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Questions tagged [nginx]

Nginx is a web and proxy server. Note that questions on the use and configuration of server software may be off-topic and subject to closure if they do not directly involve a programming context. Other Stack Exchange sites such as Super User, Server Fault, or Webmasters may be more appropriate places to ask such questions.

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Certain endpoints are not hit and return 404 error while app running on the server but works on localhost

My web app is developed in Angular and backend is developed in .Net Core. After deploying it in docker on the server, I can visit most of the pages but certain endpoints return 404 not found error. ...
AoLiGei's user avatar
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NGINX wordpress admin - allow not working but deny all is

so I am having issues whitelisting a IP range to allow access to the wp-admin endpoint under location. I have something similar to the below in the nginx.conf (The IP listed is an example). When I ...
Jason Quinlan's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Calculate and monitor traffic details on a server

We have an ubuntu server with nginx which we using to deliver files to our clients and they can download files from our server , we are looking for a way to check how much Tx we have in total and also ...
Kasraak's user avatar
-1 votes
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[NGINX][RTMP] Disconnect stream connection if relay disconnects

Is there a way to disconnect a stream connection if the relay disconnects? The following is a code snippet. If the push to port 2935 disconnects, I would like to disconnect the stream to port 1935. ...
Tingyu's user avatar
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Work-around for co-socket api's not being available in log_by_lua giving 404 error

I've been banging my head on this problem for a few days now, and have gotten a bit stuck, so I thought I'd ask here. Would really appreciate any help. Context: The issue that I'm currently facing ...
Arman Jasuja's user avatar
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Assets got net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) in route `/` on Laravel 10 with Nginx server

I got so many net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) for my public/assets file when accessing the route of / but when I tried another route like /home with the same page and same file its works fine. error ...
Elmo Kucho's user avatar
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Socket IO is rejecting requests from Nginx proxy

I have this docker application running several containers. One of these containers is a Python application that can handle both socket io requests and normal HTTP requests. Django's ASGI handles HTTP/...
lordsarcastic's user avatar
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How to setup CDN for whole website, not just static resources?

I have complex question. Is it possible to serve whole static website via CDN (not just css, js, images... but also rendered HTML views). No matter which CDN provider I tried, I can't get it to work ...
Michal Palus's user avatar
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Nginx Reg ex for server name

I have an nginx config to match the host name as below server_name ~^(.*\.pamz\.govt\.nz)|(.*(\.wealthcare\.usa\.govt\.nz)|[\d]*\.[\d]*\.[\d]*\.[\d]*)$; But wanted to exclude abcui....
Pathfinder's user avatar
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nginx 2 websites with one ssl and one domain [closed]

im trying to host 2 websites with one domain and one ssl but when i access to /lar its giving me 404 for the main website , can someone till me did i make somthing wrong? the point is to host 2 ...
ayed's user avatar
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Chatwoot on CapRover 404 on Password Reset Link

Problem I've deployed Chatwoot using CapRover. However, when a new agent clicks the reset password link in the email, they are redirected to a "Nothing here yet :/" (i.e 404 error) page. My ...
Henrique N. Mendes's user avatar
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Cannot connect to Django app's PostgreSQL database

I am trying to use this app from Github it is a PostgreSQL & Django app that available on port 8000. I installed it and when I open locahost:8000 it ...
gula sor's user avatar
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How to host .onion website on the same server with normal sites (nginx)?

I have a running NginX server which already serves some .com sites. All work fine, as far as I'm concerned. I've also installed TOR and it is running, the .onion address is generated fine in the /var/...
Johnny Bravo's user avatar
-1 votes
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With nginx-ingress-controller, what configuration settings will ensure x-real-ip can't be spoofed?

I've installed nginx-ingress-controller on my Kubernetes cluster using helm. I'm trying to implement a rate limiter. (Note: I know nginx-ingress-controller has a function called rate limiting but it ...
John Smith Optional's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do i safely update my ReactJS build WITHOUT stopping NGinx server?

i have an Nginx server running on Ubunti. It's currently serving fine, and my ReactJS application is running. I need to update the /build folder of the ReactJS application. I don't think i should ...
chai86's user avatar
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