Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Mr. Yesterday was the manager in charge of the Sierra Madre Villa construction.[1]


Although an affable, likable person on the surface, he was actually a con artist, planning to make the Villa his biggest steal ever. Mr. Yesterday's acts included cutting corners and expenses, storing money in personal accounts, and substituting materials with cheaper, less efficient ones. Any incidents, such as the patio collapse in Salida del Sol, were covered up extensively: medical records were deleted, witnesses were paid off, and the whole affair was protected legally.[2] Any problems were scrutinized by Mr. Yesterday to ensure that he was turning a profit,[3] all with the help of the corrupt Villa staff.

He had a very profitable relationship with the construction crew foreman, paying him off and delivering hard liquor and chems to workers right under Frederick Sinclair's eye.[4] This was because, despite Sinclair's hardnosed insistence of his "contraband" policy, he really did not care. He was more concerned with external security and items that could prove to be dangerous to the Madre.[5] He went as far as to install a state of the art automated security system to return the items to the visitor's source address.[6]

However, when the Cloud placed at the Madre by Big MT as part of its research program began to manifest itself, problems started. Workers affected by its aggressive nature were hospitalized, with Yesterday delivering chems and cash to keep them silent. The delays combined with the Cloud led to the Villa not being entirely finished.[7]

Although most were content with their under-the-table deals, the foreman of the Puesta del Sol section was not. He secured evidence to blackmail Mr. Yesterday into increasing his cut of the swindling. He then proceeded to confront Yesterday about his renegotiation, who agreed to meet him at the switching station so as not to be overheard.[8] At the meeting, however, Mr. Yesterday murdered the foreman and made the incident look like an accident.[9] Afterward, Dean Domino swung by the foreman's crew to check if anyone else was in on the foreman's scheme.[10]


Mr. Yesterday is mentioned only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.

