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Fallout Wiki

Zeta scan or alignment[1] is a pseudo-medical procedure carried out by adherents of Hubology, as part of cult induction. The scan purports to clear "neurodynes" and once conducted, the subject is classified as a level One Aligned Hub Seeker (AHS-1 for short). While scans are mandatory for joining the cult, they are available to anyone. The cult does, in fact, try to perform them on as many people as they can find.[2]

The precise relationship to the Zetans is not clear.


The zeta scan is performed ostensibly to free mankind and unleash its full spiritual potential by purging the "neurodynes" that keep mankind in this oppressive, enslaved state.[3] These neurodynes are alleged to be the psychic centers of the body (similar to a chakra),[4] polluted by the spiritual remnants of people died in the Great War. Their psi-energies imprint into these centers at one's birth, holding people in an oppressive state,[5] further entrenched by negative psychic energy transmitted from other oppressives.[6] The zeta scan cleanses and aligns the neurodynes with what the Hubologists call the Great Wheel.[7] Once they are fully aligned, the AHS [8]

The zeta scan itself is performed by a variety of means. The New California Hubologists used an electroshock machine, which runs large doses of electricity through the subject. The electricity is claimed to be carefully formulated ("to the exact volt") to drive the negative energies out, cleansing a neurodyne and correcting the subject's behavior to be more aligned with the Wheel.[1] The scan is claimed to not be painful,[9] but too many performed in too short a time frame are acknowledged to be harmful (as running high voltage electricity through people is known to be).[7]

The Hubologists under Dara Hubbell use a different method, strapping subjects to a chair and blasting their central nervous system with radiation (called "zeta rays").[10] Raising through AHS ranks requires additional sessions, with even more radiation exposure and health loss. The process is normally spread out over years.[11]


FO76 The Cleansed

The Cleansed, an AHS-6 who underwent six zeta scans, and claims to have achieved inner peace. He rejected his birth name, reveling in his happiness.

The scan is purported to bring calm and broaden horizons,[12] and help mentally disabled people,[13] and in some ways it does allow for high-level AHS to communicate with even the most severely disabled persons. [14]

There does seem to be some merit to the claims. New Californian zeta scans could increase intelligence and luck (with a risk of lowering the latter), while Dara Hubbell's consistently increased intelligence at the cost of severe irradiation and damage stemming from exposure.[15][16][17] Subjects could also experience personality loss and other complications stemming from blasting the vulnerable nervous system with extreme amounts of rads.[18]

Gameplay implementation[]

Fallout 2[]

Zeta scans are optional, random stat increases available at the NCR capital or San Francisco. They offer a 50% chance of either giving a stat increase or reducing it permanently.

  • Enlightened One (NCR): The scan can either raise Luck by +2 or reduce it by -1.
  • AHS-7 (San Francisco): The scan can raise Luck and Intelligence by +1 or reduce Luck by -1.

Fallout 4: Nuka-World[]

Administered by Phil Roller, zeta scans can provide up to 8 additional points of Intelligence.

Level Cost INT Reward +Rads % of HP
AHS-1 50 caps or free with a medium speech check +1 + Hubologist outfit 50 -5%
AHS-2 100 caps or free with a hard speech check +2 90 -9%
AHS-3 250 caps +3 140 -14%
AHS-4 (> Trip to the Stars) 500 caps +4 200 -20%
AHS-5 1000 caps +5 260 -26%
AHS-6 (RadAway needed) 2500 caps +6 330 -33%
AHS-7 5000 caps +7 None
AHS-8 10000 caps +8 470 -47%


  1. 1.0 1.1 Hubologist teachings, Zeta Scan
  2. AHS-7: "{217}{}{Before you can truly be one of us, we must perform an initial zeta scan - an alignment. Are you prepared for your scan?}"
    Chosen One: "{218}{}{No! No scan!}"
    AHS-7: "{220}{}{Without a scan, you cannot join us. Are you sure you wish to refuse?}"
    Chosen One: "{222}{}{Oh, all right. Scan me.}"
    AHS-7: "{223}{}{We have eliminated some of your dirtiest neurodynes. You are now rated as AHS-1. Are you ready to join our noble cause?}"
    Chosen One: "{224}{}{Oh yes.}"
  3. Enlightened One: "{165}{}{The Church of Hubology exists to free mankind from the chains that have kept his full spiritual potential in shackles.}"
    Chosen One: "{166}{}{How do you do that?}"

    Enlightened One: "{154}{}{By purging you of the negative psychic energy that keeps you in an oppressive state. Only then can you be Enlightened!}"
  4. Hubologist teachings, Neurodyne
  5. Enlightened One: "{158}{}{Neurodynes?}"
    Chosen One: "{155}{}{Neurodynes are the psychic centers of the body. They become polluted by the spiritual remnants of the people who died in the War. Their psi-energies imprint into our neurodynes at birth and hold us in an oppressive state. Alignment erases these imprints.}"
  6. Enlightened One: "{160}{}{Oppressive state?}"
    Chosen One: "{156}{}{As long as your brain chemistry is affected by negative psychic energy, your true spiritual potential is oppressed. Worse still, oppressives can transmit this energy unless they are very, very strong-willed.}"
  7. 7.0 7.1 Hubologist teachings, Alignment
  8. Enlightened One: "{159}{}{Enlightened?}"
    Chosen One: "{157}{}{Enlightenment happens when all your neurodynes are aligned. Then you become an AHS, Aligned Hub Seeker, which is the goal of all Hubonites.}"
  9. Chosen One: "{161}{}{So how's this purging work? Is it painful?}"
    Enlightened One: "{162}{}{It's not painful. You just undergo a zeta-scan. I can do one now, if you like.}
  10. Phil Roller: "You are strapped into the chair and your central nervous system is pumped full of zeta radiation. This destroys some of the neurodynes. However, over time, they will build up again without further treatment. "
  11. Phil Roller: "It's taken me years to master the rank of AHS-7. Yet Dara refuses to promote me. Me! Her most loyal follower. But you. You come in here and she fawns all over you. She's going to replace me, I know it. Go on. Go to Dara. Only she can promote you to AHS-8. "
  12. Cleansed: "Hubology has given me inner peace and expanded my mind. It can do the same for you. Phil does the alignments that rid your body of polluting neurodynes. After we talk to Dara, you should go see him. "
  13. Enlightened One: "{112}{}{Hello? Anybody there?}"
    Chosen One: "{114}{}{No-body here.}"
    Enlightened One: "{115}{}{Oh dear, a Level One. Still trapped in primitive state. Perhaps a zeta-scan alignment would help. Would you like that?}"
  14. Chosen One: "{116}{}{Hinchoaf? [You can understand me?]}"
    AHS-9: "{121}{}{Of course, child. The alignment has cleared your basic neurodynes and aligned them with mine and the spokes of the Great Wheel. What do you need?}"
    Chosen One: "{122}{}{Aagga diggle doodle doo! [Oh, thank goodness. I'm looking for my people. I need to get over the big water.]}"
  15. Enlightened One zeta scan
  16. AHS-7 zeta scan
  17. Phil Roller's zeta scan
  18. Cleansed