Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The HubLink is a computer network maintained by the Hubologists for the documentation of AHS-9's goals for the cult, the cult's outrageous finances, and the cult's various scientific projects, including power armor hardening, computing orbits, launch trajectories, space travel destinations and more.[1] It is unknown when its development occurred.


Active in 2242: Hubologist compound at Golden Gate in San Francisco.


  1. Hubologists computers: "{106}{}{Welcome to HubLink.}"
    "{116}{}{[After wading through the religious gobbledygook, it appears that the Hubologists have created a means of hardening power armor. They have also found a way to compute launch trajectory, orbits, and spatial destinations. Further, it appears they're working on weather control.]}"
    "{113}{}{Future goals.}"
    "{119}{}{[You spend about half an hour reading about the goals AHS-9 is trying to achieve. In addition to enlightenment and reunion with the Star Father, it appears that he's also got no qualms about destroying humans who weren't with him from the beginning. He's a little crazy.]}"
    "{122}{}{[The Hubologist Church appears to be hugely wealthy. The standard approach is to ask a new recruit to donate all his or her worldly possessions to the Church as a sign of good faith. When someone isn't asked to do this, apparently it means the Hubologists aren't intending to deal fairly. They have a huge cache of loot stashed somewhere in the desert. You can't quite figure out the coordinates.]}"