, taking the lives of several civilians. Meanwhile, Kira and Shinn joined forces as the Rising Freedom and Immortal Justice take out an already-damaged Destroy Gundam. With the Eldoran military authorizing rescue operations, the Black Knights were able to enter the Eldoran region. It was there the Black Knights began operations on their own hidden agenda.

The Black Knights are able to communicate telepathically and it was time to execute their plans. Black Knight Griffin Arbalest used his unique ability to mess with Kira's senses, specifically his vision. Seeing an illusion, Kira is convinced he spotted Michael escaping and gave chase. Convinced he has seen the enemy, Kira calls for Shinn for backup while speeds towards "Michael", but the Archangel Corps senses something is off and Mu tries to tell Kira to come back or he'll be attacked for crossing the demarcation line. Nearing the line, Kira sees the people in front of him instead as Blue Cosmos, not Eurasian forces, and proceeds to attack them, thinking he's finally got Michael. At the Foundation CIC, the Eurasian officers demand Kira to stop or it would be considered an act of war by Compass. Orphee offers to send his troops to stop Kira to avoid further issues and Lacus, while fully knowing that Kira of all people would not do something like this out of the ordinary, reluctantly agrees.

Just as Lacus agrees to let the Foundation stop Kira from further aggression, all major channels suffer from jamming, affecting communications. Foundation had secretly activated a Neutron Jammer Dazzler to cloud communication signals so they can freely attack the Rising Freedom without any information going in, out, and interfered. Kira finally snaps out from the externally induced illusion when he notices the Black Knights are attacking him. Confused as to why he's being attacked, the Knights tell him he's crossed the demarcation line and boldly admit they're going to kill him. As Kira fights for his life against Shura and the Black Knight Squad, Shinn feels Kira is in trouble and wants to find him but Griffin and Redelard Tradoll's NOG-M4F Rud-ro.As "Emerald" and "Garnet", respectively, block him.

Annoyed by their interference, Shinn fires Immortal Justice's beam rifle at them to get out of the way but their Femto Technology Armor just absorbs the beam shots. Murrue realizes it's a trap and declares a tactical retreat, but has yet to realize Foundation's betrayal. It was during this time that Black Knight Liu Shenqiang took over an Eurasian missile launcher and program it to fire its three nuclear payload units towards the Millennium, the Foundation Royal Palace, and Eldore. The Archangel spotted Liu and Daniel Harper's NOG-M4F Rud-ro.A's "Spinel" and "Sapphire", respectively, taking off from Eurasian soil, and proceeds to counter the missiles. As the crew attempted to intercept the missiles, both "Spinel" and "Sapphire" swiftly destroyed the Archangel's Gottfried beam cannons. Murrue did her best to try and fend off the sudden Foundation ambush and betrayal but could not inform Lacus of the situation due to the comms still being down. While taking advantage of the chaos, Queen Aura and Orphee strategically boarded a shuttle for an emergency escape to space, while convincing Lacus to come with them. Remaining in the Millennium, Lunamaria was then ordered to sortie in her GELGOOG Menace with the big task of shooting down the nuclear missile, which she did, but missed the second one that caught her by surprise as it redirected to a different path, resulting in the destruction of Ishtaria, while the senior members of Foundation and Lacus managed to escape into space. Luna and the Millennium just managed to dive down deep enough to avoid the nuclear explosion blast.

The Archangel suffered catastrophic damage due to the Black Knight ambush and was forced to eject all of its engines; Murrue declared to the crew to abandon ship as it crash lands to a large ditch. Former DOM Trooper pilots Mars Simeon and Herbert Von Reinhard on their new GELGOOG Menaces attempted to stop the Rud-ro.As from causing further damage, but they were tricked by an illusion and the two were killed in action by the "Spinel" and "Sapphire". The crew immediately leaves the bridge, leaving Murrue the last person on board. As she looks on her subordinates leaving, Daniel's Rud-ro.A "Sapphire" aims its beam rifle at the bridge. Murrue quickly activates the captain's seat to lower her to a secure part of the ship for safety as "Sapphire" fires at the bridge, destroying it, and followed it with a barrage of missiles from Foundation's own AMF-101Q/4 DINN-R and ZGMF-1017Q GINN-R automated mobile suits, heavily damaging the entire top side of the Archangel. Seeing the Archangel bridge wrecked, Mu's Murasame Kai tries to intervene but suffers severe damage at the hands of Liu's Rud-ro.A "Spinel" and was seemingly defeated in battle as it fell into the smokes of the burning Archangel. When Shinn realized the Archangel's destruction, he didn't have time to process his next move as Griffin in his Rud-ro.A "Emerald" appeared, telling Shinn to focus on what's in front of him, and swiftly sliced the Immortal Justice in half by the torso. With Justice down, Shinn abandoned his mobile suit and attempts to flee from Griffin. "Emerald" was about to capture or finish off Shinn when Hilda Harken in her damaged GYAN Strom intervened, destroying Immortal Justice's top half with missiles to distract Griffin, at the same time, bringing Shinn into her cockpit to flee the area.

The Rising Freedom was the last Compass Gundam standing as Shura pressed the offensive. Seeing his mobile suit's energy quickly depleting and having already lost its beam rifle, shield, and right wing segment, Kira was quickly overpowered, as Shura's NOG-M1A1 Shi-ve.A destroys the Rising Freedom's weapons one by one. After slicing the Rising Freedom's right arm off, Shura fired Shi-ve.A's barrage of needles and dealt catastrophic damage. Agnes then appeared, changing her loyalties to Shura, and had her GYAN Strom slice off Rising Freedom's remaining arm and legs, leaving the fallen Gundam seemingly helpless as the cockpit cover blows off. As Kira exits the cockpit, he was surprised at Agnes' treachery and as she tries to go for the finishing blow, Athrun intervened in his ZGMF-MM07 Z'Gok with the Volantes sub-flight lifter. Murrue managed to survive the Rud-ro.A "Sapphire" assault and, so did Mu. Although his Murasame Kai was damaged by the Black Knights, it was still functional for flight as Mu found the smoked Murrue sitting almost helplessly on the back of the ship, took her inside the mobile suit, and flew away to safety. Athrun was on equal terms in melee MS combat with Shura as Redelard Tradoll called for a retreat. Agnes got emotionally conflicted over what she did, but when Shura asks if she is going with him, she agrees and the Shi-ve.A flies off, carrying the damaged GYAN Strom. The final nuke was flying over to the Eldoran fortress; Athrun called for Kira, still in disbelief of Agnes' sudden change of heart, to quickly depart as Meyrin Hawke arrived with the rescued Archangel crew inside the AMGS-X18P Cavalier Aifrid Unit-01. Moments later, the nuclear missile blows up remnants of Colonel Michael, Blue Cosmos, and the fortress, completely obliterating them. The blast also took the remains of the legendary Archangel, and presumably, the Rising Freedom and the Immortal Justice as well. The Cavalier survived by hiding underwater until they can reach to the Compass secret underwater dock within Akatsuki Island in Orb. On the escape shuttle, Lacus bursts into tears, while mourning Kira.

Four days after the battle at Eldore, Kira, Shinn, Mu, and the rest of the Archangel crew are presumed dead. In a virtual meeting between all major powers with Orb, Cagalli reports the remnants of the Archangel was found but the Rising Freedom and the Immortal Justice remain missing; it's presumed nobody survived the nuclear blast. It has been verified through the Millennium that Lacus safely escaped with Foundation's senior members at their satellite base sector. Earth Alliance president Foster blamed Kira for the debacle, but Cagalli wasn't sold on Kira intentionally crossing the demarcation line to start a war. Even if that was the case, PLANT Supreme Council Chairman Walter de Lament argued that it didn't justify Eurasia launching nuclear missiles at Eldore. Cagalli believes there are too many aspects of the situation not answered and there's not enough information to paint a clear picture of what really happened. Without Michael nor Kira to answer what happened, the situation is all too convenient as nobody is being held responsible. Eurasia suspects that Kira was doing some sort of ploy for the PLANTs to invade, but those accusations were quickly dismissed. Due to the lack of trust between all parties, the meeting was abruptly ended.

The Millennium is presently docked at Onogoro Island in the Orb Union. Lunamaria is mourning at Shinn's room over his presumed demise. At the command bridge, captain Alexei Konoe, second-in-command Arthur Trine, CIC officer Abbey Windsor, and technical officer Albert Heinlein discuss recent events. Albert tells the crew he believes Foundation was responsible for the events at Eldore based on loose evidence. Based on the timing of the jamming and the missile attacks, he believes that the Black Knights are responsible. Arthur makes the terrifying realization that Foundation planned the nuclear attacks. However, Captain Konoe admits while they believe it's mostly true, they don't have the means to prove it. Albert reflects that the Millennium has been ordered to return, that they have no mobile suits on board, that the Archangel is destroyed, and that the crew's survival odds are low. Captain Konoe, on the other hand, wasn't fully sold on the idea the Archangel team would perish that easily.

Still hiding out at the Akatsuki Island secret underwater dock, the surviving crew of the Archangel learn of Compass being suspended due to recent events. Shinn is frustrated, but Athrun remarks it's because they haven't told their side of the story. When Kira asked about Lacus' status, Athrun told Kira she was at the Foundation's satellite base; Kira felt Lacus betrayed him. Athrun then talked to the crew about his investigation into Foundation. Starting with Queen Aura, Athrun revealed that she was working at Mendel's genetics lab 19 years ago with the task of creating Coordinators that are a grade above the rest: the Accords. Through educated guessing, they figured Aura likely masterminded events at Eldore as an excuse to attack Eurasia. It was around this time that Foundation took control of the rebuilt Requiem and used it to fire upon Eurasia's capital: Moscow, Russia as "payback" for nuking their capital Ishtaria. Kira thought it was a nuclear attack, but Athrun quickly recognized that that kind of attack came from Requiem.

The world leaders quickly had a meeting and presumed this was PLANT's doing, but it didn't take long for Foundation to take responsibility for the attack. In an open channel, Orphee tells the world that they have been chased off Earth by the hatred of the Naturals. Despite wishing for peace and stability, he says the Naturals ruined it. He explains that Foundation adopted Durandal's Destiny Plan as a national policy; they created a fair and equal society based on genetics. However, Orphee blamed the Naturals for their unwillingness to change and harm each other over their emotions; he finds them unworthy of Earth. Orphee then turned to the people of the PLANTs, he identified himself as a Coordinator and expresses his belief that they are the evolutionary future. He revealed that he and the Black Knight Squad are Accords, the real Ultimate Coordinators. Orphee goes on to say they were created to arbitrate for humanity and that revealed that Compass president Lacus is an Accord as well; he affirms that she supports the Foundation and its ideals. In attempt to unite the Coordinators under his rule, he encourages the Coordinators to join their cause. He then tells the people of Earth to surrender and implement the Destiny Plan within five days. Ultimately, Orphee warns anyone that resists him will suffer the wrath of Requiem's cannon. With a gun pointed to both Earth and PLANTs, the major powers take action.

In the aftermath of Orphee's speech, Orb sortied the Kusanagi with a full complement of Murasame units into space. The Earth Alliance prepares to send their ships to the moon. A rogue faction of ZAFT, led by Commander Hari Jagannath, launched a coup d'état in an attempt to take over the PLANT Supreme Council. PLANT Intelligence Division Deputy Commander Dearka Elsman learned about the coup and warns comrade and Commander Yzak Joule about the situation. Before the coup faction could reach to Chairman de Lament, Yzak and Dearka along with the intelligence officers managed to help their leader escape from being captured. They successfully escaped by shuttle and quickly boarded the FFMH-Y101 Eternal. The Clyne Faction anticipated a day like this may come and had secretly hidden the Eternal on the dark side of the Aprilius colony (externally) and entrusted certain PLANT and ZAFT members with their resources. In review of their preparation, Dearka admits they're far from perfect but they have a hidden stash of supplies within the destroyed Boaz asteroid. During the meeting, Yzak's mother, Ezalia Joule, sizes up Shiho Hahnenfuss, much to Shiho’s and Yzak’s consternation.

At the Foundation satellite base, Lacus requests to leave but Orphee argued she's where she belongs. Queen Aura tells Lacus that it was her mother's wish as well. Confused, Aura explains that Lacus was created for the people: to be loved by all and to guide them. It was then Aura tells Lacus that's how she made her that way; Lacus' genetic sequence and creation was Aura's work. Aura goes on to say that Orphee and Lacus are poised to stand at the top of humanity. Orphee affirms to Lacus that they will rule the world together. When Orphee held Lacus' hand again, she once again felt an intense attraction to Orphee. He tried to kiss Lacus, Kira mentally calls out to Lacus and her love for him helped her snap out of the trance and she pushed Orphee away. Orphee remindes Lacus that Kira is dead and it was due to her authorizing Kira to be neutralized. Lacus fell down to her knees, realizing her actions led to Kira's "death". Orphee commented that Kira is not needed in this world but Lacus takes offense and tells him that she didn't love him because he was needed; he was needed because she loved him, with Ingrid gasping in surprise at Lacus remark. Orphee had enough of Lacus' words as he felt she was talking like a Natural; he decided to leave to cool off.

At Akatsuki Island, Kira was summoned into the meeting room to talk about Foundation and the Accords. Athrun mentioned how the two most important members of Foundation's plan is Orphee and Lacus; it's the only reason why Foundation kidnapped Lacus. He also reports that a military coup is happening within the PLANTs and they lost contact with the chairman and the council members. Hilda points out they have no means to take action as they don't have a ship nor mobile suits at their disposal. Murrue believes they're good as dead at this moment; Athrun speculates that if the Accords can read their minds, they can influence their thoughts and explains Kira's actions in Eldore, to which Shinn realizes it as well. To change the situation, Athrun believes they need to retrieve Lacus to have her influence alter the tide of things. However, Kira believes all their efforts will be pointless.

Kira's confidence on himself and to Lacus has been utterly shaken as he tells the crew that all of his efforts have never made a difference. He believes it's also the reason why Lacus abandoned him and chose Orphee. Kira tearfully believes his inability to make Lacus happy is the reason why she left him. Athrun had enough of Kira's whining and punched Kira to the floor. With all this talk about himself, Athrun wondered did Kira ever thought about her feelings. He told Kira if he's tired of fighting, Kira should stay there to mope and rot. Angered by Athrun's words, Kira retaliates and gets into a fight with him as he believes Athrun doesn't understand. Athrun asked if Kira thought he was the only one fighting. Kira believes it couldn't be helped as everyone is too weak. Athrun thinks Kira is a pathetic hero as Kira shouldered too many burdens by himself and now intends to give up after he failed. Kira denies it and tries to hit back, but Athrun is the superior fighter. Shinn tries to intervene, only to get hit by the both of them. Hilda holds down Shinn as she believes this can only be resolved between the two best friends. As Kira fails to land a punch, he admits to Athrun he hates doing all of this but he's the only one able to do it. Athrun wondered why didn't Kira ask for help when it's not possible to shoulder everything. Athrun managed to upper-cut Kira and he fell to the floor. Kira tearfully admits he wants to see Lacus smiling next to him, but unclear what should he do next. Athrun believes Lacus must've changed quite a bit since he last saw her. He explained she can't be happy unless Kira is able to do something for her. Athrun points out the Lacus he knows would never say something like that. Kira thought about Lacus' desire to bring about peace, but Murrue stepped in and said that Lacus didn't want peace to be served to her on a silver platter. Athrun reminded Kira that Lacus wanted to achieve that peace with a partner, one step at a time. Kira wonders if that's how Lacus really feels and Athrun challenged him to go rescue Lacus and ask her himself. Athrun's words manage to galvanize Kira's morale and now the team focuses on a plan.

Meyrin used the Terminal base satellite Factory to help her track the movement of the Foundation shuttle that left Earth. Combined with Orb's data, they believe Lacus is located at Artemis, the former Earth Alliance fortress with the infamous "Umbrella of Artemis" shield. Kira mentioned that if Lacus still carries Blue, a namesake-colored robotic bird he gave Lacus, similar to Birdy that he received from Athrun during their childhood days, they have a means to track her location. Shinn wondered what they will do since they don't have a ship nor mobile suits to do anything in their current state. Murrue believes they can procure a ship (Millennium) but it will be with rough means. Erica Simmons then revealed that Cagalli had given her the Impulse and its Silhouette Packs, the Destiny, and the Strike Freedom for her mobile suit research and development, and unveiled the improved and upgraded ZGMF-56E2 Impulse Gundam Spec II, ZGMF/A-42S2 Destiny Gundam Spec II, and the ZGMF/A-262B Strike Freedom Gundam Type II as Shinn and Kira were amazed to see their beloved mobile suits again. Erica told them that she used these suits to evaluate the performance of new fusion reactors and equipment. Erica informs them that while power systems and armaments are essentially the same, the control systems have been updated to the latest type. However, while she finds them a little unreliable against the beam-absorbing Black Knight Squad mobile suits, Shinn believes that they can win with these machines, especially with the Destiny now at his disposal.

The Archangel team secretly travels to Orb's naval docks via the Cavalier Unit-01 and plans to take the Millennium. They traveled in the dark of the night with the Unit-01 underwater. The team wore stealth swimsuits, swam to Millennium, and had Meyrin hack into its systems and fake an environmental emergency to convince the crew to abandon ship. As the team made it into the command bridge (completely in stealth), Captain Konoe already knew it was the Archangel team and easily identified Kira; he felt there's no need for the subterfuge. For Shinn, he tried to subdue Lunamaria at gunpoint, but she wrestled him to the ground and took his weapon. To avoid any accident, Shinn quickly unmasked and identified himself. While Luna was overjoyed to see him alive, she slapped him several times since Shinn didn't tell her about his condition immediately after the Eldore incident, before hugging him tightly, all of this being witnessed by Hilda.

The PLANTs and the Atlantic Federation received a notification that the Millennium has been hijacked, but the Black Knights are no fools as they see some movement in the Millennium and Orb secretly working against them. As the combined Archangel and Millennium teams prepare to depart, Kira and Athrun reviews a quick battle plan to rescue Lacus. They intend to use the Cavalier Aifrid's Mirage Colloid Stealth System to infiltrate Artemis and evade enemy detection. Captain Alexei explains the Millennium will break through the main Foundation fleet and head for the moon and the Requiem, making themselves the decoy. Albert reviews Requiem is shielded and indestructible with ordinary firepower. However, it relies on beam relay points to direct its firing; the points are cloaked so they can't tell where Requiem is aiming until it fires. The central relay point, though, is always visible right before the shot is fired; if they take it out, Requiem's firing solutions would be limited.

Captain Alexei decides to have Murrue take command of the Millennium. While reluctant, he reminds Murrue the ship is no longer affiliated with Compass nor ZAFT; they're now rebels and can be considered pirates. He believes the person taking command should know how to fight like one, knowing Murrue's history with the Archangel. Captain Ramius accepts the position but wants Alexei to be her executive officer; Arthur Trine wonders about his own position since he's no longer the second-in-command.

The Millennium is "escaping" dock and Orb's naval ship, the Aegis-class Yoshitsune, is giving chase. Although they're firing at the Millennium, all of the shots fired are missed on purpose (with one of Yoshitsune's captains said that he was taught how to miss their shots like the late Captain Todaka during the Second Alliance-PLANT War), thus allowing Orphee to know that it's staged. Orphee directly calls Cagalli to tell her that Orb has violated their terms. Cagalli argues they still have time before giving a response and their parliament is still thinking about Foundation's orders. Orphee tells her he sees through their ruse and they intend to destroy Orb with Requiem. As Millennium begins to ascend and take off, their sensors detect Requiem is preparing to fire; Murrue thinks Foundation had always planned to take out Orb and just needed an excuse. As Orb rushes to to finish their emergency evacuation, the neutral nation is seemingly doomed when Kira calls out to the Foundation.

Broadcasting himself through the international rescue channel, Kira reveals to Foundation that he's alive and is on board the Millennium. Kira tells them it must be a shame he survived after sacrificing their subjects to try and kill him. Orphee angrily demanded an explanation from Shura; Shura was stunned as he thought Kira couldn't have survived in his condition when he left him. Kira mocks the Black Knights as they can't guide humanity for their atrocities. He reminds them that they know the truth and have the evidence to expose them for their misdeeds. Kira assures them he'll destroy the schemes of mass murderers. Queen Aura is enraged to hear everything Kira said and angrily commands to redirect Requiem to fire on Millennium. Their goading worked as Requiem aimed and fired towards the Millennium instead of Orb, but a last-second emergency braking order by Murrue saved the ship from destruction and had it completely dodge the blast. While braking, the ship did a backflip and then re-adjusted its position to fire the four Tannhäuser positron blaster cannons to the sky, letting the Millennium safely launch into space via positronic interference. Because Requiem needs to recharge for each shot, the Millennium bought Orb some time.

At Orb, Cagalli, in her repaired MBF-02 Strike Rouge inside the Cavalier Aifrid Unit-02, announces that the nation will implement homeland defense by force as they continue with evacuations. At the Boaz asteroid, Yzak and Dearka discovers that their old Gundam units, the Duel and the Buster, have been upgraded with nuclear reactors, ZAKU-style cockpits, and brand new weapons, now bearing ZAFT model numbers ZGMF-1027M Duel Blitz Gundam and ZGMF-103HD Lightning Buster Gundam. They had the Eternal stay behind but deploy for battle the legendary METEOR support units initially intended for Freedom and Justice's use. After their beloved mobile suits docked with the METEORs, they jetted to the moon to face the rogue ZAFT fleet. On board the Cavalier Aifrid Unit-01 with Meyrin and Athrun, Kira tells Shinn that he's in charge of the Millennium. The gesture made Shinn happy as he felt trusted with an important assignment, much to the amusement of both Hilda and Lunamaria. The Unit-01, carrying the Z'Gok and the Strike Freedom Type II, engages its Mirage Colloid stealth system and heads to Artemis as the Millennium begins its decoy run.

Within Lacus' quarters in Artemis, Ingrid wonders why Lacus did not accept her fate. She explains that they were given power and came into life with predetermined roles; Ingrid is confused as to why Lacus would deny the impending happiness and living as people need them to be. Lacus believes that all life has the right to choose their own path; it's not the fate she wished for. Ingrid believes Lacus' denial is perpetuating the endless cycle of conflict and doesn't understand her fortunate position. Ingrid wonders why Lacus wouldn't accept Orphee when she has the chance to rule the entire world. Lacus wondered would Ingrid be happy with that outcome. The question rattled Ingrid as Orphee entered the room. Ingrid leaves them for privacy.

Orphee wonders why Lacus hasn't recognized her duty yet and taken his hand as his partner, but Lacus makes it clear she'll never accept him. Angered, Orphee demands to know why she denies him now with Kira being dead, but Lacus declares Kira's not dead as she believes in him. Even more enraged, Orphee throws Lacus to the bed and holds her down. He demands to know why Lacus loves someone like him, someone that couldn't successfully become an Accord. Lacus explains Kira is the one she chooses to love. Orphee wonders how Lacus could love someone who couldn't give her peace, someone who isn't qualified to stand at her side. Lacus explains love isn't about qualifications. Orphee pulls down her dress, almost exposing her chest, but Lacus tells him that if he tries to subjugate people by force, he can't never subjugate their hearts. Lacus makes it clear no matter what Orphee does to her, he can't erase Kira from within her. Orphee is confused by her choice as she's born to rule the world with him and refuse to accept him and his love. Lacus believes that the "Lacus Clyne" he loves isn't her. Visibly startled and affected by her words, Orphee angrily leaves the room and tells Ingrid he's heading to the moon, and that he's leaving her and Shura to protect Artemis.

Orphee boards Foundation's flagship BCI-183 Gullveig and leads his fleet to engage the Millennium. Captain Ramius prepares for battle as the Condition Red was announced and the command deck lowers itself to an armored part of the bridge, like its predecessor Minerva did before it, and releases some of its missile payload for later use, aka the "Badgiruel Tactic", a strategic attack used by the late Dominion captain Natarle Badgiruel during the First Alliance-PLANT War. They deployed the crystalline armor that is theorized to withstand heavy beam firing that they are anticipating from the enemy. As the Foundation battle fleet reaches combat range, Orphee had his fleet fire at will, but the Millennium was able to withstand the attack, return fire, and achieve maximum thruster speed. As Millennium endured the first pass, Murrue orders the sorties of Shinn's Destiny Spec II, Lunamaria's Impulse Spec II, and Hilda in Luna's former GELGOOG Menace into battle, as all three Silhouette Packs were launched as well. Luna equips the Blast Silhouette first, revealing the new colors of the ZGMF-56E2/γ Blast Impulse Gundam Spec II. Murrue elevates the captain's chair and Arnold Neumann's chair to Millennium's 360-degree glass combat bridge for the best visibility. During this time, Orphee had an uneasy feeling not able to see Kira but he had to focus taking on the battle, ordering the launch of their mobile suits. Realizing they will be facing an "old" machine in the Destiny, Black Knight Squad pilots Daniel, Griffin, Liu, and Redelard sortie in their Rud-ro.As thinking it will be a good opportunity to train their DINN-Rs and GINN-Rs.

At Artemis, the Foundation royalty was notified that the Strike Freedom Type II is headed their way. Queen Aura compares the Freedom coming as someone rescuing a princess, leading Shura to deal with it by himself, and finally finish Kira off. Kira was able to briefly telepathically connect with Lacus, with both Orphee and Shura experiencing an uneasy feeling. While Artemis lifts the Umbrella shield for Shura' Shi-ve.A to safely launch, Meyrin sneaks the Mirage Colloid-cloaked Cavalier Aifrid in before the shield restores. The Cavalier Unit-01 then launches an attack at the ships docked at the hangar bay to distract Foundation forces and Meyrin then hacks into their communication systems and gates to prevent no one from escaping or calling for help. Taking advantage of the confusion, Kira joins Captain Kisaka with his extraction team in rescuing Lacus. A bunch of Haros were released into ventilation shafts to release sleeping gas. The entire fortress gets knocked out cold, except for Ingrid who managed to close her pilot suit visor just in time. Ingrid telepathically warns Shura that the base has been infiltrated, but he's busy fighting the Strike Freedom Type II, finally figuring out that he's not fighting Kira but Athrun instead. Ingrid locks herself in with Lacus to stall the invading forces from entering the room, and prepares to kill Lacus. She believes soldiers are risking their lives to retrieve Lacus because of her ability to influence people, and that it can change the tide of the war; Lacus wonders if that's all there is to it. Ingrid explains Orphee's motivations are the same, that he loves Lacus because she's superior. Expressing desperation in her perspective, Ingrid tells Lacus because she has value, Lacus needs them and loves them. However, Lacus questions if it really is love.

Using Blue as a homing beacon, Kira and his team found the room Ingrid is holding Lacus hostage in. Ingrid challenges Kira's love for Lacus, asking if his feelings would remain if she were to lose her voice or eyes; Kira assures Ingrid that he would still love Lacus regardless because he loves everything about her. Lacus made a risky move by intentionally falling to the ground, but Kira managed to catch her. Ingrid tried to use her gun, but Captain Kisaka fires his gun to disarm her. She then used her knife, but she only managed to cut some of Lacus' hair as Kira pulled her away. Kisaka knocked Ingrid to the ground, where she saw Lacus declare her love for Kira as they embraced each other. Feeling defeated and broken, Ingrid tells them to leave after Lacus apologizes to her and proceed to breaks down in tears. After achieving their goal of rescuing Lacus, Kira and the infiltration force escape the fortress and leaves the scene in the Cavalier Aifrid Unit-01, with Athrun following suit in the Strike Freedom Type II. Shura couldn't give chase as explosions blasted inside Artemis and he needs to help his mother that is currently knocked out cold. In a safe area in space, Kira returns to the Strike Freedom Type II and Athrun to the Z'Gok. Kira then "undocks" from the Z'Gok to head towards Requiem and instructs Athrun to transport Lacus back to the Millennium.

At the Gullveig flagship, Orphee intends to fire Requiem upon Orb again. Around the same time though, a cloaked mobile suit container suddenly arrives just in front of the Requiem's mouth and the primary relay ring. Upon disengaging the container's cloak, Mu La Flaga appears in the ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam equipped with the Zeus Silhouette, a support mobile armor initially intended for Destiny's use. Mu positions the Akatsuki right between Requiem's barrel and the relay ring as it's seconds away from firing. He used the Zeus Silhouette's linear cannon to destroy the primary relay ring and used the "Yata-no-Kagami" shield to reflect Requiem's beam. While deflecting the beam off Akatsuki's shield, the deflected beams destroyed several enemy ships and damaged Requiem's exterior; heavily delaying its next firing sequence. Mu quickly disengages the Zeus Silhouette from the damaged Akatsuki and recollect itself in flight form, claiming to a worried Murrue that it's tough to make the impossible possible. Mu flies to Shinn's direction to deliver the Zeus Silhouette for the Destiny Spec II. During this time, Orb's Izumo-class ship Kusanagi has been cloaked and managed to travel close to the Moon before revealing itself to launch a surprise attack against rogue ZAFT forces.

On Millennium's side, the four Black Knights Daniel, Griffin, Liu, and Redelard engages Shinn while Hilda and Lunamaria defends their ship. Hilda notices the arrival of the enemies, and knowing the unique feature of their machines, Shinn switches to the Arondight beam sword and tells Luna to switch to the Sword Silhouette, revealing the updated coloration of the ZGMF-56E2/β Sword Impulse Gundam Spec II. While heading to engage the Black Knights, Luna notices a familiar model suit number in her cockpit display, and realizes it's Agnes and the GYAN Strom. While at first glad to see Agnes to have survived the battle of Eldore, Agnes quickly tells Luna that only Shura appreciated her and fired at the Sword Impulse Spec II. Luna quickly shields herself and engages Agnes in melee combat. Luna tells Agnes that she's being used but Agnes wonders why Luna isn't siding with them since she is also a Coordinator after all. Agnes suspects Luna lost her senses thanks to Shinn, but Luna tells her that Shinn has nothing to do with the matter. Luna questions Agnes, wondering if she switches sides simply because Kira was ignoring her. Angered by Luna's words, Agnes aggressively fights back, destroying Sword Impulse's Excalibur anti-ship swords, but gets its GYAN Strom's beam axe and right heat rod destroyed by the Impulse's beam boomerangs.

At Shinn's side, the Black Knight pilots are struggling to counter the Destiny Spec II. Shinn makes it clear he only lost during the Eldore incident because he was using the Justice and not the Destiny, then activates his SEED mode. Shinn hyper vectors through the fight and able to cause substantial damage to the Rud-ro.As despite being outnumbered 4 to 1. The Black Knights then made an attempt to read Shinn's mind, but they realize Shinn hasn't been thinking at all and used his combat instincts instead.

The Kusanagi has now teamed up with allied Earth Alliance forces to take down the rogue ZAFT fleet. The tide of the battle turned against rogue ZAFT commander Hari Jagannath when Chairman de Lament made an emergency broadcast to call all ZAFT forces to stand down and suppress the coup. Commander Andrew Waltfeld assisted to take down the coup forces in Aprilius and helped restore power to the PLANT Supreme Council. Despite losing control of the political body and the situation at the PLANT homeland, Jagannath commands his fleet to continue the attack. He believes if Requiem fires at Orb, the tide of the war will turn in their favor. As Jagannath's Nazca-class ship Burckhardt launches a volley of missiles towards the Kusanagi, Yzak and Dearka arrives in the Duel Blitz and Lightning Buster and intercepts them. They identified themselves to rogue ZAFT forces and commanded all ZAFT troops serving under Jagannath to cease hostilities. However, the battle continued; Yzak warned Jagannath that his actions are treasonous. However, Jagannath argues they're the ones who will define the future of the PLANTs; it was then Lacus would make an announcement.

Athrun, Meyrin, and Lacus arrives to the Millennium and quickly initiates a public broadcast. She tells everyone that she escaped captivity from Foundation to speak to them. She makes it clear she doesn't agree to all the views that Foundation holds. She remarks the fair and equal society that they proposed is governance under the Destiny Plan. Lacus reaffirms her stance that she'll never accept such a thing; a world without failures, changes, and dreams, where a society's value is decided by genetics is something she'll never entrust her worthiness to someone else. She also believes to force this system through violence and terror is something that shouldn't be allowed. Lacus tells everyone that all lives have the freedom to choose their own destinies, a cause she'll fight for. She warns people who don't love them shouldn't be allowed to determine their worth.

Queen Aura and Orphee were angered at Ingrid letting Lacus go freely and Orphee slapped her for it. Orphee believes if they don't fulfill their duties, there's no meaning to their lives. Orphee leaves Aura to command the fleet as he prepares to sortie with Ingrid for battle. At Millennium, Captain Ramius is preparing to charge through Foundation's defense line and ram through the Gullveig with their ship. Lacus suddenly appears on screen, wearing a custom-made pink and white pilot suit, and requests permission to launch as she manually pilots the Proud Defender to deliver to Kira. Murrue is concerned about letting Lacus sortie as she's not a trained fighter pilot, but Albert believes he can safely guide Lacus to Kira and assist her with the Proud Defender. With Albert's confidence, Murrue permitted the sortie. Athrun thought Lacus' action is too much but Meyrin thinks it's okay as it can be more stressful to watch at the sidelines. The two would sortie together with Meyrin in the Cavalier Aifrid Unit-01 carrying Athrun and the Z'Gok. Lacus and the Proud Defender launches right after. It was also around this time also that Orphee and Ingrid leave Gullveig and reveal the top of the line Foundation mobile suit, the NOG-M2D1/E Cal-re.A, together with 3 of its AMO-01 Ziggurat large support units. They too launch towards the Moon.

Yzak and Dearka continue to defend the Kusanagi. Yzak tells Jagannath to surrender as the coup back at PLANT has failed and further losses in troops would be meaningless. Jagannath angrily asks why they would side with humanity of the old world, as he believed maintaining the status quo won't change anything. He believes only the elite will continue to benefit and it would perpetuate injustice and cruelty. Dearka believes there's no point in changing the rogue commander's mind as he's already determined to see things through. Frustrated, Yzak launches the Duel Blitz from METEOR-07, with Dearka following suit with the Lightning Buster.

As Kira intercepts enemy forces with the Strike Freedom Type II near the wreckage of space fortress Messiah, he is engaged by Shura in the Shi-ve.A. Not soon after, Orphee and Ingrid appear in the Cal-re.A, a mobile suit (built using the Strike Freedom's technology and with Kira's fighting data). Even though Kira activated his SEED mode, he's struggling to fend both the Black Knight suits off, as he's also dealing with attacks from Cal-re.A's three Ziggurats positioned hidden behind Messiah. During the battle, Orphee mocked Kira, telling him he's challenging him with an old mobile suit; Kira argues that the mobile suit's performance doesn't determine their strength. Orphee agrees with Kira as he believes it's the reason why Kira will always be inferior to them. The Cal-re.A managed to cut off one of Strike Freedom Type II's wings and destroy three Super DRAGOON pods. With Ingrid remotely controlling the Ziggurats, she attempts to overwhelm Kira with a missile barrage and beam shots. However, Kira tells Orphee that he has his own weapon: Lacus' love, and fires off Strike Freedom Type II's Full Burst Mode. Kira manages to shoot down a lot of missiles, but he still had to make a tactical retreat as the barrage was too much. Angered by Kira's recent words, Orphee charges towards Kira. He then tells Kira how frustrated he is to hear Kira speak of Lacus' name, something Orphee couldn't forgive even if he killed him a million times. Kira continues to fend off the Cal-re.A and the Shi-ve.A as the battle goes on.

During her fight against Agnes, Lunamaria notices that the Impulse Spec II has drained its energy reserves, and called out for Shinn as she detaches the Sword Silhouette module to dock with the Force Silhouette. Shinn quickly flew to Luna's location and resupplied the Force Impulse Spec II's battery with the built-in Deuterion Beam Energy Transfer System on his Destiny Spec II. The top-up finished within seconds, the Impulse now enabling its Variable Phase Shift Armor and unfolding the deeper colors of the ZGMF-56E2/α Force Impulse Gundam Spec II, and both Shinn and Lunamaria resumed their respective fights against the Rud-ro.As and and the GYAN Strom. The four Black Knights then intended to gang up on Shinn in a coordinated melee attack, dubbed the Synchro-Attack, attempting to utilize their hyper-vectoring to overwhelm the Destiny Spec II. As Luna crossed blades with Agnes again, she accused Agnes of always going after other people's boyfriends. Agnes admits it and didn't think that it's a problem, as she declares that any man would obviously love her; she told Luna not to be jealous.

The Strike Freedom Type II's battle against the Cal-re.A and the Shi-ve.A isn't doing well as the Freedom proceeds to lose its right railgun, had its "Tvashtr" hyper impulse gun in its torso damaged, and the suit's cooling systems increasingly getting pushed to its limits. Orphee wonders why Kira gets in his way, believing Kira is a failure that can't do anything. He tells Kira he shouldn't have been born, yet Kira lives a comfortable life and is loved. Orphee believes Kira isn't qualified for any of that. Kira argues one doesn't need qualifications for being loved; Orphee tells Kira to give him all his love. He argues that Lacus should've been his, but she isn't because of Kira. Orphee overwhelmes Kira with the Ziggurats' arsenal of weapons, heavily damaging the Super DRAGOON wings, and making the Strike Freedom Type II overheat and forcing its VPS Armor power down. Shura takes advantage of the situation, and aims to finally finish Kira by unleashing Shi-ve.A's barrage of needles (similar on how it dealt with the Rising Freedom before). However, Athrun charges in with his Z'Gok and acts as a shield to protect the very vulnerable Kira and the Strike Freedom Type II. The Z'Gok took the brunt of the attack and looks like the machine is doomed when suddenly, the Z'Gok armor purges itself by making it seem like it was an explosion to reveal the ZGMF-X191M2 ∞ Justice Gundam Type II underneath. Meyrin then launches the Volantes sub-flight lifter to complete the new Justice's weaponry, and Athrun engages Shura.

While Orphee, Ingrid, and Shura are distracted with the ∞ Justice Type II's surprise reveal, Lacus arrives with the Proud Defender. Kira quickly blasts off from the Moon's surface to meet with Lacus, and jettisons the Super DRAGOON wing backpack to dock with the fully-finished support craft. Orphee then orders Ingrid to focus all of their firepower from the Cal-re.A's to the Ziggurats' to completely obliterate the already-damaged Freedom, all whilst Albert in the Millennium manually finetuning the Proud Defender docking sequence to the Type II. With the Proud Defender successfully attached to the Gundam, it immediately supplies power to the mobile suit, syncs its cooling system to the mobile suit's own to prevent overheating, activating the VPS armor again, and activates the wings' nanoparticles to shield the two machines from all incoming attacks.

Initially oblivious to the docking sequence, Orphee smirks thinking that Kira Yamato and the Strike Freedom Type II, their major inconvenience this whole time, had been finally annihilated. Instead, he was stunned in shock upon seeing Lacus appearing in front of the newly transformed ZGMF/A-262PD-P Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam. This turn of events intrigues Shura, who at the time is now dueling Athrun.

Safe within the nanoparticle shield, Lacus then enters the Mighty Strike Freedom's cockpit to join Kira. When Kira asks why she's there, Lacus replies her will is always with him; and that she looks forward to being with him forevermore. Kira happily accepts her words and she takes her place by his side as they prepare for battle. Orphee feels thoroughly rejected and unleashes a full barrage of beam attacks between his Cal-re.A's DRAGOONs and Ziggurats, exclaiming that both Kira and Lacus better have perished with their foolish love. Lacus activates her SEED mode and uses Mighty Strike Freedom's Multi Lock-on System to neutralize all of Foundation's missiles, remote weapons, and even Cal-re.A's DRAGOON units with a massive electric surge coming from Freedom's new wings, much to Orphee's shock and disbelief. With Lacus' authorization, Kira activates the Disruptor on the Freedom's head crest. Lacus warns Kira that the targets are behind Messiah and links his mind with hers to show him the exact location of the Ziggurats. The Mighty Strike Freedom then fires a powerful invisible fine beam that cuts through the remains of Messiah and destroys the Ziggurats.

Requiem is back online and Queen Aura intends to fire it on Orb once again. Daniel, Griffin, Liu, and Redelard plan to launch their Synchro-Attack and Griffin attempts to send Shinn's mind into darkness. Unbeknownst to them, Stella Loussier's spirit is determined to protect Shinn and rebounds their attack with her own more terrifying one, scaring the four Black Knight pilots as they claim that Shinn/Stella's darkness is too deep. Shinn then launches a high-speed illusionary attack by creating many Mirage Colloid afterimages of Destiny Spec II and charges in with all of the afterimages to attack all the Black Knights. Hilda had hidden herself within one of the images and appeared right in front of Redelard Tradoll's Rud-ro.A "Garnet" and destroyed it with a beam halberd attack, claiming her revenge for both Mars and Herbert's deaths. Redelard's death puts the remaining three in shock and fear as Shinn charges in to finish them. Shinn then displays all of Destiny Spec II's weapons in full display while maximizing its full potential, leading to its inner frame glowing red because of heat. He destroys Liu Shenqiang's Rud-ro.A "Spinel" first with a direct Arondight beam sword thrust into the cockpit. Shinn would fling the Flash-Edge 2 beam boomerangs to distract Griffin Arbalest's Rud-ro.A "Emerald" and damage its cockpit, and blasted the high-energy beam cannon directly into the damaged cockpit in close range. The Destiny Spec II would then finish off Daniel Harper's Rud-ro.A "Sapphire" by using its Palma Fiocina palm beam cannon and blow out the cockpit, finally taking revenge of his Justice defeat against the Black Knight Squad. Queen Aura witnessed the deaths of her children and can only react in frustration, swearing to burn away both Orb and now, including the PLANTs.

The battle between Lunamaria and Agnes continues. Agnes is now frustrated as she wonders why things always go wrong for her; Luna wonders if Agnes was seriously saying that in battle. Agnes tells Luna that she's dating Shinn and doesn't even love him; thinking Luna placed herself in a good situation. Luna finds Agnes' words unusual as she genuinely loves Shinn. Agnes is shocked that Luna would love someone as dim as Shinn. Luna angrily tells Agnes that it's none of her business; she wouldn't put up with Shinn if she didn't love him. Agnes charges in, telling Luna she deserves to be loved as well. Luna didn't see the point in her argument, managing to cut off her GYAN Strom's right arm and destroy its thruster engines. As Agnes' GYAN Strom falls straight towards the Moon, she admits she loved Shinn too. Lunamaria could only apologize to Agnes that she had to do it to her before heading towards Requiem to back his boyfriend Shinn up.

The Millennium managed to destroy the majority of the Foundation's fleet. As they prepare to charge through, the Burckhardt appears from behind, exclaiming that he won't let people forget the blood and grudges of the deceased. Jagannath was aiming for a suicide run to take out the Millennium with him but Dearka intervened by firing Lightning Buster's beam cannons to destroy the Burckhardt's engines and Yzak fired Duel Blitz's lancer darts straight to the bridge, killing Jagannath and everyone in the bridge, destroying the ship, with both of them still remembering the death they caused and received, thus deciding to sever those chains of hatred themselves, ultimately ending the coup.

Athrun continues to battle Shura in melee mobile suit combat and both fight to a standstill. Shura compliments Athrun's combat abilities, but he still believes Athrun is no match for him. Shura explains winning is the duty he has been given and why he exists. Athrun closes his eyes, giving Shura the impression he's trying to close his mind to him, however, Shura tells Athrun it's useless to close his thoughts to him. To Shura's shock and disgust, Athrun was projecting lewd thoughts of Cagalli. Shura cursed Athrun for defiling the sacred battlefield with his indecent fantasies. Shura charges at Athrun, thinking he already saw what his movements will be, but the ∞ Justice Type II makes a last-second shift, tripping the Shi-ve.A to the ground and destroying the Shive-A's right arm off with the Type 35 Prototype Advanced Railgun that Erica loaded the Millennium with before going to space.

Shura is baffled as his abilities should allow him to read Athrun's next moves, but he realizes Athrun allowed Cagalli to remotely control the Justice, leading to Athrun mockingly calling Shura useless. Elsewhere, Cagalli blushingly showed her displeasure when she realized Athrun's improper thoughts were probably sexual images of her. As Shura resumed their fight, he managed to sever Justice's right arm, giving Shura the impression the advantage is his. Athrun then tells Shura that strength is not just power, it's also the will to live. Athrun then activates his SEED mode and reveals ∞ Justice Type II's "Spitze Schwert" beam horn. As the Justice cuts the Shi-ve.A down through its cockpit with the surprise beam horn chop, Shura, in disbelief, couldn't believe that he lost while he himself gets hit as the Shi-ve.A explodes afterwards.

As Orphee and Ingrid continue battling the energized Freedom, they sense the passing of Shura and their comrades, much to Orphee's rage. Lacus encourages them to stop, but Orphee argues Lacus chose Kira because he's inferior to her. Orphee wonders if it is that comforting to be surrounded and worshipped by inferiors, calling Lacus an egocentric, cold-hearted woman. He accuses Lacus of not caring if inferiors keep fighting themselves to extinction for her. Kira had enough and engages Orphee in dual sword combat, with an "Acuta Lacerta" beam saber in Mighty Strike Freedom's left hand, and the "Futsunomitama" physical katana on its right hand. The Cal-re.A then fires its chest beam cannon at Freedom, but the nanoparticles protect the Freedom from harm. Furthermore, Kira had Mighty Strike Freedom fire another close-range Disruptor shot that obliterates Cal-re.A's left arm and left wing completely.

Lacus tells Orphee that there's no superior or inferior when it comes to lives, that everyone is precious to someone. Orphee asks why he's not loved, but Lacus believes someone is sure to love him. If not now, Lacus believes someone will love him in the future, possibly someone close to him that he hadn't noticed, to which Ingrid got surprised with. Orphee exclaims the future doesn't matter to him and that he wants her right now. He tells Lacus that they're born because of the foolishness of humans; they speak of peace and equality but expect others to change for them. Kira doesn't believe that's true, but Orphee wonders why conflict never goes away in any day and age.

Orphee explains humans never forget hatred and even on the brink of extinction, they're obsessed with immediate self-interests or prejudice and drag each other down; they're foolish. He deeply believes humanity needs someone to guide them to end division and bloodshed, resulting in Ingrid leaving her cockpit seat and hurriedly going to Orphee, attempting to stop him. However, Lacus believes humans aren't born out of need but born from love. As Kira closes in, he tells them that he'll choose his future by his own hands. A well-defended Cal-re.A sword attack gave Kira the opportunity to finally defeat Orphee by driving the "Futsunomitama" katana into Cal-re.A's torso. Orphee got wounded and his visor broke open, and couldn't believe he lost as he has a duty to fulfill. As the cockpit showed signs of blowing up, Ingrid comforted Orphee in their final moments as she told him that she understood his feelings before the Cal-re.A exploded, killing them both.

Shinn and Luna got held up in battle and now rushes towards Requiem. Mu finally arrives to deliver the Zeus Silhouette to combine with Destiny Spec II and Dearka tells Luna to dock with METEOR 08 to aid in destroying the superweapon. The Millennium activates its "Goten" heat ram and drives itself straight into the left side of the Gullveig, critically injuring Aura. Queen Aura believed and smiled in her final moments that she at least get to destroy Orb with one last shot from Requiem before dying, but Shinn with the Zeus Silhouette-equipped Destiny Spec II appears in front of the cannon's mouth and destroys it for good with a powerful singular shot from Zeus Silhouette's linear beam cannon. While the Millennium is firmly lodged into Gullveig's left side, Murrue ordered to fire all of the Millennium's weaponries to destroy the Foundation flagship, killing Queen Aura in the process, thus ultimately ending the Foundation Conflict as a whole.

With Foundation forces finally vanquished, surviving ships fire retreat signals. As Lacus reflects on her feelings about love and hate with Kira while inside the triumphant Mighty Strike Freedom, the Millennium crew rejoice in their victorious journey. Mu enters the ship's bridge, and Murrue hurriedly goes to him, embraces him and exchanges a passionate kiss. A crying Agnes survived the GYAN Strom's crash-landing on the Moon's surface as Lunamaria and the Force Impulse Spec II arrive and lowered its hand towards her to pick her up, mimicking what Athrun did to both Shinn and Luna years ago during the aftermath of the Battle of Messiah. Shinn in the Destiny Spec II just looks on the two women interacting. The two Cavalier Aifrid units unite on Earth as Unit-01 carrying Athrun in the ∞ Justice Type II rendezvous with Unit-02 carrying Cagalli in the Strike Rouge midflight. Athrun then showed her the Haumea stone she gave him, and Cagalli showed him the promise ring he gave her. Both carried their treasured items as necklaces to remind them of their love for each other. After the final battle and the defeat of Foundation, Kira and Lacus descend to Earth in the Mighty Strike Freedom just as Lacus' cast ring floats away into space in honor of Ingrid and Orphee.

In the epilogue, Kira and Lacus go to a secluded beach on Akatsuki Island. They power down the Gundam, then proceeded to take off their pilot suits. Naked as they go, the couple head down the beach, and held hands before kissing each other in the glow of the sunset.



Compass/Three Ships Alliance[]

Kingdom of Foundation[]

Orb Union[]



Blue Cosmos[]

  • Domma - (First Mentioned)
  • Ehron - (First Mentioned)
  • Laiha - (First Mentioned)
  • Michael - (First Appearance; Decease)

Earth Alliance[]


Orphee Lam Tao00:48First Appearance; Decease
Madd Aves01:45
Kira Yamato01:45
Lunamaria Hawke01:46
Shinn Asuka01:46
Agnes Giebenrath01:46First Appearance
Abbey Windsor01:53
Albert Heinlein01:53First Appearance
Alexei Konoe01:56First Appearance
Vino Dupre02:07
Hilda Harken02:46
Gilbert Durandal07:18In Flashback(s)
Miran07:34First Mentioned
Mu La Flaga08:42
Murrue Ramius08:42
Ehron09:28First Mentioned
Domma09:28First Mentioned
Laiha09:29First Mentioned
Hari Jagannath10:29First Appearance; Decease
Lacus Clyne10:29
Lio Mao10:29First Appearance
Walter de Lament10:29First Appearance
Eduardo Lee11:33
Blue12:25First Appearance
Shura Serpentine13:10First Appearance; Decease
Toyah Mashima13:31First Appearance
Cagalli Yula Athha13:31
Mr. Pink17:30
Green Haro17:32
Orange Haro17:32
Navy Haro17:32
Red Haro17:32
Yellow Haro17:32
Sai Argyle19:46
Haruma Yamato19:46Image(s) Only
Dalida Lolaha Chandra II19:46
Miriallia Haw19:46
Natarle Badgiruel19:46Image(s) Only
Arnold Neumann19:46
Athrun Zala19:46
Caridad Yamato19:46Image(s) Only
Tolle Koenig19:46Image(s) Only
Flay Allster19:46In Flashback(s)
Daniel Harper22:21First Appearance; Decease
Griffin Arbalest22:21First Appearance; Decease
Liu Shenqiang22:21First Appearance; Decease
Redelard Tradoll22:21First Appearance; Decease
Aura Maha Khyber22:21First Appearance; Decease
Ingrid Tradoll22:21First Appearance; Decease
King Khyber22:22First Mentioned
Herbert Von Reinhard22:31Decease
Mars Simeon22:32Decease
Arthur Trine23:09
Rau Le Creuset32:56Flashback(s) Only
Meer Campbell32:56Flashback(s) Only
Nicol Amalfi36:05Flashback(s) Only
Lacus Clyne's Mother38:52First Appearance; In Flashback(s)
Siegel Clyne38:52Flashback(s) Only
Ulen Hibiki38:53Flashback(s) Only


Mobile Weapons[]

Compass/Three Ships Alliance/Orb Union[]

Kingdom of Foundation[]


Blue Cosmos[]

Earth Alliance[]


Ships & Vehicles[]

Compass/Three Ships Alliance/Orb Union[]

Kingdom of Foundation[]


Blue Cosmos[]

Mobile Missile Platform00:57First Appearance
Linear Gun Tank00:59
GAT-01A1+AQM/E-A4E1 Jet Dagger00:59
ZGMF-1017 GINN01:02
Command Truck01:05First Appearance
GAT-01A1 Dagger01:05
Power Car01:11
GAT-04+AQM/E-A4E1 Jet Windam01:12
EA Elecar01:17
TFA-2 ZuOOT01:27
Connected Armored Vehicle01:27
Gatling Truck01:27
AMF-101 DINN01:31
Cargo Truck (ZAFT)01:32
LHM-BB03S Millennium01:38First Appearance
MDE262S Proud Defender01:45First Appearance
STTS-909 Rising Freedom Gundam01:49First Appearance; Destroyed
ZGMF-2027/A GYAN Strom01:50First Appearance
STTS-808 Immortal Justice Gundam02:04First Appearance; Destroyed
ZGMF-2025/F GELGOOG Menace02:04First Appearance
GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam04:27
ZAFT Humvee07:02First Appearance
STTS/F-400 Murasame Kai08:16First Appearance
VTOL Supply Transport08:27
Orb Military Humvee13:27
Sports Elecar15:11
Kira Yamato's Motorcycle17:27First Appearance
Lacus Clyne's Motorcycle17:27First Appearance
NOG-M4F Rud-ro.A23:00First Appearance; Destroyed
ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam23:03Flashback(s) Only
ZGMF/A-1018F GINN-F24:23First Appearance
Jet Fan Helicopter24:23
Luxury Elecar24:23
ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam32:56
ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam36:03Flashback(s) Only
ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam36:04Flashback(s) Only
GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam36:04Flashback(s) Only
NOG-M1A1 Shi-ve.A37:11First Appearance; Destroyed
AMF-101Q/4 DINN-R37:13First Appearance
Missile Truck (Blue Cosmos)40:27First Appearance
Supply Truck41:00
GAT-04 Windam41:12


Blue Cosmos00:57
Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty01:02
Republic of Africa01:23First Appearance
117th Defense Team Garrison01:24First Appearance
Compass01:38First Appearance
Millennium Corps01:38First Appearance
Yamato Team01:45First Appearance
Harken Team02:45First Appearance
Archangel Corps08:16Destroyed
Kingdom of Foundation13:10First Appearance; Destroyed
Black Knight Squad13:10First Appearance; Destroyed
Orb National Defense Force13:20
Orb Union13:20
FAITH17:04Mentioned only
EWS World News17:30First Appearance
OMNI Enforcer19:46
Atlantic Federation19:46
Earth Alliance19:46
Le Creuset Team32:58Flashback(s) Only
Three Ships Alliance36:03
Eurasian Federation39:42
Mahoroba Team41:10First Appearance
Shikishima Team41:22First Appearance


Earth Sphere (Cosmic Era)00:57
Aldrin City01:23First Appearance
ZAFT Aldrin City Garrison Post01:28First Appearance
Moon (Cosmic Era)04:03
Kanazi City07:02
Aprilius One10:16
PLANT Colonies10:16
PLANT Supreme Council Building10:27
Orb Archipelago13:20
Yalafath Island13:20
Orb Administrative Building13:27
Compass Headquarters14:07First Appearance
Onogoro Island15:09
Kira and Lacus' Mansion17:20First Appearance
Copernicus19:46In Flashback(s)
Heliopolis19:46Image(s) Only
Yamato Family Home19:46First Appearance: Image(s) Only
Foundation Royal Palace23:29First Appearance
Ishtaria23:29First Appearance
Mendel38:52In Flashback(s)
Eldore40:28First Appearance
Blue Cosmos Encampment40:28First Appearance


Blue Cosmos Campaign00:57First Appearance
Battle of Aldrin City00:57First Appearance: Conclusion
Battle of Messiah07:18Flashback(s) Only
Second Alliance-PLANT War07:18In Flashback(s)
"Break The World" Incident09:58Mentioned only
Foundation Shock14:03First Mentioned
Freedom Hijacking Incident23:00First Appearance; In Flashback(s)
Assassination Attempt in Copernicus City32:56Flashback(s) Only
Second Battle near Orb36:04Flashback(s) Only
First Alliance-PLANT War36:04Flashback(s) Only
Second Battle of Jachin Due36:04Flashback(s) Only
Foundation Conflict40:27First Appearance: Conclusion
Eldore Incident40:27First Appearance: Conclusion

Technologies & Weapons[]


OMNI Enforcer Uniform01:17
Compass Pilot Suit01:45First Appearance
Compass Uniform01:53First Appearance
Orb Pilot Suit07:18
ZAFT Uniform08:59
Evidence 0111:26
Lacus Clyne's Ring13:06
Orb Military Uniform13:27
Destiny Plan19:50
Orphee Lam Tao's Ring24:48First Appearance
Rau Le Creuset's Mask32:58Flashback(s) Only



FREEDOM (OP)00:03:31First Appearance
Boukyou01:34:08First Appearance
Sarigiwa no Romantics (ED)02:00:11First Appearance


Kira: "This war has no end in sight. People just don't change that easily."
Mr. Pink: "Neither can you!

Kira Yamato and Mr. Pink, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom


In 2006, Sunrise had announced the tentatively titled Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Movie (劇場版・機動戦士ガンダムSEED?) at Sony Music Anime Fes' 06, part of the Xplosion Gundam SEED.[3][4]

Two years later, in an interview published in the April 2008 issue of Animage, screen-writer Chiaki Morosawa said the plot had been done for some time now but that following the end of SEED Destiny, she fell ill, underwent examinations, and went to the hospital for treatment. Apologizing more than once, she stated the delay was simply due to that and though there wasn't a plan in place, she had no lack of energy, so she asked fans to please wait a little longer.

In 2016, Chiaki Morosawa passed away due to aortic dissection; after her death, production of the movie began.

In 2021, the movie was transferred to Mobile Suit Gundam SEED PROJECT ignited.

The movie, now entitled Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM, was first unveiled on July 2, 2023, with the reveal of the first animated PV, as well as the opening of the official website, and was announced to be premiering on January 26, 2024. A second animated PV with new scenes and voice acting was released on August 8, 2023. A third PV revealing new mobile suits was released on October 4, 2023. A fourth PV featuring Takanori Nishikawa's song FREEDOM was released on November 20, 2023. A fifth PV was released on December 27, 2023. On December 21, Nami Tamaki's song Reborn was released as the film's official supporter song.



On January 29, 2024, Sugoi Co. announced they had licensed the English-subtitled version in Australian cinemas on March 14 with exclusive screenings on March 11 in Sydney and Melbourne [2]. On February 20, Madman Entertainment NZ announced a New Zealand premiere for March 14 at Event Cinemas and HOYTS New Zealand. On Anime Limited will release the movie in the UK and Ireland on March 23 and 24 with an exclusive early screening on March 17 in London. ODEX will license the movie in English-speaking Southeast Asian countries with an exclusive screening at Cathay Cineplex AMK Hub in Singapore on March 16 (including simplified Chinese subtitles), regular screenings in the Philippines in April, and in Malaysia at Golden Screen Cinemas on April 4.

On May 2024, it was announced on the CCXPMX (Comic Culture Experience Mexico) that the movie would be screened in Latin America in August 1 2024 on Mexico and August 8 on select countries.

On June 8, 2024, the movie was released in Netflix and Amazon Prime Video Japan.

On July 5, 2024, ODEX Philippines announced that there will be another round of screenings of the movie exclusively at select SM Cinemas on July 10-16.


Key visuals[]



Notes & Trivia[]

  • As with the beginning of the special edition movies, the Haro in the Sunrise ident is Lacus's Mr. Pink.
  • Cagalli was the only one bearing the SEED Mode to have not activated it in the film.
  • On a tweet by director Mitsuo Fukuda, he revealed that Cagalli was using the weapons on the Cavalier Aifrid via remote control during the ambush on Artemis' harbor. It makes sense as Meyrin is busy hacking into Artemis' systems, Kira is with Captain Kisaka and the rescue team, and Athrun is piloting the Strike Freedom Type II.
  • On another tweet by director Mitsuo Fukuda, he revealed that since the Rud-ro.As are featured with the beam-absorbing Femto Technology Armor, Shinn attacked Rud-ro.A "Emerald" with the Flash-Edge 2 beam boomerangs to damage the cockpit enough for the high-energy long-range beam cannon shot to penetrate the armor and the cockpit. Also, he revealed that the Destiny Spec II sacrificed its right hand palm when striking Rud-ro.A "Sapphire" in its cockpit with the Palma Fiocina palm beam cannon since it was also covered in Femto Tech.[1]
  • In the original Japanese dub, Cagalli's original VA Naomi Shindō is replaced by Nanako Mori.
  • In the English dub:
    • Kieran Regan replaced Aaron Phillips as Shinn Asuka.
    • Trevor Devall reprised his role as Mu La Flaga, replacing the HD Remaster voice actor Tom Wayland.
  • on December 21st 2023, the official gundam channel and Nami Tamaki uploaded her official support song for Gundam SEED Freedom 'Reborn'

Continuity Notes[]

Errors & Goofs[]

  • In 00:43:05: Redelard's Rud-ro.A "Garnet" color unit is shown to be blue with an orange shield.
  • In 00:56:48: The ∞ Justice Type II's foot, which seems to be in its Phase Shift Armor-activated state (even though it was not activated until its reveal), is shown to be in the same color as the Z'Gok's dark red.
  • In 01:23:58: When the Strike Rouge activates its Phase Shift Armor, its shield and the beam rifle turn along with it.
  • In 01:43:43 When the Strike Freedom Type II blocks Shi-ve.A, the entire forearm is moved rather than rotating the arm guard.
  • In 01:47:13: As the Strike Freedom Type II performs the Full Burst Mode, the "Volans Hasta" railgun's firing effect briefly turns green in two frames.
  • In 01:53:43: As the three Rud-ro.A explosions are shown on the ship's screen, the Destiny Spec II is not seen.
  • In 01:55:10: As the Duel Blitz is about to fire its lancer darts, the arm moves in a way that shouldn't be possible without moving the shoulder armor, and the right arm is shown to be clipping through the armor.
  • In 01:55:23: When dueling with ∞ Justice Type II, Shi-ve.A's shield kept appearing and disappearing in different shots.
  • In 01:56:04: The ∞ Justice Type II's shield suddenly disappears when grabbing the beam saber and Shi-ve.A's right arm suddenly disappears after changing angle.
  • In 01:56:36: The ∞ Justice Type II's severed right forearm is depicted as a whole arm.
  • In 01:59:29: When the Strike Freedom stabbed Cal-re.A, it is shown to be stabbed on the right side of the chest near the cockpit, but the next shot suddenly shows the "Futsunomitama" katana exit to be lower near the abdomen.

External Links[]


Logo Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
This article is part of Project: SEED

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Project Leader: User:CD298
