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Water towers are world objects found throughout the Mojave Wasteland.


Tall, elevated water storage containers constructed for the purpose of holding a region's water supply.


Across the wasteland, they can usually be found in the vicinity of pre-War towns and farms but are also found dotted around the more remote portions of the desert.[1]

There are several towers, some of which are adorned with the name "McLean." Their tall height, situated on elevated ground, allows the towers to be used as landmarks, easily spotted from long distances.[2][3]

Some still contain water and the Courier can use a connected water valve to access water. The water is irradiated, in some locations more-so than others, and can be used to replenish health at the cost of radiation. These water towers are located in Searchlight, south of Primm, outside of Novac, and behind the Nipton Town Hall.[4][5][6]



Waters towers appear in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

Two nearly identical water towers exist in the real world, both of which are found in towns along Historic Route 66. One of which is in McLean, Texas and the other in McLean, Illinois.



  1. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 420: "Searchlight North Gold Mine"
    "Just outside the irradiated perimeter of Camp Searchlight [6.16] and almost adjacent to the Coyote Mines is a hole in the ground, close to the water tower. Check the Hollowed-Out Rock just to the left and above the entrance."
    (Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  2. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 383: "Goodsprings Cemetery"
    "Although you may have started your days thinking you were ending them right here, in the courier’s shallow grave dug by Benny and his cohorts, Victor’s rescue from this location allowed you to explore, and this should be one of your first perusals after checking out Goodsprings. There are graves to dig up, and more importantly, a Snow Globe resting against one headstone. Use this elevated position to check the horizon; you can see The Strip and Camp McCarran [2.19] to the northeast, and Bonnie Springs [1.20] to the north. Use the Water Tower as a landmark on your travels."
    (Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  3. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 422: "Camp Searchlight"
    "In the northeast outskirts, this has the benefit of being on higher ground, so you can snipe the Ghouls below from here, or (if you’re not wearing a Radiation Suit) from the hill a few dozen feet northwest of the tower."
    (Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  4. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 412: "Novac, water tower"
    "The water is unfortunately irradiated, but you can still sip it if you’re desperate. To the west is the Tower Relay Alcove [5.S09]; useful if you’re in need of a Shovel."
    (Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  5. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 393: "Nipton Town Hall, water tower"
    "There’s a valve to sip from behind the Town Hall, but the water is slightly irradiated."
    (Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  6. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p. 388: "Primm, water tower"
    "You can sip from the valve here, but the water is slightly radioactive."
    (Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)