Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

William "Bill" Breyer was a reporter with the Charleston Herald before the Great War.


Bill was assigned to investigate Hornwright Industrial's "Motherlode" project before the War. In an attempt to investigate rumors of the project involving the dumping of toxic waste beneath Appalachia or a new mining method that would revitalize the local economy, he snuck into one of the numerous Hornwright sites that had been created to support the project.

He was eventually spotted by Hornwright security, who opened fire on him thinking his recorder was a gun.[1] This event caused the beginning of a public relations incident, of which Penny Hornwright demanded an explanation for in an email to her father.[2]

His office is located in the Charleston Herald building on the third floor, the nameplate of which reads "B. Breyer."


William "Bill" Breyer is mentioned in Fallout 76.

