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Questions tagged [directory-structure]

Questions that relate to the organization of files and directories in a filesystem.

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Why does my Python package install files directly into site-packages instead of under my package directory?

I'm working on a Python package with the following structure: cfkit/ │ ├── ├── ├── .gitignore ├── LICENSE.txt ├── src/ │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├...
Ghoudiy's user avatar
-3 votes
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Terraform directory Structure for common infrastructure on aws for ADO pipeline

I have started working with terraform recently, I just want to understand the directory structure for design where we have common/different components as below and need to be integrated with ADO. I ...
RavitejaDanda's user avatar
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Folder structure conflict of Expo react native app with FSD v.2

I want to use FSD v2 with Expo application. As Expo application uses file based routing like a next.js, there is some conflicts. However, I found that there is possibilities to solve according to ...
an8ar's user avatar
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Remote Directories with sizes

I want to import a csv list of file servers and shares ... "\fileserver1\share" "\fileserver2\share" "\fileserver3\share" Then export only the top-level directory path (...
DuhMan's user avatar
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Recursively listing contents of a directory [duplicate]

i need some help coming up with an efficient algorithm to list the contents of a directory and its subdirectories. basically, if its a file, print its name else if its a directory, fetch its contents ...
user1387873's user avatar
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Difference between a page component and smartcomponent Angular

I just finished reading an article about the recommended folder structure in an Angular project. The part about the feature modules caught my attention because it recommended to include a "top ...
Bayes-T's user avatar
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not-found.tsx page in the context of multiple root layout.jsx in Next JS

I hope someone might be able to help. I have this page structure in my NextJS 14 app: app/ (admin)/ layout.tsx (web)/ layout.tsx page.tsx not-found.tsx Note ...
Gilles's user avatar
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Django: How to undo ModuleNotFoundErrors due to multiple site-packages locations

When I run my Django project, why does it check for site packages in a folder other than where my project is located? The correct location where the project and package files are located is: C:\Users\...
Condado's user avatar
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Webpack circular dependency while importing from index files

I have the current folder structure ├── files/ │ └── utils.ts │ └── index.ts ├── api/ │ ├── api.ts │ ├── utils.ts │ └── index.ts Content: // files/utils.ts import api from 'api' // ...
Oktay Yuzcan's user avatar
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How to change the default extension install folder of Visual Studio 2022?

The default folder that the Visual Studio installs the extensions is the following: %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio<Visual Studio version>\Extensions. So I want to change the folder to a ...
nkelidhs's user avatar
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Python importing the files partially from the same script [duplicate]

I have a folder structure as follows: lib | | |-MainScriptsDir | | | |-subDir | | | |- Mod_1 -> Importing Numpy | |- Mod_2 -> Importing Mod_4 | |- Mod_3 -&...
Devarapalli Vamsi's user avatar
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Rewrite url with dynamic subfolders to php handler

I'm trying to clean up my site a little bit and I am running into a bit of an issue with .htaccess rewrites with dynamic/unknown subfolders. What i'm trying to achieve is the following Accessing /...
Fran922784's user avatar
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Python app structure when using vs code and venv

I am working on a python app using VS Code. I work with the following structure: my_app ├── venv ├── my_app │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── module_1 │ │ ├── │ │ ├── ...
Matthias's user avatar
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What is the recommended way to store application-wide values like the path of its AppData folder?

I'm working on a C# application and need to store application-wide values in a MVVM project, such as the path to its AppData folder. What is the recommended approach to achieve this? I'm very new to C#...
display_name_is_displayed_here's user avatar
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Script to create folders and subfolders and their subfolders shows an error

I'm attempting to create a 5 level folder having an Excel sheet as the source. NOTE: Excel sheet is column organized by levels on each column as shown. Reference VB script from:
BertMG's user avatar
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VS Code - stacked folders - Set stacked folder structure back to default? [duplicate]

anybody knows how to disable the stacked folders? I would like to have the default behavior.
ChangNoi's user avatar
-1 votes
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example of how to separate sample project into separate files?

When you create a new project in Flutter v3.19, it creates a default app in /lib/main.dart /lib/main.dart contains three classes: class MyApp extends StatelessWidget class MyHomePage extends ...
user23524156's user avatar
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How to get parent directory of classpath inside @PropertySource()

I have some variables that need to be inputted for my app and I wanted to move that file from the resources folder to the base directory to make it more user friendly. However, I am having trouble ...
dbrewster's user avatar
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How To share/manage Typescript Types between Frontend and Backend In Big Projects

I have a MERN project with the following folder structure. backend is an express,mongo backend. With the following structure. frontend is folder of 3 vite react projects. each has the following folder ...
Mohammed Mehdi's user avatar
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How To share Typescript Types between Frontend and Backend In Big Projects

I have a MERN project with the following folder structure. backend is an express,mongo backend. With the following structure. frontend is folder of 3 vite react projects. each has the following folder ...
Mohammed Mehdi's user avatar
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Problem in creating folder and file after upload in Django

I'm creating a source code evaluater platform using React and Django. Basically an user is going to upload a source file of his choice, my frontend sends the file to backend, which is working fine, ...
Leandro Libério's user avatar
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Filtering and copying with preserving folder structure

We need to manage backup for a set of folders in a Windows Server 2019 without knowing where new files locates. Backup destination does not work with well-known backup applications so we need to copy ...
mountaineer07's user avatar
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R - how to get a multi-level list using list.files

I have a folder structure like this: - ConditionA - Subcondition1 - data1.Rds - data2.Rds - Subcondition2 - data1.Rds - data2.Rds - ConditionB - ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Ruby Script Recursively Creates Deeply Nested Directories

I'm working on a Ruby script, specifically with a method named copy2tmp, (copy pasted method definition) define_singleton_method(:copy2tmp) do |files| files.each do |f| if File.symlink?(f) ...
Foad S. Farimani's user avatar
-1 votes
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Batch Script to Create Multiple Folders within Multiple Folders

I'm trying try create a folder structure of multiple folders within another folder. The below script creates the same subfolders but not what I need. @ECHO ON SET RootDir=C:\Main SET SubA=A,B SET SubB=...
aza01's user avatar
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aws s3 cp - Copy only specific subfolder tree using awscli

I would like to copy only certain subfolder tree from S3 to my local disk. We have multiple JDBC source connectors for each table in the database and an S3 sink connector. I want to copy the file ...
adbdkb's user avatar
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How to sort and copy numbered files into incremented folders

So I have gene files named 1, 2, ... 19500.fa and want to sort them into folders 200, 400, 600... 19600 for a downstream pipeline. I have an idea of how to do this but it's pretty gruesome: for file ...
Amanda's user avatar
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Moving files from a Zipped folder to respective folders(name of the folders to be derived from file names)

We have a list of files in an excel spreadsheet. We need to search for these files in a zipped folder and then create a separate folder based on the file names and move them to the respective folder. ...
da-25's user avatar
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Correct date/time metadata for files on sharepoint based on file information from Word/Excel

Maybe someone has a good idea for the following problem. In our company, we just went through a take-over of our Microsoft 365 domain. During that process, all data from the old sharepoint was ...
hacori's user avatar
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What is the optimum way when designing Git Repos and folder structures for big projects?

I have an embedded systems project which needs to be developed and adapted easily for other microcontrollers. There are 3 types of files: Type-1: Hardware related files which will be independent of ...
alig24's user avatar
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nextjs correct folder structure and dynamic routing

So i have this Link which passing a href { name: "Action", cell: (row) => ( <div className="flex items-center space-x-5"> <Link href={`/...
Awoooooooooooooooooooo's user avatar
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Python: Module from Project Folder Not Found in Package Folder

I have the following project structure: └── myProject ├── folder1 (package) ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── ├── ├── My friend added this ...
Silvermyst's user avatar
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Project file structure [closed]

I am currently working on a Pygame project and would like to seek your advice on best practices for organizing my code, particularly when it comes to creating additional scripts. I find myself ...
r'ouster's user avatar
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Pytest won't import folders correctly

I am trying to write unit tests using pytest for a file. My directory structure looks like this: --app --src --helpers --math ...
cassidy's user avatar
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Nextjs default route problem with [lang] folder

Before i move my layout.tsx and page.tsx files into [lang] folder it looked like this Then i moved those two files into [lang] folder because i needed to take the locale params in my page.tsx. ...
Konul Memmedova's user avatar
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Vite doesnt bundle everything in the correct folder

Lets first introduce my file system: I'm trying to make the bundled files inside the client folder (main.js, style.css ...) to go inside the public folder as listed above, Instead a dist folder ...
Achno's user avatar
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FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory. What does '\\' mean? [duplicate]

I am getting the following error from my code: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/joblib/", line 650, in load with open(filename, 'rb') as f: FileNotFoundError: [...
Satyam Sharma's user avatar
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Print folder structure in C# console application

I want to make a FileSystem reader in C#. I want to print the folder structure of given path. The information of the files and directories are getting stored in a database. The models in use: File: ...
samgaw's user avatar
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Intelij Idea - Loading fxml resource from nested directories

I'm having trouble loading the fxml files from my resource views directory. I can load it normally without the nested directories but would like to solve it this way for more structural organization. ...
vperse's user avatar
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Is there a way to organize my drawables in android studio?

Since I can't have directories in my res/drawable directory, how can I organize my drawable folders like buttons, icons, images, bg_images, etc. How to have an organized folders for the drawable. I ...
Tristan Ehron Tumbaga's user avatar
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How to structure folders in nextJs 13

1st Question: I saw some people that they are creating components folder inside a page folder **Example 1: src/ app/ gallery/ components page.tsx** On the other hand, I ...
Tech's user avatar
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Can I placed the reusable component's service in core module in Angular according to the mentioned scenario

├── src │ ├── app │ │ ├── core │ │ │ ├── services │ │ │ ├── core.module.ts │ │ ├── shared │ │ │ ├── produt-form │ │ │ │ ├── product-form.component.ts|html|css │ │ │ │ ├── product-form.service....
pragith98's user avatar
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Clarification needed about using relative file paths with the Cache API - comparability within caches.match()

Assume that a service-worker.js is ready to offer offline browsing ability thanks to the following code, self.addEventListener("fetch", event => { event.respondWith( caches.match(event....
TheNightwalker's user avatar
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Can I put store and types into core module in Angular?

├── src │ ├── app │ │ ├── core │ │ │ ├── header │ │ │ │ ├── header.component.ts|css|html │ │ │ ├── services │ │ │ ├── core.module.ts │ │ ├── types │ │ │ ...
pragith98's user avatar
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How to access the iphone folder system in C# winforms application

I am trying to create a winforms application using C#, I want the user to be able to select a folder on an iPhone device that is connected via USB and it copies images to a new folder selected by a ...
Mr_Westhead's user avatar
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How to upload a file in a nested directory to Storage accounts File Share service using Python SDK?

I am trying to upload a file to the path, using ShareDirectoryClient Class of Azure Python SDK.I have attached below the code and errors that I am getting. path = "users/user11/projects/assets/...
Avj Vaibhav's user avatar
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pick directories of a project to be in a submodule git repository

I have a big project that structured in a modular way with some directories to be commonly used (coupled) with other modules, while other directories are module specific, for example: Modules ├── ...
shamaseen's user avatar
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Test resource files with Go

I'm a java developer and I'm using Maven for most of my projects. The structure is quite simple: - src - main - java - resources - test - java - resources Normally, ...
makemehappy's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: no module named src when running tests with VS Code Testing Tab

I have a Project with the following (simplified) folder-structure - my_project/ - src/ - core/ - - - other/ - - - models/ ...
Marc Miller's user avatar
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When to use multiple projects on the same Visual Studio solution?

I'm working on a WinForms app, inside a bigger, main WinForms app that launches other Forms. You have a big menu with apps you can click and launch (mine is one of them). At the beginning of the ...
funk4del1c's user avatar

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