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Questions tagged [animatetransform]

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How to prevent SVG scale animation resetting on finish [duplicate]

I have multiple SVGs displayed on my website, which are animated using the animateTransform element triggered by beginElement(). The first few scale animations I created finished on a scale of 100% so ...
Sh4lidar's user avatar
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Change svg speed of AnimateTransform speed

I'm trying to dynamically change the rotation speed of my circle, but can't find a solution for this. I want to spin it really fast in the beginning and change it to stand still in e.g. 4 seconds. I'...
user2051376's user avatar
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What am I doing wrong trying to rotate some SVG through an animateTransform tag with "spline" calcmode?

I'm trying to animate a triangle so that its rotation accelerates (and later comes to a stop after a full rotation) and I am trying to use the animateTransform SVG tag, with the calcmode attribute set ...
Bert Meera's user avatar
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svg SMIL animation transform origin question

I cannot figure out where to put the transform origin and with what values at the second path (#tran) to resemble the first path (#drop). I want them both to move the same way. The path #tran is the ...
Chromebook Acer's user avatar
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SVG feTurbulence filter will not animateTransform rotate on Firefox

This code is saved in a .SVG file and it animates as intended on most browsers, but not on Firefox. The feTurbulence filter and the rotation animation work separately on any other shapes, but when ...
Cupcake_Ria's user avatar
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SVG animateTransform scaling keySplines to match Y component of rotating vector

I need to simulate a rotating arrow in 2D. It has to keep pace with the rotating blue arrow. I started with keySplines shown by the red arrow that gave a nice quadrant when viewed using http://...
Peter Hill's user avatar
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How to use animateTransform cx cy values properly?

I am trying to make an animated loading icon in svg, although whenever I check the result in Chrome, or Edge, the rotation animation doesn't react on the cx/cy values (only if I set them to zero, it ...
Mat's user avatar
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SVG AnimateTransform not working in Safari..?

Why is this animation, which works in FF and Chrome, not working in Safari (begin="click" does not trigger the animateTransform in Safari; replace click with for example 0s and you'll see it ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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SVG animation trouble

Task to animate the SVG icon: <svg width = “10” height = “10” x = “124.23852130911843” y = “88.06430110098822” id = “Transporter_1” data-name = “Transporter 1” xmlns = “ svg ”...
Detoner's user avatar
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SVG animateTransform toggle only working once

If you click two subsequent times on the rectangle, you see an animation toggling on and off: <svg version="1.1" baseProfile="full" viewBox="0 0 1000 200" xmlns="" id="...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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Save end of SVG animation as png (quickly)

The following animated svg shows a point that is translated from left to right: <svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="
Hackerman's user avatar
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Python svgwrite and simultaneous animationTransforms

I am trying to use python svgwrite to make an object scale and rotate at the same time. My efforts has so far been to add two consecutive "animateTransform". It does however seem to only ...
Emil's user avatar
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Smoothly move an SVG line along a rectangular path

I am trying to recreate the following animation: I am having trouble with getting a line to properly animate around corners. I've tried using an animateMotion-element like so: <line class="...
HaakonFlaar's user avatar
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SVG animateTransform not updating on from and to value change

<line x1="100" y1="100" x2="100" y2="35" stroke="white" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round"> <animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="rotate" [attr.from]="...
aries12's user avatar
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svg animation - icon not scale center point of icon

This is the code of my svg, and i am making the animation like heartbeat my icon. but it's not scale center when i give from 1 to 0. This is the code: <linearGradient id="SVGID_2_" ...
Hassan Javed's user avatar

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