Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Boulder Train Station is the initial entry point into Boulder for the player character and the only access point for all trains that enter and leave the city. Victor Presper has a personal train he used to get here.

Before the War[]

During the construction of the Boulder Dome, it is likely that the raw materials and parts for the structure were brought in via trains.

After the War[]

For people from the West coast traveling east, trains are the only feasible method of transportation without cars. Knowing that the NCR still has working access railroad lines from California to Colorado is amazing. So far, at least three different trains are known to have traveled here: the NCR train, the one being responsible for bringing all the scientists to and from the Dome; Presper's personal train (if found, it is rigged with explosives); and the player character's own personal train.


The train station is infested with Jackals who are apparently trying to figure out what the trains are, and how they got there. If the player character enters Boulder with their own personal train, they will become hostile and attack. Although, the station itself is pretty big, most of the lines leading in and out of the station are unusable because of debris blockage. From here, the player character can access the Jackal camp, the secret tunnel entrance, or the west quarantine center of the dome. The preferable way to go is the trail leading directly to the dome, as the Jackals will attack the player character if they enter their camp, and the secret entrance is initially hard to find.


If the player character encounters Presper's train at the station (determined by a luck roll), they will find that it is rigged with explosives, and will find a remote detonator attached to the charges. Next to the train, there are codes apparently for 'hacking' the locked exterior doors but are actually special hacks that, if the player character picks up, will severely mess with their Pip-Boy functionality.


The Boulder Train Station did not appear nor was mentioned in any published games, but was going to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.

Design Document
CharactersScientistsAgnes · Donald · Goddard · James · Nina · Paul · Think tank · Xian · ZAX
TruckersBillie · Eddie Galenski · Helen Wheels · Jack · Joshua · Ribera · Tanner · Tyler
JackalsBanshee · Crazy Bitch · Howler
LocationsBoulder Train Station · Jackal camp · Baggers camp · Dead ghoul graveyard · Boulder Dome level 1 · Boulder Dome level 2 · Boulder Dome level 3 · Dome tunnels · ZAX Mainframe
QuestsBoulder Scientists Research or Write · Code Yourself Smarter · Defeat the Baggers/Larsen's Team · Destroy the Jackals · Destroy the Truck · Dope RadAway for Larsen · Dump Allies In the Dome · Establish Radio Contact & Trade With Denver · Find out about Wagner · Find out what ZAX is calculating · Fix Things in the Dome · Get the Medical Implants · Give Slaves to Boulder to Make Robobrains · Heal Helen's Kids · Jimmy the Cannibal · Quarantine the Glow Bugs · Research Plague Data · Robobrain a CNPC · Sleep Through Presper's Holocaust · Stabilize the Reactor · Take Computer Classes · Tell the BOS about the Dome · Trade Holodisks to the Geeks · Use Think Tank for Data