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Questions tagged [animatetransform]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Slide up/down animation on custom control in wpf

I have a panel which contains 3 custom controls. Now during runtime I only have only two of them visible at any given point in time i.e either top two or bottom two controls keeping the middle control ...
Kartik150's user avatar
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svg SMIL animation transform origin question

I cannot figure out where to put the transform origin and with what values at the second path (#tran) to resemble the first path (#drop). I want them both to move the same way. The path #tran is the ...
Chromebook Acer's user avatar
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SVG animateTransform not updating on from and to value change

<line x1="100" y1="100" x2="100" y2="35" stroke="white" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round"> <animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="rotate" [attr.from]="...
aries12's user avatar
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SVG animation trouble

Task to animate the SVG icon: <svg width = “10” height = “10” x = “124.23852130911843” y = “88.06430110098822” id = “Transporter_1” data-name = “Transporter 1” xmlns = “ svg ”...
Detoner's user avatar
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Python svgwrite and simultaneous animationTransforms

I am trying to use python svgwrite to make an object scale and rotate at the same time. My efforts has so far been to add two consecutive "animateTransform". It does however seem to only ...
Emil's user avatar
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How to use svg beginElement() in angular 6?

I've been trying to trigger restart on my svg animation by button click. I found the method beginElement() on the web and it's working for normal javascript/jquery but when i try to use the exact same ...
oh jiho's user avatar