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Questions tagged [powershell]

PowerShell is a cross-platform command line and scripting utility from Microsoft. Use this tag for questions about writing and executing PowerShell scripts ONLY. Programming questions specific to the cross-platform version PowerShell Core (Windows, macOS, and Linux) should be tagged [powershell-core]. Questions about system administration should be asked on Super User or Server Fault.

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Powershell : Root directory is not included in the ZipFile

function Compress-CompatibleArchive { $contents = Get-Content -Path C:\Users\USER\OneDrive\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\modules\Parameters.txt | Out-Null #Split the line into parameter name and ...
Royston's user avatar
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3 answers

Enumerate Rest API result

By rest API call using Invoke-RestMethod I get a result value. These are members of this variable: TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Name MemberType ...'s user avatar
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1 answer

Powershell - iterate through CSV file

i'm sruggeling with some script that checks NW connectivity between hosts basicaly i have CSV with source IP and port which looks like this the problem is when i run this script it checks me every ip ...
gucisz's user avatar
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PowerShell script output issue and AD

Get-CimInstance -ClassName SoftwareLicensingProduct -computerName test,test2,test3,test | where PartialProductKey | select Pscomputername,Name,@{Name='LicenseStatus';Exp={ switch ($_....
Kourosh's user avatar
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Issue while populating data in excel sheet using powershell

I am having below code in powershell which I am using to populate the data in excel # Apply the formula in column O for all rows $lastRowO = $sheet1.UsedRange.Rows.Count for ($rowO = 2; $...
snehasish nandy's user avatar
-2 votes
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compare the difference between executing commands directly in CMD and running them through C#

I am currently developing a remote program using SSH. While it connects well when accessing a Windows 10 system, it fails to connect when accessing a Windows 11 system. I would like to ask how to ...
김진수's user avatar
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Powershell error when working with credential manager

I have written a PowerShell script for WinSCP and use a saved credential in the Credential Manager. To save this in the Credential Manager, I have executed the following in the Powershell ISE. $...
Simsalabli's user avatar
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Proxy error: Unable to parse auth header from HTTP proxy: authentication type 'NTLM' not supported"

I am using a batch script to download files from an SFTP server over the Internet. The script is running on a VM which is behind a corporate proxy. When I am logged in to the SFTP server via WinSCP, ...
liverpoolsunil's user avatar
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Can I inherit custom loaded functions or cmdlets in Powershell after running Enter-PSHostProcess?

In Powershell, I can use Enter-PSHostProcess to debug specific programs. Since I'm doing a lot of debugging I thought I'd write a function to save me some time. The function: function global:Debug-...
Tanaka Saito's user avatar
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How can i delete an excel file after writing some data to it in Powershell?

I write some data to an excel file and when I run my code again I want to delete the file and create the file again Issue is that it says PowerShell is locking the file . <I get the $email object ...
Stacey's user avatar
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Powershell ExpandProperty changes source object - why?

Lets say I have an array of objects with some properties, one of which is itself an array of objects. I want to 'flatten' this structure & report each of the embedded objects alongside selected ...
Matt Tebbs's user avatar
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Powershell text search won't find strings with spaces

I have aproblem with this Powershell snippet. The problem is that when @search_string is one single string, it finds it in the file, BUT when @search_string contains as space, it doesn't find it. e.g....
Nimbocrux's user avatar
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Create a code to create a multiple virtual machines and run a script in powershell?

I have a difficulty in creating a code to create a multiple VMs in windows server. I should run a script in powershell to create VMs. A suggested code for the multiple VMs and a script to run in ...
Ram Fuertes's user avatar
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How can i get the content(text) of a Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphItemBody in Powershell?

At the moment i get the email data as follows: $messages = Get-MgUserMailFolderMessage -UserId $mailboxUserId -MailFolderId $folderName $messages.Subject; $messages.Body $messages.Content; But ...
Stacey's user avatar
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How to build a dashboard with device status returned from API

First I am new to developing stuff.. I have some Azure Power Platform experience only, Function App, Storage accounts, Flows, PowerApps PowerBI, etc.. and can write most just PowerShell code.. We have ...
Ryan Ranks's user avatar

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