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The Nuka-nuke launcher is a unique weapon in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka World.


A Fat Man that has been modified to launch the unique nuka-nuke ammo type instead of regular mini nukes, of which is a specially-modified explosive with increased explosive power due to being enhanced with the radioactive compound that was used to create Nuka-Cola Quantum.

The launcher deals 50% more damage than its basic counterpart, making it the second-most powerful weapon in the game, outclassed only by a Fat Man with the MIRV launcher mod or the Two Shot legendary weapon effect. While the Nuka-nuke launcher cannot be outfitted with the MIRV mod itself, it retains the advantage of the standard Fat Man's much longer range.

Apart from its superior damage output and its unique ammunition, the Nuka-nuke launcher looks and handles exactly like its base version.

Weapon modifications[]

ModDescriptionEffectsDamage changeFire rate changeRange changeAccuracy changeAmmo capacity changeAP cost changePerk requirementsComponents
Standard launcherStandard.Adhesive x4
Aluminum x6
Gears x6
Nuclear material x4
Screw x5
Spring x6
Steel x9
MIRV launcher
(Experimental MIRV)
An experimental modification.-450Gun Nut: 4
Science!: 4 to craft
Adhesive x9
Aluminum x11
Circuitry x5
Gears x8
Nuclear material x6
Screw x8
Spring x7
Nuka-nuke launcher
(Nuka-nuke launcher)
Conversion to launch Nuka-Nukes.+365(Need Fatman Nuka-Nuke Launcher Mod weapon mod)

Note, instead of being its own weapon, the Nuka-nuke launcher is actually a stand-alone modification similar to the MIRV launher mod. It can therefore be detached from the Fat Man and attached to another one, like Big Boy for instance, to benefit from any legendary effects the new carrier weapon might bear. Should the original modified Fat Man be lost, sold, or scrapped beforehand, a new mod can be crafted at a weapons workbench.



The weapon is located in Bradberton's office in Nuka-Town USA, only accessible after finding all the Hidden Cappy clues around Nuka-World during Cappy in a Haystack. It can be acquired along with three Nuka-nukes and the schematics to craft both the weapon mod and its unique ammunition, by siding with Bradberton instead of Sierra Petrovita and cutting the vault's power.


  • It is possible to acquire both the Nuka-nuke launcher and Sierra's unique Nuka-World jumpsuit by siding with her first and then shutting down the vault's power after she has handed over the item, causing the doors to the weapon storage to open. Sierra will turn hostile if this path is chosen, however, the Sole Survivor can choose to leave the area to avoid having to kill her. (Note as of version 1.10.64 if you take this route Sierra will cry out when the power is turned off but will not turn hostile).
  • Shots fired from the Nuka-nuke launcher detonate in a bright-blue explosion instead of the normal reddish-yellow mushroom cloud of a regular mini nuke, due to the Nuka-nuke's Quantum enhancement.
  • With all appropriate perks, the Nuka-nuke launcher can exceed 3000 points of damage per shot on a basic, non-critical hit, which applies to every target in its huge area of effect. As this can often be enough to instantly kill even high-level player characters clad in the strongest sets of power armor such as X-01 Mk. VI, great care should be taken to stay as far away from the impact point as possible before firing.

