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Zac Counter Stats

Zac Counters
Discover all champions who counter Zac. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Zac in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
607 Tips for countering Zac below

In the Jungle
50.19% Win Rate65% Pick Rate Zac In the Jungle Counters: 42 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Zac in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Abuse Zac's early game so that he won't be able to contest for objectives. Be wary and don't make the game longer against him. His late game is a threat to you and your team.”
[Season 14] (Patch 14.13) Neeko Jungle by Neekster | Neeko Player
lurutin says “It isn't hard but try to avoid his skills with your Q and when he is in his passive, wait to the parts to get closer then Q or smite them. It's more annoying than hard, don't Q his passive if there is minions around.”
[14.13] A true Wuju master by lurutin | Master Yi Player
masrigod says “Invade him early, mid/late game he will become more and more unstoppable because of his insane engage.”
Nidalee Jungle Guide by masrigod | Nidalee Player
Yomu says “E his E everytime or Dodge with W. This champion kinda bodies us unless he misses spells. If he misses E and Q only then do you win. Build Spirit Visage and you're living the dream”
Briar by Yomu | Briar Player
lolWillieP says “Strongly recommend going pheonix tank instead of ad burst for this matchup”
Maciejson says “His early game power allows him to kill you whenever he wants, so it's best to avoid him. Counter-ganking and jungling efficiently are vital strategies against him. Remember that you outscale him, so focus on holding on until you reach the late game. In the late game, you should win easily against him.”
[14.10] Kayn guide with detailed matchups v0.1 by Maciejson | Kayn Player
huncho1v9 says “Easy matchup. Zac plays to full clear and can maybe cheese gank. Zac has no real invade window and we can get ahead easily through farm. We always shred Zac with Gwen’s kit, especially after Nashor’s. Careful of his crazy healing though (step on his blobs).”
VainTaka says “Can be annoying when you see him having more constant pressure in lanes. Focus on trying to counter gank and securing objectives. Late game he will be tankier but its gonna be a battle between who can cc better. ”
[14.9] Amumu JG by VainTaka | Amumu Player
L0ganJG says “E his E everytime or Dodge with W. This champion kinda bodies us unless he misses spells. If he misses E and Q only then do you win. Build Spirit Visage and you're living the dream”
Foxirion says “Zac’s crowd control and initiation capabilities can pose a moderate threat to Viego. Zac’s ability to engage from a distance with his E and his crowd control from his Q and ultimate can disrupt Viego’s damage output”
[14.8] Viego, The Ruined King [Full Guide] by Foxirion | Viego Player
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Top Lane
51.98% Win Rate21% Pick Rate Zac Top Lane Counters: 17 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Zac in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

step1v9 says “The only reason this champion is a major threat is that he has so much utility and 0 counterplay combos. Tryndamere is fairly good into Zac. Step on his blobs when you can and auto him as much as possible. Track enemy JG before you look for all-ins as zac is great at setting up ganks. Anti-heal is very important in this matchup so buy it when you can maybe after kraken rageblade.”
Step1v9 Guide Patch 14.12 - FULL MATCHUPS FOR EVERY CHAMPION by step1v9 | Tryndamere Player
Lukenzoo says “Play around cooldowns and take his blobs. Take ignite ”
Lukenzoo's Yorick guide by Lukenzoo | Yorick Player
Raideru says “This matchup is generally free for Darius, Zac likes short trades which he sustains of but Darius in this matchup can all in him whenever he tries to trade, always zone him lvl 1 and threaten for all in on every cs”
Best Darius World Challenger Guide by RAIDERU by Raideru | Darius Player
Haxorr says “Zac is an interesting matchup because if the Zac player is good and respectful early then you will struggle. However, you get prio early on and can definitely look for solo kills during the laning phase. Conquerer or PTA + DBlade is great, and you can take ignite as well to prevent him from healing if you like. I like rushing Ravenous into Zac as he will win all-in trades after 6 and he has very good sustain, so being able to match that with Ravenous is really key to winning this matchup throughout the game.”
[14.11] Haxorr's Challenger Jax Guide by Haxorr | Jax Player
akaKO says “A very defensive support champion, Zac can hide out of vision and CC you a lot whilst also soaking up a lot of damage. On his own, he wont be too strong, but fighting him in a 2v2 is usually a lost fight. Keep track of where he is on the map and where he might go and gank accordingly.”
Viego Guide (April 2024) by akaKO | Viego Player
Belle19 says “a higher threat when zac is incredibly overpowered but fundamentally its a pretty easy lane. Zac lane sustain is basically unrivaled and he has so much cc that the "just step on the blobs" argument is useless unless you are literally olaf. Because of this you are probably never winning an early fight, especially considering your champ has a hard time rushing grievious. Instead just farm, you outscale very hard.”
TeiWasTaken says “Zac would be a Minor threat if it was not for passive, which makes him undiveable if he has it up, Rush executioners for antiheal and make sure he does not have his passive up when you try to 2v1 him and the enemy jungler.”
ArmedDad says “Delicious slimy boi. he outsustains any poke you do. any all in will be healed in 1 wave his teamfight makes yours feel like you are inting (pathetic) you do win side tho :) ”
Camille? by ArmedDad | Camille Player
The Cats Meow says “Tanky champ, just build shred items to win. after laning phase just ignore him and focus on affecting different parts of the map”
TC'sM Rengar Guide by The Cats Meow | Rengar Player
Shark of Void says “Take Conqueror and Teleport. Use E to evade his abilities. Afk farm.”
How to summon the Blood Storm with Kennen by Shark of Void | Kennen Player
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