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Questions tagged [proxy]

A device or program that stands between two or more interconnected programs or devices. Use [dynamic-proxy] for the Java class, [proxy-pattern] for the design pattern, [es6-proxy] for the JavaScript Proxy object.

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When configuring the proxy, the error 426 (Upgrade Required) appears, Node Express React

426Error App page package.json server.js running5000 httprequest directly fetch http://localhost:5000/api/products I can confirm that I can get data from http://localhost:5000/api/products, but in ...
Rookie Van's user avatar
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How to configure proxy with Angular 18

I migrated my angular 17 project to angular 18 and fount out that proxy.conf.json did not worked for me. What might be the problem here? Thank you in advance "{ /api/*": { "...
Preet Bista's user avatar
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Getting a 403 Forbidden accessing Swagger UI in Django REST Framework behind Basic Auth

I am deploying a Django Rest Framework application. The application runs under gunicorn (port 8000) which is proxied by Apache. (I need to use Apache due to some authentication requirements in certain ...
rlandster's user avatar
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Defining the cause of handshake failure

I'm trying to make an LDAP connection between a Spring boot application and an external LDAP server. The spring boot app is running on a linux server. The problem is that I always have a handshake ...
Fermalt's user avatar
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Zabbix 7.0 HA not working for Agent-Proxy communication breakdown

Zabbix 7.0 HA not working for Agent-Proxy communication breakdown Referred to blog - Issue: Failover doesn't happen when proxy is online but ...
Saurabh Nagpal's user avatar
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AppSheet with ApiGee data source as a proxy for existing GraphQL endpoint

I already have a GraphQL endpoint. I want to use data from this endpoint (for various queries known only at the stage of creating different AppSheet apps) as a source for different AppSheet apps. Can ...
alexanoid's user avatar
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Why do proxy async API's sometimes return a 202 instead of a 200?

I was calling an internal service API through an external proxy API, but the responses I was getting were all 202's. These were async API's, but they all return 200's when you call them directly on ...
Tom Trost's user avatar
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Convert between http and rsocket

Two microservice clusters communicate using HTTP protocol. Some businesses interact between the clusters. It is expected to develop a communication service to connect the two microservice clusters so ...
seal_90's user avatar
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cPanel WHM - nodejs [closed]

Estou com dificualde para configurar minha aplicação no WHM, tenho um domínio principal, onde seria para executar a aplicação nodejs e subdomínios que seria para iniciar do index.php do seu diretorio. ...
inog_dev's user avatar
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dynamic proxy in puppeteer

I'm wondering if there is a way to do dynamic proxying with Puppeteer. For example, on my local I can set up my network to use a .pac file. The problem I am trying to solve is that I only want my ...
Sam's user avatar
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How to Log in to a Discord Bot with SOCKS5 Proxy Authentication

I am trying to log in to a Discord bot using a SOCKS5 proxy with authentication. Here is the simple code I am using to log in without the proxy: import discord TOKEN = "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN" ...
user26366765's user avatar
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making a dynamic proxy in node.js

I am trying to make a dynamic proxy that I can control with a web UI the goal is to be able to proxy traffic going to http://localhost/server_a to something as well as http://localhost/server_b. ...
Nik Hendricks's user avatar
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.NET 8 Angular and ASP.Net Core proxy config

I am working with the ASP.Net Core and Angular first time, so maybe the problem is easy to solve but I have not found a solution yet. When the solution is create with the default visual studio ...
julianuslemurrex's user avatar
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Creating a local proxy server in python

I have two computers computer 1 and computer 2 on the same network. I'm trying to make computer 1 act as a proxy server so when I send a request from computer 2 using its ip address as a proxy, the ...
user2401856's user avatar
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.NET Core 8 - Flurl not using the current user credentials for the default proxy

I am building a .NET Core 8 app that sends an HTTP request to a REST API using Flurl. When I manually set the proxy with my credentials, it works fine. However, when I don't set my credentials, the ...
Théo Uzan's user avatar
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fiware pep proxy port is not open

I followed here git install process. But not open 3003 port. What is reason not open port? I don't understand below part on the git. //Duplicate config.template in config.js and configure app host ...
KimSiJin's user avatar
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429 response code even with proxy rotation

import re import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from random import choice http = ['', '', '', '', '...
N0PEZ's user avatar
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How to Avoid Circular Connections in Android VPN

I have a proxy core written in Golang, which I have compiled as an AAR (Android Archive) to use in my Android Kotlin app. When I start the VPN using vpnservice.Builder, I route all traffic to my proxy ...
Henry's user avatar
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JMeter dynamic proxy port

I need to run test of proxy service. The scenario is: create proxy, sending request to service like POST http://localhost:8801/proxies result is for example: {"port": 20251, "uuid"...
DrafFter's user avatar
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how to redirect https to http in burpsuite

How to automatically modify https url to http url while intercepting using Burp Suite. Below is the attempt made, but url is still being used as "https" have tried replacing header as "^...
Yugal's user avatar
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How to pass all Python's traffics through a socks proxy?

There is How to pass all Python's traffics through a http proxy? However that one does not deal with sock proxy. I want to use sock proxy which we can get easily with ssh tunneling. ssh -D 5005 user@...
Win Myo Htet's user avatar
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Proxy config setting in angular for websocket

I have an issue to connect to WS in different domain with angular. The ws is ok, I can connect to it via postman: The url looks like this: {{hosturlws}}/ws?station=1f51228c-25ae-47c0-965f-68025268e2a2 ...
Ben's user avatar
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Proxy rejects localhost on Windows Server

I am running Selenium for Python (miniconda) on a Windows 10 VM. When selenium starts up, it starts a server at http://localhost/ . However, it needs to connect to the public internet through a proxy ...
Steve Scott's user avatar
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Python Selenium Proxy Bright Data Certificate Issue

I am trying to implement Bright Data proxy Residential IPs services into my Python Selenium code that is firing a webpage. Even when that page has a SSL certificate, it is loading in http not https. I ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
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Issue with downloading a zip file in a Java project

I am facing an issue while trying to download a zip file from a link in my Java project. The error I am receiving is as follows: 2024-07-10 07:14:43,678 ERROR [] (main) Could ...
Dev-tools's user avatar
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Proxy not worrking with selenium python ERR- selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED

I want to set up a proxy connection to a website using python-selenium to simulate a real user from different locations and make a bot. I am trying to work with Bright Data Residential IPs and Data ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
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ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname on a proxy enables system

I want to load the BPEmb model on a machine which is accessbile using proxy only. Initially, I configured the proxy setting, environment and tried. But it couldn't load the model. Therefore I ...
Maria's user avatar
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how to open this dialog in android studio koala 2024.1.1

I want to know where can I open the proxy setup dialog for gradle proxy ? below ,it opened after I click gradle sync. but I want to open the setup dialog in the file/Setting,but I cant find it. below ...
eric's user avatar
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How to extend an existing PAC proxy file

Our company provides a pretty long PAC file for using the various internal proxy servers. To connect some remote systems I needed to set up my own ssh tunnel to connect to yet another proxy server. To ...
michas's user avatar
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changes made to my JavaScript files in a React project are not reflected in the UI when compiling using 'npm start'. Reflecting only when rebuilt

Initial issue faced: "Invalid options object. Dev Server has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema" TO resolve this issue added setupProxy.js inside src ...
Nivedha's user avatar
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nginx.conf best way to handle multiple if conditions within location?

I want to authorize the user based on his email without it getting super messy. Is there a better way to do this? http { map $http_user $user { default $http_user; } server { ... ...
Shreyas Kulkarni's user avatar
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Proxy error: Unable to parse auth header from HTTP proxy: authentication type 'NTLM' not supported"

I am using a batch script to download files from an SFTP server over the Internet. The script is running on a VM which is behind a corporate proxy. When I am logged in to the SFTP server via WinSCP, ...
liverpoolsunil's user avatar
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How can I make my proxy server intercept and forward https trrafic too and can I block https websites too (like

I am working on a http proxy in Python with blocking websites functionality and logging. It works fine but it works only with http and not with https. I try it to make it work with the ssl library and ...
exodia's user avatar
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How to properly stop a python proxy server for react without blocking the terminal (main thread)

Right now, I have a proxy server that is started like so: An endpoint is called by the user which starts the proxy server and redirects to the proxy origin URL React const loginURL = `${process.env....
rasputin's user avatar
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Unable to use Selenium with ProxyScrape proxy server that requires manual login

I'm trying to use Selenium to open a browser and navigate to a website using a ProxyScrape proxy server. However, I'm encountering an issue where the browser requires me to manually log in to the ...
Rev's user avatar
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Using Apify Proxy With Playwright

So , i Trying To use Playwright Python Script headless With Apify trial Proxy inAnd Run it in Apify Console. I always Get different Error When Trying To use thire proxies Nx_proxy error......etc I ...
atta's user avatar
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Angular v18 - 404 on request

I've updated the Angular application to version 18 (18.0.1). I'm facing some issues regarding the http requests on localhost. For most of the requests I'm getting a 404. I'm behind a corporate proxy ...
anyway07's user avatar
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Is there any way to create a VPN trough php

I tried using Google's Gemini API, but it is restricted in my country, so the only way to use it would be for all users from my country to use a vpn I wanted to know if there is any way to bypass that ...
Matei Gabriel's user avatar
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Can apache2 proxy provide secure commnication with a server app that has no support for SSL?

I have a hosted VPS with apache2 and SSL certificate and key (free, certbot). In DNS I created two subdomains: and Browser connection with https://www.myserver....
Joachim Van Meirvenne's user avatar
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OpenLDAP authentication acts very slow when Active Directory is unreachable

I am currently struggling with my OpenLDAP configuration. I want my OpenLDAP server to host a local database and to act as a proxy to an Active Directory database. Both databases should be merged to ...
Krisix's user avatar
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Nginx Proxy, Cloudflare Full SSL, and Load Balancer Redirection Loop?

I'm facing an issue with a redirection loop when using Nginx as a reverse proxy in front of my load balancer. My setup is as follows: Domain: DNS: Cloudflare, A record pointing to my ...
havishka's user avatar
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How connecting all users (old & new) to maxscale proxy

I'm encountering an issue where I have set up maxscale as a database proxy. After installing and configuration, when I connect using the maxscale user, data masking rules are applied successfully ...
Ri Hem's user avatar
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nginx as a proxy to a load balancer

I have a Ethernet Over USB device that i connect to that must reach with an https get call. Unfortunatly i cannot set a gateway on the device to make serverA ...
Francesco Rogo's user avatar
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Android Studio Emulators not connecting to internet when set up with proxy

I'm trying to connect my Android Studio emulators to proxies but the the "AndroidWifi" wifi connection has a "limited connection" whenever I configure my proxy settings. The ...
Adrian Ghazvini's user avatar
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How to configure Nginx as forward proxy server?

How to configure Nginx as a forward proxy server? We have a requirement where we want to send all outbound traffic of a VM through a Nginx server. Used the below configuration in the nginx server to ...
devops-admin's user avatar
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Configuring apache as reverse proxy for varnish server without using Hitch on ubuntu 22.04

I am trying to configure varnish cache 7 with apache2 on my server. Though setting up http request works just fine. but varnish can't handle https directly so i tried Apache and Hitch but didn't ...
Muhammad Aslam's user avatar
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Does a proxy take most of its time to make the request or return the request?

Assuming I am using a proxy for multiple requests a second, does most of the time it takes come from getting the data from the desired url or from returning the data to me? I wanted to try to measure ...
user18191682's user avatar
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express http-proxy-middleware upload not working

When i am uploading file from frontend with formdata as body of post request, Backend is returning 400 bad request. const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("file", this....
Deevanshu Kushwah's user avatar
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how to implement an embedded proxy in java or kotlin

I need an embedded proxy to just forward request to a rest api. what i have is an embedded jcef browser that for some limitations can't connect directly to a server on localhost or remote. so we ...
Shin938's user avatar
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Apache Camel https connection through Burp Suite proxy gives SSLException: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message

I want to send my camel connections through Burp Suite Proxy. I have imported my Burp Suite certificate to cacerts. So the following example does work, the request appears in Burp Suite and program ...
u4963840's user avatar
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