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Zepile (ゼパイル, Zepairu) is an antiques trader who helps Gon, Killua, and Leorio raise funds for the Southernpiece Auction in Yorknew City.[1] He is also an examinee in the 288th Hunter Exam.[2]


Zepile 2011 Design IMG1

Zepile's 2011 anime adaptation design

Zepile fullbody HXH 99 EP57

Zepile as he appears in the 1999 anime

Zepile 86

Zepile's manga appearance

Zepile has short, light brown hair with long sideburns on both sides of his face. His most prominent feature is his wavy, thick, brown eyebrows. He wears a red blazer with black stripes on the edges, a white shirt underneath with a large collar that reveals a large amount of his chest, and dark pants.


Zepile is an appraiser in all things related to the black market[3] and auctions. As a former counterfeit artist, he feels remorseful for creating counterfeits and buys back his work, hoping to redeem himself.[1]


Yorknew City arc[]

Gon and Killua scour the Bull Market to raise enough money so that they can buy a copy of Greed Island. While they're successful in most of the items they bid on, someone named Zepile outbids them on a weird vase. The two boys take their three items to a pawnbroker who first values a "worthless" wooden statue at Jenny Symbol 20111,500, but then reveals that the wood is valuable, offering them Jenny Symbol 201180,000. Fortuitously, Zepile enters the shop and states that the broker is taking advantage of them. He details the history behind the wooden vault and deduces that the pawnbroker was planning on stealing its contents. Exasperated by this declaration, the pawnbroker is at a loss for words, while Zepile merely smiles at the outcome.[4]

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Zepile walking with Gon and Killua

Gon and Killua thank Zepile for helping them, but Zepile asks for 20% when they sell the vault. Killua claims that it's too much and offers to buy him lunch instead, and Zepile quickly accepts the offer, much to their surprise. At a restaurant, Gon and Killua explain their reason for raising an exorbitant amount of money and how they used Gyo to identify possible valuable items. Zepile tells them that he made the vase they attempted to win. He explains that he is a former counterfeiter and tries to buy back his old counterfeits. He also asks if he can help them in any way because he is happy that his vase caught their eye.[1]

Later, Zepile opens up the wooden vault and reveals the treasure inside. He appraises it to be worth Jenny Symbol 2011300 million and suggests that they sell the contents at the Preview Market. At the Preview Market, the three are greeted by Taloon, who offers Jenny Symbol 2011250 million for the contents, but Zepile refuses. Although disappointed, Taloon understands and leads them to the presentation room, signaling to someone as he leaves. A large group of people then enter the presentation room, and one in the crowd begins to doubt the authenticity of the items, making Zepile anxious.[1]

You can count on Zepile

Zepile assuring Gon and Killua that they can rely on him

The man continues to doubt the authenticity of the items, and even though Zepile tries his best to reassure the others, the man still manages to sway the crowd in his favor. Afterward, Zepile curses the man who questions the authenticity of the vault and its contents. Gon and Killua wonder what tactics the man used on the crowd, and Zepile explains it all to the boys until Leorio gets in contact with them to inform them about a lead on the Phantom Troupe.[5] The boys then rush away to meet Leorio and leave Zepile in charge of the bidding process. Though reluctant at first, he gives in and tells the boys to count on him.[6] Before the boys tail the Phantom Troupe, Killua tells Leorio to contact Zepile and work with him on the auction.[7] After being caught by the Troupe, the boys use what Zepile taught them about doctoring methods in order to escape from Nobunaga.[8]

HxH2011 EP53 Leorio and Zepile drinking

Zepile and Leorio enjoying a drink together

As soon as the boys return to their hotel, they find Leorio and Zepile enjoying themselves with some drinks and snacks. The boys thank Zepile for teaching them about doctoring methods. Zepile is glad he could be helpful, pointing out that forgery could be useful against the Troupe. Leorio says that Zepile was telling him all about forgery, impressed that there's so much one can do with it.[9] The next day, Zepile and Leorio sell the wooden vault at the Preview Market for Jenny Symbol 2011355 million. Although Leorio is elated, Zepile is disappointed and claims that they could have made more than Jenny Symbol 2011400 million if they had had a better time slot. Leorio jokes about splitting the money in half, and Zepile wonders if he is really th‏eir friend. He then tells Leorio that he plans to stick with them since he knows that he will get more opportunities. He adds that the experience will be priceless, and Leorio happily agrees. After Leorio meets up with Kurapika and the others, Gon asks where Zepile is, and Leorio replies that he went to the bank to pick up the check and then to find more items to sell.[10] As the Troupe makes their way toward the Hotel Beitacle, Zepile's location is also shown on the map.[11]

Greed Island arc[]

Gon, Zepile and Killua go to the auction

Zepile preparing to attend the auction with Gon and Killua

The day after Kurapika falls unconscious, Melody tells Zepile that it isn't just fatigue since her flute won't work on him. Zepile suggests taking Kurapika to a doctor if his condition doesn't improve, offering to call one he knows if they don't want to risk taking him to a hospital. The next day, Zepile, Gon, and Killua attend the Southernpiece Auction.[12] When the bidding starts for a copy of Greed Island, Gon asks Zepile about the hand signals to place a bid, and Zepile confirms that the auctioneer announces the highest bid among them. Gon accidentally raises up his thumb, and the auctioneer recognizes that Gon wants to double the price to Jenny Symbol 20112.4 billion. Livid at Gon's mistake, Zepile tells him that it's the signal to bid the same increment as the last person, adding that he can't take it back once it's been recognized. As the auctioneer asks for any other bids, Zepile nervously says that they have no way to pay if they win, warning Gon that he may be arrested for malicious interference and fraud. Battera thankfully raises the bid to Jenny Symbol 20112.5 billion, and Zepile gives an enormous sigh of relief.[13]

Five days after the auction, Zepile is seen selling a vase before he meets up with Gon and tells him that he made Jenny Symbol 201180 million into Jenny Symbol 2011100 million. Gon sees his new balance, and Zepile says that he can now buy his Hunter License back from the pawnshop. Both Gon and Killua are impressed that he made the money so quickly, but Zepile assures them that it was easy with Jenny Symbol 201180 million in seed money. He adds that he didn't want to disappoint Gon since he entrusted his entire fortune to him. Gon thanks him, and Leorio adds that he would have had to pawn his own license if things didn't work out. Zepile tells them not to thank him, reminding them that he took 50% of the profits as their contract stated. Gon then realizes that Zepile was able to make Jenny Symbol 201140 million in only five days, and Zepile reminds them that he's a professional, telling them to call if they need him and saying goodbye.[3]

As Zepile smokes a cigarette and walks away, he wonders why he has to be such a showoff as it's revealed that he really only made Jenny Symbol 201115 million and had to make an illegal Jenny Symbol 20115 million loan by using his organs as collateral. He also tells himself that he should have offered to make the deal by the 9th, not the 8th, realizing that he couldn't have asked for an extension once he had made the promise. He wonders how he should pay off his new debt since he isn't into making counterfeits anymore and since he would need seed money if he wanted to deal in antiques. He realizes how incredible a Hunter License is since a pawnshop offered Gon Jenny Symbol 2011100 million in cash, guessing that it would sell for 100 times that amount. He then has an epiphany, saying that he should become a professional Hunter and then sell his license, adding that he could live off the interest for the rest of his life. He then runs off into the distance and says that he needs to think of a strategy for the exam.[3]

Zepile knocked out

Zepile knocked unconscious by Killua at the Hunter Exam

On the day of the 288th Hunter Exam, after the examiner tells the examinees to take the badges of five others, Killua begins to dart through the crowd and knock everyone unconscious. Zepile is seen lying on the floor with a pool of drool next to his mouth. He recounts what happened and says that he saw a shadow flying through the crowd and everyone collapsing. He adds that he only later realized it was Killua, who told him that he would be the only one to pass that year. Zepile was left confused and then instantly knocked unconscious by Killua's attack. He reveals that his doctor told him it was a precise strike to his neck and that a martial artist told him it was a superhuman feat.[2]

Abilities & Powers[]

Zepile is a skilled sculptor, able to craft and recognize credible fakes. He is the one who taught Gon and Killua the methods to open the wooden vault. Furthermore, Zepile is knowledgeable in the workings and proceedings of auctions, enough to act as an advisor for the two boys.


Zepile is a Nen genius, having unconsciously used Nen when he made his counterfeit vases.

Manga Appearances[]

Yorknew City arc
64. Homecoming Absent
65. About Ging Absent
66. The Tape Absent
67. The Flesh Collector's Mansion: Part 1 Absent
68. The Flesh Collector's Mansion: Part 2 Absent
69. Greed Island Absent
70. To Yorknew Absent
71. The Auction Begins!! Absent
72. September 1st: Part 1 Absent
73. September 1st: Part 2 Absent
74. September 1st: Part 3 Absent
75. September 1st: Part 4 Absent
76. September 1st: Part 5 Absent
77. September 1st: Part 6 Absent
78. September 1st: Part 7 Absent
79. September 2nd: Part 1 Absent
80. September 2nd: Part 2 Absent
81. September 2nd: Part 3 Absent
82. September 2nd: Part 4 Absent
83. September 2nd: Part 5 Absent
84. September 2nd: Part 6 Absent
85. September 3rd: Part 1 Absent
86. September 3rd: Part 2 Debut
87. September 3rd: Part 3 Appears
88. September 3rd: Part 4 Appears
89. September 3rd: Part 5 Appears
90. September 3rd: Part 6 Mentioned
91. September 3rd: Part 7 Absent
92. September 3rd: Part 8 Absent
93. September 3rd: Part 9 Mentioned
94. September 3rd: Part 10 Absent
95. September 3rd: Part 11 Absent
96. September 3rd: Part 12 Absent
97. September 3rd: Part 13 Absent
98. September 3rd: Part 14 Absent
99. September 3rd: Part 15 Absent
100. September 3rd: Part 16 Absent
101. September 3rd: Part 17 Appears
102. September 4th: Part 1 Absent
103. September 4th: Part 2 Appears
104. September 4th: Part 3 Absent
105. September 4th: Part 4 Absent
106. September 4th: Part 5 Absent
107. September 4th: Part 6 Absent
108. September 4th: Part 7 Absent
109. September 4th: Part 8 Absent
110. September 4th: Part 9 Absent
111. September 4th: Part 10 Pictured
112. September 4th: Part 11 Absent
113. September 4th: Part 12 Absent
114. September 4th: Part 13 Absent
115. September 4th: Part 14 Absent
116. September 4th: Part 15 Absent
117. September 4th: Part 16 Absent
118. September 4th: Part 17 Absent
119. September 4th: Part 18 Absent
Greed Island arc
120. September 6th: Part 1 Appears
121. September 6th: Part 2 Appears
122. September 6th: Part 3 Absent
123. September 6th: Part 4 Absent
124. September 7th: Part 1 to September 10th: Part 1 Appears
125. September 10th: Part 2 Absent
126. September 10th: Part 3 Absent
127. September 10th: Part 4 Absent
128. September 10th: Part 5 Absent
129. Antokiba, Town of Prizes Absent
130. The Reason for the Recruitment Absent
131. The Answer Absent
132. The Forty Spells Absent
133. How to Defend Yourself Without Spells Absent
134. The Island's Secret Absent
135. To Masadora! Part 1 Absent
136. To Masadora! Part 2 Absent
137. To Masadora! Part 3 Absent
138. To Masadora...? Absent
139. Are They Really Going to Masadora? Absent
140. They Got to Masadora, But... Absent
141. They Went to Masadora Already, So I'll Go With a Different Title Now Absent
142. The Bomber Absent
143. Countdown Absent
144. Release Absent
145. Janken Absent
146. Abengane: Part 1 Absent
147. Abengane: Part 2 Absent
148. The Exam Begins Appears
149. Encounter Absent
150. Embarkment Absent
151. Progress Absent
152. Contact Absent
153. Success Absent
154. Common Cause Absent
155. The Captain and His 14 Devils Absent
156. Face-Off: Part 1 Absent
157. Face-Off: Part 2 Absent
158. Two of a Kind +1 Absent
159. Aiai, the City of Love Absent
160. Face-Off: Part 3 Absent
161. Face-Off: Part 4 Absent
162. Face-Off: Part 5 Absent
163. Face-Off: Part 6 Absent
164. Face-Off: Part 7 Absent
165. Face-Off: Part 8 Absent
166. Face-Off: Part 9 Absent
167. Face-Off: Part 10 Absent
168. Face-Off: Part 11 Absent
169. Declaration of War Absent
170. Three-Way Struggle: Part 1 Absent
171. Three-Way Struggle: Part 2 Absent
172. Three-Way Struggle: Part 3 Absent
173. Three-Way Struggle: Part 4 Absent
174. Three-Way Struggle: Part 5 Absent
175. Three-Way Struggle: Part 6 Absent
176. Three-Way Struggle: Part 7 Absent
177. Three-Way Struggle: Part 8 Absent
178. Three-Way Struggle: Part 9 Absent
179. Three-Way Struggle: Part 10 Absent
180. Three-Way Struggle: Part 11 Absent
181. Three-Way Struggle: Part 12 Absent
182. Three-Way Struggle: Part 13 Absent
183. Three-Way Struggle: Part 14 Absent
184. The Choice of Three Cards Absent
185. Chance Encounter Absent


  • Greed Island arc:
    • Zepile vs. Killua Zoldyck (288th Hunter Exam 1st Phase)[2]


48 - Zepile Pot

Zepile's counterfeit vase

Seed Urn

Seed Urn

  • The design of Zepile's counterfeit vase shares some similarities with Kakin's Seed Urn used in the Seed Urn Ceremony.
  • According to the "Hunter × Hunter Manual" section found in the Yu ☆ Yu ☆ Hakusho official character book (Shueisha Jump remix),* Zepile's stats are:
Story Arcs Mind Skill Body Nen Ingenuity Intelligence
Yorknew City arc 3/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 3/5

Intertextuality and References[]

  • The appearance of Zepile's counterfeit vase resembles the facial features of the Dogū clay dolls from the late Jōmon period of Japan.

Anime and Manga Differences[]

  • In the 1999 anime adaptation, Zepile does not take part in the 288th Hunter Exam.[14]
  • In the 2011 anime adaptation, Zepile's examinee badge number in the 288th Hunter Exam is #1100.[15] In the manga, the number is not revealed.[2]


  • Zepile's 2011 Japanese voice actor, Masami Kikuchi, voiced Wing in the 1999 anime adaptation.

Translations around the World[]

Language Name
The Arab world Flag Arabic زيبايل (Zibayil)
China Flag Chinese 仙派 (Xiān pài)
France Flag French Zepairu
Russia Flag Russian Зепайл (Zepayl)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 10, Chapter 87
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 15, Chapter 148
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 13, Chapter 124
  4. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 10, Chapter 86
  5. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 10, Chapter 88
  6. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 10, Chapter 89
  7. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 10, Chapter 90
  8. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 10, Chapter 93
  9. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 11, Chapter 101
  10. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 11, Chapter 103
  11. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 111
  12. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 13, Chapter 120
  13. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 13, Chapter 121
  14. Hunter × Hunter - Episode 80 (1999)
  15. Hunter × Hunter - Episode 66 (2011)