Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Every day, we lose more storage space on ZAX. It's running some sort of program, and it's eating up more and more storage space.

Xian is one of the younger, more stubborn scientists at the Boulder Dome in 2253.


Xian is a curious, logical woman who does not smile much. She grew up in San Francisco as part of the Shi, but while still fairly young, she moved to NCR as part of an exchange program. She went to the university there, studying Biology and Science. At the time, Presper was recruiting scientists that would travel by train to the Boulder Dome to study and help get work done there. She was one of the students who graduated and was immediately moved to Boulder.

Before the Prisoner's arrival, Xian realized just how much she disliked Goddard, and started taking 'hikes' to look for any secret exits in the toxic sub-levels of the Dome that could provide her with a means of escape.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Paving the Way
This character is a permanent companion.
Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.


FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Research Plague Data

FO76 ui condition 08
This character is a New Plague carrier.


Research Plague Data - The player first finds Xian in the secret tunnel entrance, almost dead due to a lack of oxygen. When asked why she does not just take off her suit, the player learns that she is infected with the New Plague as well, and she refuses for their safety. However, one can bring her to one of the decontamination centers to clean her up and give her a new supply of oxygen (though she still requires medical help).

Once recruited into the player's party, she can assist with her science skills as well as by making bullets and gunpowder. She can also become interested in the player, if they have a high enough Charisma or Intelligence.

Xian also has some information on the degradation of the ZAX unit at Boulder Dome[1]


Xian has not appeared nor is she mentioned in any published game. She was to appear only in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.



Design Document
CharactersScientistsAgnes · Donald · Goddard · James · Nina · Paul · Think tank · Xian · ZAX
TruckersBillie · Eddie Galenski · Helen Wheels · Jack · Joshua · Ribera · Tanner · Tyler
JackalsBanshee · Crazy Bitch · Howler
LocationsBoulder Train Station · Jackal camp · Baggers camp · Dead ghoul graveyard · Boulder Dome level 1 · Boulder Dome level 2 · Boulder Dome level 3 · Dome tunnels · ZAX Mainframe
QuestsBoulder Scientists Research or Write · Code Yourself Smarter · Defeat the Baggers/Larsen's Team · Destroy the Jackals · Destroy the Truck · Dope RadAway for Larsen · Dump Allies In the Dome · Establish Radio Contact & Trade With Denver · Find out about Wagner · Find out what ZAX is calculating · Fix Things in the Dome · Get the Medical Implants · Give Slaves to Boulder to Make Robobrains · Heal Helen's Kids · Jimmy the Cannibal · Quarantine the Glow Bugs · Research Plague Data · Robobrain a CNPC · Sleep Through Presper's Holocaust · Stabilize the Reactor · Take Computer Classes · Tell the BOS about the Dome · Trade Holodisks to the Geeks · Use Think Tank for Data