Statistics Lvl 1
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Level 1 Ahri Stats

Health 530
Health Reg. (5s) 8
Mana 435
Mana Reg. (5s) 18
Armor 30
Magic Res. 30
Move Speed 345
Attack Dmg. 52
Attack Spd. 0.75

Ahri's Abilities

PEssence Theft

Grants a stack of Essence Theft if her ability hits a target. At 3 stacks, Ahri's next ability that hits an enemy heals her for 40 (+20% AP).

If an enemy champion that Ahri has damaged within 3 seconds dies, she will consume their essence to heal herself for 80 (+35% AP).

1Orb of Deception
Cooldown: 7 / 7 / 7 / 7
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Ahri sends out and pulls back her orb, dealing 35 / 70 / 105 / 140 (+35% AP) magic damage on the way out and 35 / 70 / 105 / 140 (+35% AP) true damage on the way back.
Cooldown: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6
Cost: 50 / 50 / 50 / 50
Ahri gains 45% movement speed and releases three fox-fires, that lock onto and attack nearby enemies for 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 (+30% AP) magic damage.
Cooldown: 12 / 12 / 12 / 12
Cost: 85 / 85 / 85 / 85
Ahri blows a kiss that does 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 (+50% AP) magic damage and charms an enemy it encounters, instantly stopping movement abilities and causing them to walk harmlessly towards her.
4Spirit Rush
Cooldown: 75 / 65 / 55
Cost: 100 / 100 / 100

Ahri dashes forward and fires essence bolts, damaging nearby enemies for 60 / 90 / 120 (+35% AP) magic damage. Spirit Rush can be cast up to three times before going on cooldown.

During Spirit Rush, if Ahri devours a champion's essence with Essence Theft, Ahri will extend Spirit Rush's recast duration up to 10 seconds, and she gains an extra charge of Spirit Rush (Can store up to 3 charges).

Dash range increases while leveling up. Essence bolts attack champions first.

Ahri Build Guide for Wild Rift

Build Ahri with confidence with the help of WildRiftFire's build guides. Whether you are completely new to Ahri or looking to refine your playstyle, we will help you take your Wild Rift game to the next level. Learn Ahri's abilities in detail, the best items to build, which skills to level first, and more. Ahri is ranked Tier A (Mid Lane) in our Champion Tier List
Ahri Mid Lane
The Nine-Tailed Fox
Show Champ Stats
Patch 5.1d
Recommended Role Mid Lane

Ahri's Item Build

Starting Item
Amplifying Tome
Amplifying Tome
Core Items
Luden's Echo
Luden's Echo
Ruin - Rabadon's Deathcap
Ruin - Rabadon's Deathcap
Light - Infinity Orb
Light - Infinity Orb
Boots of Mana
Boots of Mana
Final Build
Luden's Echo
Luden's Echo
Ruin - Rabadon's Deathcap
Ruin - Rabadon's Deathcap
Light - Infinity Orb
Light - Infinity Orb
Light - Horizon Focus
Light - Horizon Focus
Crown of the Shattered Queen
Crown of the Shattered Queen
Boots of Mana
Boots of Mana

Ahri's Spells & Runes

Summoner Spells
Mark of the Weak
Mark of the Weak
Eyeball Collector
Eyeball Collector

Ahri's Situational Items

vs Healing
Crown of the Shattered Queen
vs Shielding
Crown of the Shattered Queen
Oceanid's Trident

Ahri's Situational Runes

vs Assasins
Bone Plating

Ahri's Skill Order

Essence Theft Essence Theft (Passive)
Orb of Deception
  • Orb of Deception
  • Fox-Fire
  • Charm
Spirit Rush
  • Spirit Rush
Quick Skill Order
Orb of Deception

How to play Ahri

Ahri is an AP mid lane assassin mage that uses her abilities to crowd control, wave clear, and burst the enemies. Ahri excels at dealing single target damage with her Charm followed by her other abilities to deal a lot of damage! When playing Ahri it's best to play safe until she reaches level 5, once she reaches level 5 this is when she can get access to Spirit Rush. When Ahri gets her ultimate she can dash in any direction to go in and out of team fights, this gives her a lot of mobility and makes her a very aggressive and safe champion to play.


Ahri's Abilities

Essence Theft

Ahri gains a stack of Essence Theft if her spell hits a target. At a few stacks, Ahri's next spell that hits an enemy heals her.

There is an indicator underneath Ahri's mana bar that shows how many stacks she has of her passive. Make sure you keep an eye on this so you know when Ahri's heal is up and available.
Whenever Ahri gets a takedown within a few seconds of damaging them, she consumes their essence and heals herself.

Orb of Deception

Ahri launches an orb that deals magic damage to all enemies it passes through, and true damage on the way back to her.

The best way to use Orb of Deception is to try and hit enemies at maximum range. This will instantly deal both forms of damage and make it hard for the enemy to dodge. Orb of Deception is also Ahri's main wave clear ability, try and hit the enemy champion at the same time for even more efficiency.


Ahri releases 3 balls around her that seek nearby enemies and deal magic damage. Fox-Fire prioritizes champions hit by Charm first, followed by recently attacked enemies and lastly nearest enemies.

All 3 Fox-Fires can hit multiple enemies but deal reduced damage after the first.

Activating Fox-Fire also gives Ahri movement speed that decays over time. This is great when trying to catch up to enemies or trying to run away from them.


Ahri launches a kiss that deals magic damage and charms the first enemy hit, causing them to walk towards Ahri. Charm is one of the best single target crowd control abilities in the whole game. Not only can the enemy champion not move, but they also walk towards Ahri making it easier for Ahri and her teammates to land other abilities.

Spirit Rush

This allows Ahri to dash in any direction dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. Spirit Rush can be cast up to 3 times before going on cooldown.
During Spirit Rush if Ahri gets a takedown. Ahri will extend Spirit Rush's recast duration up to 10 seconds and she gains an extra change meaning she can use Spirit Rush again.

Spirit Rush is key to Ahri's aggressive but sometimes safe playstyle, allowing her to dash in and out of team fights in an instant and dealing a lot of damage when comboing Spirit Rush with Charm and her other abilities make her strong and picking enemies off guard.

Ahri Build Breakdown

Luden's Echo
Ruin - Rabadon's Deathcap
Light - Infinity Orb
Light - Horizon Focus
Crown of the Shattered Queen
Boots of Mana - Stasis

Ahri does great with most ability power items. Her main source of damage is from all her abilities. It's important to get Luden's Echo first for the extra mana, ability haste, and ability power. Luden's Echo also works well when clearing minion waves because of its passive. After building Luden's Echo, Ahri wants to build more items that give her ability power like Infinity Orb and Rabadon's Deathcap since she has multiple abilities that can deal a lot of damage and has the potential to one-shot carries.

With runes, we have the following:


Electrocute is a great way for Ahri to deal some extra damage when hitting her combo (Charm + Orb of Deception).


Scorch allows Ahri to deal more damage when poking in the laning phase with Orb of Deception and Fox-Fire. Sudden Impact can also be a viable option however it only works with Ahri's Spirit Rush.

Mark of the Weak

When Ahri lands her Charm, she can follow up with her other abilities to deal a lot of damage.

Eyeball Collector

Eyeball Collector is great since it gives Ahri more Ability Power every time she gets a takedown. Zombie Ward can also be a good choice if you often roam and look to kill wards.


Ability Power mages like Ahri love to build as much Ability Haste as possible so she can use her abilities more often. This is especially good for Ahri since she can use her Charm multiple times in one team fight.


For summoner spells, Flash is a must on Ahri. It's a great spell for getting out of tough situations and when you're trying to kill the enemies. You can also combo Flash with Orb of Deception or Charm to increase the distance and surprise the enemies! Ignite is also a great spell for Ahri since she can use it most of the time when she hits her Charm on an enemy to deal a little bit of extra damage.

Early Game

In the early game, Ahri does really well at clearing minion waves with her Orb of Deception. When she has cleared the minion wave and her minions are pushed under the enemy tower, she can use this free time to roam around the map to try and get an advantage elsewhere on the map. In the laning phase, you always want to look to try and use her Charm on the enemies and follow it up with her Orb of Deception, if you can hit this simple combo you can proc Electrocute and deal extra damage.

Late Game

Ahri is a very versatile champion in the late game because she can fill multiple roles. She can sit in bushes and catch enemies off guard with her Charm and combo that with other abilities to deal a lot of damage, or she can group with her team and start a teamfight. When Ahri is grouped with her team, it's best to stay at the back where she can use her abilities to do damage to the enemies and protect her allies however you can look to try and Charm an important enemy carry to get an advantage for your team.


Overall Ahri is a great starter champion that anyone can pick up. She has a really fun playstyle, can be played really safe, and has abilities that are quick and easy to learn!

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Good luck on the rift summoners!


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